968 research outputs found

    The standstill luminosity in Z Cam systems

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    We consider accretion discs in close binary systems. We show that heating of a disc at the impact point of the accretion stream contributes significantly to the local energy budget at its outer edge. As a result the thermal balance relation between local accretion rate and surface density (the `S-curve') changes; the critical mass transfer rate above which no dwarf nova outbursts occur can be up to 40% smaller than without impact heating. Standstills in ZCam systems thus occur at smaller mass transfer rates than otherwise expected, and are rather fainter than the peak luminosity during the dwarf nova phase as a result.Comment: 3 pages, 3 figures. Accepted for publication in MNRA

    Interchange instability in an accretion disc with a poloidal magnetic field

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    We investigate the stability to nonaxisymmetric perturbations of an accretion disc in which a poloidal magnetic field provides part of the radial support against gravity. Interchange instability due to radial gradients in the magnetic field are strongly stabilized by the shear flow in the disc. For smooth field distributions this instability is restricted to discs in which the magnetic energy is comparable to the gravitational energy. An incompressible model for the instability akin to the Boussinesq approximation for convection is given which predicts the behaviour of the instability accurately. Global axisymmetric disturbances are also considered and found to be stable for a certain class of models. The results indicate that accretion discs may be able to support poloidal fields which are strong enough to suppress other forms of magnetic instability. These strong and stable field distributions are likely to be well suited for the magnetic acceleration of jets and winds.Comment: uuencoded gzip'ed postscript, 9 page

    A global model of the neutral thermosphere in magnetic coordinates based on AE-C data

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    An empirical model of the global atomic oxygen and helium distributions in the thermosphere is developed in a magnetic coordinate system and compared to similar models which are expanded in geographic coordinates. The advantage of using magnetic coordinates is that fewer terms are needed to make predictions which are nearly identical to those which would be obtained from a geographic model with longitudinal and universal time corrections. Magnetic coordinates are more directly related to the major energy inputs in the polar regions than geographic coordinates and are more convenient to use in studies of high latitude energy deposition processes. This is important for comparison with theoretical models where the number of coordinates is limited. The effect of magnetic activity on the atomic oxygen distribution in the morning sector of the high latitude thermosphere in the auroral zone is also considered. A magnetic activity indicator (ML) based on an auroral electrojet index (AL) and the 3 hour ap index are used to relate the atomic oxygen density variations to magnetic activity in this region

    A mystery solved: the mass ratio of the dwarf nova EM Cygni

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    We have discovered that the spectrum of the well-known dwarf nova EM Cyg is contaminated by light from a K2-5V star (in addition to the K-type mass donor star). The K2-5V star contributes approximately 16 per cent of the light from the system and if not taken into account has a considerable effect upon radial velocity measurements of the mass donor star. We obtain a new radial velocity amplitude for the mass donor star of K2 = 202 +/- 3 km/s, which compares with the value of K2 = 135 +/- 3 km/s obtained in Stover, Robinson & Nather's classic 1981 study of EM Cyg. The revised value of the amplitude combined with a measurement of rotational broadening of the mass donor vsini = 140 +/- 6 km/s, leads to a new mass ratio of q = M2/M1 = 0.88 +/- 0.05. This solves a long standing problem with EM Cyg because Stover et al.'s measurements indicated a mass ratio q > 1, a value which should have led to dynamically unstable mass transfer for the secondary mass deduced by Stover et al. The revised value of the mass ratio combined with the orbital inclination i = 67 +/- 2 degrees leads to masses of 0.99 +/- 0.12 Msun and 1.12 +/- 0.08 Msun for the mass donor and white dwarf respectively. The mass donor is evolved, since it has a later spectral type (K3) than its mass would imply. We discuss whether the K star could be physically associated with EM Cyg or not, and present the results of the spectroscopic study.Comment: 10 pages, 12 figures, accepted for publication in MNRA

    Curved Herbig-Haro Jets: Simulations and Experiments

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    Herbig-Haro jets often show some degree of curvature along their path, in many cases produced by the ram pressure of a side-wind. We present simulations of both laboratory and astrophysical curved jets and experimental results from laboratory experiments. We discuss the properties and similarities of the laboratory and astrophysical flow, which show the formation of internal shocks and working surfaces. In particular the results illustrate how the break-up of the bow-shock and clumps in the flow are produced without invoking jet variability; we also discuss how jet rotation reduces the growth of the Rayleigh-Taylor instability in curved jets.Comment: 15 pages, 5 figure, accepted to be published in The Astrophysical Journa

    The role of Mie scattering in the seeding of matter-wave superradiance

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    Matter-wave superradiance is based on the interplay between ultracold atoms coherently organized in momentum space and a backscattered wave. Here, we show that this mechanism may be triggered by Mie scattering from the atomic cloud. We show how the laser light populates the modes of the cloud, and thus imprints a phase gradient on the excited atomic dipoles. The interference with the atoms in the ground state results in a grating, that in turn generates coherent emission, contributing to the backward light wave onset. The atomic recoil 'halos' created by the scattered light exhibit a strong anisotropy, in contrast to single-atom scattering

    Ad- and desorption of Rb atoms on a gold nanofilm measured by surface plasmon polaritons

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    Hybrid quantum systems made of cold atoms near nanostructured surfaces are expected to open up new opportunities for the construction of quantum sensors and for quantum information. For the design of such tailored quantum systems the interaction of alkali atoms with dielectric and metallic surfaces is crucial and required to be understood in detail. Here, we present real-time measurements of the adsorption and desorption of Rubidium atoms on gold nanofilms. Surface plasmon polaritons (SPP) are excited at the gold surface and detected in a phase sensitive way. From the temporal change of the SPP phase the Rubidium coverage of the gold film is deduced with a sensitivity of better than 0.3 % of a monolayer. By comparing the experimental data with a Langmuir type adsorption model we obtain the thermal desorption rate and the sticking probability. In addition, also laser-induced desorption is observed and quantified.Comment: 9 pages, 6 figure

    Cooperative Scattering by Cold Atoms

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    We have studied the interplay between disorder and cooperative scattering for single scattering limit in the presence of a driving laser. Analytical results have been derived and we have observed cooperative scattering effects in a variety of experiments, ranging from thermal atoms in an optical dipole trap, atoms released from a dark MOT and atoms in a BEC, consistent with our theoretical predictions.Comment: submitted for special issue of PQE 201

    Instability of an accretion disk with a magnetically driven wind

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    We present a linear analysis of the stability of accretion disks in which angular momentum is removed by the magnetic torque exerted by a centrifugally driven wind. The effects of the dependence of the wind torque on field strength and inclination, the sub-Keplerian rotation due to magnetic forces, and the compression of the disk by the field are included. A WKB dispersion relation is derived for the stability problem. We find that the disk is always unstable if the wind torque is strong. At lower wind torques instability also occurs provided the rotation is close to Keplerian. The growth time scale of the instability can be as short as the orbital time scale. The instability is mainly the result of the sensitivity of the mass flux to changes in the inclination of the field at the disk surface. Magnetic diffusion in the disk stabilizes if the wind torque is small.Comment: Submitted to A&