
A global model of the neutral thermosphere in magnetic coordinates based on AE-C data


An empirical model of the global atomic oxygen and helium distributions in the thermosphere is developed in a magnetic coordinate system and compared to similar models which are expanded in geographic coordinates. The advantage of using magnetic coordinates is that fewer terms are needed to make predictions which are nearly identical to those which would be obtained from a geographic model with longitudinal and universal time corrections. Magnetic coordinates are more directly related to the major energy inputs in the polar regions than geographic coordinates and are more convenient to use in studies of high latitude energy deposition processes. This is important for comparison with theoretical models where the number of coordinates is limited. The effect of magnetic activity on the atomic oxygen distribution in the morning sector of the high latitude thermosphere in the auroral zone is also considered. A magnetic activity indicator (ML) based on an auroral electrojet index (AL) and the 3 hour ap index are used to relate the atomic oxygen density variations to magnetic activity in this region

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