127 research outputs found

    Pengaruh Keterlibatan Kerja Dan Spiritualitas Kerja Terhadap Komitmen Organisasi

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    Karyawan diharapkan memiliki komitmen, bukan hanya sekedar komitmen kerja melainkan juga kebutuhan untuk berkembang melebihi tugas itu sendiri. Bagaimanapun juga pada Kenyataannya, komitmen terkadang tidak ditentukan oleh Perusahaan. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengukur pengaruh keterlibatan kerja dan spiritualitas kerja terhadap komitmen organisasi. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah kuantitatif. Hasil penelitian memperlihatkan bahwa hanya terdapat pengaruh keterlibatan kerja terhadap komitmen organisasi. Sebaliknya, tidak ditemukan pengaruh spiritualitas kerja terhadap komitmen organisasi

    Perancangan Sistem Value Chain Terhadap Prospek Pengumpulan E-Waste Di Bank Sampah

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    Electronic waste (e-waste) has become environmental issue in Indonesia. Several tons of e-waste was generated each year. Available landfills will not be sufficient to accommodate e-waste that people produce. Waste bank become one of many solutions to overcome this problem. Implementation of pilot project in waste bank is needed to see the prospects of e-waste collection in waste bank. Thus, the goal of this research is to design a value chain system for e-waste collection prospect in waste bank and system simulation as the foundation for implementing a pilot project. Simulations on 2 scenarios had been done to determine profitability of e-waste collection's pilot project in waste bank. Based on simulation, it is known that there is profit generated from e-waste recycling process for 2 scenarios. Ranges of profit for 2 months are Rp. 7.963.879 - Rp. 40.447.047 for scenario 1 and Rp. 7.952.394 – 40.435.561 for scenario 2. If only PCB component that could be recycled, profit for 2 months still can be generated in the range Rp. 689.964 – Rp. 6.398.486 for scenario 1 and Rp. 678.478 – Rp. 6.387.000 for scenario 2. Thus, implementation of e-waste collection's pilot project in waste bank is profitable

    Static and dynamic properties of fluxons in a zig-zag 0-Ï€ Josephson junction

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    We consider a long Josephson junction with alternating 0- and π\pi-facets with different facet lengths between the 0- and the π\pi-parts. Depending on the combinations between the 0- and the π\pi-facet lengths, an antiferromagnetically ordered semifluxons array can be the ground state of the system. Due to the fact that in that case there are two independent ground states, an externally introduced 2π\pi fluxon will be splintered or fractionalized. The magnitude of the flux in the fractional fluxons is a function of the difference between the 0 and the π\pi-facet lengths. Here, we present an analytical calculation of the flux of splintered Josephson fluxons for any combination of 0- and π\pi-facet lengths. In the presence of an applied bias current, we show numerically that only one of the two fractional fluxons can be moved. We also consider the I–V characteristics of the ground state and the one of a 2π\pi-fluxon in a zig-zag junction

    Corrective wedge ostectomy for an atypical femoral procurvatum deformity stabilised with a supracondylar bone plate

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    Physeal fractures of the distal femur are among the most commonly encountered fractures in skeletally immature dogs. These fractures respond poorly to conservative management and thus early surgical reduction and stabilisation are recommended. A 7-month-old intact male Border collie presented with a history of chronic lameness. Clinical examination revealed a predominantly non-weight-bearing lameness of the right hindlimb and concurrent muscle atrophy. A pronounced, but atypical, procurvatum deformity of the right distal femur was diagnosed on survey radiographs. Malunion of a Salter–Harris Type III physeal fracture was suspected as there was an associated history of trauma. A cranially based closing wedge ostectomy was performed to address the femoral deformity and subsequently stabilised using a supracondylar bone plate. The dog recovered well and was moderately weight-bearing lame on the right hindlimb 6 weeks post-operatively. Ten months following the operation the range of motion had improved in the right stifle and no signs of lameness were evident at a walk. We advocate surgical correction of sagittal plane deformities of the distal femur using the CORA method. Overall, a good functional outcome was achieved, which is consistent with previously reported cases with similar deformities

    Detection of HBV-DNA and Its Correlation with the HBeAg/Anti-HBe Serological Status in HBsAg-positive Patients

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    Background: In the past years, HBeAg and anti-HBe status in individuals with positive HBsAg were often correlated to viral replication. This study was aimed to find correlation between the HBV viremia and HBeAg/anti-HBe serological status in HBsAg-positive individuals. Method: An observational-analytic design was performed in this study. The sera of all positive HBsAg patients at Biomedika Hospital Laboratory were collected and examined for HBeAg and anti-HBe using immunochromatography technique between January and April 2012. The sampling method was purposive sampling. Afterwards, the sera were examined for HBV-DNA by polymerase chain reaction (PCR). Results: Sufficient amount of sera were collected from 44 patients consisting of 33 males and 11 females. The mean age was 15-68 years. Positive HBeAg and negative anti-HBe status was found in 11 (42%) patients. Negative HBeAg and positive anti-HBe was found in 26 (59.1%) patients. Both HBeAg and anti-HBe were negative in 7 (16.3%) patients. HBV-DNA was detected in all 11 (100%) patients with positive HBeAg and negative anti-HBe. HBV-DNA was also detected in 11 (42%) patients with negative HBeAg and positive anti-HBe. However, there was only one patient (14.3%) with both negative HBeAg and anti-HBe status, who had detectable HBV-DNA. Conclusion: Positive HBeAg can be used as an indicator of viremia, but negative HBeAg cannot be used as an indicator of the absence of viremia without further HBV-DNA testing. Patients with negative HBeAg and positive HBV-DNA were suspected for having pre-core mutant

    HBeAg and Anti HBe Status in Patients with Chronic Hepatitis B Infection

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    Background: Data on HBeAg and anti HBe status in patients with chronic hepatitis B infection are not yet available in Indonesia. This study was done to acquire data on HBeAg and anti HBe status in patients with hepatitis B chronic infection. Method: The material of this study was sera, collected from 105 patients with chronic hepatitis B infection from June to November 2007, divided into four groups of hepatoma, liver cirrhosis, chronic hepatitis B and asymptomatic HBsAg carriers. All sera were examined for HBsAg, HbeAg, anti HBe aside from liver function examinations. The sera consisted of 23 sera of patients with hepatoma, 27 with liver cirrhosis, 12 with chronic hepatitis B, and 43 with HBsAg asymptomatic carriers. Results: From 105 samples, only 18.1% samples were in replicative phase, as shown with the positivity of HBeAg and the negativity of anti-HBe. Sera with negative HbeAg and positive anti-HBe were mainly found in liver cirrhosis (70.73%) and least in chronic hepatitis B (50.00%) Conclusion: The high frequency of HBeAg negative and anti-HBe positive in this study might indicate the possible high frequency of pre core mutation. A study using quantitative HBV DNA should be done to confirm it

    Energy and economic analysis of evaporative vacuum easy desalination system with brine tank

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    Please read abstract in the article.http://link.springer.com/journal/109732020-11-02hj2020Mechanical and Aeronautical Engineerin

    Integrative conjugative elements of the ICEPan family play a potential role in Pantoea ananatis ecological diversification and antibiosis

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    Pantoea ananatis is a highly versatile enterobacterium isolated from diverse environmental sources. The ecological diversity of this species may be attributed, in part, to the acquisition of mobile genetic elements. One such element is an Integrative and Conjugative Element (ICE). By means of in silico analyses the ICE elements belonging to a novel family, ICEPan, were identified in the genome sequences of five P. ananatis strains and characterized. PCR screening showed that ICEPan is prevalent among P. ananatis strains isolated from different environmental sources and geographic locations. Members of the ICEPan family share a common origin with ICEs of other enterobacteria, as well as conjugative plasmids of Erwinia spp. Aside from core modules for ICEPan integration, maintenance and dissemination, the ICEPan contain extensive non-conserved islands coding for proteins that may contribute toward various phenotypes such as stress response and antibiosis, and the highly diverse ICEPan thus plays a major role in the diversification of P. ananatis. An island is furthermore integrated within an ICEPan DNA repair-encoding locus umuDC and we postulate its role in stress-induced dissemination and/or expression of the genes on this island

    An Electrochemical, Microtopographical and Ambient Pressure X-Ray Photoelectron Spectroscopic Investigation of Si/TiO_2/Ni/Electrolyte Interfaces

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    The electrical and spectroscopic properties of the TiO_2/Ni protection layer system, which enables stabilization of otherwise corroding photoanodes, have been investigated in contact with electrolyte solutions by scanning-probe microscopy, electrochemistry and in-situ ambient pressure X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (AP-XPS). Specifically, the energy-band relations of the p+-Si/ALD-TiO_2/Ni interface have been determined for a selected range of Ni thicknesses. AP-XPS measurements using tender X-rays were performed in a three-electrode electrochemical arrangement under potentiostatic control to obtain information from the semiconductor near-surface region, the electrochemical double layer (ECDL) and the electrolyte beyond the ECDL. The degree of conductivity depended on the chemical state of the Ni on the TiO2surface. At low loadings of Ni, the Ni was present primarily as an oxide layer and the samples were not conductive, although the TiO_2 XPS core levels nonetheless displayed behavior indicative of a metal-electrolyte junction. In contrast, as the Ni thickness increased, the Ni phase was primarily metallic and the electrochemical behavior became highly conductive, with the AP-XPS data indicative of a metal-electrolyte junction. Electrochemical and microtopographical methods have been employed to better define the nature of the TiO_2/Ni electrodes and to contextualize the AP-XPS results

    Direct observation of the energetics at a semiconductor/liquid junction by operando X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy

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    Photoelectrochemical (PEC) cells based on semiconductor/liquid interfaces provide a method of converting solar energy to electricity or fuels. Currently, the understanding of semiconductor/liquid interfaces is inferred from experiments and models. Operando ambient-pressure X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (AP-XPS) has been used herein to directly characterize the semiconductor/liquid junction at room temperature under real-time electrochemical control. X-ray synchrotron radiation in conjunction with AP-XPS has enabled simultaneous monitoring of the solid surface, the solid/electrolyte interface, and the bulk electrolyte of a PEC cell as a function of the applied potential, U. The observed shifts in binding energy with respect to the applied potential have directly revealed ohmic and rectifying junction behavior on metallized and semiconducting samples, respectively. Additionally, the non-linear response of the core level binding energies to changes in the applied electrode potential has revealed the influence of defect-derived electronic states on the Galvani potential across the complete cell
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