1,027 research outputs found

    Rational use of forest as a renewable natural resource

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    This article is devoted to the formation of a mechanism for the rational use of forests as a renewable natural resource, including transfer of forest areas in rent taking into account market indicators, advantages and disadvantages in the process of timber sales. The total income received in the form of fees for the use of forest fund and for the use of forests in 2016 in the Russian Federation is amounted to 24.4 billion rubles, which is 0.9 billion rubles (by 3.8%) more compared with the previous year. According to the state report of the Ministry of Natural Resources and Ecology, in the reporting 2016 year this payment was received in the amount of 27.8 billion rubles, which is 3.4 billion rubles (almost 14%) more than in 2015. Thus, due to the fact that Russia's natural forest resources constitute powerful strategic competitive advantage in the world economic system, the article, on the basis of the system approach, reveals correlation between the level of rent payments and profitability from the sale of round wood, taking into account harvested and considered assortments, which allows forming forest payments on the basis of domestic and export market prices and as a result increasing financial contribution from the use of forests to the national budget.peer-reviewe

    Electroless deposition and Electroplating of Metals

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    The present paper summarizes the main results of the research on the electroless and electrochemical metal deposition from aqueous solutions, which has been carried out in the Research Institute of Physical-Chemical problems of the Belarussian State University and at the Department of Inorganic Chemistry of the BSU for the last three decades. The paper covers the following problems: the main peculiarities of electroless and electrochemical deposition of copper, nickel, Ni-B,Ni-P, gold films 0.1-30 mkm and more in thickness, their phase composition, morphology and properties; the characteristic features of of hydrometallurgic allowing (e.g. electroless and electrochemical deposition of a number of binary alloy coatings such as Cu-Ni, Cu-Cd, Cu-Sn, Cu-Zn, Ni-Sn, Ni-W, Ni-Mo), methods of their chemical and phase composition and microstructure regulation, together with correlation between these parameters and alloy properties; the methods for composite metal and alloy film plating from solutions with production of materials including metal oxides and thus possessing unusual and useful properties; the peculiarities of metal film plating onto dielectrics with production of continuous films and metal conductive patterns without the use of photoresists

    Клінічні симптоми ушкодження латеральної поверхні гомілкового суглобу дійних корів різного фенотипу в умовах промислового молочного виробництва

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    The results of the influence of the conditions of keeping Ukrainian red dairy cows on the manifestation of clinical symptoms of damage to the lateral surface of the tibia and the level of reproduction are presented. The study was conducted on the basis of an industrial dairy complex (600 dairy cows with an average productivity of 6050 kg of milk per lactation) as part of agricultural associations in Odessa region. The objects of the study were cows during lactation, which were kept loose in sections with rest boxes (where the floor was a special rubber mat with a thickness of 30 mm). Evaluation (in points) was performed on the clinical manifestation of symptoms of damage to the skin epithelium of the lateral surface of the leg, which was injured by the rubber coating of the stall compared to the level of reproduction (service period, days/%) and the severity of skin pigmentation of the body surface (selection melanism). Clinical, zootechnical, biometric methods were comprehensively applied to realize the purpose of research. Comparison of data (n = 462) visual-clinical assessment of the condition of the skin of the lateral surface of the leg, as an indicator of the adaptability of lactating cows to keep in sections with rubber flooring and the area of pigmented hair of animals of different phenotypes by coat color, showed that cows typical pigmentation, characteristic of red dairy breed (red hair occupied more than 80 % of the body surface), wound lesions of the lower leg are much less common, namely: in comparison with red-spotted animals by 28.41–15.98 %, with mostly white – by 39.03–20.23 %, respectively. Due to the negative impact of open wounds of the skin of the leg on the immunity of lactating cows, it was found that increasing the number of animals with damaged epithelium as a gateway to infection, provokes an increase in the service period in cows with predominantly white or mottled color to 140.97 and 141.07 days, which is higher by 6.74 and 6.84 days, respectively, compared with red animals (P < 0.05).Надані результати впливу умов утримання  корів української червоної молочної породи на прояв клінічних симптомів ушкодження латеральної поверхні гомілкового суглоба та рівень репродукції. Дослідження проведено на базі промислового молочного комплексу (600 дійних корів із середньою продуктивністю 6252 кг молока за лактацію) у складі сільськогосподарських об’єднань  Одеської області. Об’єктами дослідження були корови впродовж перебігу лактації, які безприв’язно утримувались у секціях з  боксами для відпочинку (де підлогою були спеціальні гумові килимки з товщиною 30 мм). Оцінку (в балах) проводили за клінічним проявом симптомів ушкодження шкірного епітелію латеральної поверхні гомілки, яка травмувалась гумовим покриттям стійла, порівняно з рівнем відтворення (сервіс-період, днів; між отельний період МОП, днів; кількість тільних самиць у групі, гол./%) та вираженістю пігментації шкірного покриву поверхні тіла (селекційним меланізмом). Для реалізації мети дослідження комплексно були застосовані клінічні, зоотехнічні, біометричні методи. Зіставлення даних (n = 462) візуально-клінічної оцінки стану шкіри латеральної поверхні гомілки як індикатору адаптаційної здатності лактуючих корів до утримання в секціях з гумовим покриттям підлоги та площі пігментованого волосяного покриву тіла тварин різного фенотипу за забарвленням шерсті свідчили, що у корів з типовою пігментацією, характерною для червоної молочної породи (червона шерсть займала понад 80 % поверхні тіла), ранові ураження гомілки трапляються значно рідше, а саме: порівняно з червоно-рябими тваринами на 28,41–15,98 %, з переважно білими – на 39,03–20,23 % відповідно. Зважаючи на негативний вплив відкритих ран  шкіри гомілки на імунітет лактуючих корів, встановлено, що збільшення числа тварин з  пошкодженим епітелієм як воротами інфекції провокує ріст сервіс-періоду у корів з переважно білою або рябою мастю до 140,97 і 141,07 днів, що відповідно більше на 6,74 і 6,84 днів порівняно з тваринами червоної масті (P < 0,05)

    Evaluation of anemia syndrom in haemophilia

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    In work risk factors of development of an anemia at patients with a hemophilia are analyzed. The anemia met more often at the heavy form of disease, at persons with A (II) group of blood (40%)

    Stratigraphy of Late Cenozoic sediments of the western Chukchi Sea: New results from shallow drilling and seismic-reflection profiling

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    The Quaternary history of Beringia and of the Arctic–Pacific marine connection via the Bering Strait is poorly understood because of the fragmentary stratigraphic record from this region. We report new borehole and seismic-reflection data collected in 2006 in the southwestern Chukchi Sea. Sediment samples were analyzed for magnetic properties, grain size, heavy minerals, and biostratigraphic proxies (spores and pollen, foraminifers, ostracodes, diatoms, and aquatic palynomorphs). Two shallow boreholes drilled between the Chukotka Peninsula and the Wrangel Island recovered sediments of two principal stratigraphic units with a distinct unconformity between them. Based on predominantly reverse paleomagnetic polarity of the lower unit and pollen spectra indicative of forested coasts and climate warmer than present, the age of this unit is estimated as Pliocene to early Pleistocene (broadly between ca. 5 and 2 Ma). Attendant sedimentary environments were likely alluvial to nearshore marine. These deposits can be correlated to the seismic unit infilling valleys incised into sedimentary bedrock across much of the study area, and possibly deposited during a transgression following the opening of the Bering Strait. The upper unit from both boreholes contains Holocene 14C ages and is clearly related to the last, postglacial transgression. Holocene sediments in Borehole 2 indicate fast deposition at the early stages of flooding (between ca. 11 and 9 ka) to very low deposition, possibly related to expansive sea ice. Closer to shore, deposition at Borehole 1 resumed much later (ca. 2 ka), likely due to a change in the pattern of coastal erosional processes and/or the demise of a landbridge between the Chukotka Peninsula and the Wrangel Island inferred from studies on mammoth distribution

    Effect of Solid Dispersions on the Dissolution of Ampicillin

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    © 2016, Springer Science+Business Media New York.In this work, we studied water solubility of ampicillin trihydrate and its solid dispersions (SD) with polyethylene glycol-1500, polyvinylpyrrolidone-10000, and β-cyclodextrin. It was found that SD formation increases the solubility by a factor of 1.34–1.73 and the rate of ampicillin dissolution by a factor of 3.43–7.40. The results of complex physicochemical studies suggest that the improved release of ampicillin from SD is due to its micronization and solubilization by the polymer

    Методичні вказівки до виконання контрольних робіт з дисципліни "Іноземна мова за професіональним спрямуванням" для студентів всіх напрямів підготовки всіх спеціальностей

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    Дані методичні вказівки призначені для студентів заочної форми навчання усіх спеціальносте. Дане видання містить контрольні роботи, що складаються з вправ та текстів, а також граматичний довідник та зразки виконання

    Модель операций взлета и посадки для расчета пропускной способности аэродрома

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    The procedures for takeoff and landing of aircraft flow are discussed. An approach to the construction of a model for calculation of aerodrome capacity is proposed. Decomposition of model is conducted and one of its elements - the approach mode is investigated. The estimation of the time interval for this mode and limitations on the minimum distances between aircraft in the stream are shown.Рассмотрены процедуры взлета и посадки потока ВС нескольких категорий. Предложен подход к построению модели расчета пропускной способности аэродрома. Проведена декомпозиция модели и исследован один из ее элементов - режим захода на посадку. Проведена оценка временного интервала для этого режима и получены ограничения на минимально допустимые расстояния между ВС в потоке

    Optimized properties of live vaccine influenza reassortant strains obtained by reverse genetics

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    Classical reassortment in developing chicken eggs is a well-established technique for obtaining LAIV strains. Naturally generated reassortant vaccine strains are characterized by high reproductive capacity, genetically stable characteristics of temperature sensitivity and cold resistance, which correspond to the characteristics of the MDV involved in crossing with the epidemic virus. Along with antigenic relevance, natural reassortment ensures attenuation of vaccine strains, good reproduction capacity in upper respiratory tract cells and inability to reproduction in the lower respiratory tract. With classical reassortment, the speed and efficiency of obtaining vaccine reassortants largely depend on the properties of epidemic virus, and therefore cannot be stable. The potential of reverse genetics is attractive because it allows to obtain vaccine reassortants quickly and efficiently, reduce the likelihood of spontaneous mutations; however, the vaccine strain is deprived of the advantages of natural selection, in which the most viable clones are selected. This study presents the results of comparatively assessed A(H3N2) LAIVs obtained in parallel by classical reassortment and reverse genetics according to criteria confirming that vaccine strains inherit the necessary properties that guarantee their harmlessness and high reproduction in chicken embryos. Strains for LAIV obtained by both methods retained all attenuating mutations inherited from the MDV, were highly reproductive at the optimal temperature, with temperature sensitivity corresponded to the MDV. However, strains obtained by reverse genetics, was observed to have partial loss of cold resistance in comparison with that of the MDV and classical reassortants. Reduced cold adaptation may negatively affect vaccine effectiveness. It is important that after several additional passages in chicken embryos at low temperature, the cold resistance of the vaccine strain, assembled by reverse genetics, was increased. Credibly that cold resistance is a phenotypic trait, the degree of manifestation of which depends on the temperature conditions of virus multiplication. The selective factor of reduced incubation temperature is missing in reverse genetics. In order for the cold-adapted phenotype to be fully realized, additional passages at low temperature of RG-reassortants are necessary. Thus, the reverse genetics method using plasmid technology allows to effectively prepare reassortant strains for LAIV. An important stage in obtaining vaccine strains using genetic engineering techniques should be the control of their cold-adapted phenotype and its optimization by additional passages at low temperature