48 research outputs found

    «Schön ist es in eurem banlieu.» «Wie wĂ€rsn’ mit der Wirklichkeit?» Black Box DDR

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    Fungieren die vor 20 Jahren abgetragenen Mauersteine heute noch als BruchstĂŒcke der Erfahrung? Wenn ja in welcher Form und Funktion? Der Beitrag versucht am Beispiel mehrerer junger (ost-)deutscher TheaterautorInnen, die 1989 kaum Ă€lter als 10 Jahre waren und allesamt Absolventen des Studiengangs Szenisches Schreiben der UniversitĂ€t der KĂŒnste in Berlin sind, aktuelle Schreibpositionen zu verorten. Dabei stellt sich vor allem die Frage in welcher Weise die DDR weiterhin als Steinbruch fĂŒr dramatisch zersplitternde Geschichte(n) zu verstehen ist und wie die aus der Black Box entwickelten Geschichtsbilder dramatisch aufbereitet werden. Dabei werden, so das Ergebnis, mehrere Tendenzen deutlich. Einerseits versuchen die DramatikerInnen Geschichtssplitter lokal zu verankern und Ereignisse der Nachwendezeit, die jedoch in einem unmittelbaren deutsch-deutschen historischen Kontext stehen, semidokumentarisch zu vergrĂ¶ĂŸern (Anne Rabe, Thomas Freyer) wobei deutlich wird, dass der Verlust der Heimat, das Problem des IdentitĂ€tsverlustes sowie die zunehmend ökonomisch-gesellschaftliche SchrĂ€glage grundsĂ€tzlich eine zentrale Rolle spielen, sich die Texte jeweils als „SozialstĂŒck Ost“ (Franz Wille) verstehen lassen und damit die Vergangenheit durch unterschiedliche Verweise wiederholt in Erinnerung gerufen wird, was auch die engagierten Texte von Dirk Laucke zeigen. Dass neuere utopische widerspenstige Projekte – ein Kleingewerbe im Schrebergarten, ein neuer Zaunbauversuch oder das Plattenwohnprojekt – schmerzhaft kollabieren, zeigt sich bei Tine Rahel, Dirk Laucke, Völcker und Thomas Freyers Separatisten. Andererseits zeichnet sich jedoch auch eine gegenlĂ€ufige Tendenz ab, indem Autoren damit beginnen, sich aus der/ihrer Geschichte herauszuschreiben, anstatt diese permanent wieder aufzurufen, womit sich eine „schwindende Verortung von Geschichte“ (Freyer) bemerkbar macht, die dazu fĂŒhrt, dass die dramatisch behandelten RĂ€ume immer geschichtsloser und abstrakter auftreten und die jĂŒngste Geschichte signifikant ausbleicht.Les morceaux de Mur tombĂ©s il y a 20 ans fonctionnent-ils encore aujourd’hui comme des fragments d’histoire vĂ©cue ? Si oui, sous quelle forme et avec quelle fonction ? Cette contribution tentera de faire un Ă©tat des lieux des formes actuelles d’écriture, avec, pour exemple, plusieurs jeunes auteures dramatiques (est-)allemandes qui avaient Ă  peine 10 ans en 1989 et qui pour la plupart Ă©taient diplĂŽmĂ©es d’Écriture dramatique Ă  l’universitĂ© des arts de Berlin. Pour ces auteures se pose avant tout la question de savoir dans quelle mesure la RDA a fait le lit d’une histoire ou d’histoires qui ont dramatiquement volĂ© en Ă©clats et comment des clichĂ©s d’histoire dĂ©veloppĂ©s Ă  partir de la BoĂźte Noire peuvent donner naissance Ă  une production thĂ©Ăątrale. Plusieurs tendances se distinguent clairement dans cette production. D’une part, certaines auteures de thĂ©Ăątre cherchent Ă  ancrer localement leurs « éclats d’histoires » et, en les grossissant, Ă  donner aux Ă©vĂ©nements de l’aprĂšs-chute-du-Mur, qui pourtant se dĂ©roulent dans un contexte historique expressĂ©ment inter-allemand (Anne Rabe, Thomas Freyer), un caractĂšre semi-documentaire. Chez ces auteures, la perte de la patrie, la perte d’identitĂ© des personnages ainsi que la faillite de la situation socio-Ă©conomique, sont au coeur de leur problĂ©matique. Ainsi ces textes sont-ils identifiables comme du « thĂ©Ăątre social de l’est » (Franz Wille), dans lequel le passĂ© de la RDA ressurgit par des Ă©vocations rĂ©pĂ©tĂ©es. C’est ce que montrent Ă©galement les textes engagĂ©s de Dirk Laucke. Chez Tine Rahel, Dirk Laucke, se distinguant nettement de Völcker et Thomas Freyer, on peut voir Ă  quel point des projets modernistes, utopiques et peu engageants (comme une petite entreprise dans un jardin ouvrier, la construction d’une nouvelle clĂŽture ou un projet de barres d’habitations) peuvent s’effondrer douloureusement. D’ autre part, on note une tendance tout Ă  fait opposĂ©e, oĂč certains auteurs commencent Ă  se dĂ©tacher de l’histoire, de leur histoire, plutĂŽt que de la convoquer sans cesse, entraĂźnant un « pĂąlissement de l’ancrage historique » (Freyer), oĂč les espaces investis par le thĂ©Ăątre perdent de plus en plus leur dimension historique, deviennent de plus en plus abstraits et oĂč l’histoire rĂ©cente est de moins en moins prĂ©sente. Contrairement Ă  de nombreux scĂ©narios d’adieu, nous constaterons -du moins, Ă  l’exemple des textes de thĂ©Ăątre prĂ©sentĂ©s dans cette contribution -, que la catĂ©gorie esthĂ©tique du drame n’a en rien perdu de son importance et qu’elle possĂšde une extraordinaire capacitĂ© Ă  traiter de l’histoire et Ă  raconter des histoires

    „Zacznijcie gotować – a przepis przyjdzie“. Jednak sytuacja, przyprawy, apetyt i radoƛć z eksperymentowania powinny pojawić się wczeƛniej. Postawy (post-)dramatyczne oraz estetyczne i moĆŒliwoƛci dyskursu

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    Die sich Ă€sthetisch zunehmend durchdringende zeitgenössische Theater- und Performancepraxis weisen ein erhebliches Innovations- und Diskurspotential auf, das sowohl spielĂ€sthetische als auch (post-)dramaturgische Fragen auslöst. Dabei interessieren u.a. folgende Aspekte, gerade auch im Hinblick auf die kĂŒnstlerische Ausbildungspraxis, besonders: Schein, AuthentizitĂ€t, ReprĂ€sentationskritik, Autorschaft, StĂŒckentwicklung, (soziale) Teilhabe, Digitalisierung, Cross-gender-acting.The overlapping forms of contemporary theatre and performance have created significant opportunities for innovation and new discourse which poses questions related to aesthetics and (post)dramatic concerns. How can we describe and characterize this artistic and theoretical knowledge? What are the main challenges, topics and strategies in artistic research and acting/performing? This essay is an attempt to map some essential fields in the (post-)dramatic landscape – including new forms of (post-)dramaturgical thinking and the shifting understanding of (collective) authorship. The following aspects are of particular interest, especially in relation to artistic training practice: appearance, authenticity, representational criticism, authorship, play development, (social) participation, digitization, cross-gender acting.NakƂadające się na siebie coraz częƛciej praktyki teatralne i performatywne odznaczają się duĆŒym potencjaƂem innowacyjnym i dyskursywnym, prowokującym pytania dotyczące gry estetycznej jak i (post-)dramatycznoƛci. Wyjątkowo interesujące są w tym przypadku, w szczegĂłlnoƛci w kontekƛcie ksztaƂcenia artystĂłw: pozĂłr, autentycznoƛć, krytyka ideologii reprezentacji, autorstwo, tworzenie sztuki teatralnej, partycypacja (spoƂeczna), digitalizacja, Cross-gender-acting

    Dramaturgien der Verspiegelung (en). Ein Streifzug durch die deutsche Gegenwartsdramatik

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    Nous nous proposons dans cette contribution d’étudier la reprĂ©sentation du beau et du  laid dans le thĂ©Ăątre allemand d’aujourd’hui en prenant pour exemple les Ɠuvres de Moritz Rinke et de Marius von Mayenburg. Nous partons pour cela de l’idĂ©e que, conformĂ©ment aux processus d’esthĂ©tisation qui s’opĂšrent dans notre sociĂ©tĂ©, la beautĂ© et la laideur, dans leur expression artistique, se confondent de plus en plus, au thĂ©Ăątre, et que, en vertu de l’esthĂ©tique de l’effacement, elles ne peuvent plus ĂȘtres lues comme des valeurs qui s’opposent On observe ainsi dans les textes de thĂ©Ăątre un dĂ©placement et une dĂ©sagrĂ©gation croissante du beau et du laid, aboutissant au terme des diffĂ©rents stades du travail dramaturgique, Ă  ce que l’on appelle une « rĂ©flexion dĂ©formante ».In dem Beitrag soll das Bild des Schönen und HĂ€sslichen in der deutschen Gegenwartsdramatik exemplarisch an mehreren Werken von Motitz Rinke und Marius von Mayenburg untersucht werden Ausgegangen wird von der These, dass in Analogie zu Ästhetisierungsprozessen in unserer Gesellschaft, sich der kĂŒnstlerische Ausdruck des Schönen und HĂ€sslichen in den Dramen zunehmend vermischt und durch die «Ästhetik des Verwischens» nicht mehr in Opposition gelesen werden kann In den Theatertexten lĂ€sst sich, so das Ergebnis, eine wachsende Versetzung bzw Zersetzung des Schönen und HĂ€sslichen beobachten, die in ihrem mehrfach gebrochenen dramaturgischen Stadium als Verspiegelung(en) bezeichnet werden sollen

    Weight bias internalization, emotion dysregulation, and non-normative eating behaviors in prebariatric patients

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    Objective: Weight bias internalization (WBI) is associated with eating disorder psychopathology and non-normative eating behaviors among individuals with overweight and obesity, but has rarely been investigated in prebariatric patients. Based on findings demonstrating a relationship between emotion dysregulation and eating behavior, this study sought to investigate the association between WBI and eating disorder psychopathology as well as non-normative eating behaviors (i.e., food addiction, emotional eating, and eating in the absence of hunger), mediated by emotion dysregulation. Method: Within a consecutive multicenter study, 240 prebariatric patients were assessed using self-report questionnaires. The mediating role of emotion dysregulation was examined using structural equation modeling. Results: The analyses yielded no mediational effect of emotion dysregulation on the association between WBI and eating disorder psychopathology. However, emotion dysregulation fully mediated the associations between WBI and emotional eating as well as eating in the absence of hunger. Further, emotion dysregulation partially mediated the relationship between WBI and food addiction symptoms. Discussion: Prebariatric patients with high levels of WBI are at risk for non-normative eating behaviors, especially if they experience emotion regulation difficulties. These findings highlight the importance of interventions targeting WBI and improving emotion regulation skills for the normalization of eating behavior in prebariatric patients

    Non-normative eating behavior and psychopathology in prebariatric patients with binge-eating disorder and night eating syndrome

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    Background: Binge-eating disorder (BED) as a distinct eating disorder category and night eating syndrome (NES) as a form of Other Specified Feeding or Eating Disorders were recently included in the fifth edition of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-5). Objectives: This study sought to investigate the prevalence of BED and NES and associations with various forms of non-normative eating behavior and psychopathology in prebariatric patients. Setting: Within a consecutive multicenter registry study, patients in six bariatric surgery centers in Germany were recruited. Methods: Overall, 233 prebariatric patients were assessed using the Eating Disorder Examination and self-report questionnaires. Assessment was unrelated to clinical procedures. Results: Diagnostic criteria for full-syndrome BED and NES were currently met by 4.3% and 8.2% of prebariatric patients, respectively. In addition, 8.6% and 6.9% of patients met subsyndromal BED and NES criteria, respectively. Comorbid BED and NES diagnoses were present in 3.9% of patients. In comparison to patients without any eating disorder symptoms, patients with BED and NES reported greater emotional eating, eating in the absence of hunger, and more symptoms of food addiction. Moreover, differences between patients with BED and NES emerged with more objective binge eating episodes and higher levels of eating concern, weight concern, and global eating disorder psychopathology in patients with BED. Conclusions: BED and NES were shown to be prevalent among prebariatric patients, with some degree of overlap between diagnoses. Associations with non-normative eating behavior and psychopathology point to their clinical significance and discriminant validity

    Non-normative eating behavior and psychopathology in prebariatric patients with binge-eating disorder and night eating syndrome

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    Background: Binge-eating disorder (BED) as a distinct eating disorder category and night eating syndrome (NES) as a form of Other Specified Feeding or Eating Disorders were recently included in the fifth edition of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-5). Objectives: This study sought to investigate the prevalence of BED and NES and associations with various forms of non-normative eating behavior and psychopathology in prebariatric patients. Setting: Within a consecutive multicenter registry study, patients in six bariatric surgery centers in Germany were recruited. Methods: Overall, 233 prebariatric patients were assessed using the Eating Disorder Examination and self-report questionnaires. Assessment was unrelated to clinical procedures. Results: Diagnostic criteria for full-syndrome BED and NES were currently met by 4.3% and 8.2% of prebariatric patients, respectively. In addition, 8.6% and 6.9% of patients met subsyndromal BED and NES criteria, respectively. Comorbid BED and NES diagnoses were present in 3.9% of patients. In comparison to patients without any eating disorder symptoms, patients with BED and NES reported greater emotional eating, eating in the absence of hunger, and more symptoms of food addiction. Moreover, differences between patients with BED and NES emerged with more objective binge eating episodes and higher levels of eating concern, weight concern, and global eating disorder psychopathology in patients with BED. Conclusions: BED and NES were shown to be prevalent among prebariatric patients, with some degree of overlap between diagnoses. Associations with non-normative eating behavior and psychopathology point to their clinical significance and discriminant validity

    Hepatitis C viral evolution in genotype 1 treatment-naĂŻve and treatment-experienced patients receiving telaprevir-based therapy in clinical trials

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    Background: In patients with genotype 1 chronic hepatitis C infection, telaprevir (TVR) in combination with peginterferon and ribavirin (PR) significantly increased sustained virologic response (SVR) rates compared with PR alone. However, genotypic changes could be observed in TVR-treated patients who did not achieve an SVR. Methods: Population sequence analysis of the NS3‱4A region was performed in patients who did not achieve SVR with TVR-based treatment. Results: Resistant variants were observed after treatment with a telaprevir-based regimen in 12% of treatment-naïve patients (ADVANCE; T12PR arm), 6% of prior relapsers, 24% of prior partial responders, and 51% of prior null responder patients (REALIZE, T12PR48 arms). NS3 protease variants V36M, R155K, and V36M+R155K emerged frequently in patients with genotype 1a and V36A, T54A, and A156S/T in patients with genotype 1b. Lower-level resistance to telaprevir was conferred by V36A/M, T54A/S, R155K/T, and A156S variants; and higher-level resistance to telaprevir was conferred by A156T and V36M+R155K variants. Virologic failure during telaprevir treatment was more common in patients with genotype 1a and in prior PR nonresponder patients and was associated with higher-level telaprevir-resistant variants. Relapse was usually associated with wild-type or lower-level resistant variants. After treatment, viral populations were wild-type with a median time of 10 months for genotype 1a and 3 weeks for genotype 1b patients. Conclusions: A consistent, subtype-dependent resistance profile was observed in patients who did not achieve an SVR with telaprevir-based treatment. The primary role of TVR is to inhibit wild-type virus and variants with lower-levels of resistance to telaprevir. The complementary role of PR is to clear any remaining telaprevir-resistant variants, especially higher-level telaprevir-resistant variants. Resistant variants are detectable in most patients who fail to achieve SVR, but their levels decline over time after treatment

    NAD+ protects against EAE by regulating CD4+ T-cell differentiation

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    CD4+ T cells are involved in the development of autoimmunity, including multiple sclerosis (MS). Here we show that nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide (NAD+) blocks experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis (EAE), a mouse model of MS, by inducing immune homeostasis through CD4+IFNγ+IL-10+ T cells and reverses disease progression by restoring tissue integrity via remyelination and neuroregeneration. We show that NAD+ regulates CD4+ T-cell differentiation through tryptophan hydroxylase-1 (Tph1), independently of well-established transcription factors. In the presence of NAD+, the frequency of T-bet−/− CD4+IFNγ+ T cells was twofold higher than wild-type CD4+ T cells cultured in conventional T helper 1 polarizing conditions. Our findings unravel a new pathway orchestrating CD4+ T-cell differentiation and demonstrate that NAD+ may serve as a powerful therapeutic agent for the treatment of autoimmune and other diseases