18 research outputs found

    A pedagogy of resistance : reflections on a critical approach to teaching in comparative and international education

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    Abstract in Portuguese by Steven Klees included.We always share our research but rarely share our teaching. Doing so is just as important. In this paper, I focus on three courses I teach regularly in Comparative and International Education, two for the past ten years and one for almost forty years at two universities in the USA: political economy of education and development; alternative education, alternative development; and modes of inquiry. I reflect on why I like what I have done with them, as well as areas of dissatisfaction. My approach to education in these courses is shaped by three basic principles: fair debate, understanding different viewpoints, and creating a safe space and climate in the classroom. My goal is to try to develop courses that resist simplistic explanations of individual failure and the triumph of the market system and, instead, offer students the opportunity to explore alternative explanations and discourses.peer-reviewe

    Quantitative Methods in Comparative Education and Other Disciplines: are they valid?

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    Comparison is the essence of science and the field of comparative and international education, like many of the social sciences, has been dominated by quantitative methodological approaches. This paper raises fundamental questions about the utility of regression analysis for causal inference. It examines three extensive literatures of applied regression analysis concerned with education policies. The paper concludes that the conditions necessary for regression analysis to yield valid causal inferences are so far from ever being met or approximated that such inferences are never valid. Alternative research methodologies are then briefly discussed

    Métodos Quantitativos na Educação Comparada e em Outros Cursos: são válidos?

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    Comparison is the essence of science and the field of comparative and international education, like many of the social sciences, has been dominated by quantitative methodological approaches. This paper raises fundamental questions about the utility of regression analysis for causal inference. It examines three extensive literatures of applied regression analysis concerned with education policies. The paper concludes that the conditions necessary for regression analysis to yield valid causal inferences are so far from ever being met or approximated that such inferences are never valid. Alternative research methodologies are then briefly discussed.A comparação é a essência da ciência e o campo da educação comparada e internacional, como muitas ciências sociais, encontra-se dominado por abordagens metodológicas quantitativas. Este artigo levanta questões fundamentais a respeito da utilidade da análise de regressão para inferências causais. Examina três obras extensas de análise de regressão aplicada referentes a políticas educacionais. O artigo conclui que o alcance ou até mesmo a proximidade das condições necessárias para que a análise de regressão produza inferências causais válidas está mais distante do que nunca, de modo que estas inferências nunca são válidas. As metodologias de pesquisa alternativas são então brevemente discutidas

    Participación en el Desarrollo Internacional y la Gobernanza de Educación:: tres perspectivas y tres casos de El Salvador

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    While participation has for decades been a buzzword in development, the term has been imbued with greatly different meanings depending on the perspective of the actor in question. We attempt to clarify these meanings by presenting a tripartite framework. This framework delineates the tenets and strategies of three overarching and complementary perspectives - those perspectives being labelled neoliberal, liberal, and progressive. The framework pertains to participation in development generally and to the realm of educational governance specifically, which has long been at the forefront of the theory and practice of participation. In the second half of the manuscript, we present and discuss three cases - one for each perspective - from the context of El Salvador. In so doing, we not only show that all three forms of participation can be present in a single country context, but also that there is inherent tension among them as each tends to be pursued by actors with very different world views who are seeking fundamentally different kinds of development and, within that, different approaches to education governance.Si bien por décadas el concepto de participación ha sido una palabra de moda en desarrollo, este término se ha imbuido de diversos significados dependiendo de la perspectiva del actor que lo aborde. La presente investigación intenta clarificar dichos significados presentando, para ello, un marco tripartito. Dicho marco delinea los principios y estrategias de tres perspectivas generales y a la vez complementarias � siendo clasificadas como neoliberal, liberal y progresista-. De manera general, este marco aborda el tema de la participación en el desarrollo, y en específico, hace énfasis en el ámbito de la gobernanza de la educación, la que desde hace mucho tiempo ha estado en la vanguardia de la teoría y la práctica de la participación. En la segunda parte del documento, se presentan y discuten tres casos -uno por cada perspectiva-, tomados del contexto de El Salvador. En este análisis, no sólo se muestra que las tres perspectivas de participación pueden estar presentes de manera simultánea en el contexto de un país, sino que también se evidencia la existencia de una inherente tensión entre ellas, ya que cada una tiende a ser perseguida por actores que tienen distintas visiones de mundo y quienes están buscando, fundamentalmente, diferentes tipos de desarrollo y por ende diferentes enfoques de la gobernanza de la educación

    Privatização da educação experiências dos Estados Unidos e outros países

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    El objetivo es analizar las medidas de privatización de la educación adoptadas en los Estados Unidos en el contexto del neoliberalismo, los resultados de ellas y el papel del Banco Mundial en la promoción e introducción de estas políticas de privatización. Con el propósito de sustentar mejor la argumentación, se han analizado, en algunos casos, políticas de privatización que han sido adoptadas en otros países

    Commercial satellite telecommunications and national development : Lessons from Peru

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    This article summarizes the major development lessons and issues derived from an evaluation of the Rural Communication Services Project conducted in Peru from June 1982 to February 1987. The evaluation aimed to provide development planners and donor agency officials with credible information concerning the impact and costs of commercial satellite telecommunications, emphasizing telephone and teleconferencing services in remote rural areas.

    The mexican Telesecundaria: a cost-effectiveness analysis.

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    AID studies in Educational Technology,Estudio experimental en que se seleccionaron muestras de los cursos de telesecundaria y de la secundaria regular en cuatro estados y se compararon los aportes y resultados de los dos sistemas. La Telesecundaria probó ser un sistema de gran efectividad, en relación a su costo, para ampliar las oportunidades educacionales. Su popularidad se refleja en la cantidad creciente de pedidos de teleaulas, que la Secretaría de Educación Pública ha tenido que rechazar por su incapacidad de proveer profesores adicionales que sirvan de coordinadores. El nuevo director de la Telesecundaria está buscando mejorar la calidad de los programas y redefinir varias responsabilidades administrativas del sistema.152pxer