621 research outputs found

    Analog quantum simulator of the multistate Landau-Zener model

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    Superconducting qubits are one of the most promising candidates for near term quantum applications. In this work we established a subtractive method to build Josephson junctions, the centerpiece of almost all superconducting quantum circuits. Using this technique we built a quantum simulator of the multistate Landau-Zener model. In time-resolved measurements we studied the transient dynamics of this system for different initial states


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    Fine Arts Unternehnem Books in collaboration with ARTRA, are pleased to present this new book by Jemima Stehli (born 1961) and John Hilliard (born 1945) are artists living and working in London. Between 2001 and 2003 they produced a series of collaborative photographic works that are the subject of this book, contextualised by related pieces made individually both before and after the collaboration. The book includes texts by Mark Frances, Simon Baker and Giorgio Verzotti

    Triple arginines in the cytoplasmic tail of endomannosidase are not essential for type II membrane topology and Golgi localization

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    Abstract.: Endomannosidase is a Golgi-localized endoglycosidase, which provides an alternate glucosidase-independent pathway of glucose trimming. Using a protease protection assay we demonstrated that Golgi-endomannosidase is a type II membrane protein. The first 25 amino acids of this protein, containing the cytoplasmic tail and the transmembrane domain, were sufficient for Golgi retention of fused reporter proteins α1-antitrypsin or green fluorescent protein. However, shortening or deletion of the transmembrane domain prevented Golgi localization, while lengthening it partially reduced Golgi retention of the enzyme. Substitution of the highly conserved positively charged amino acids within the cytoplasmic tail had neither an effect on type II topology nor on the inherent Golgi localization of the enzyme. In contrast, cytoplasmic tail-deleted rat endomannosidase possessed an inverted topology resulting in endoplasmic reticulum mislocalization. Thus, proper topology rather than the presence of positively charged amino acids in the cytoplasmic tail is critical for Golgi localization of rat endomannosidas

    Analog quantum simulation of the Rabi model in the ultra-strong coupling regime

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    The quantum Rabi model describes the fundamental mechanism of light-matter interaction. It consists of a two-level atom or qubit coupled to a quantized harmonic mode via a transversal interaction. In the weak coupling regime, it reduces to the well-known Jaynes-Cummings model by applying a rotating wave approximation (RWA). The RWA breaks down in the ultra-strong coupling (USC) regime, where the effective coupling strength gg is comparable to the energy ω\omega of the bosonic mode, and remarkable features in the system dynamics are revealed. We demonstrate an analog quantum simulation of an effective quantum Rabi model in the USC regime, achieving a relative coupling ratio of g/ω0.6g/\omega \sim 0.6. The quantum hardware of the simulator is a superconducting circuit embedded in a cQED setup. We observe fast and periodic quantum state collapses and revivals of the initial qubit state, being the most distinct signature of the synthesized model.Comment: 20 pages, 13 figure

    Sex discrepancies in pathophysiology, presentation, treatment, and outcomes of severe aortic stenosis

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    This review gives an overview of sex-based differences in aortic valve stenosis, spanning from pathophysiological mechanisms and disease progression, clinical presentation, presence of comorbidities, and diagnostic assessment, to treatment and outcomes. In particular, sex-related differences in the degree of aortic valve calcification, the response of the left ventricle to pressure overload, as well as in the referral to procedures, with women being less frequently referred for surgical aortic valve replacement and experiencing longer waiting times for transcatheter procedures, will be discussed. Sex-related differences are also particularly evident in outcomes of patients with severe aortic stenosis undergoing surgical or transcatheter procedures. The apparent sex paradox seen in women undergoing transcatheter aortic valve implantation refers to the phenomenon of women experiencing higher rates of short-term mortality and bleeding events, but demonstrating improved long-term survival as compared to men. Women who undergo surgical aortic valve replacement have generally worse outcomes as compared to men, which is reflected by the inclusion of female sex in surgical risk calculation scores. Hence, a thorough understanding of sex-related differences in aortic valve stenosis is important to provide optimal and personalized patient care

    Lower Cretaceous Pre-Batholithic Rocks of Northern Baja California, Mexico

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    Cretaceous fossils have been found at scattered localities in the pre-batholithic metamorphic rocks of northern Baja California by investigators during the past half-century. The resulting information has been inadequate, however, for the explanation of regional stratigraphic and structural relations, particularly those correlations between the less metamorphosed coastal sections and the more deformed rocks of the mountainous interior

    Modelación hidrológica-hidraúlica totalmente distribuida de una cuenca fuertemente antropizada -caso del río Cascavel (Guarapuava/PR, Brasil)

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    En este trabajo se presenta la modelación hidrológica distribuida de una cuenca fuertemente urbanizada. Se seleccionó el modelo TREX para la modelación distribuida del escurrimiento superficial, el modelo SWMM para la modelación de los conductos y canalizaciones y la cuenca del Río Cascavel, en el Municipio de Guarapuava, estado de Paraná, Brasil. Esta cuenca tiene un área aproximada de 81 km2, de la cual el 40% aproximadamente está ocupada por la mancha urbana de Guarapuava. Se aplicaron ambos modelos en conjunto y de manera complementaria para poder simular de manera integrada la cuenca del Rio Cascavel con sus principales elementos característicos, como ser bocas de tormenta, conducciones abiertas y cerradas. Del trabajo se concluye que los modelos y el procedimiento establecido pueden ser utilizados en distintas cuencas urbanas ya que contempla todos los elementos que conforman a las mismas. Se deberá tener en cuenta los costos computacionales que puede llevar las modelaciones según la extensión de la cuenca y resolución adoptada. Como así también influye en la calidad de los resultados, la disponibilidad espacial y temporal de los datos de ingreso

    Probing the Tavis-Cummings level splitting with intermediate-scale superconducting circuits

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    We demonstrate the local control of up to eight two-level systems interacting strongly with a microwave cavity. Following calibration, the frequency of each individual two-level system (qubit) is tunable without influencing the others. Bringing the qubits one by one on resonance with the cavity, we observe the collective coupling strength of the qubit ensemble. The splitting scales up with the square root of the number of the qubits, which is the hallmark of the Tavis-Cummings model. The local control circuitry causes a bypass shunting the resonator, and a Fano interference in the microwave readout, whose contribution can be calibrated away to recover the pure cavity spectrum. The simulator's attainable size of dressed states with up to five qubits is limited by reduced signal visibility, and -- if uncalibrated -- by off-resonance shifts of sub-components. Our work demonstrates control and readout of quantum coherent mesoscopic multi-qubit system of intermediate scale under conditions of noise

    Los desafíos de la investigación comparada en la educación superior. La experiencia de investigar trayectorias universitarias en cuatro casos de la región MERCOSUR

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    O CONGRESSO DE INTERNACIONALIZAÇÃO DA EDUCAÇÃO SUPERIOR – CIES 2019 é um evento in- ternacional, que reúne professores, pesquisadores e estudantes de graduação e pós-graduação para divulgar a produção científica no campo da Internacionalização do Ensino Superior e fortalecer a cooperação internacional entre diferentes instituições de ensino e grupos de pesquisa no âmbito do MERCOSUL. A iniciativa é fruto de uma parceria entre pesquisadores da Universidade Federal da Integra- ção Latino-Americana (UNILA - Brasil), a Universidad Nacional del Litoral (UNL - Argentina), a Uni- versidad Nacional de Asunción (UNA - Paraguay) e a Universidad de la República (UDeLaR - Uru- guay), que atuam em projetos vinculados ao Setor Educacional do MERCOSUL, no Núcleo de Estudos e Investigações em Educação Superior. O evento será realizado nos dias 4, 5 e 6 de Setembro de 2019 no campus PTI da UNILA, dentro do Parque Tecnológico da Usina Hidrelétrica de Itaipu, na cidade de Foz do Iguaçu, Paraná, Brasil. A UNILA, sede do evento, é uma universidade temática criada em 2010 pelo governo federal do Brasil com a missão institucional de formar recursos humanos aptos a contribuir com a integra- ção latino-americana, com o desenvolvimento regional e com o intercâmbio cultural, científico e educacional da América Latina, especialmente no MERCOSUL. Sua finalidade, portanto, é conver- ter-se em um espaço de encontros, de trocas e de aprendizagem mútua, que reforçam o compro- misso em prol da pertinência, da excelência e da construção sustentável de um mundo melhor.En el presente trabajo se exponen algunos desafíos teóricos y empíricos de una experiencia de internacionalización en investigación inter-universitaria que se está desarrollando en cuatro universidades miembros del Mercosur (1). Dicha experiencia se orienta hacia el estudio de la desigualdad con que se distribuyen las oportunidades relativas al acceso (Tilly, 2000), permanencia y graduación de la Educación Superior en la juventud actual (2), a partir del ingreso y aumento de la participación de un “nuevo tipo” de estudiante universitario miembro de categorías sociales antes excluidas: estudiantes de “primera generación”; las mujeres matriculadas; los pueblos indígenas, y los que sufren la exclusión producto de las desigualdades en el territorio.Núcleo de Estudios e Investigaciones en Educación Superior del Mercosur - NUCLEO Grupo Interdisciplinar de Pesquisa em Educação na América Latina – EducAL/UNILA Instituto Mercosul de Estudos Avançados – IMEA/UNILA Pró-Reitoria de Relações Institucionais e Internacionais – PROINT/UNIL