842 research outputs found


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    В статье обсуждается значимость самоопределения в деятельности для успешной профессиональной социализации. Показывается необходимость работы по формированию перспективного «профессионального образа я» для реализации самоопределенческих действий. Описываются практические шаги по реализации взаимодействия с обучающимися, приводящие к достижению эффектов самоопределенияThe paper covers the significance of identity formation in activity for successful professional socialization. It shows necessity in working on formation of the prospective "professional image of me" for implementation of activities on identity formation. The paper offers practice-oriented steps on implementation of collaboration with a learner leading to effects of identity formatio

    Professional task as substantial reference point of educational professional activity of bachelors

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    In article the practical applicability of professional tasks for selection of content of preparation at development of educational programs of a bachelor degree is discussed. The way of specification of content of educational professional activity on the example of one of problems of the Pedagogical education direction is offeredОбсуждается практическая применимость профессиональных задач для отбора содержания подготовки при освоении образовательных программ бакалавриата. Предлагается способ уточнения содержания учебно-профессиональной деятельности на примере одной из задач направления «Педагогическое образование

    Innovation Development Strategy for Enterprises of the Tatarstan Republic

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    © 2015, Asian Social Science. All rights reserved. The article deals with the issues of Tatarstan enterprises’ changeover to the innovative model of development. The authors describe the dynamics of innovation processes in Tatarstan on the basis of introduction of advanced technologies, analyze innovation activity indicators of enterprises for the recent ten years and classify innovatively-active enterprises according to the types of economic activity. The authors also give a detailed analysis of changes in the input costs pattern for innovation production manufacturing at the enterprises of Tatarstan, assess the dynamics of innovation production shipment by the enterprises for the recent five years. The authors provide some comparative data of the Tatarstan Republic and the regions of Volga Federal District and also provide some managerial recommendations on stimulating the innovation activities on the regional level

    Polarity of C≡P bond in monocoordination phosphorus compounds

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    The polarity of the C≡P bond in monocoordination phosphorus compounds was determined, which in the studied series of compounds is practically independent of the substituent on the carbon atom. © 1984 Plenum Publishing Corporation


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    В статье рассматривается принципиальная возможность изменения характера подготовки будущего педагога. Она основана на ориентации подготовки на создание образа педагога Будущего как транспрофессионала. Опирается на реализацию идей опережения и проектирования в вузовской подготовкеThe article considers the fundamental possibility of changing the nature of training of the future teacher. It is based on the orientation of training to create an image of the Future teacher as a transfessional. It is based on the implementation of ideas of advance and design in university trainin

    To the Issue of Developing the «Soft Skills» of the Future Teacher

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    В статье привлекается внимание к вопросу необходимости развития мягких навыков будущего педагога в процессе его подготовки в вузе и раскрывается специфика их понимания.The article draws attention to the issue of the need to develop the soft skills of the future teacher in the process of his preparation at the university and reveals the specifics of their understanding

    Evaluation of anemia syndrom in haemophilia

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    In work risk factors of development of an anemia at patients with a hemophilia are analyzed. The anemia met more often at the heavy form of disease, at persons with A (II) group of blood (40%)

    Stratigraphy of Late Cenozoic sediments of the western Chukchi Sea: New results from shallow drilling and seismic-reflection profiling

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    The Quaternary history of Beringia and of the Arctic–Pacific marine connection via the Bering Strait is poorly understood because of the fragmentary stratigraphic record from this region. We report new borehole and seismic-reflection data collected in 2006 in the southwestern Chukchi Sea. Sediment samples were analyzed for magnetic properties, grain size, heavy minerals, and biostratigraphic proxies (spores and pollen, foraminifers, ostracodes, diatoms, and aquatic palynomorphs). Two shallow boreholes drilled between the Chukotka Peninsula and the Wrangel Island recovered sediments of two principal stratigraphic units with a distinct unconformity between them. Based on predominantly reverse paleomagnetic polarity of the lower unit and pollen spectra indicative of forested coasts and climate warmer than present, the age of this unit is estimated as Pliocene to early Pleistocene (broadly between ca. 5 and 2 Ma). Attendant sedimentary environments were likely alluvial to nearshore marine. These deposits can be correlated to the seismic unit infilling valleys incised into sedimentary bedrock across much of the study area, and possibly deposited during a transgression following the opening of the Bering Strait. The upper unit from both boreholes contains Holocene 14C ages and is clearly related to the last, postglacial transgression. Holocene sediments in Borehole 2 indicate fast deposition at the early stages of flooding (between ca. 11 and 9 ka) to very low deposition, possibly related to expansive sea ice. Closer to shore, deposition at Borehole 1 resumed much later (ca. 2 ka), likely due to a change in the pattern of coastal erosional processes and/or the demise of a landbridge between the Chukotka Peninsula and the Wrangel Island inferred from studies on mammoth distribution

    Peculiarities of the Mechanism of Interactions of Catalytic Antibodies with Organophosphorus Substrates

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    © 2017, Pleiades Publishing, Inc. Catalytic antibodies are a promising model for creating highly specific biocatalysts with predetermined activity. However, in order to realize the directed change or improve their properties, it is necessary to understand the basics of catalysis and the specificity of interactions with substrates. In the present work, a structural and functional study of the Fab fragment of antibody A5 and a comparative analysis of its properties with antibody A17 have been carried out. These antibodies were previously selected for their ability to interact with organophosphorus compounds via covalent catalysis. It has been established that antibody A5 has exceptional specificity for phosphonate X with bimolecular reaction rate constants of 510 ± 20 and 390 ± 20 min –1 M –1 for kappa and lambda variants, respectively. 3D-Modeling of antibody A5 structure made it possible to establish that the reaction residue L-Y33 is located on the surface of the active site, in contrast to the A17 antibody, in which the reaction residue L-Y37 is located at the bottom of a deep hydrophobic pocket. To investigate a detailed mechanism of the reaction, A5 antibody mutants with replacements L-R51W and H-F100W were created, which made it possible to perform stopped-flow kinetics. Tryptophan mutants were obtained as Fab fragments in the expression system of the methylotrophic yeast species Pichia pastoris. It has been established that the effectiveness of their interaction with phosphonate X is comparable to the wild-type antibody. Using the data of the stopped-flow kinetics method, significant conformational changes were established in the phosphonate modification process. The reaction was found to proceed using the induced-fit mechanism; the kinetic parameters of the elementary stages of the process have been calculated. The results present the prospects for the further improvement of antibody-based biocatalysts