61 research outputs found

    The modeling of the risk factors at workplaces in production processes with a predominantly female labor force

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    Zaštita zdravlja i bezbednosti na radu pripada multidisciplinarnoj oblasti, koja osim proučavanja tehničkih faktora i karakteristika radne okoline, teži i razvoju nivoa svesti zaposlenih i povećanju odgovornosti svih subjekata u oblasti bezbednosti na radu. Protekle decenije karakterišu stalna ispitivanja i identifikovanja metoda i mera u cilju poboljšanja uslova rada. U vezi s tim postavljeni cilj u okviru ove disertacije je formiranje modela bezbednosti i definisanje faktora rizika na radnim mestima, u proizvodnim procesima sa pretežno ženskom radnom snagom. Počevši od analize dosadašnjih istraživanja u oblasti bezbednosti na radu, kroz praktičnu analizu karakterističnih uticajnih faktora radne okoline, određene su poziciji na kojima su zaposlene žene u procesu rada izložene štetnim uticajima radne okoline i gde je njihovo zdravlje najviše ugroženo. Na osnovu analiziranih podataka u daljem toku istraživanja utvrđeni su najznačajniji uticajni faktori bezbednosti na radu, primenom višekriterijumskih metoda. Istraživanje u ovoj disertaciji je rezultovalo razvojem modela klime bezbednosti na radu koji se može koristiti za identifikovanje najuticajnijih faktora rizika na radnim mestima, koji svojim direktnim ili indirektnim uticajem mogu biti indikatori bezbednosti zaposlenih. Iz izvršenih analiza stavova zaposlenih u sistemu menadžmenta bezbednosti i zdravlja na radu utvrđeni su uticajni faktori klime bezbednosti koji mogu služiti za procenu stanja bezbednosti na radu u proizvodnim organizacijama sa pretežno ženskom radnom snagom. Na osnovu dobijenih rezultata utvrđeno je da je „Modelovanje faktora rizika na radnim mestima u proizvodnim procesima sa pretežno ženskom radnom snagom“ moguće sprovesti primenjujući predstavljene metode u ovom radu.Occupational health i safety at work belongs to the multidisciplinary field, which, apart from studying the technical factors i characteristics of the working environment, aims at developing the level of employee awareness i increasing the responsibility of all subjects, in the field of occupational safety. The last decades have been marked by continuous research i development of many methods i measures in order to improve the working conditions. Therefore, the aimed of this dissertation is to develop the safety climate model at workplace i to define the risk factors at workplaces, in manufacturing processes with predominantly female labor force. Starting from the analysis of previous work safety surveys, through practical analysis of the influencing factors of the working environment, has been determined the positions in production processes where women are mostly at risk in the work process. In the further course of the research, the most important influential factors of safety at work were determined using multicriterial methods. The research in this dissertation resulted in the development of an occupational safety model that can be used to determine the most influential factors of the risks in the workplaces, which by their direct or indirect impact can be indicators of the safety of employees. From the conducted analyzes of the attitudes of responsible people in the occupational health i safety management system they were determined influential factors of the safety climate that can serve to evaluate the occupational safety in production organizations. Finally, it has been concluded that "The modeling of the risk factors at workplaces in manufacturing processes with predominantly female labor" can be implemented using the presented methods

    Determination of contents of macroelements and microelements in samples of mushroom macrolepiota procera and soil substrates from Rasina region

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    Pečurke, u zavisnosti od vrste, imaju više ili manje razvijen efikasan mehanizam apsorpcije makroelemenata i mikroelemenata. Zemljište predstavlja glavni izvor velikog broja elemenata za njih. U zavisnosti od porekla, spoljašnjih uticaja i antropogenih aktivnosti, koncentracije elemenata u zemljištu mogu varirati u širokom opsegu. Od oblika i jačine veze elemenata sa supstratom zavisi njihova mobilnost i biodostupnost. U cilju ispitivanja sposobnosti akumulacije elemenata jestive divlje vrste pečurke Macrolepiota procera, određen je sadržaj 20 makroelemenata i mikroelemenata (Al, Ba, Cd, Co, Cr, Cu, Fe, Mn, Ni, Pb, Sr, Ti, Zn, Ag, Se, As, Ca, Mg, Na i K) u njenim šeširima i stabljikama, sakupljenim na pet lokacija u Rasinskom okrugu, kao i u njihovim zemljišnim supstratima. Zemljišni supstrati su pripremani na dva načina: 1) prema modifikovanoj BCR sekvencijalnoj ekstrakcionoj proceduri sa četiri faze, radi podele na frakcije: kiselo-rastvorne/izmenjive, reducibilne, oksidabilne i rezidualne i 2) razaranjem u carskoj vodi, u cilju određivanja pseudototalne koncentracije elemenata. Za merenje sadržaja svih elemenata u pečurkama, osim Ca, Mg, Na i K, primenjena je indukovano spregnuta plazma sa masenom spektrometrijom (ICP-MS), dok su ovi makroelementi, kao i svi elementi u zemljištu određivani indukovano spregnutom plazmom sa optičko emisionom spektometrijom (ICP-OES). Koncentracije makroelemenata nalazile su se u opsegu uobičajenom za ovu vrstu pečurke. Rezultati sadržaja elemenata u zemljištu i pečurkama podvrgnuti su multivarijantnoj analizi podataka. Analiza glavnih komponenata (Principal Component Analysis, PCA) istakla je razliku u uzorcima pečuraka sa različitih geografskih područja i otkrila uticaj sastava zemljišta na sadržaj elemenata u pečurkama. Hijerarhijska klasterska analiza (HCA) potvrdila je da su prve tri faze BCR sekvencijalne ekstrakcije najvažnije za apsorpciju elemenata iz zemljišta od strane pečuraka. Rezultati linearne regresione korelacije pokazali su da postoje značajne korelacije između sadržaja Ag, Cd, Se, Pb i As u šeširima i stabljikama sa različitih lokacija. Izračunati su biokoncentracioni (BCF) i translokacioni faktori (TF) za svaki element. M. procera značajno akumulira Cd, Cu, Ag i K, u manjem obimu Zn, dok vrednosti BCF za Se i Na pokazuju različito ponašanje, u zavisnosti od lokacije. Dobijene vrednosti TF ukazuju na efikasnu translokaciju od stabljike do šešira metalnih jona Cd, Zn, Cu i u nešto manjem obimu, zavisno od lokacije, Pb i As. Što se tiče nutritivne vrednosti, rezultati pokazuju da M. procera može služiti kao dobar izvor esencijalnih elemenata, kao što su Cu, Zn, Mn, Fe, Mg, K i Se. Ipak, zbog povećane koncentracije kadmijuma, a na pojedinim lokacijama i olova, konzumacija ove vrste pečurke sa ispitivanih područja može predstavljati rizik po zdravlje konzumenata za vreme sezone njihovog branja.Mushrooms, depending on species, have more or less developed mechanism of absorption macroelements and microelements. Soil represents the main source of a large number of elements to them. Depending of the origin, external influences and antropogenic activities, concentrations of elements in soil may vary over a wide range. Mobility and bioavailability of elements depend of their forms and the bond strength with their soil substrate. In order to investigate the mobility and availability of elements from soil to mushrooms, the content of twenty elements (Al, Ba, Cd, Co, Cr, Cu, Fe, Mn, Ni, Pb, Sr, Ti, Zn, Ag, Se, As, Ca, Mg, Na and K) in caps and stipes of wild-grown edible mushroom Macrolepiota procera and soil substrates, collected from five sites in Rasina region, was determined. Soil substrates were prepared in two different ways: 1) according to the modified sequential extraction procedure proposed by the Community Bureau of Reference in order to fractionate acid-soluble/exchangeable, reducible, oxidizable and residual fractions and 2) digestion with aqua regia in order to determine the pseudototal concentrations of elements. The content of all elements in mushroom, except Ca, Mg, Na and K was determined by inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometer (ICP-MS), while the content of these macroelements and all elements in soil substrates was determined by inductively coupled plasma optical emission spectrometer (ICP-OES). Concentrations of macroelements were in the range of usual concentrations for this mushroom specie. The results of the contents of elements in soils and mushrooms were subjected to multivariate data analysis. Principal Component Analysis (PCA) distinguished the mushrooms samples from different geographical area and revealed the influence of soil composition on metal content in fruiting bodies. Hierarchical cluster analyses (HCA) confirmed that the first three phases of extraction were the most important for metal uptake by mushrooms from soil. Results of the linear regression correlation test showed the existence of significant correlations between contents of Ag, Cd, Se, Pb and As in caps and stipes at different geographic sites separately. The bioconcentration factors and translocation factors for each metal were calculated. These results indicated that M. procera significantly accumulates cadmium, copper, silver and potassium, and to a lesser extent zinc, while the BCF values for selenium and sodium showed different behaviour, depending on the geographic sites. Obtained TF values showed efficient translocation of Cd, Zn and Cu ions, from stipe to cap, and to a lesser extent, depending on sites, lead and arsenic. As far as the nutritional value concern, the results showed that M. procera could serve as a good dietary source of essential elements, especially Cu, Zn, Mn, Fe, Mg, K and Se. However, because of high concentrations of cadmium, and at some sites, lead, the consumption of this mushroom specie from investigated areas, may pose a health risk for consumers during the “season of mushrooms.

    The impact of genotype and locality on the dynamic of accumulation heavy metals in wheat vegetative organs

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    U cilju proučavanja uticaja kontaminacije vazduha i zemlje na dinamiku usvajanja i nakupljanja teških metala u korenovima i stablima pšenice postavljeni su i izvedeni poljski ogledi 2009. i 2010. godine na četiri lokaliteta. Ogledna polja bila su različito udaljena od Rafinerije Pančevo. Prvo polje se nalazilo u Vojlovici (udaljenost 200 m), drugo u PK Stari Tamiš (5 km) i treće u PDS Tamiš, na dve njive, sa redovnom upotrebom hemijskih sredstava u agrotehnici i njiva na kojoj ona nisu primenjivana 20 godina. Ovo polje bilo je udaljeno od Rafinerije 10 km. Predmet istraživanja bila su četiri genotipa ozime pšenice: Ljiljana, Pobeda, Renesansa i Apach. Uzorci biljnog materijala (korenovi i nadzemna vegetativna biomasa) uzimani su u fenofazama bokorenja, vlatanja i klasanja. Paralelno sa poljskim postavljeni su i ogledi u sudovima. Za punjenje sudova upotrebljena je zemlja sa oglednih polja koja je prethodno kontaminirana teškim metalima cinkom, olovom, hromom, bakrom i kadmijumom. Korišćena su sledeća jedinjenja: C4H6O4Pbx3H2O, CuSO4, Cd(NO3)2x4H2O, CrO3 i Zn(CH3COO)2x2H2O. Ona su primenjena u sledećim koncentracijama: 0 ppm, 50 ppm, 100 ppm, 250 ppm, 500 ppm i 1000 ppm. U sudove su posejana dva genotipa pšenice Pobeda i Ljiljana, a ogledi su postavljeni u stakleniku Poljoprivrednog fakulteta u Zemunu. Uzorci za ispitivanje teških metala u korenovima i stablima uzimani su u fazama bokorenja i vlatanja biljaka. Teški metali su (Zn, Pb, Cr, Cu i Cd) određeni metodom atomske apsorpcione spektrofotometrije (aparat Varian Spectra AA 220 FS) u plamenu acetilen/vazduh. Rezultati istraživanja pokazali su da se sadržaj teških metala u biljnom tkivu značajno smanjivao sa udaljavanjem useva pšenice od zagađivača, ali se tokom vegetacionog perioda povećavao dostigavši najveću vrednost u fazi klasanja biljaka. Korenovi su u svim fenofazama imali više teških metala nego stabla pšenice što ukazuje na činjenicu da su oni u biljnim organima manje pokretni. Razlike u sadržaju teških metala u korenovima bile su najveće poređenjem uzoraka sa polja u sistemu konvencionalne ratarske proizvodnje u odnosu na polja na kojima se hemijska sredstva ne primenjuju (ogledna polja PDS Tamiš). Između genotipova značajna razlika bila je samo pri usvajanju cinka. Tako je Pobeda imala najviše cinka u korenovima i stablima u svim fazama rastenjaintake and deposition of heavy metals in wheat roots and stems, field experiments were conducted in years 2009 and 2010 on four sites. The distances of experimental fields from the Oil Refinery Pančevo varied. The first field was located in Vojlovica (200 meters away), the second one in the agro-industrial complex PK Stari Tamiš (5000 meters) and the third location was at agricultural estate and food processing plant PDS Tamiš on two fields regularly treated with chemicals in accordance with modern agricultural methods and one field not treated with chemicals in the past 20 years. This field was located some 10 000 meters from the Refinery. The subject of this research were four genotypes of winter wheat: Ljiljana, Pobeda (Victory), Renesansa (Renaissance) and Apach (Apache). The samples from the plants-roots and above-ground vegetative biomass-were taken during growth stages of tillering, arranging panicles and earing. Simultaneously with the field experiments, experiments were set up in the laboratory dishes. Soil from the experimental fields used to fill the dishes was previously contaminated with heavy metals Zn, Pb, Cr, Cu and Cd. Also used were these compounds: C4H6O4Pbx3H2O, CuSO4, Cd(NO3)2x4H2O, CrO3 and Zn(CH3COO)2x2H2O. Used the following concentrations: 0 ppm, 50 ppm, 100 ppm, 250 ppm, 500 ppm and 1000 ppm. The dishes were sown with two genotypes Pobeda and Ljiljana and the experiment was set in the greenhouse of the Faculty of Agriculture in Zemun. The samples tested for heavy metals in roots and stems were taken during the periods of tillering and ears forming. The heavy metals Zn, Pb, Cr, Cu and Cd were identified through atomic absorption spectrophotometry (device Varian Spectra AA 220 FS) in acetylene/air flame. The research results have shown that the heavy metal contents in plant tissue decreased significantly with the increase of the distance between the wheat crops and the polluters, however, this content showed steady increase during the vegetative period and peaked in the ears forming earing phase. The roots in all growth stages contained more heavy metals than wheat stems which points to the fact that they are less mobile in the plant organs. The differences shown in the heavy metals content found in the roots were greatest when comparison was made between the samples from the fields within the system of conventional field crop farming and fields where chemicals have not been applied (experimental fields at PDS Tamiš). Among the genotypes the significant difference was shown in adoption of zinc. Thus, Pobeda had the highest content of zinc in roots and stems in all vegetative stages

    Analitička primena derivativne spektrofotometrije

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    1. Introduction 2. Basic characteristics of derivative spectrophotometry 2.1. Increase of spectra resolution 2.2. Elimination of the influence of baseline shift and matrix interferences 2.3. Enhancement of the detectability of minor spectral features 2.4. Precise determination of the positions of absorption maxima 2.5. Signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) 2.6. Quantitative analysis 3. Analytical applications 3.1. Inorganic analysis 3.2. Organic and pharmaceutical analysis 3.3. Analysis of food and water 3.4. Application of derivative spectrophotometry for the determination of equilibrium constants.Razmatrani su osnovni principi derivativne spektrofotometrije (DS) i njene prednosti i ograničenja u odnosu na normalnu spektrofotometriju. Dat je pregled analitičke primene DS u različitim oblastima: neorganskoj i organskoj analizi, analizi farmaceutskih preparata, kliničkoj analizi, analizi hrane, hemije životne sredine, hemijskoj ravnoteži

    Variability and correlations between soybean yield and quality components

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    The aim of this research was to determine variability and correlations between yield, protein content and oil content in soybean cultivars. The research was carried out on ten NS soybean cultivars in 2008, 2009 and 2010. All of the analysed traits significantly varied depending on cultivar and year. The highest yield in the analysed period was found in cultivar Proteinka (4,947 kg ha(-1)) which was significantly higher than that of cultivars Becejka, Tara, Afrodita and Diva. The highest average yield in 2010 was found in cultivars Irina (5,590 kg ha(-1)) and Bdejka (5,340 kg ha(-1)). The highest protein content was found in cultivars Afrodita and Galina, while the highest oil content was found in cultivars Alisa, Valjevka and Alisa. Significantly higher yield were obtained in 2010, while significantly higher protein and oil content was recorded in 2008. Yield was insignificantly positively correlated with oil content both in 2008, 2009 and 2010 (0.06, 0.31 and 0.17, respectively), and negatively but not significantly correlated with protein content (-0.06, -0.12 and -0.19, respectively). Oil content was significantly negatively correlated with protein content (-0.47(star)) in 2009, while in 2008 and 2010 this correlation was insignificant (-0.25, -0.11). This research is a basis for further breeding of soybeans with improved grain yield and content of protein and oil

    Ispitivanje korelacije faze razvoja pšenice sorte Pobeda i udaljenosti od industrijske zone na dinamiku usvajanja teških metala u pojedinim delovima biljke

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    In selected parts of the wheat plant variety Pobeda in various stages of growth examined the content of heavy metals. Samples were taken from the fields and regions are at different distances from the oil refinery in Pančevo. Determination of heavy metals was carried out by atomic absorption spectrophotometry in the flame acetylene/air, Research on the effects of varieties, stage of wheat development and distance from the industrial zone on the dynamics of the adoption of heavy metals in some parts of the wheat plant (root and stem) was carried out on experimental fields of the Institute ”Tamiš” in the fields of Old Tamiš and Vojlovica. The results showed significant differences between the distance from the refinery to the content of heay metals in different parts of the wheat plant.Na odabranim delovima biljke pšenice sorte Pobeda u različitim fenofazama ispitivan je sadržaj teških metala. Uzorci su uzimani sa polja i regiona koji su na različitoj udaljenosti od Rafinerije nafte u Pančevu. Ispitivanje teških metala je obavljeno primenom atomske apsorpcione spektrofotometrije. Istraživanja korelacije faze razvoja pšenice i udaljenosti od industrijske zone na dinamiku usvajanja teških metala u pojedinim delovima biljke (koren i stablo) obavljeno je na uzorku pšenice sorte Pobeda sa Oglednog polja Instituta „Tamiš”, polja Starog Tamiša i Vojlovice. Dobijeni rezultati prikazali su značajnost razlike između udaljenosti od Rafinerije u odnosu na sadržaj teških metala u različitim delovima biljke pšenice

    Planovi i programi fizičkog vaspitanja u procesu obuke u JNA u periodu 1945-1950. godine

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