241 research outputs found

    Mielenterveystyön kehittäminen laatusuosituksen avulla : Menetelmäraportti

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    Mielenterveyspalveluiden laatusuosituksen (2001) implementointihank

    Undersökning av parkers funktion idag kopplat till kulturhistorisk värdering

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    Great care and knowledge are required to assess the values of public parks. Many aspects have to be considered to make the assessments reliable and credible. Care and respect for the site and its users are necessary parts of such an assessment. Stockholm City Museum releases in 2011 a document which describes a new system for assessing the cultural historical value of parks and green areas in Stockholm, a city with a great development pressure. In order to evaluate the public realm basic knowledge about the sites’ history is needed. Three different parks in Stockholm have been investigated. They were designed between 1926-1955 with similar ideas in mind. Nowadays they are used in other ways than the architects planned for. It shows how difficult it is to calculate the future residents’ needs and wishes. Parks with similar cultural historical values can be estimated in different ways and used differently by the population today. Therefore observations that investigate the social life at the sites today were carried out in spring 2011. The purpose of the observations was also to study the functions and features that attract people in the parks today. The parks attraction can depend on features such as location or other popular activities in the surrounding area. Literature studies are the basis of the investigation. Through reading I understood the architects' original aim at the three sites Ålstensparken, Marabouparken and Norr Mälarstrand. The parks’ shape and feeling can only be experienced on site and this has been done by observations. The users' activities were also observed while visiting the sites. The purpose of the study is to investigate the current use of the parks in relation to the original function and aim. I point out the users’ needs in contrast to the cultural historical values alone. The studies of three parks from the same era with similar underlying ideas demonstrated large differences in current use, despite the similar origin of aim. The above classification method is discussed and compared to the three parks surveyed

    Konesalin jäähdytysjärjestelmät

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    Internetin suosion myötä erilaisia palveluja tuottavien palvelinkoneiden ja edelleen niiden sijoituspaikkana toimivien konesalien määrä on kasvanut huomattavasti viime vuosien aikana. Suuret yhtiöt, kuten Google, Microsoft ja Yandex, ovat investoineet konesalikeskuksia Suomeen ja määrän uskotaan kasvavan entisestään. Koska samanaikaisesti yhä pienemmät suorittimet tuottavat entistä suuremman tehon, tämä prosessi lisää konesalien keskitettyä jäähdytystarvetta. Tämän opinnäytetyön tarkoitus oli perehtyä konesalien erilaisiin jäähdytysjärjestelmiin, tutkia niiden ominaisuuksia ja eroja. Lisäksi tarkoitus oli tarkastella konesaleihin vaikuttavia tekijöitä, energialaskentaa ja selvittää konesalien energiatehokkuuden periaatteita. Opinnäytetyössä tarkastellaan edellä mainittuja konesalien jäähdytykseen liittyviä asioita teoreettisista lähtökohdista ja aineistona käytettiin internetistä löytyneitä monia tietolähteitä ja Optimum Cooling of Data Centers -kirjaa. Internetistä saatu aineisto oli pääasiassa eri osa-alueita käsitteleviä raportteja, internet-dokumentteja tai muuta hajautettua tietoa. Aineistoa etsittiin varmuuden vuoksi melko laajasti englannin- ja suomenkielisiltä sivustoilta. Aineiston hajanaisuudesta huolimatta opinnäytetyön dokumentista saatiin suhteellisen yhtenäinen kokonaisuus konesalien jäähdytysjärjestelmistä. Asetetut tavoitteet saavutettiin työhön varatussa aikataulussa.The number of datacenters has grown during the last few years. Large companies, such as Google, Microsoft and Yandex have invested in building datacenters in Finland and more are coming. Simultaneously chips continue to get smaller, with more circuits packed into smaller spaces, the amount of power grows together with the heat. This process increases the need of centralized cooling in datacenters. The objective of this study was to get acquainted with different cooling techniques in datacenter technology. In addition, the aim was to investigate energy effectiveness and pay attention on energy efficiency calculations and list facts that affect datacenters. This study was a literature review. The sources used in this study were gathered most-ly from the internet. Also Optimum Cooling of Data centers book was used in this the-sis. However, the available material found from the internet were mainly reports, doc-umentaries, manufacturing instructions or other scattered information. Therefore, the materials were gathered widely to prevent misunderstanding. As a result, complete thesis was created about datacenter cooling techniques and all goals were reached in time. This study might help anyone who desires to know about datacenters and its cooling systems

    AUSTERS 1:61 - ett fritidshus på Gotland

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    A few hundred metres from the beach on Fårö, Gotland, is a small lot with pine trees, green moss and wild fl owers situated, owned by my brother and sister. Eventually they would like to build a summerhouse here, in close proximity to their relatives. My project is a proposal for the summerhouse at the site, within the restrictions of 61 m² building area, with focus on interior, exterior and the environment. My proposal is a house close to the surrounding nature, with reference to the the building tratition on the island and with local materials. Orientation to the sun, road and neighbours has all infl uenced my ideas of this house and the relation between inside and outdoor living, were important in my creative work. The aim was to create a house made for the family and their holiday lifestyle and allowed consideration for the possibility of a growing family with more children. I desired the warm, friendly and safe atmosphere for their summer stay

    Ernst Manker, Nordiska museet och konstruktionen av ett samiskt kulturarv

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    Recension av Silvén, Eva 2021: Friktion. Ernst Manker, Nordiska museet och det samiska kulturarvet. Lund: Nordic Academic Press, 320

    Concretisation of the landscape architect's work on sustainable development : strategies that simplifies the design process

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    Hållbar utveckling har blivit till ett välanvänt begrepp som innehar många betydelser beroende på arbetsområde och sammanhang. Syftet med arbetet är att konkretisera begreppets betydelse för landskapsarkitektens dagliga arbete, och därigenom öka möjligheterna att utvecklingen och arbetet med hållbar utveckling fortlöper. Konkretiseringen har skett genom litteraturstudier och studier av gestaltningsprojekt, därefter har strategier som bidrar till hållbarhetsarbetet formulerats. Konkreta strategier som är användbara vid gestaltning för hållbar utveckling formuleras utifrån litteraturstudier. I litteraturstudierna finner jag fem strategier som jag anser vara användbara för landskapsarkitektens arbete mot en mer hållbar stad: ökad densitet, bevara den biologiska mångfalden, stadsodling, medborgarnas anknytning till platsen och platsens identitet samt medborgarinflytande. I nästa steg studeras exempelprojekt med en hållbarhetsinriktning. Strategierna från litteraturen kompletteras med strategier av konkret karaktär hämtade från verkliga platser: Funktionell landskapsarkitektur samt underlättande för socialt liv och interaktion Inspirerad av exempelprojekten och baserat på den nyvunna kunskapen har jag sedan utformat ett område i södra Stockholm. Gestaltningen är ett sätt att exemplifiera och tillämpa kunskapen. Strategierna får en tydlig form och sätts i ett sammanhang, vilket är ett steg mot konkretiseringen. Resultatet är ett aktivitetsstråk vilket kopplar samman två områden för ökad integration, socialt liv och identitet. Utmed stråket skapas nya aktivitetsytor och mötesplatser. Medborgarinflytande främjas genom aktivitetsytor där planerade aktiviteter varvas med fria ytor som invånarna själva styr över. Den fysiska kopplingen ut i naturen stärks med det nya stråket samtidigt som platsens gestaltas för att visualisera det ekologiska sammanhanget. Platsanpassat växtmaterial används för att skapa anknytning till omgivande ekoregionen samt för att minimera vattenåtgång och underhåll. En ny form av koloniområde skapas då en rad vinster kommer med stadsodling. Diskussionen behandlar gestaltningen kopplat till de strategier som jag valde att använda mig av från litteraturstudierna och studierna av exempelprojekten. Jag ser gestaltningens uppbyggnad som en konkretisering av strategierna då dessa ligger till grund för programmet och därmed utformningen i sin helhet. I diskussionen utvärderas resultatet av gestaltningen för att bedöma strategiernas användbarhet, även frågeställningarna och svagheterna i de svar som utvecklats under arbetets gång diskuteras. Kartläggningen av strategierna för en hållbar stadsutveckling har utvecklat förståelsen kring de olika strategiernas komplexa koppling till varandra, breddat min kunskap i ämnet samt givit uppslag på hur gestaltningsarbete med hållbarhetsinriktning kan utföras.Sustainable development has become a widely used term that holds many meanings depending on it’s surroundings and context. The aim of this thesis is to clarify the terms meaning for landscape architect's daily work and thereby increase the chances that sustainable development takes place. The research has been done through literature studies and studies of design projects. Based upon these studies, strategies that contribute to sustainability have been formulated. In the literature studies, I’ve found five strategies that I consider useful for a landscape architect's work towards a more sustainable city: increased density, preserved biodiversity, urban farming/gardening, sense of place/identity, and citizens participation. In the next step projects with a sustainability focus has been studied. The strategies from the literature are complemented by concrete strategies from real places: Functional landscape architecture and the facilitation of social activity and interaction. Inspired by the example projects, and based on the newfound knowledge, an area in southern Stockholm is redesigned. The new design is a way to illustrate and apply the knowledge, in this process the strategies are given a clear shape and are placed in a context, which is a step towards concretization. The result of the design is an activity path which links two areas for increased integration, social life and stronger identity. Along the path new activity spaces and venues are created. Citizen participate in the process by influence the activities that takes place on site. The physical connection to nature is strengthened by the new path and the site's designed to visualize the ecological context. Site specific plant material are used to create a visual link to the surroundings and to minimize water usage and maintenance. A new form of allotment plots are created based upon the numerous benefits that come with urban farming. The discussion deals with the design linked to the strategies chosen from the literature studies, it evaluates the result of the design to assess the strategies’ usefulness. The discussion also addresses the weaknesses and new questions that emerged during the work. The mapping of the strategies for sustainable urban development has developed an understanding of the various complex connections between them. It has also improved my knowledge on the subject and given an understanding of how to design work with sustainability focus can be performed

    Med Kamera och koffert

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    Recension av Med Kamera och koffert. Resefotografier före massturismen. Red. Sanna Jylhä & Marika Rosenström. Helsingfors: Svenska litteratursällskapet i Finland 2021. 177 s

    Who Gets Stuck in Their Workplaces? The Role of Matching Factors, between Individual and Job, and Demographics in Predicting Being Locked In

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    When a workplace/organization does not fulfill one’s needs and wishes anymore, many individuals change to other workplaces/organizations. However, for some individuals this is not feasible as they perceive a lack of alternatives; they feel stuck in a non-preferred workplace (being locked in), or they may be in the risk zone of becoming locked in. Few studies have investigated the reasons for becoming locked in, and it is the aim of this study to investigate whether matching factors between work and individual and/or demographic factors can predict locked-in positions. Multinomial logistic regression analyses were performed—cross-sectionally and longitudinally (N = 3633–6449)—and showed that mismatch in terms of over-qualification and lack of physical and mental work abilities increased the odds ratios for being in locked-in positions. In contrast, working in relatively higher socioeconomic categories of both manual and non-manual work, commonly demanding higher education (vocational or academic), protected against being locked in. This study contributes to the career research field by studying determinants of disadvantageous career positions, which have been neglected in past research