7 research outputs found

    Metastatic Vulvar Squamous Cell Carcinoma in a Mare

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    Background: Squamous cell carcinoma (SCC) is a common cutaneous neoplasm in horses, which mainly affects the external genitalia, oral cavity, and periocular region. The development of SCC metastases is rare in these animals, and the most common occurrence is a marked local infiltration. Exposure to ultraviolet rays and skin depigmentation are the main etiological factors of SCC. Definitive diagnosis of the neoplasm is performed through histological examination of lesions. The present report describes the clinical, anatomopathological, and immunohistochemical (IHC) aspects of a case of metastatic SCC, with the vulva as the primary site in a mare. Case: A 17-year-old mare, mixed breed, was referred to the Veterinary Hospital of the Universidade de Passo Fundo (UPF), with history of areas of depigmented skin (pinto coat), and  clinical history of anorexia, frequent episodes of colic, and recumbency. During clinical evaluation, heart rate (68 bpm), rectal temperature (38.4ºC), and respiratory rate (48 mpm) were elevated, and the oral mucosa was pale. The mare also had an ulcerated tumor mass involving the vulva, which extended to the inguinal region and involved the mammary gland. A cytological aspirate of the vulvar tumor was performed, in which no neoplastic cells were found. Next, a biopsy of 2 distinct areas of the vulva was performed. The material was sent for anatomopathological examination, which showed markedly pleomorphic malignant squamous cells, with individual keratinization and high mitotic index, organized in trabeculae with rare keratin pearl-like formations. The exam allowed the diagnosis of SCC Grade II. Due to the poor prognosis and high cost of treatment, the owner consented to euthanasia and necropsy examination. During necropsy, the vulvar tumor mass was grayish, firm to hard, infiltrative, and had friable areas. Tumor foci suggestive of metastasis were also observed in inguinal, mesenteric, mediastinal and renal lymph nodes, adrenal glands, lung, pericardium, medullary canal, intercostal muscles, right 15th rib, and tissue surrounding the azygos vein. Samples from all organs were collected for anatomopathological examination. Diagnosis of metastatic vulvar SCC was confirmed through histological and IHC studies, which evaluated the expression of cytokeratins (AE1/AE3), as well as the proliferative activity of neoplastic cells through the PCNA marker. Discussion: The diagnosis of metastatic SCC was obtained through the observed clinical, necroscopic, histological, and IHC characteristics. This neoplasm usually appears in depigmented regions exposed to ultraviolet light, and older animals are more likely to be affected. The mare in the present case had areas of depigmented skin (pinto coat). The animal was kept in a paddock outdoor and exposed to constant solar radiation. Although rare in horses, manifestation of anorexia, progressive weight loss, and frequent colic episodes and recumbency may be closely related to the multiple sites of metastasis in the present case. The main histological findings of the neoplasm were the dense proliferation of malignant squamous cells with individual keratinization, arranged in a trabecular pattern and with rare formations of keratin pearls, in line with previous studies. During IHC evaluation, the neoplastic cells showed expression of cytokeratins (AE1/AE3), as well as high proliferative activity evidenced by the PCNA marker. Given this background, the present report describes the clinical, anatomopathological, and IHC aspects of a case of metastatic SCC with a primary site in the vulva of a mare. Keywords: equine, genital neoplasm, tumor embolism, squamous cell carcinoma, metastasis, immunohistochemistry

    Objective evaluation versus subjective evaluation of flexion tests in the pelvic limb of horses

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    A concordância entre métodos de avaliação subjetiva e objetiva foi estudada para identificar claudicação nos membros pélvicos antes e após a realização dos testes de flexão. Vinte e nove cavalos foram equipados com um sistema de sensores inerciais sem fio e avaliados durante sete momentos enquanto troteavam. Vídeos foram gravados para serem avaliados por três veterinários com diferentes níveis de experiência, a fim de avaliar a concordância entre os dois métodos diferentes e entre os avaliadores. Os avaliadores e a avaliação objetiva tiveram uma baixa taxa de concordância, com exceção de uma moderada concordância entre avaliação objetiva e avaliador 1 para identificar claudicação após o teste de flexão total esquerdo e uma moderada concordância na avaliação da resposta aos testes, entre avaliação objetiva e avaliador 2, apóso teste de flexão distal direito. Isso demonstra que houve uma baixa concordância entre os avaliadores e entre estes e a avaliação objetiva para identificação da claudicação, mensuração do grau de claudicação e resposta aos testes de flexão.The agreement between subjective and objective evaluation methods was studied to identify claudication in the pelvic limbs of horses before and after flexion tests were performed. Twenty-nine horses were equipped with a wireless system of inertial sensors and evaluated during seven times while trotting. Videos were recorded to be evaluated by three veterinarians, with different levels of experience, to evaluate the agreement between the two different methods and between the evaluators. The evaluators and the objective evaluation had a low rate of agreement, with the exception of moderate agreement between the objective evaluation and evaluator 1 to identify lameness after the left total flexion and moderate agreement in evaluating the response to the tests, between objective evaluation and evaluator 2, after rightdistal flexion. This shows that there was a low agreement among the evaluators and between them and the objective evaluation for identifying lameness, measuring the degree of lameness and the response to the flexion tests

    Metastatic Vulvar Squamous Cell Carcinoma in a Mare

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    Background: Squamous cell carcinoma (SCC) is a common cutaneous neoplasm in horses, which mainly affects the external genitalia, oral cavity, and periocular region. The development of SCC metastases is rare in these animals, and the most common occurrence is a marked local infiltration. Exposure to ultraviolet rays and skin depigmentation are the main etiological factors of SCC. Definitive diagnosis of the neoplasm is performed through histological examination of lesions. The present report describes the clinical, anatomopathological, and immunohistochemical (IHC) aspects of a case of metastatic SCC, with the vulva as the primary site in a mare. Case: A 17-year-old mare, mixed breed, was referred to the Veterinary Hospital of the Universidade de Passo Fundo (UPF), with history of areas of depigmented skin (pinto coat), and  clinical history of anorexia, frequent episodes of colic, and recumbency. During clinical evaluation, heart rate (68 bpm), rectal temperature (38.4ºC), and respiratory rate (48 mpm) were elevated, and the oral mucosa was pale. The mare also had an ulcerated tumor mass involving the vulva, which extended to the inguinal region and involved the mammary gland. A cytological aspirate of the vulvar tumor was performed, in which no neoplastic cells were found. Next, a biopsy of 2 distinct areas of the vulva was performed. The material was sent for anatomopathological examination, which showed markedly pleomorphic malignant squamous cells, with individual keratinization and high mitotic index, organized in trabeculae with rare keratin pearl-like formations. The exam allowed the diagnosis of SCC Grade II. Due to the poor prognosis and high cost of treatment, the owner consented to euthanasia and necropsy examination. During necropsy, the vulvar tumor mass was grayish, firm to hard, infiltrative, and had friable areas. Tumor foci suggestive of metastasis were also observed in inguinal, mesenteric, mediastinal and renal lymph nodes, adrenal glands, lung, pericardium, medullary canal, intercostal muscles, right 15th rib, and tissue surrounding the azygos vein. Samples from all organs were collected for anatomopathological examination. Diagnosis of metastatic vulvar SCC was confirmed through histological and IHC studies, which evaluated the expression of cytokeratins (AE1/AE3), as well as the proliferative activity of neoplastic cells through the PCNA marker. Discussion: The diagnosis of metastatic SCC was obtained through the observed clinical, necroscopic, histological, and IHC characteristics. This neoplasm usually appears in depigmented regions exposed to ultraviolet light, and older animals are more likely to be affected. The mare in the present case had areas of depigmented skin (pinto coat). The animal was kept in a paddock outdoor and exposed to constant solar radiation. Although rare in horses, manifestation of anorexia, progressive weight loss, and frequent colic episodes and recumbency may be closely related to the multiple sites of metastasis in the present case. The main histological findings of the neoplasm were the dense proliferation of malignant squamous cells with individual keratinization, arranged in a trabecular pattern and with rare formations of keratin pearls, in line with previous studies. During IHC evaluation, the neoplastic cells showed expression of cytokeratins (AE1/AE3), as well as high proliferative activity evidenced by the PCNA marker. Given this background, the present report describes the clinical, anatomopathological, and IHC aspects of a case of metastatic SCC with a primary site in the vulva of a mare. Keywords: equine, genital neoplasm, tumor embolism, squamous cell carcinoma, metastasis, immunohistochemistry

    Anesthetic recovery assisted by rope at three points in horses

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    ABSTRACT: This study evaluated the quality of anesthesyc recovery of horses using a three-point assisted method. Sixty-eight horses (37 females and 31 males) of different breeds, age and weight submitted to general anesthesia for abdominal - ABD (n=15), arthroscopy - ART (n=17), other orthopedic - ORT (n=18) and miscellaneous - MIX (n=18) surgical procedures. Isoflurane resulted in shorter recovery time (67.4±25.7min) compared to halothane (88.0±37.8min). The mean duration (±SD) of anesthesia for ABD, ORT, ART and MIXgroups was 166.7 (±14), 54.9 (±5.9), 86.5 (±7.3) and 76.4 (±32.5) minutes (min) respectively. Quality of recovery wasn’t influenced by duration of anesthesia or by use of analgesic, sedative and/or anesthetic drugs or not (p>0.05). Mean standing time (TEst) during anesthetic recovery was 67.5 (±29.9) min in ABD, 44.4 (±27) min in ORT, 42.2 (±23.2) min in ART and 39 (±14.7) min in MIX group. Average number of attempts (Ast) to stand was 1.8 (±0.8) in ABD group, 3.1 (±4.7) in ORT, 1.8 (±1.2) in ART and 1.8 (±1.2) in MIX. Recovery time (TRec) in ABD group was 102.2 (±36.5) min, ORT 70.1 (±36.5) min, ART 72.2 (±24.8) min and MIX group 66.6 (±19.1) min. TRec differed (p<0.05) between ABDand other groups. Three-point assisted recoveryfrom anesthesia showed to be a safe procedure during horses’ recovery. This method is easy to apply and well tolerated by horses regardless of the surgical procedure