66 research outputs found

    Genetic Differences in the Immediate Transcriptome Response to Stress Predict Risk-Related Brain Function and Psychiatric Disorders

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    Depression risk is exacerbated by genetic factors and stress exposure; however, the biological mechanisms through which these factors interact to confer depression risk are poorly understood. One putative biological mechanism implicates variability in the ability of cortisol, released in response to stress, to trigger a cascade of adaptive genomic and non-genomic processes through glucocorticoid receptor (GR) activation. Here, we demonstrate that common genetic variants in long-range enhancer elements modulate the immediate transcriptional response to GR activation in human blood cells. These functional genetic variants increase risk for depression and co-heritable psychiatric disorders. Moreover, these risk variants are associated with inappropriate amygdala reactivity, a transdiagnostic psychiatric endophenotype and an important stress hormone response trigger. Network modeling and animal experiments suggest that these genetic differences in GR-induced transcriptional activation may mediate the risk for depression and other psychiatric disorders by altering a network of functionally related stress-sensitive genes in blood and brain

    Een multilevel perspectief op de rol van de provincie Noord-Brabant in een digitaliserend landschap: maatschappelijke opgaven, netwerksturing en dataplatformen voor data commons

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    BrabantAdvies is door de Provincie Noord-Brabant gevraagd om de ethische, maatschappelijke en politieke vragen rondom digitalisering verder te verkennen. Zo presenteerde BrabantAdvies in 2018 met medewerking van het Avans lectoraat Digitalisering en Veiligheid een eerste verkenning van de implicaties van digitalisering voor het politiek-bestuurlijk handelen van de provincie. Vanuit de Provincie trad de CIO (Marcel Thaens) op als opdrachtgever, in overleg met gedeputeerde Martijn van Gruijthuijsen. BrabantAdvies heeft een aanpak voor die verkenning geformuleerd en daarbij het lectoraat Digitalisering en Veiligheid onder leiding van lector Ben Kokkeler als kennispartner genodigd

    How does leadership manage network-level tensions in a turbulent environment?:A case study on the Antwerp Fire Service Network Leadership during the COVID-19 pandemic

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    A crucial topic is how network leadership recognizes and responds to network-level tensions. However, when we focus on how leadership manages these tensions, we favor a one-sided view by focusing predominantly on how leadership manages tensions within the network, implicitly adopting a closed system assumption. In this article, we propose that why a specific network-level behavior is enacted can (partially) be explained by how network leadership is embedded within an organizational field and how environmental and population dynamics shape network tensions. The Social Network Analysis showed that the Antwerp Fire Service crisis response network developed from a core-periphery network to a smaller, denser network. Based on the thematic analysis, we provide insights into network leadership practices to recognize and respond to network tensions that arose during the first wave of the COVID-19 pandemic due to internal network characteristics and the organizational field's environmental and population dynamics.MAD statementThis article aims to Make a Difference (MAD) by positioning the notion of network tensions and network leadership at the core of leadership theory and practice. This is done by introducing network tensions before suggesting that network leadership needs to respond to and manage network tensions shaped and constrained by an organizational field's environmental and population dynamics. The contributions show how leadership dealt with network tensions, and as a result, the article may help inform leadership practice and scholarship on how to deal with multiple network memberships, overlapping network involvement, and broader network-environment relationships that characterize collective goods

    Academic functioning and interventions for adolescents with ADHD

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    status: publishe