1,074 research outputs found

    Authentic video materials to develop B1 university students listening with self-assessment task

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    99 Páginas.Durante los últimos años la comprensión oral en el proceso de enseñanza del inglés como lengua extranjera, ha sido una de las más grandes preocupaciones tanto para docentes como para estudiantes. Docentes e investigadores, se preguntan qué pueden hacer para mejorar esta habilidad en sus estudiantes. Así mismo, los estudiantes se ven enfrentados a un reto en la dificultad de los materiales usados para llevar a cabo actividades de comprensión oral. Este estudio exploratorio de investigación-acción, está enfocado en estudiantes universitarios de nivel B1 del programa de proficiencia de inglés de una universidad privada localizada en Chía, quienes muestran falta de interés en las actividades de comprensión oral desarrolladas en clase y además presentan un pobre desempeño en esta habilidad. Este estudio pretende demostrar como el uso de material autentico,en este caso videos, puede motivar a los estudiantes y al mismo tiempo aportarles recursos para mejorar su comprensión oral. A través de tareas de auto-evaluación, los estudiantes quizás adquieran un sentido de responsabilidad y se sientan más involucrados en su proceso de aprendizaje. La justificación de este estudio se basa en que la identificación de estrategias de auto-evaluación y el uso de material autentico, podrían motivar y promover estudiantes a monitorear su progreso y mejorar sus habilidades de comprensión oral. La estrategia a seguir fue incluir esta clase de recursos en las actividades desarrolladas dentro del aula de clase. El objetivo de este estudio fue el de analizar en qué medida su uso y el de tareas de auto-evaluación, pueden influenciar en el desarrollo de la comprensión oral. Finalmente, los hallazgos de este estudio concluyeron que el uso de videos enriquece la comprensión oral en estudiantes y que ofrece características específicas que contribuyen al desarrollo de esta habilidad.

    Three-chamber chest drain system in the COVID-19 era: is there a risk of further transmission?

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    We discuss the hypothesis that common Chest Drain Systems collected to a COVID-19 patient, could be a possible source of contamination for health care staff in a Thoracic Surgery ward and we propose an alternative way to minimize this further risk of transmission

    Über die Traditionen der "modernen Siedlung" in Westberlin

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    Wissenschaftliches Kolloquium vom 5. bis 7. Juli 1983 in Weimar an der Hochschule für Architektur und Bauwesen zum Thema: 'Das Bauhauserbe und die gegenwärtige Entwicklung der Architektur : zum 100. Geburtstag von Walter Gropius

    Cascading Failures in the Global Financial System: A Dynamical Model

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    In this paper, we propose a dynamical model to capture cascading failures among interconnected organizations in the global financial system. Failures can take the form of bankruptcies, defaults, and other insolvencies. The network that underpins the financial interdependencies between different organizations constitutes the backbone of the financial system. A failure in one or more of these organizations can lead the propagation of the financial collapse onto other organizations in a domino effect. Paramount importance is therefore given to the mitigation of these failures. Motivated by the relevance of this problem and recent prominent events connected to it, we develop a framework that allows us to investigate under what conditions organizations remain healthy or are involved in the propagation of the failures in the network. The contribution of this paper is the following: i) we develop a dynamical model that describes the equity values of financial organizations and their evolution over time given an initial condition; ii) we characterize the equilibria for this model by proving the existence and uniqueness of these equilibria, and by providing an explicit expression for them; and iii) we provide a computational method via sign-space iteration to analyze the propagation of failures and the attractive equilibrium point

    Hyaluronic Acid Conjugates as Vectors for the Active Targeting of Drugs, Genes and Nanocomposites in Cancer Treatment

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    Hyaluronic acid (HA) is a naturally-occurring glycosaminoglycan and a major component of the extracellular matrix. Low levels of the hyaluronic acid receptor CD44 are found on the surface of epithelial, hematopoietic, and neuronal cells; it is overexpressed in many cancer cells, and in particular in tumor-initiating cells. HA has recently attracted considerable interest in the field of developing drug delivery systems, having been used, as such or encapsulated in different types of nanoassembly, as ligand to prepare nano-platforms for actively targeting drugs, genes, and diagnostic agents. This review describes recent progress made with the several chemical strategies adopted to synthesize conjugates and prepare novel delivery systems with improved behaviors

    Re-expression of IGF-II is important for beta cell regeneration in adult mice

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    Background The key factors which support re-expansion of beta cell numbers after injury are largely unknown. Insulin-like growth factor II (IGF-II) plays a critical role in supporting cell division and differentiation during ontogeny but its role in the adult is not known. In this study we investigated the effect of IGF-II on beta cell regeneration. Methodology/Principal Findings We employed an in vivo model of ‘switchable’ c-Myc-induced beta cell ablation, pIns-c-MycERTAM, in which 90% of beta cells are lost following 11 days of c-Myc (Myc) activation in vivo. Importantly, such ablation is normally followed by beta cell regeneration once Myc is deactivated, enabling functional studies of beta cell regeneration in vivo. IGF-II was shown to be re-expressed in the adult pancreas of pIns-c-MycERTAM/IGF-II+/+ (MIG) mice, following beta cell injury. As expected in the presence of IGF-II beta cell mass and numbers recover rapidly after ablation. In contrast, in pIns-c-MycERTAM/IGF-II+/− (MIGKO) mice, which express no IGF-II, recovery of beta cell mass and numbers were delayed and impaired. Despite failure of beta cell number increase, MIGKO mice recovered from hyperglycaemia, although this was delayed. Conclusions/Significance Our results demonstrate that beta cell regeneration in adult mice depends on re-expression of IGF-II, and supports the utility of using such ablation-recovery models for identifying other potential factors critical for underpinning successful beta cell regeneration in vivo. The potential therapeutic benefits of manipulating the IGF-II signaling systems merit further exploration

    Indicación geográfica para el frijol como un mecanismo para contribuir al desarrollo rural sostenible en el departamento de Antioquia - Colombia

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    Propuesta para la creación de la indicación geográfica para el frijol como un mecanismo productivo y comercial es un proyecto que pretende contribuir al desarrollo sostenible de la agricultura familiar y de las comunidades rurales del territorio productivo de la subregión Oriente del departamento de Antioquia; específicamente en los municipios de Concepción, Cocorná, Guatapé, Peñol, San Vicente Ferrer, y Sonsón. Surge de las recomendaciones de un estudio realizado por MANÁ y FAO entre 2014 y 2016 sobre los sistemas de abastecimiento de rubros de la canasta familiar en el departamento de Antioquia. Este estudio, por un lado, da cuenta de una serie de situaciones que poco contribuyen a la economía de la subregión y de sus agricultores y, por otro, resalta la importancia de desarrollar modelos integrales productivos sostenibles y de promocionar y preservar los territorios con identidad productiva, delimitándolos como unidad de intervención que integren no solo a los agricultores sino también a otros actores locales. Por consiguiente, en este documento, se formula una propuesta para la creación de la indicación geográfica del frijol siguiendo la metodología del “Círculo virtuoso de la calidad vinculada al origen”, metodología desarrollada por la FAO en 2007 con el propósito de contribuir al desarrollo rural sostenible de los territorios de países en desarrollo. Esta metodología, con enfoque integral, vincula a actores, territorios y productos que gozan de cierta reputación gracias a su lugar de origen y/o su sistema de producción, y aporta elementos para orientar y encaminar a los territorios hacia el desarrollo sostenible en torno a la promoción de sus productos.Proposal for the creation of the geographical indication for beans as a productive and commercial mechanism is a project that aims to contribute to the sustainable development of family agriculture and rural communities in the productive territory of the eastern subregion of the department of Antioquia; specifically in the municipalities of Concepción, Cocorná, Guatapé, Peñol, San Vicente Ferrer, and Sonsón. Purpose that arises after the results of a study carried out, between 2014 and 2016, by MANÁ and FAO on the supply systems of items of the family basket in the department of Antioquia. This study, on the one hand, accounts for a series of situations that contribute little to the economy of the subregion and its farmers and, on the other, highlights the importance of developing comprehensive sustainable production models and of promoting and preserving territories with identity productive by delimiting them as an intervention unit that integrates not only farmers but also other local actors. Therefore, in this document, a proposal is formulated for the creation of the geographical indication of beans following the methodology of the “Virtuous Circle of quality linked to origin”, a methodology developed by FAO in 2007, with the purpose of contributing to the development sustainable rural areas of the territories of developing countries. This methodology, with a comprehensive approach, links actors, territories and products that enjoy a certain reputation thanks to their place of origin or place of production, and provides elements to guide and direct the territories towards sustainable development around the promotion of their products

    Relatos de viagem sobre a América Hispânica: considerações sobre as obras historiográficas de Feliú Cruz e Estuardo Núñez

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    This paper aims to present the works of two Latin American authors who dedicated to study travel writings on the Americas: Chilean historian Guillermo Feliú Cruz (1900-1973) and Peruvian literary critic and historian Estuardo Núñez (1908). They were the first ones in Latin America to compile and inventory such documentation in a more systematic way so that to propose classifications and approaches. Despite being seminal, their work present perspectives which are questioned in the reflections of contemporary authors who use the same sources. Both authors were guided by the belief that those documents reproduce reality faithfully - which relates them to a prevailing conception in the past considered limited and unsatisfactory today. Such an approach is explored in this paper which also presents singularities and aspects in common to both authors concerning the use of reports as documental sources.Este artigo aborda trabalhos de dois autores latino-americanos que se dedicaram a estudos de relatos de viagem sobre as Américas. São eles, o historiador chileno Guillermo Feliú Cruz (1900-1973) e o crítico literário e historiador peruano Estuardo Núñez (1908). Eles estão entre os primeiros, na América Latina, a compilar e inventariar com maior sistematicidade essa documentação, de maneira a propor classificações e abordagens. Seus trabalhos, ainda que seminais, apresentam perspectivas que são questionadas nas reflexões de autores contemporâneos que lidam com as mesmas fontes. O fato de se nortearem pela crença de que tais documentos reproduzem fidedignamente a realidade os atrela a uma concepção dominante no passado, mas hoje considerada limitada e insatisfatória. Tal enfoque é explorado neste artigo, que também apresenta as singularidades e aspectos em comum entre esses dois autores no que se refere aos usos dos relatos como fontes documentais

    Comentário bibliográfico sobre a republicação de escritos femininos no Brasil e na Argentina

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