946 research outputs found

    Non-Relativistic Gravitation: From Newton to Einstein and Back

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    We present an improvement to the Classical Effective Theory approach to the non-relativistic or Post-Newtonian approximation of General Relativity. The "potential metric field" is decomposed through a temporal Kaluza-Klein ansatz into three NRG-fields: a scalar identified with the Newtonian potential, a 3-vector corresponding to the gravito-magnetic vector potential and a 3-tensor. The derivation of the Einstein-Infeld-Hoffmann Lagrangian simplifies such that each term corresponds to a single Feynman diagram providing a clear physical interpretation. Spin interactions are dominated by the exchange of the gravito-magnetic field. Leading correction diagrams corresponding to the 3PN correction to the spin-spin interaction and the 2.5PN correction to the spin-orbit interaction are presented.Comment: 10 pages, 3 figures. v2: published version. v3: Added a computation of Einstein-Infeld-Hoffmann in higher dimensions within our improved ClEFT which partially confirms and partially corrects a previous computation. See notes added at end of introductio

    High-accuracy simulations of highly spinning binary neutron star systems

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    With an increasing number of expected gravitational-wave detections of binary neutron star mergers, it is essential that gravitational-wave models employed for the analysis of observational data are able to describe generic compact binary systems. This includes systems in which the individual neutron stars are millisecond pulsars for which spin effects become essential. In this work, we perform numerical-relativity simulations of binary neutron stars with aligned and anti-aligned spins within a range of dimensionless spins of χ∼[−0.28,0.58]\chi \sim [-0.28,0.58]. The simulations are performed with multiple resolutions, show a clear convergence order and, consequently, can be used to test existing waveform approximants. We find that for very high spins gravitational-wave models that have been employed for the interpretation of GW170817 and GW190425 are not capable of describing our numerical-relativity dataset. We verify through a full parameter estimation study in which clear biases in the estimate of the tidal deformability and effective spin are present. We hope that in preparation of the next gravitational-wave observing run of the Advanced LIGO and Advanced Virgo detectors our new set of numerical-relativity data can be used to support future developments of new gravitational-wave models

    Symmetry superposition studied by surface second-harmonic generation.

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    The components of a third-rank χ(2) tensor have been split into contributions due to 1-fold, 2-fold, 3-fold, and ∞-fold or isotropic rotation axes for a surface of Cs symmetry. Theoretical analysis of the rotation patterns obtained by the surface second-harmonic (SH) generation indicates that a complete symmetry analysis cannot be performed without knowledge of the relevant distribution functions. Rotation axes of lower symmetry create via ‘‘overtones’’ or ‘‘harmonics’’ contributions apparent in the analysis of the rotation axes of higher symmetry. An experimental example is the observation of structural changes of Au(111) surfaces in an aqueous electrolytic environment. Potential-dependent buildup and removal of a Au(111)-(1×23) surface could be monitored in situ and in real time. Symmetry analysis of the SH rotation patterns reveals both contributions due to a 3-fold axis due to the regular (1×1) structure and simultaneously a 1-fold and a 2-fold axis due to the (1×23) reconstruction

    Isotopic evidence for biogenic molecular hydrogen production in the Atlantic Ocean

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    Oceans are a net source of molecular hydrogen (H2) to the atmosphere. The production of marine H2 is assumed to be mainly biological by N2 fixation, but photochemical pathways are also discussed. We present measurements of mole fraction and isotopic composition of dissolved and atmospheric H2 from the southern and northern Atlantic between 2008 and 2010. In total almost 400 samples were taken during five cruises along a transect between Punta Arenas (Chile) and Bremerhaven (Germany), as well as at the coast of Mauretania. The isotopic source signatures of dissolved H2 extracted from surface water are highly deuterium-depleted and correlate negatively with temperature, showing δD values of (−629 ± 54) ‰ for water temperatures at (27 ± 3) °C and (−249 ± 88) ‰ below (19 ± 1) °C. The results for warmer water masses are consistent with biological production of H2. This is the first time that marine H2 excess has been directly attributed to biological production by isotope measurements. However, the isotope values obtained in the colder water masses indicate that beside possible biological production a significant different source should be considered. The atmospheric measurements show distinct differences between both hemispheres as well as between seasons. Results from the global chemistry transport model TM5 reproduce the measured H2 mole fractions and isotopic composition well. The climatological global oceanic emissions from the GEMS database are in line with our data and previously published flux calculations. The good agreement between measurements and model results demonstrates that both the magnitude and the isotopic signature of the main components of the marine H2 cycle are in general adequately represented in current atmospheric models despite a proposed source different from biological production or a substantial underestimation of nitrogen fixation by several authors

    Microbial load of rinsed and unrinsed body cavities of roe deer (Capreolus capreolus) on the killing day and after cold storage: A preliminary investigation

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    Ensuring good game meat hygiene is a challenge in the hunting supply chain. Game carcasses can be soiled with intestinal contents or other substances from the environment due to hunting and handling practices. This soiling can increase the microbial load (ML) of the carcass and the resulting game meat. The aim of this study was to investigate whether rinsing of soiled and unsoiled body cavities with drinking water can reduce the ML of carcasses. Carcasses of 23 roe deer (Capreolus capreolus) were processed, either rinsed (n = 12) or unrinsed (n = 11), and examined for ML. Swab and muscle samples were taken from the carcasses at killing day and after 3 days of cold storage. The levels of ML were comparable for the rinsed and unrinsed roe deer carcasses with an increase of Pseudomonas spp. during cold storage. Initial ML seems to be independent of visible soiling. Other factors affecting the initial ML should be determined in future studies

    Supporting Global Health at the Pediatric Department Level: Why and How

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    Over the past 20 years, involvement in pediatric global health (GH), the study and practice of improving the health of children worldwide, has evolved from an extracurricular activity to a robust academic pursuit that enhances the clinical, educational, and research missions of academic health centers (Fig 1). As evidenced by the paradigm shift laid out in the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals, which focus on the health of all people worldwide, GH is no longer a field constrained by arbitrary borders.1 Likewise, pediatric departments seeking to expand knowledge, train pediatricians, or improve care for children through research and innovation must be concerned with the health of all children and addressing health equity, which by definition, implies GH work.2 This article aims to provide pediatric department leadership with the background and action steps necessary to respond to the call that support for GH should not be a luxury limited to a few elite institutions but a core part of pediatric education and research across the country.

    An in situ study of reconstructed gold electrode surfaces by second harmonic generation.

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    Second harmonic generation (SHG) was employed to monitor in situ the potential-induced reconstruction of Au(111) and Au(100) electrodes. Rotating the sample by 360° about the surface normal yields for the unreconstructed Au(111)-(1×1) surface the well-known threefold symmetry pattern in the SHG intensity, while Au(100)-(1×1) shows no rotational anisotropy, as expected for C4v symmetry. For the reconstructed Au(111)-(1×23) surface, however, an additional onefold symmetry pattern is observed, which allows in situ monitoring of the structural transition between (1×1) and (1×23). For the reconstructed Au(100)-(5×20) surface, a threefold symmetry pattern was found

    Next to leading order spin-orbit effects in the motion of inspiralling compact binaries

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    Using effective field theory (EFT) techniques we calculate the next-to-leading order (NLO) spin-orbit contributions to the gravitational potential of inspiralling compact binaries. We use the covariant spin supplementarity condition (SSC), and explicitly prove the equivalence with previous results by Faye et al. in arXiv:gr-qc/0605139. We also show that the direct application of the Newton-Wigner SSC at the level of the action leads to the correct dynamics using a canonical (Dirac) algebra. This paper then completes the calculation of the necessary spin dynamics within the EFT formalism that will be used in a separate paper to compute the spin contributions to the energy flux and phase evolution to NLO.Comment: 25 pages, 4 figures, revtex4. v2: minor changes, refs. added. To appear in Class. Quant. Gra

    Reverse Engineering Gene Networks with ANN: Variability in Network Inference Algorithms

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    Motivation :Reconstructing the topology of a gene regulatory network is one of the key tasks in systems biology. Despite of the wide variety of proposed methods, very little work has been dedicated to the assessment of their stability properties. Here we present a methodical comparison of the performance of a novel method (RegnANN) for gene network inference based on multilayer perceptrons with three reference algorithms (ARACNE, CLR, KELLER), focussing our analysis on the prediction variability induced by both the network intrinsic structure and the available data. Results: The extensive evaluation on both synthetic data and a selection of gene modules of "Escherichia coli" indicates that all the algorithms suffer of instability and variability issues with regards to the reconstruction of the topology of the network. This instability makes objectively very hard the task of establishing which method performs best. Nevertheless, RegnANN shows MCC scores that compare very favorably with all the other inference methods tested. Availability: The software for the RegnANN inference algorithm is distributed under GPL3 and it is available at the corresponding author home page (http://mpba.fbk.eu/grimaldi/regnann-supmat

    Atomistic spin textures on-demand in the van der Waals layered magnet CrSBr

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    Controlling magnetism in low dimensional materials is essential for designing devices that have feature sizes comparable to several critical length scales that exploit functional spin textures, allowing the realization of low-power spintronic and magneto-electric hardware. [1] Unlike conventional covalently-bonded bulk materials, van der Waals (vdW)-bonded layered magnets [2-4] offer exceptional degrees of freedom for engineering spin textures. [5] However, their structural instability has hindered microscopic studies and manipulations. Here, we demonstrate nanoscale structural control in the layered magnet CrSBr creating novel spin textures down to the atomic scale. We show that it is possible to drive a local structural phase transformation using an electron beam that locally exchanges the bondings in different directions, effectively creating regions that have vertical vdW layers embedded within the horizontally vdW bonded exfoliated flakes. We calculate that the newly formed 2D structure is ferromagnetically ordered in-plane with an energy gap in the visible spectrum, and weak antiferromagnetism between the planes. Our study lays the groundwork for designing and studying novel spin textures and related quantum magnetic phases down to single-atom sensitivity, potentially to create on-demand spin Hamiltonians probing fundamental concepts in physics, [6-10] and for realizing high-performance spintronic, magneto-electric and topological devices with nanometer feature sizes. [11,12]Comment: Main manuscript: 11 pages, 4 figures ; Extended data: 22 pages, 19 figure
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