71 research outputs found

    Expressive devices in the language of English- and Spanish-speaking youth

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    The aim of this paper is threefold: first, to introduce the topic of youth slang by giving an overview of its main characteristics; second, to show the different word-formation processes that slang has to make the speaker’s message more expressive; and third, to study the extent to which these two aspects are reflected in two corpora representing London and Madrid youth language. The present study is based, primarily, on an inventory of the top ten ‘proper’ and ‘dirty’ slang words in each language variety with particular emphasis on the speakers’ age and gender, and, secondarily, on the entire corpus data, which showed great agreement with the features outlined in the overview of the main characteristics of youth slang, while the most obvious word-formation mechanisms turned out to be related to change of form and change of meaning

    Dilations of anastomotic strictures over time after repair of esophageal atresia

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    Aim of the study: Anastomotic strictures commonly occur in patients undergoing surgery for esophageal atresia (EA). The primary aim of this study was to determine the age distribution of dilation procedures for anastomotic strictures over the patient’s childhood after reconstruction of EA. The secondary aim was to evaluate the effect of postoperative proton pump inhibitors (PPIs) on the frequency of dilations. Methods: This observational study was conducted at a single tertiary center of pediatric surgery. The times that dilations of strictures were performed were assessed during three study periods: 1983–1995, 2001–2009, and 2010–2014. PPIs were not used during the first period, and then, respectively, for 3 and 12 months postoperatively. The indications for dilation were signs of obstruction and/or radiological signs of stricture. Primary results: A total of 131 children underwent esophageal reconstruction, and of those, 60 (46%) required at least 1 dilation procedure for strictures. There were no differences in the frequencies of dilation procedures between the three study periods (28/66, 18/32 and 14/33, respectively; P = 0.42). The overall median number of dilations per patient was 3 (range 1–21) with no differences between the study periods. The differences between ages at which the first dilation was performed during each study period were significant, as follows: 7, 2, and 8 months, respectively (P = 0.03). Fiftyone percent of all dilation procedures were performed during the first year of life, 16% during the second year, and 33% during years 2–15. Four children (2%) underwent >12 dilations. Conclusion: The first year of life was the time of greatest need for dilation of AS after reconstruction of EA; however, dilations were also performed several years later. PPIs did not affect the frequency of dilations during the first year of life

    Corpus-pragmatic perspectives on the contemporary weakening of fuck: The case of teenage British English conversation

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    This study examines the pragmatic functions of fuck among British English teenagers in casual conversation in two youth language corpora from the 1990s and 2010s. It applies a corpus-pragmatics approach to explore how the ongoing weakening of the taboo strength of fuck in the perception of young speakers is realised in usage data. The major functions observed involve a predominance of idiomatic, emphatic and emotionally expressive functions. Conversely, usage associated with potentially abusive functions, including literal reference to sexual intercourse, is infrequent. Our observations are interpreted in the context of delexicalization and related long-term diachronic processes, whereby contemporary usage of fuck among teenagers is characterised in terms of semidelexicalized, pragmatically strengthened usage with weakened taboo status. The article also evaluates the interpretation of idiomatic usage from a functional perspective, and contributes to methodological considerations of the use of spoken corpora for pragmatic research

    Bowel function and associated risk factors at preschool and early childhood age in children with anorectal malformation type rectovestibular fistula:An ARM-Net consortium study

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    Background: Outcome of patients operated for anorectal malformation (ARM) type rectovestibular fistula (RVF) is generally considered to be good. However, large multi-center studies are scarce, mostly describing pooled outcome of different ARM-types, in adult patients. Therefore, counseling parents concerning the bowel function at early age is challenging. Aim of this study was to evaluate bowel function of RVF-patients at preschool/early childhood age and determine risk factors for poor functional outcome. Methods: A multi-center cohort study was performed. Patient characteristics, associated anomalies, sacral ratio, surgical procedures, post-reconstructive complications, one-year constipation, and Bowel Function Score (BFS) at 4–7 years of follow-up were registered. Groups with below normal (BFS < 17; subgroups ‘poor’ ≀ 11, and ‘fair’ 11 < BFS < 17) and good outcome (BFS ≄ 17) were formed. Univariable analyses were performed to detect risk factors for outcome. Results: The study included 111 RVF-patients. Median BFS was 16 (range 6–20). The ‘below normal’ group consisted of 61 patients (55.0%). Overall, we reported soiling, fecal accidents, and constipation in 64.9%, 35.1% and 70.3%, respectively. Bowel management was performed in 23.4% of patients. Risk factors for poor outcome were tethered cord and low sacral ratio, while sacral anomalies, low sacral ratio, prior enterostomy, post-reconstructive complications, and one-year constipation were for being on bowel management. Conclusions: Although median BFS at 4–7 year follow-up is nearly normal, the majority of patients suffers from some degree of soiling and constipation, and almost 25% needs bowel management. Several factors were associated with poor bowel function outcome and bowel management. Level of Evidence: Level III

    Metod för statistisk bearbetning av vegetationsanalyser - exempel frĂ„n Vartofta-Åsaka

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    Denna rapport har till syfte att föreslĂ„ en metod för att statistiskt bearbeta data frĂ„n artrika grĂ€smarker. Flera lĂ€nsstyrelser har lagt ut fasta provytor i naturreservat för att följa vegetationens förĂ€ndringar över tiden. Inom forskningen har man frĂ€mst studerat vegetationens förĂ€ndringar i provytor under korta tidsperioder och dĂ€rför Ă€r det Ă€r ett nytt mĂ„l för uppföljning och dokumentation att följa hur kvaliteten bevaras över lĂ„ng tid, dvs att artrikedomen finns kvar och inte hotas. Anna Stenström har skrivit rapporten och utnyttjat tidigare insamlade data pĂ„ tĂ€ckningsgrad frĂ„n naturminnet som tidigare kallats Stipakullen i Vartofta-Åsaka, men numera BondegĂ„rden-PrĂ€stgĂ„rdsĂ„sen. Det Ă€r en av tre svenska lokaler för fjĂ€dergrĂ€set och ligger i Vartofta-Åsaka socken, Falköpings kommun. Vi tackar Per Milberg, Linköpings Universitet, för hjĂ€lpen med körningarna av den multivariata analysen och granskning av manuskript.Regionala inventeringsrapporter import frĂ„n MDP 2015-05</p

    Strategi för övervakning av biologisk mÄngfald i VÀstra Götaland

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    Biologisk mĂ„ngfald Ă€r ett stort och vitt begrepp som inte Ă€r lĂ€tt att övervaka. Syftet med den hĂ€r rapporten Ă€r att prioritera behovet av övervakning av biologisk mĂ„ngfald mellan olika naturtyper i VĂ€stra Götalands lĂ€n och sammanstĂ€lla den övervakning som sker idag. Behovet av övervakning för olika naturtyper har bedömts efter mĂ€ngden av biologisk mĂ„ngfald och hot. De naturtyper dĂ€r det saknas kunskap om var de fi nns krĂ€ver Ă€ven en grundinventering. Dessutom behövs nĂ„gon sorts övervakning av utbredningen av olika naturtyper. Prioriteringen av de olika naturtyperna har visat att övervakning frĂ€mst bör startas pĂ„ vegetationsklĂ€dda grunda mjukbottnar i havet (f.a. Ă„lgrĂ€sĂ€ngar), ekskog och Ă€dellövblandskog. Övervakning av rikkĂ€rr Ă€r högprioriterat och pĂ„börjas 2004. SlĂ„tterĂ€ngar, ogödslade betesmarker, sjöar och vattendrag med skyddvĂ€rd fauna, vegetationsfria grunda mjukbottnar i havet och fukthedar Ă€r Ă€ven dessa högprioriterade för övervakning av biologisk mĂ„ngfald och hĂ€r bedrivs övervakning idag. Vill du lĂ€sa mer om den regionala miljöövervakning som bedrivs idag kan du lĂ€sa pĂ„: www.o.lst.se/projekt/miljoovervakning eller i Program för Miljöövervakning i VĂ€stra Götaland 2002-2006.Regionala inventeringsrapporter import frĂ„n MDP 2015-05</p

    Större vattensalamander systematisk inventering för ÄtgÀrdsprogrammet

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    Syftet med inventeringen var att göra en systematisk inventering av större vattensalamander i VÀstra Götalands lÀn för att uppskatta totalantalet smÄvatten i lÀnet med större vattensalamander. I inventeringen lades 47 ekorutor (25 km2) ut med totalt 460 smÄvatten. Av dessa inventerades 257 stycken i fÀlt. Större vattensalamander hittades i 19 ekorutor inom det kÀnda utbredningsomrÄdet och i 6 ekorutor utanför det tidigare kÀnda utbredningsomrÄdet. Det gör att man kan förvÀnta sig att hitta större vattensalamander i minst ett smÄvatten i 58 % av ekorutorna i lÀnet.Regionala inventeringsrapporter import frÄn MDP 2015-05</p

    HĂ€vd i slĂ„tterĂ€ngar : – miljöövervakning i VĂ€stra Götalands lĂ€n 2008-2010

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    Sammanfattning HÀvden av de slÄtterÀngar som sköts har inte blivit sÀmre de senaste 3 Ären. DÀremot minskar ytan av slÄtterÀngar som sköts och 11 procent av de registrerade slÄtterÀngarna Àr idag ohÀvdade. FÀrre hÀvdade slÄtterÀngar med en mindre areal gör att hotade arter fÄr svÄrare att klara sig och svÄrare att sprida sig. Det skapas en hel del nya slÄtterÀngar, men de nytillkomna slÄtterÀngarna har inte lika mÄnga vÀrdefulla arter som de Àldre slÄtterÀngarna (Hiron 2006)
