41 research outputs found

    Comparison of Hi-C results using in-solution versus in-nucleus ligation.

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    BACKGROUND: Chromosome conformation capture and various derivative methods such as 4C, 5C and Hi-C have emerged as standard tools to analyze the three-dimensional organization of the genome in the nucleus. These methods employ ligation of diluted cross-linked chromatin complexes, intended to favor proximity-dependent, intra-complex ligation. During development of single-cell Hi-C, we devised an alternative Hi-C protocol with ligation in preserved nuclei rather than in solution. Here we directly compare Hi-C methods employing in-nucleus ligation with the standard in-solution ligation. RESULTS: We show in-nucleus ligation results in consistently lower levels of inter-chromosomal contacts. Through chromatin mixing experiments we show that a significantly large fraction of inter-chromosomal contacts are the result of spurious ligation events formed during in-solution ligation. In-nucleus ligation significantly reduces this source of experimental noise, and results in improved reproducibility between replicates. We also find that in-nucleus ligation eliminates restriction fragment length bias found with in-solution ligation. These improvements result in greater reproducibility of long-range intra-chromosomal and inter-chromosomal contacts, as well as enhanced detection of structural features such as topologically associated domain boundaries. CONCLUSIONS: We conclude that in-nucleus ligation captures chromatin interactions more consistently over a wider range of distances, and significantly reduces both experimental noise and bias. In-nucleus ligation creates higher quality Hi-C libraries while simplifying the experimental procedure. We suggest that the entire range of 3C applications are likely to show similar benefits from in-nucleus ligation

    CHiCAGO: robust detection of DNA looping interactions in Capture Hi-C data.

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    Capture Hi-C (CHi-C) is a method for profiling chromosomal interactions involving targeted regions of interest, such as gene promoters, globally and at high resolution. Signal detection in CHi-C data involves a number of statistical challenges that are not observed when using other Hi-C-like techniques. We present a background model and algorithms for normalisation and multiple testing that are specifically adapted to CHi-C experiments. We implement these procedures in CHiCAGO ( http://regulatorygenomicsgroup.org/chicago ), an open-source package for robust interaction detection in CHi-C. We validate CHiCAGO by showing that promoter-interacting regions detected with this method are enriched for regulatory features and disease-associated SNPs

    Long-Range Enhancer Interactions Are Prevalent in Mouse Embryonic Stem Cells and Are Reorganized upon Pluripotent State Transition.

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    Transcriptional enhancers, including super-enhancers (SEs), form physical interactions with promoters to regulate cell-type-specific gene expression. SEs are characterized by high transcription factor occupancy and large domains of active chromatin, and they are commonly assigned to target promoters using computational predictions. How promoter-SE interactions change upon cell state transitions, and whether transcription factors maintain SE interactions, have not been reported. Here, we used promoter-capture Hi-C to identify promoters that interact with SEs in mouse embryonic stem cells (ESCs). We found that SEs form complex, spatial networks in which individual SEs contact multiple promoters, and a rewiring of promoter-SE interactions occurs between pluripotent states. We also show that long-range promoter-SE interactions are more prevalent in ESCs than in epiblast stem cells (EpiSCs) or Nanog-deficient ESCs. We conclude that SEs form cell-type-specific interaction networks that are partly dependent on core transcription factors, thereby providing insights into the gene regulatory organization of pluripotent cells.P.J.R.-G. is supported by the Wellcome Trust (WT093736), Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council (BB/M022285/1 and BB/P013406/1), and the European Commission Network of Excellence EpiGeneSys (HEALTH-F4-2010-257082). This work was also supported by the following grants to P.F.: Medical Research Council (MR/L007150/1, MC_UP_1302/1, MC_UP_1302/3, MC_UP_1302/5), and Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council (BB/J004480/1)

    The global and promoter-centric 3D genome organization temporally resolved during a circadian cycle

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    Funder: FP7 Ideas: European Research Council; doi: http://dx.doi.org/10.13039/100011199; Grant(s): 259743Abstract: Background: Circadian gene expression is essential for organisms to adjust their physiology and anticipate daily changes in the environment. The molecular mechanisms controlling circadian gene transcription are still under investigation. In particular, how chromatin conformation at different genomic scales and regulatory elements impact rhythmic gene expression has been poorly characterized. Results: Here we measure changes in the spatial chromatin conformation in mouse liver using genome-wide and promoter-capture Hi-C alongside daily oscillations in gene transcription. We find topologically associating domains harboring circadian genes that switch assignments between the transcriptionally active and inactive compartment at different hours of the day, while their boundaries stably maintain their structure over time. To study chromatin contacts of promoters at high resolution over time, we apply promoter capture Hi-C. We find circadian gene promoters displayed a maximal number of chromatin contacts at the time of their peak transcriptional output. Furthermore, circadian genes, as well as contacted and transcribed regulatory elements, reach maximal expression at the same timepoints. Anchor sites of circadian gene promoter loops are enriched in DNA binding sites for liver nuclear receptors and other transcription factors, some exclusively present in either rhythmic or stable contacts. Finally, by comparing the interaction profiles between core clock and output circadian genes, we show that core clock interactomes are more dynamic compared to output circadian genes. Conclusion: Our results identify chromatin conformation dynamics at different scales that parallel oscillatory gene expression and characterize the repertoire of regulatory elements that control circadian gene transcription through rhythmic or stable chromatin configurations

    Lineage-specific dynamic and pre-established enhancer–promoter contacts cooperate in terminal differentiation

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    Chromosome conformation is an important feature of metazoan gene regulation; however, enhancer–promoter contact remodeling during cellular differentiation remains poorly understood. To address this, genome-wide promoter capture Hi-C (CHi-C) was performed during epidermal differentiation. Two classes of enhancer–promoter contacts associated with differentiation-induced genes were identified. The first class ('gained') increased in contact strength during differentiation in concert with enhancer acquisition of the H3K27ac activation mark. The second class ('stable') were pre-established in undifferentiated cells, with enhancers constitutively marked by H3K27ac. The stable class was associated with the canonical conformation regulator cohesin, whereas the gained class was not, implying distinct mechanisms of contact formation and regulation. Analysis of stable enhancers identified a new, essential role for a constitutively expressed, lineage-restricted ETS-family transcription factor, EHF, in epidermal differentiation. Furthermore, neither class of contacts was observed in pluripotent cells, suggesting that lineage-specific chromatin structure is established in tissue progenitor cells and is further remodeled in terminal differentiation

    The adjuvant GLA-SE promotes human Tfh cell expansion and emergence of public TCRβ clonotypes

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    The generation of protective humoral immunity after vaccination relies on the productive interaction between antigen-specific B cells and T follicular helper (Tfh) cells. Despite the central role of Tfh cells in vaccine responses, there is currently no validated way to enhance their differentiation in humans. From paired human lymph node and blood samples, we identify a population of circulating Tfh cells that are transcriptionally and clonally similar to germinal center Tfh cells. In a clinical trial of vaccine formulations, circulating Tfh cells were expanded in Tanzanian volunteers when an experimental malaria vaccine was adjuvanted in GLA-SE but not when formulated in Alum. The GLA-SE–formulated peptide was associated with an increase in the extrafollicular antibody response, long-lived antibody production, and the emergence of public TCRβ clonotypes in circulating Tfh cells. We demonstrate that altering vaccine adjuvants is a rational approach for enhancing Tfh cells in humans, thereby supporting the long-lived humoral immunity that is required for effective vaccines.</jats:p