82 research outputs found

    Citizen scientist monitoring accurately reveals nutrient pollution dynamics in Lake Tanganyika coastal waters

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    Several studies in Lake Tanganyika have effectively employed traditional methods to explore changes in water quality in open waters; however, coastal monitoring has been restricted and sporadic, relying on costly sample and analytical methods that require skilled technical staff. This study aims in validating citizen science water quality collected data (nitrate, phosphate and turbidity) with those collected and measured by professional scientists in the laboratory. A second objective of the study is to use citizen scientist data to identify the patterns of seasonal and spatial variations in nutrient conditions and forecast potential changes based on expected changes in population and climate (to 2050). The results showed that the concentrations of nitrate and phosphate measured by citizen scientists nearly matched those established by professional scientists, with overall accuracy of 91% and 74%, respectively. For total suspended solids measured by professional and turbidity measured by citizen scientists, results show that, using 14 NTU as a cut-off, citizen scientist measurements of Sec-chi tube depth to identify lake TSS below 7.0 mg/L showed an accuracy of 88%. In both laboratory and citizen scientist-based studies, all measured water quality variables were significantly higher during the wet season compared to the dry season. Climate factors were discovered to have a major impact on the likelihood of exceeding water quality restrictions in the next decades (2050), which could deteriorate lake conditions. Upscaling citizen science to more communities on the lake and other African Great Lakes would raise environmental awareness, inform management and mitigation activities, and aid long-term decision-making

    Polystyrene microplastics increase microbial release of marine Chromophoric Dissolved Organic Matter in microcosm experiments

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    About 5 trillion plastic particles are present in our oceans, from the macro to the micro size. Like any other aquatic particulate, plastics and microplastics can create a micro-environment, within which microbial and chemical conditions differ significantly from the surrounding water. Despite the high and increasing abundance of microplastics in the ocean, their influence on the transformation and composition of marine organic matter is largely unknown. Chromophoric dissolved organic matter (CDOM) is the photo-reactive fraction of the marine dissolved organic matter (DOM) pool. Changes in CDOM quality and quantity have impacts on marine microbial dynamics and the underwater light environment. One major source of CDOM is produced by marine bacteria through their alteration of pre-existing DOM substrates. In a series of microcosm experiments in controlled marine conditions, we explored the impact of microplastics on the quality and quantity of microbial CDOM. In the presence of microplastics we observed an increased production of CDOM with changes in its molecular weight, which resulted from either an increased microbial CDOM production or an enhanced transformation of DOM from lower to higher molecular weight CDOM. Our results point to the possibility that marine microplastics act as localized hot spots for microbial activity, with the potential to influence marine carbon dynamic

    Basin-Scale Control on the Phytoplankton Biomass in Lake Victoria, Africa

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    The relative bio-optical variability within Lake Victoria was analyzed through the spatio-temporal decomposition of a 1997–2004 dataset of remotely-sensed reflectance ratios in the visible spectral range. Results show a regular seasonal pattern with a phase shift (around 2 months) between the south and north parts of the lake. Interannual trends suggested a teleconnection between the lake dynamics and El-Niño phenomena. Both seasonal and interannual patterns were associated to conditions of light limitation for phytoplankton growth and basin-scale hydrodynamics on phytoplankton access to light. Phytoplankton blooms developed during the periods of lake surface warming and water column stability. The temporal shift apparent in the bio-optical seasonal cycles was related to the differential cooling of the lake surface by southeastern monsoon winds. North-south differences in the exposure to trade winds are supported by the orography of the Eastern Great Rift Valley. The result is that surface layer warming begins in the northern part of the lake while the formation of cool and dense water continues in the southern part. The resulting buoyancy field is sufficient to induce a lake-wide convective circulation and the tilting of the isotherms along the north-south axis. Once surface warming spreads over the whole lake, the phytoplankton bloom dynamics are subjected to the internal seiche derived from the relaxation of thermocline tilting. In 1997–98, El-Niño phenomenon weakened the monsoon wind flow which led to an increase in water column stability and a higher phytoplankton optical signal throughout the lake. This suggests that phytoplankton response to expected climate scenarios will be opposite to that proposed for nutrient-limited great lakes. The present analysis of remotely-sensed bio-optical properties in combination with environmental data provides a novel basin-scale framework for research and management strategies in Lake Victoria

    Plastic pollution impacts on marine carbon biogeochemistry

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    One of the major challenges in understanding the dynamics of the ocean’s health and functioning is the potential impact of the increasing presence of plastic. Besides the verified and macroscopic effects on marine wildlife and habitats, micro and macroplastics offer potential sites for microbial activity and chemical leaching. Most marine plastic is found initially in the upper meters of the water column, where fundamental biogeochemical processes drive marine productivity and food web dynamics. However, recent findings show a continuum of potential effects of these new marine components on carbon, nutrients and microbial processes. In the present analysis, we develop a common ground between these studies and we identify knowledge gaps where new research efforts should be focused, to better determine potential feedbacks of plastics on the carbon biogeochemistry of a changing ocean

    Plastic Accumulation in the Sea Surface Microlayer: An Experiment-Based Perspective for Future Studies

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    Plastic particles are ubiquitous in the marine environment. Given their low density, they have the tendency to float on the sea surface, with possible impacts on the sea surface microlayer (SML). The SML is an enriched biofilm of marine organic matter, that plays a key role in biochemical and photochemical processes, as well as controlling gas exchange between the ocean and the atmosphere. Recent studies indicate that plastics can interfere with the microbial cycling of carbon. However, studies on microplastic accumulation in the SML are limited, and their effects on organic matter cycling in the surface ocean are poorly understood. To explore potential dynamics in this key ocean compartment, we ran a controlled experiment with standard microplastics in the surface and bulk water of a marine monoculture. Bacterial abundance, chromophoric dissolved organic matter (CDOM), and oxygen concentrations were measured. The results indicate an accumulation of CDOM in the SML and immediate underlying water when microplastic particles are present, as well as an enhanced oxygen consumption. If extrapolated to a typical marine environment, this indicates that alterations in the quality and reactivity of the organic components of the SML could be expected. This preliminary study shows the need for a more integrated effort to our understanding the impact of microplastics on SML functioning and marine biological processes

    Characterization of the Ugandan inshore waters of Lake Victoria based on temperature-conductivity diagrams

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    Temperature-conductivity diagrams are shown as a valid instrument to analyze the hydrographic structure of freshwater ecosystems, even along the surface waters. We put this method in practice in the Ugandan inshore waters of Lake Victoria. A complementary parameter (T-C anomaly) was used to differentiate between upland water intrusions. The relative value of the T-C anomaly provided information about the nature of the water intrusions and showed a considerable correlation with the biological characteristics of the water masses. The results indicated that the connections between catchment attributes, water characteristics, and biological community are quite direct in the inshore waters of Lake Victori

    Light limitations to algal growth in tropical ecosystems

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    1. Spatial and temporal variations in algal concentrations are controlled in many aquatic ecosystems by the availability of solar irradiance, rather that nutrients or grazing. In such light limiting conditions, changes in the optical or hydrological characteristics of the water column will directly impact biomass concentrations. Here we develop and test an approach based on the relationship between available solar irradiance within the mixed layer and algal biomass concentrations. 2. As with most nutrient/biomass relationships, an increase in available solar energy favours an increase in biomass when light limitation prevails. The ratio between light/biomass is then used to determine a critical light requirement that can be used to estimate critical depth and compensation irradiance and open the way to exploring how changes in mixing depth and vertical attenuation may influence algal biomass concentrations. 3. This approach is used to describe real conditions in two disparate algal communities; the phytoplankton community in Lake Victoria, East Africa and the microphytobenthos community in the lacustrine system of Esteros del Iberá (South America). 4. Differences in the critical light requirement were used to examine the relative efficiency of the algal communities in their use of available solar energy. The tropical phytoplankton community showed similar energetic requirements to theoretical estimates and were found to be less efficient when compared with the phytobenthos community


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    A model based on empirical relationships is used to study frequency and magnitude of the sediment resuspension by wind-induced waves. The model has been developed for Laguna Galarza, a mesotrophic round-shaped shallow lake of Esteros del Iberá wetland. Given the logistic and accessibility difficulties of this pristine macrosystem, the installation of field autonomous stations facilitated the continuous data acquisition. Using the surface wave theory, a daily spatial model of resuspension was built from simultaneous hourly time series of infrared nephelometric turbidity and speed and direction of wind. The model was also used to predict total suspended solids in another lake of the wetland (Laguna Iberá) showing a good agreement with observed field values, even although Laguna Iberá has a more irregular contour and a eutrophic state. Finally, we apply the model to discuss about the ecological impacts of resuspension on the distribution of the shore communities and to characterize the composition of the particulate suspended matter of the limnetic ecosystem. The model was especially practical to simulate the possible implications of the alterations of the water level into the resuspension regim