33 research outputs found

    Aberrant Expression of and Cell Death Induction by Engagement of the MHC-II Chaperone CD74 in Anaplastic Large Cell Lymphoma (ALCL)

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    SIMPLE SUMMARY: Anaplastic large cell lymphoma (ALCL) is a lymphoid malignancy considered to be derived from T cells. Currently, two types of systemic ALCL are distinguished: anaplastic lymphoma kinase (ALK)-positive and ALK-negative ALCL. Although ALK(+) and ALK(−) ALCL differ at the genomic and molecular levels, various key biological and molecular features are highly similar between both entities. We have developed the concept that both ALCL entities share a common principle of pathogenesis. In support of this concept, we here describe a common deregulation of CD74, which is usually not expressed in T cells, in ALCL. Ligation of CD74 induces cell death of ALCL cells in various conditions, and an anti-CD74-directed antibody-drug conjugate efficiently kills ALCL cell lines. Furthermore, we reveal expression of the proto-oncogene and known CD74 interaction partner MET in a fraction of ALCL cases. These data give insights into ALCL pathogenesis and might help to develop new treatment strategies for ALCL. ABSTRACT: In 50–60% of cases, systemic anaplastic large cell lymphoma (ALCL) is characterized by the t(2;5)(p23;q35) or one of its variants, considered to be causative for anaplastic lymphoma kinase (ALK)-positive (ALK(+)) ALCL. Key pathogenic events in ALK-negative (ALK(−)) ALCL are less well defined. We have previously shown that deregulation of oncogenic genes surrounding the chromosomal breakpoints on 2p and 5q is a unifying feature of both ALK(+) and ALK(−) ALCL and predisposes for occurrence of t(2;5). Here, we report that the invariant chain of the MHC-II complex CD74 or li, which is encoded on 5q32, can act as signaling molecule, and whose expression in lymphoid cells is usually restricted to B cells, is aberrantly expressed in T cell-derived ALCL. Accordingly, ALCL shows an altered DNA methylation pattern of the CD74 locus compared to benign T cells. Functionally, CD74 ligation induces cell death of ALCL cells. Furthermore, CD74 engagement enhances the cytotoxic effects of conventional chemotherapeutics in ALCL cell lines, as well as the action of the ALK-inhibitor crizotinib in ALK(+) ALCL or of CD95 death-receptor signaling in ALK(−) ALCL. Additionally, a subset of ALCL cases expresses the proto-oncogene MET, which can form signaling complexes together with CD74. Finally, we demonstrate that the CD74-targeting antibody-drug conjugate STRO-001 efficiently and specifically kills CD74-positive ALCL cell lines in vitro. Taken together, these findings enabled us to demonstrate aberrant CD74-expression in ALCL cells, which might serve as tool for the development of new treatment strategies for this lymphoma entity

    Genomic loss of the putative tumor suppressor gene E2A in human lymphoma

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    The transcription factor E2A is essential for lymphocyte development. In this study, we describe a recurrent E2A gene deletion in at least 70% of patients with SĂ©zary syndrome (SS), a subtype of T cell lymphoma. Loss of E2A results in enhanced proliferation and cell cycle progression via derepression of the protooncogene MYC and the cell cycle regulator CDK6. Furthermore, by examining the gene expression profile of SS cells after restoration of E2A expression, we identify several E2A-regulated genes that interfere with oncogenic signaling pathways, including the Ras pathway. Several of these genes are down-regulated or lost in primary SS tumor cells. These data demonstrate a tumor suppressor function of E2A in human lymphoid cells and could help to develop new treatment strategies for human lymphomas with altered E2A activity

    Building connectomes using diffusion MRI: why, how and but

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    Why has diffusion MRI become a principal modality for mapping connectomes in vivo? How do different image acquisition parameters, fiber tracking algorithms and other methodological choices affect connectome estimation? What are the main factors that dictate the success and failure of connectome reconstruction? These are some of the key questions that we aim to address in this review. We provide an overview of the key methods that can be used to estimate the nodes and edges of macroscale connectomes, and we discuss open problems and inherent limitations. We argue that diffusion MRI-based connectome mapping methods are still in their infancy and caution against blind application of deep white matter tractography due to the challenges inherent to connectome reconstruction. We review a number of studies that provide evidence of useful microstructural and network properties that can be extracted in various independent and biologically-relevant contexts. Finally, we highlight some of the key deficiencies of current macroscale connectome mapping methodologies and motivate future developments

    The analysis of IL-4 expression heterogeneity in differentiated Th2 cells

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    GesamtdissertationInterleukin-4 spielt als zentrales Zytokin der Th2-vermittelten Immunantwort sowohl eine bedeutende Rolle bei der Entwicklung und Differenzierung von Th2-Effektorzellen als auch bei der Vermittlung wichtiger Th2-Effektorfunktionen. Eine Dysregulation der IL-4-Expression steht dabei in pathogenetischem Zusammenhang mit der Entstehung allergischer Erkrankungen wie Asthma bronchiale und anaphylaktischen Reaktionen. Vor diesem Hintergrund war es das Ziel dieser Arbeit, die stochastische Regulation der IL-4-Expression in differenzierten Th2-Zellen, insbesondere den Status der Transkriptionsfaktorbesetzung am IL-4-Lokus in IL-4-produzierenden und IL-4-nichtproduzierenden Th2-Zellen, zu analysieren, um damit ein tiefergehenderes VerstĂ€ndnis der komplexen IL-4-Regulation auf molekularer Ebene zu erhalten. FĂŒr die Untersuchungen wurde dafĂŒr ein etabliertes Th2-in- vitro-Modellsystem verwendet, dass die Analyse der IL-4-Expressionsregulation in differenzierten Th2-Zellen erlaubt. Mittels der magnetischen Chromatin- ImmunoprĂ€zipitation konnte dabei zunĂ€chst gezeigt werden, dass nach Aktivierung differenzierter Th2-Zellen ein Transkriptionsfaktorkomplex, bestehend aus den Faktoren NFAT1, NFAT2, NF-ÎșB/p65, c-MAF, p300, SWI/SNF/Brg1 und GATA-3, transient an den IL-4-Promoter/CIRE-Region und an die HS Va bindet und ĂŒber die Rekrutierung der RNA-Polymerase-II die IL-4-Transkription induziert. Der Transkriptionsfaktor STAT6 ist hingegen sowohl in ruhenden als auch aktivierten Th2-Zellen konstitutiv mit dem IL-4-Lokus assoziiert. Durch Verwendung des NFAT-spezifischen Inhibitors BTP1 konnte weitergehend demonstriert werden, dass die Rekrutierung des gesamten Transkriptionsfaktorkomplexes an den IL-4-Promoter von der Aktivierung des Transkriptionsfaktors NFAT abhĂ€ngig ist. In der Analyse der Transkriptionsfaktorbesetzung in IL-4-produzierenden und IL-4-nichtproduzierenden Th2-Zellen zeigte sich, dass beide Zellpopulationen durch eine Ă€quivalente Expression, Aktivierung und DNA-BindungsaktivitĂ€t der NFAT-Faktoren NFAT1 und NFAT2 charakterisiert sind, NFAT1/2 sowie der NFAT- vermittelte Transkriptionsfaktorkomplex jedoch selektiv nur am IL-4-Promoter der IL-4-produzierenden Th2-Zellen gebunden ist. An der HS Va konnte ebenso eine differentielle BindungsaktivitĂ€t des Transkriptionsfaktorkomplexes nachgewiesen werden, wobei jedoch auch IL-4-Nichtproduzenten durch eine im Vergleich zu ruhenden Th2-Zellen geringfĂŒgige Transkriptionsfaktorbesetzung gekennzeichnet sind. FĂŒr die Transkriptionsfaktoren STAT6 und GATA-3 zeigte sich im Gegensatz dazu eine Ă€quivalente BindungsaktivitĂ€t an der IL-4-Promoter -/CIRE-Region bzw. der HS Va. Durch eine genomweite Genexpressionsanalyse konnten verschiedene, zwischen IL-4-produzierenden und IL-4-nichtproduzierenden Th2-Zellen differentiell exprimierte Gene detektiert werden, die einen Ausgangspunkt fĂŒr weitergehende Untersuchungen zu den zellbiologischen Mechansismen der stochastischen IL-4-Regulation darstellen. Aus den gewonnenen Erkenntnissen der Transkriptionsfaktorbindungsanalysen wurde zussammenfassend ein molekulares Modell der stochastisch-determinierten IL-4-Expression entworfen. Dieses postuliert die PrĂ€senz eines transkriptionellen Repressors, der spezifisch an den IL-4-Promoter bindet und ĂŒber die Kompetition mit NFAT um die Bindung an den IL-4-Promoter die stochastische Regulation der IL-4-Expression vermittelt. DiesbezĂŒglich konnte im Rahmen der differentiellen Genexpressionsanalyse der selektiv in den IL-4-nichtproduzierenden Th2-Zellen erhöht exprimierte Faktor Interferon regulatory factor 1 (IRF1) detektiert werden, fĂŒr den bereits eine Bindung am IL-4-Promoter sowie eine inhibitorische AktivitĂ€t im Zusammenhang mit der IL-4-Transkription beschrieben wurde. Der transkriptionelle Repressor IRF1 stellt somit einen möglichen Vermittler der stochastischen Regulation der IL-4-Expression dar und muss diesbezĂŒglich in weiteren Untersuchungen nĂ€her analysiert werden.Interleukin-4 is a central cytokine of the Th2-mediated immune response and is critical for the differentiation of Th2 cells and various Th2 effector functions. A dysregulation of IL-4 expression is often associated with overhelming allergic reactions such as asthma bronchiale or anaphylactic immune reactions. On the cellular level of fully differentiated Th2 effector cells, IL-4 expression is regulated in a stochastic manner. Within a Th2 cell population, only a part of the cells express IL-4 upon T cell receptor stimulation. To get inside into the underlying mechanisms of the phenomenon of IL-4 expression heterogeneity in differentiated Th2 cells we analyzed the transcription factor recruitment to the IL-4-promoter and the hypersensitivity site Va in separated IL-4-producing and IL-4-nonproducing, murine Th2 cells. By using the magnetic chromatin immunoprecipitation method we could show that a protein complex consisting of NFAT1, NFAT2, NF-ÎșB, c-MAF, p300/CBP, SWI/SNF/Brg1, GATA-3 and STAT6 is associated with the IL-4 gene locus and drives the rapid and stimulation-dependent IL-4 transcription . Compared to IL-4-producing Th2 cells, IL-4-nonproducing Th2 cells are characterized by the inability of NFAT1/2 and the other components of the transcriptional complex c-MAF, NF-ÎșB, p300/CBP and SWI/SNF to get associated with the IL-4 gene locus upon restimulation. However, the differential DNA binding activity of the characterized protein complex in IL-4-producing and IL-4-nonproducing Th2 cells is restricted to the IL-4 gene locus. By performing whole genome mRNA expression analysis we could further detect a number of genes differentially expressed in IL-4-producing and IL-4-nonproducing Th2 cells. Based on the differential binding activity of the analysed transcription factor complex and various genes differentially expressed in both Th2 subpopulations we postulate a molecular model for IL-4 expression heterogeneity in differentiated Th2 cells

    Black Atlantic Hybrids: Samples of Brazilian Music of the 1960s and 1970s in U.S. American Hip Hop

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    Kreher S. Black Atlantic Hybrids: Samples of Brazilian Music of the 1960s and 1970s in U.S. American Hip Hop. Masterarbeiten InterAmerikanische Studien. Vol 3. Bielefeld: kipu-Verl.; 2022.This monograph examines how sampling in U.S. Hip Hop transgresses national and regional boundaries. By contextualizing and comparing the Brazilian source material from the 1960s and 1970s with U.S. Hip Hop from the 1990s onwards, it traces flows of musicians, music, and ideology along the Interamerican U.S.-Brazil axis. The fusion and recontextualization of music styles through sampling shed light on aspects of the African American struggle and result in transcultural musical hybrids that encompass the African diaspora in the Americas, activism, cultural resistance, and ‘double consciousness’. Building on postmodern intertextuality, these hybrids become products of a ‘sonic cosmopolitanism’ for a world shaped by the heritage of the black Atlantic

    Signaling pathways and cytokine expression in human lymphoma

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    Der Schwerpunkt dieser Arbeit ist die Charakterisierung aktivierter Signalwege sowie die Ursachen und Konsequenzen einer deregulierten Zytokinexpression bei malignen Lymphomen. Dabei wurden vorrangig das klassische Hodgkin-Lymphom (cHL), periphere T-Zell-Lymphome sowie aggressive Lymphome des ZNS (ZNSL) analysiert. Im cHL konnte der Transkriptionsfaktor IRF5 als zentraler Regulator des inflammatorischen PhĂ€notyps der Hodgkin-/Reed-Sternberg (HRS)-Zellen sowie als entscheidender Faktor fĂŒr die deregulierte Zytokinexpression identifiziert werden. Weiterhin konnte gezeigt werden, dass die Expression des myeloischen Proto-Onkogens CSF1R in HRS-Zellen durch eine epigenetische Derepression eines long-terminal-repeat-Elementes induziert wird und wichtige Überlebenssignale in HRS-Zellen vermittelt. FĂŒr die aberrante Expression des Zytokins IL-21 konnte herausgearbeitet werden, dass dieses zur Aktivierung von STAT3 und nachgeschalteter STAT3-Zielgene fĂŒhrt und Hodgkin- Zellen vor CD95-induzierter Apoptose schĂŒtzt. Zudem ist IL-21 ĂŒber die Induktion des Chemokins MIP-3 an der Ausbildung des immunsuppressiven zellulĂ€ren Begleitinfiltrates durch Rekrutierung regulatorischer T-Zellen beteiligt. Im Rahmen weiterer Arbeiten konnten verschiedene Signalwegsalterationen und genetische Aberrationen in zwei unterschiedlichen EntitĂ€ten reifzelliger T-Zell-Lymphome, dem anaplastisch großzelligen T-Zell- Lymphom sowie dem Sezary-Syndrom, identifiziert werden, die zur malignen Transformation beitragen. Die Analyse des immunhistologischen PhĂ€notyps primĂ€rer ZNS-Lymphome (PCNSL) bestĂ€tigte den aktivierten B-Zell-PhĂ€notyp und den Post-Keimzentrums-Ursprung der PZNSL. Zudem konnte eine signifikante prognostische Bedeutung des BCL-6-Expressionsstatus bei Patienten mit PZNSL nachgewiesen werden. Weiterhin konnten wir zeigen, dass sich das Zytokin Osteopontin in hoher Konzentration im Liquor von Patienten mit ZNSL nachweisen lĂ€sst und eine diagnostische und prognostische Aussagekraft besitzt. Die hier vorgestellten Ergebnisse erweitern das molekulare VerstĂ€ndnis der Lymphom- Pathogenese mit Ansatzpunkten fĂŒr die Entwicklung neuer Therapiestrategien. Gleichzeitig zeigen sie am Beispiel von ZNS-Lymphomen die Bedeutung molekularer Faktoren und Zytokine als diagnostische und prognostische Biomarker.Human lymphomas and leukemias are characterized by aberrantly activated transcription factors and cytokine expression. In classical Hdgkin lymphoma (HL), a common B-cell–derived malignancy that is one of the most prominent examples for complex patterns of deregulated TFs, we identified IRF5 as major regulater of deregulated cytokine and chemokine expression in HL. We further demonstrate that the aberantly expressed cytokine IL-21 protects HL cells from CD95 death receptor–induced apoptosis and attracts regulatory T-cells. Furthermore, we could show that LTR derepression is involved in the pathogenesis of HL, a finding that might have diagnostic, prognostic and therapeutic implications

    Gene deregulation and spatial genome reorganization near breakpoints prior to formation of translocations in anaplastic large cell lymphoma

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    Although the identification and characterization of translocations have rapidly increased, little is known about the mechanisms of how translocations occur in vivo. We used anaplastic large cell lymphoma (ALCL) with and without the characteristic t(2;5)(p23;q35) translocation to study the mechanisms of formation of translocations and of ALCL transformation. We report deregulation of several genes located near the ALCL translocation breakpoint, regardless of whether the tumor contains the t(2;5). The affected genes include the oncogenic transcription factor Fra2 (located on 2p23), the HLH protein Id2 (2p25), and the oncogenic tyrosine kinase CSF1-receptor (5q33.1). Their up-regulation promotes cell survival and repression of T cell-specific gene expression programs that are characteristic for ALCL. The deregulated genes are in spatial proximity within the nuclear space of t(2;5)-negative ALCL cells, facilitating their translocation on induction of double-strand breaks. These data suggest that deregulation of breakpoint-proximal genes occurs before the formation of translocations, and that aberrant transcriptional activity of genomic regions is linked to their propensity to undergo chromosomal translocations. Also, our data demonstrate that deregulation of breakpoint-proximal genes has a key role in ALCL