331 research outputs found

    An analysis of cosmological perturbations in hydrodynamical and field representations

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    Density fluctuations of fluids with negative pressure exhibit decreasing time behaviour in the long wavelength limit, but are strongly unstable in the small wavelength limit when a hydrodynamical approach is used. On the other hand, the corresponding gravitational waves are well behaved. We verify that the instabilities present in density fluctuations are due essentially to the hydrodynamical representation; if we turn to a field representation that lead to the same background behaviour, the instabilities are no more present. In the long wavelength limit, both approachs give the same results. We show also that this inequivalence between background and perturbative level is a feature of negative pressure fluid. When the fluid has positive pressure, the hydrodynamical representation leads to the same behaviour as the field representation both at the background and perturbative levels.Comment: Latex file, 18 page

    Quantum Stephani exact cosmological solutions and the selection of time variable

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    We study perfect fluid Stephani quantum cosmological model. In the present work the Schutz's variational formalism which recovers the notion of time is applied. This gives rise to Wheeler-DeWitt equation for the scale factor. We use the eigenfunctions in order to construct wave packets for each case. We study the time-dependent behavior of the expectation value of the scale factor, using many-worlds and deBroglie-Bohm interpretations of quantum mechanics.Comment: 19 pages, 7 figure

    An Einstein-Hilbert Action for Axi-Dilaton Gravity in 4-Dimensions

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    We examine the axi-dilatonic sector of low energy string theory and demonstrate how the gravitational interactions involving the axion and dilaton fields may be derived from a geometrical action principle involving the curvature scalar associated with a non-Riemannian connection. In this geometry the antisymmetric tensor 3-form field determines the torsion of the connection on the frame bundle while the gradient of the metric is determined by the dilaton field. By expressing the theory in terms of the Levi-Civita connection associated with the metric in the ``Einstein frame'' we confirm that the field equations derived from the non-Riemannian Einstein-Hilbert action coincide with the axi-dilaton sector of the low energy effective action derived from string theory.Comment: 6 pages Plain Tex (No Figures), Letter to Editor Classical and Quantum Gravit

    Black Holes with Weyl Charge and Non-Riemannian Waves

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    A simple modification to Einstein's theory of gravity in terms of a non-Riemannian connection is examined. A new tensor-variational approach yields field equations that possess a covariance similar to the gauge covariance of electromagnetism. These equations are shown to possess solutions analogous to those found in the Einstein-Maxwell system. In particular one finds gravi-electric and gravi-magnetic charges contributing to a spherically symmetric static Reissner-Nordstr\"om metric. Such Weyl ``charges'' provide a source for the non-Riemannian torsion and metric gradient fields instead of the electromagnetic field. The theory suggests that matter may be endowed with gravitational charges that couple to gravity in a manner analogous to electromagnetic couplings in an electromagnetic field. The nature of gravitational coupling to spinor matter in this theory is also investigated and a solution exhibiting a plane-symmetric gravitational metric wave coupled via non-Riemannian waves to a propagating spinor field is presented.Comment: 18 pages Plain Tex (No Figures), Classical and Quantum Gravit

    CMB observations in LTB universes: Part I: Matching peak positions in the CMB spectrum

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    Acoustic peaks in the spectrum of the cosmic microwave background in spherically symmetric inhomogeneous cosmological models are studied. At the photon-baryon decoupling epoch, the universe may be assumed to be dominated by non-relativistic matter, and thus we may treat radiation as a test field in the universe filled with dust which is described by the Lema\^itre-Tolman-Bondi (LTB) solution. First, we give an LTB model whose distance-redshift relation agrees with that of the concordance Λ\LambdaCDM model in the whole redshift domain and which is well approximated by the Einstein-de Sitter universe at and before decoupling. We determine the decoupling epoch in this LTB universe by Gamow's criterion and then calculate the positions of acoustic peaks. Thus obtained results are not consistent with the WMAP data. However, we find that one can fit the peak positions by appropriately modifying the LTB model, namely, by allowing the deviation of the distance-redshift relation from that of the concordance Λ\LambdaCDM model at z>2z>2 where no observational data are available at present. Thus there is still a possibility of explaining the apparent accelerated expansion of the universe by inhomogeneity without resorting to dark energy if we abandon the Copernican principle. Even if we do not take this extreme attitude, it also suggests that local, isotropic inhomogeneities around us may seriously affect the determination of the density contents of the universe unless the possible existence of such inhomogeneities is properly taken into account.Comment: 20 pages, 5 figure

    Simple Dynamics on the Brane

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    We apply methods of dynamical systems to study the behaviour of the Randall-Sundrum models. We determine evolutionary paths for all possible initial conditions in a 2-dimensional phase space and we investigate the set of accelerated models. The simplicity of our formulation in comparison to some earlier studies is expressed in the following: our dynamical system is a 2-dimensional Hamiltonian system, and what is more advantageous, it is free from the degeneracy of critical points so that the system is structurally stable. The phase plane analysis of Randall-Sundrum models with isotropic Friedmann geometry clearly shows that qualitatively we deal with the same types of evolution as in general relativity, although quantitatively there are important differences.Comment: an improved version, 34 pages, 9 eps figure

    New Constraints from High Redshift Supernovae and Lensing Statistics upon Scalar Field Cosmologies

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    We explore the implications of gravitationally lensed QSOs and high-redshift SNe Ia observations for spatially flat cosmological models in which a classically evolving scalar field currently dominates the energy density of the Universe. We consider two representative scalar field potentials that give rise to effective decaying Λ\Lambda (``quintessence'') models: pseudo-Nambu-Goldstone bosons (V(ϕ)=M4(1+cos(ϕ/f))V(\phi)=M^4(1+\cos (\phi /f)) ) and an inverse power-law potential (V(ϕ)=M4+αϕαV(\phi)=M^{4+\alpha}\phi ^{-\alpha}). We show that a large region of parameter space is consistent with current data if Ωm0>0.15\Omega_{m0} > 0.15. On the other hand, a higher lower bound for the matter density parameter suggested by large-scale galaxy flows, Ωm0>0.3\Omega_{m0} > 0.3, considerably reduces the allowed parameter space, forcing the scalar field behavior to approach that of a cosmological constant.Comment: 6 pages, 2 figures, submitted to PR