172 research outputs found

    Sounds of Freedom: Songs in the 1960s Southern Civil Rights Movement

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    Songs are part of a long tradition of dissent and struggle in American culture since the seventeenth century. In the twentieth century, this tradition is well illustrated by the Freedom Songs of the 1960s civil rights movement, a distinctive feature of the struggle for black freedom in the South. Freedom songs were used within and outside the movement to sustain as well as to publicize the struggle. The present article analyzes the nature and function of those songs, demonstrating that they represented much more than protest songs. It shows that beyond their most obvious function, which was to mobilize and cement collective participation in the various demonstrations and actions of nonviolent resistance to segregation, Freedom Songs had a transforming power over individuals. In the context of the southern Freedom Movement, singing became an existential experience, a second birth through which African Americans re-appropriated their culture and constructed a new identity for themselves and for their people. Freedom songs thus can be said to have contributed not only to defeating white supremacy in the South but also to empowering African Americans by reconnecting them to their culture and by providing each individual the way to achieve his or her inner liberation

    Two-Way Optical Frequency Comparisons Over 100km Telecommunication Network Fibers

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    By using two-way frequency transfer, we demonstrate ultra-high resolution comparison of optical frequencies over a telecommunication fiber link of 100 km operating simultaneously digital data transfer. We first propose and experiment a bi-directional scheme using a single fiber. We show that the relative stability at 1 s integration time is 7 10^18 and scales down to 5 10^21. The same level of performance is reached when an optical link is implemented with an active compensation of the fiber noise. We also implement a real-time two-way frequency comparison over a uni-directional telecommunication network using a pair of parallel fibers. The relative frequency stability is 10^15 at 1 s integration time and reaches 2 10^17 at 40 000 s. The fractional uncertainty of the frequency comparisons was evaluated for the best case to 2 10^20. These results open the way to accurate and high resolution frequency comparison of optical clocks over intercontinental fiber networks


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    This collection of articles provides a multi-faceted reflection on the importance of race in southern culture, past and present. It examines the topic from a great variety of perspectives, from history to anthropology through literary and film analysis. Six articles deal with the southern United States from the early nineteenth century to the present, exploring the influence of the white supremacist doctrine on southern culture through history. The seventh stands apart in dealing with the rel..

    Frédéric Leriche, Les États-Unis : Géographie d'une grande puissance

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    Cet ouvrage collectif, qui vient enrichir la collection U des éditions Armand Colin, dresse un état des lieux très complet des États-Unis et de leurs relations avec le monde au début du 21e siècle. Le coordinateur du volume, Frédéric Leriche, auteur de l'introduction et de la conclusion, a réuni quatorze contributeurs spécialistes des États-Unis, dont onze géographes et trois civilisationnistes. Près de trente ans après la publication de trois ouvrages ayant longtemps servi de référence sur l..


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    This study focuses on improving performance of small scale Indonesian food enterprises from the perspective of entrepreneurial orientation and marketing capability. Performance of small scale Indonesian food enterprises is measured based on the Balanced Scorecard perspective. The total sample is 50 owners of small scale Indonesian food enterprises, scattered throughout the regions of Surabaya. Data processing methods that used in this study were factor analysis and structural analysis with GeSCA. The result shows that marketing capability acts as a perfect mediator between entrepreneurial orientation and performance of small scale Indonesian food enterprises in Surabaya

    Tackling the Limits of Optical Fiber Links

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    International audienceWe theoretically and experimentally investigate relevant noise processes arising in optical fiber links, which fundamentally limit their relative stability. We derive the unsuppressed delay noise for three configurations of optical links: two-way method, Sagnac interferometry, and actively compensated link, respectively designed for frequency comparison, rotation sensing, and frequency transfer. We also consider an alternative two-way setup allowing real-time frequency comparison and demonstrate its effectiveness on a proof-of-principle experiment with a 25-km fiber spool. For these three configurations, we analyze the noise arising from uncommon fiber paths in the interferometric ensemble and design optimized interferometers. We demonstrate interferometers with very low temperature sensitivity of respectively -2.2, -0.03 and 1 fs/K. We use one of these optimized interferometers on a long haul compensated fiber link of 540 km. We obtain a relative frequency stability of 3x10^-20 after 10,000 s of integration time

    Closer co-operation, a new instrument for European environmental policy?

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    "Die Verstärkte Zusammenarbeit wurde durch den Amsterdamer Vertrag in die Europäischen Verträge eingefügt. Danach kann eine Mehrheit der Mitgliedstaaten (derzeit acht Staaten) die Institutionen und Verfahren der Europäischen Union nutzen, um gemeinsam Maßnahmen zur flexiblen Weiterentwicklung der europäischen Integration zu ergreifen. Dieses Recht setzt die Erfüllung einer Reihe von Bedingungen voraus, die u.a. sicherstellen sollen, dass der einheitliche Rechtsraum durch eine Verstärkte Zusammenarbeit nicht gefährdet wird. Der vorliegende Artikel basiert auf der Studie 'Verstärkte Zusammenarbeit im Umweltbereich - Möglichkeiten der Anwendung der in Titel VII EUV festgelegten Bestimmungen für Flexibilität im Umweltbereich', die vom österreichischen Bundesministerium für Umwelt, Jugend und Familie in Auftrag gegeben wurde. Hierin wird untersucht, unter welchen rechtlichen Voraussetzungen und politischen Rahmenbedingungen das neu geschaffene Verfahren der Verstärkten Zusammenarbeit der Entwicklung der Europäischen Umweltpolitik eine neue Dynamik verleihen kann und welche langfristige Auswirkungen auf den Integrationsprozess zu erwarten sind. Aus der Untersuchung ergibt sich, dass die im Vertrag festgelegten Voraussetzungen für die Durchführung einer Verstärkten Zusammenarbeit in einigen Fällen zwar auslegungsbedürftig sind, doch dass eine Anwendbarkeit des Instruments in der Praxis der europäischen Umweltpolitik nicht ausgeschlossen ist." (Autorenreferat)"The Amsterdam Treaty has created a new instrument for European integration: Closer Co-operation. This allows a majority of Member States, i.e. currently eight countries, to take joint action and use the institutions and procedures of the European Union for this purpose, thereby further developing European integration in a flexible way. This right is tied to several conditions that largely ensure that Closer Co-operation will not significantly affect the homogeneity of the legal area and will not lead to a sustained split of the Union. The following concise analysis is based on the more detailed study 'Verstärkte Zusammenarbeit im Umweltbereich - Möglichkeiten der Anwendung der in Titel VII TEU festgelegten Bestimmungen für Flexibilität im Umweltbereich' commissioned by the Austrian Federal Ministry of Environment, Youth and Family Affairs. It examines the legal requirements and political framework conditions which are necessary for applying the new procedure of Closer Co-operation to the Community's environmental policy. Furthermore, an analysis was performed to see in how far Closer Co-operation could generate a new dynamism in the development of European environmental policy and which long-term effects are to be expected on the integration process. The prerequisites laid down in the Treaty for the implementation of Closer Co-operation require further interpretation in some cases, but this does not preclude the instrument's practical applicability in European environmental policy." (author's abstract

    Ezrin enhances line tension along transcellular tunnel edges via NMIIa driven actomyosin cable formation

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    Transendothelial cell macroaperture (TEM) tunnels control endothelium barrier function and are triggered by several toxins from pathogenic bacteria that provoke vascular leakage. Cellular dewetting theory predicted that a line tension of uncharacterized origin works at TEM boundaries to limit their widening. Here, by conducting high-resolution microscopy approaches we unveil the presence of an actomyosin cable encircling TEMs. We develop a theoretical cellular dewetting framework to interpret TEM physical parameters that are quantitatively determined by laser ablation experiments. This establishes the critical role of ezrin and non-muscle myosin II (NMII) in the progressive implementation of line tension. Mechanistically, fluorescence-recovery-after-photobleaching experiments point for the upstream role of ezrin in stabilizing actin filaments at the edges of TEMs, thereby favouring their crosslinking by NMIIa. Collectively, our findings ascribe to ezrin and NMIIa a critical function of enhancing line tension at the cell boundary surrounding the TEMs by promoting the formation of an actomyosin ring.Peer reviewe
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