58 research outputs found

    Erikoissijoitusrahaston sijoitustoiminta : sijoitusrahastolain 12 luvun ilmeneminen erikoissijoitusrahastojen sÀÀnnöissÀ

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    Tutkielmassa tarkastellaan suomalaista sijoitusrahastotoimintaa etenkin erikoissijoitusrahastojen osalta. Tutkimuksen pohjana kÀytetÀÀn suomalaisten erikoissijoitusrahastojen sÀÀntöjÀ, joiden avulla pyritÀÀn havainnollistamaan erikoissijoitusrahastojen toimintaa ja selvittÀmÀÀn kuinka se poikkeaa tavallisten sijoitusrahastodirektiivin mukaisista sijoitusrahastoista. Suomalaisten sijoitusrahastojen sijoitustoiminta perustuu sijoitusrahastolakiin ja etenkin sen 11 lukuun. Erikoissijoitusrahastojen sijoitustoimintaa sÀÀnnellÀÀn 12 luvussa, jonka mukaan erikoissijoitusrahasto voi sÀÀnnöissÀÀn poiketa lain 11 luvun asettamista vaatimuksista ja rajoituksista sijoitustoiminnalle. Myös erikoissijoitusrahastojen sÀÀntöjen mukaisen sijoitustoiminnan tulee perustua sijoitusrahastolaissa ja laissa Finanssivalvonnasta ilmaistuihin periaatteisiin niin, ettÀ erikoissijoitusrahaston toiminta ei ole esimerkiksi omiaan vaarantamaan rahoitusmarkkinoiden vakautta tai yleistÀ luottamusta rahoitusmarkkinoiden toimintaan. Sijoitus- ja erikoissijoitusrahastojen sÀÀnnöille asetetut vaatimukset myös poikkeavat toisistaan hieman. Sijoitusrahastojen sÀÀnnöille asetetaan selkeysvaatimus kun taas erikoissijoitusrahastojen sÀÀnnöille ei tÀllaista vaatimusta ole sijoitusrahastolaissa asetettu. Erikoissijoitusrahaston sÀÀntöjen ja sitÀ kautta sen sijoitustoiminnan lainmukaisuus riippuu siitÀ, hyvÀksyykö Finanssivalvonta ehdotetun erikoissijoitusrahaston sÀÀnnöt vai ei. Ohjenuoranaan Finanssivalvonnalla on kÀytössÀÀn mm. sijoitusrahastolaista ilmenevÀt yleiset periaatteet. Finanssivalvonnan tulkintalinjaa voidaan selvittÀÀ siten, ettÀ tarkastellaan suomalaisten erikoissijoitusrahastojen sÀÀntöjÀ ja katsotaan minkÀlaisia poikkeuksia sijoitusrahastolain 11 luvusta Finanssivalvonta on sallinut erikoissijoitusrahastoille. Suomessa on rekisteröity noin 135 erikoissijoitusrahastoa, joista jokaisen sÀÀnnöissÀ on omat erityispiirteensÀ. LÀhes kaikki erikoissijoitusrahastot poikkeavat sÀÀntöjensÀ mukaan sijoitusrahastodirektiivin ja sijoitusrahastolain 11 luvun hajauttamisvaatimuksista. Iso osa suomalaisista erikoissijoitusrahastoista sijoittaa hyödykkeisiin ja hyödykkeisiin oikeuttaviin arvopapereihin, jotka eivÀt ole sellaisenaan sallittuja eurooppalaisille sijoitusrahastodirektiivin mukaisille rahastoille. Erikoissijoitusrahastojen sÀÀnnöt sijoitustoiminnan kuvaajana ovat lÀhes poikkeuksetta hyvin yleisellÀ tasolla selitettynÀ. Erikoissijoitusrahastot poikkeavat sÀÀntöjensÀ mukaan mm. sijoitusrahastodirektiivin hajauttamisvaatimuksista, mutta hajauttamisvaatimuksista poikkeamista ei ole useinkaan selitetty kovin yksityiskohtaisesti. Tutkimuksessa seurataan Suomen lainsÀÀdÀntöÀ 31. toukokuuta 2013 sÀÀdöskokoelmaan 380/2013 asti

    Strategy for instant neutralisation and metal immobilisation in ARD

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    Abstract For ARD filters, reactive barriers are often the methods of choice. Some problems are recognised though; iron precipitation cause hydraulic changes and inhibition of neutralising phases. Instead of filter/barrier installation alkalinity is suggested to be added in an aqueous phase (leach beds). Addition of a highly alkaline solution to different ARD results in a rapid, almost instant neutralisation, precipitation of metals (Fe, Al) as well as almost quantitative coprecipitation and sorption of trace metals at near neutral pH. Generation of alkalinity on-site, added to ARD as an aqueous phase, would be a fast and simple ARD treatment method

    Revisiting Glauconite Geochronology: Lessons Learned from In Situ Radiometric Dating of a Glauconite-Rich Cretaceous Shelfal Sequence

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    The scarcity of well-preserved and directly dateable sedimentary sequences is a major impediment to inferring the Earth’s paleo-environmental evolution. The authigenic mineral glauconite can potentially provide absolute stratigraphic ages for sedimentary sequences and constraints on paleo-depositional conditions. This requires improved approaches for measuring and interpreting glauconite formation ages. Here, glauconite from a Cretaceous shelfal sequence (Langenstein, northern Germany) was characterized using petrographical, geochemical (EMP), andmineralogical (XRD) screening methods before in situ Rb-Sr dating via LA-ICP-MS/MS. The obtained glauconite ages (~101 to 97 Ma) partly overlap with the depositional age of the Langenstein sequence (±3 Ma), but without the expected stratigraphic age progression, which we attribute to detrital and diagenetic illitic phase impurities inside the glauconites. Using a novel age deconvolution approach, which combines the new Rb-Sr dataset with published K-Ar ages, we recalculate the glauconite bulk ages to obtain stratigraphically significant ‘pure’ glauconite ages (~100 to 96 Ma). Thus, our results show that pristine ages can be preserved in mineralogically complex glauconite grains even under burial diagenetic conditions (T < 65 ◩C; <1500 m depth), confirming that glauconite could be a suitable archive for paleo-environmental reconstructions and direct sediment dating.Esther Scheiblhofer, Ulrike Moser, Stefan Löhr, Markus Wilmsen, Juraj FarkaĆĄ, Daniela Gallhofer, Alice Matsdotter BĂ€ckström, Thomas Zack, and Andre Balderman

    Ligand binding mechanism in steroid receptors; from conserved plasticity to differential evolutionary constraints

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    Steroid receptor drugs have been available for more than half a century, but details 24 of the ligand binding mechanism has remained elusive. We solved X-ray structures of 25 the glucocorticoid and mineralocorticoid receptors to identify a conserved plasticity at 26 helix 6-7 region that extend the ligand binding pocket towards the receptor surface. 27 Since none of the endogenous ligands exploit this region, we hypothesized that it 28 constitutes an integral part of the binding event. Extensive all atom unbiased ligand 29 exit and entrance simulations corroborate a ligand binding pathway that gives the 30 observed structural plasticity a key functional role. Kinetic measurements reveal that 31 the receptor residence time correlate with structural rearrangements observed in both 32 structures and simulations. Ultimately, our findings reveal why nature has conserved 33 the capacity to open up this region and highlight how differences in the details of the 34 ligand entry process result in differential evolutionary constraints across the steroid 35 receptors.This study was supported by The European Research Council (2009-Adg25027-535 PELE) to V.G and by the SEV-2011-00067 grant of the Severo Ochoa Program. We 536 would like to acknowledge our AstraZeneca colleagues J. Hartleib, R.Unwin and 537 R.Knöll for helpful discussions. We also thank N. Blomberg (ELIXIR) and R. Neutze 538 (University of Gothenburg) for careful reading of the manuscript.Peer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft

    The mitochondrial DNA helicase TWINKLE can assemble on a closed circular template and support initiation of DNA synthesis

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    Mitochondrial DNA replication is performed by a simple machinery, containing the TWINKLE DNA helicase, a single-stranded DNA-binding protein, and the mitochondrial DNA polymerase Îł. In addition, mitochondrial RNA polymerase is required for primer formation at the origins of DNA replication. TWINKLE adopts a hexameric ring-shaped structure that must load on the closed circular mtDNA genome. In other systems, a specialized helicase loader often facilitates helicase loading. We here demonstrate that TWINKLE can function without a specialized loader. We also show that the mitochondrial replication machinery can assemble on a closed circular DNA template and efficiently elongate a DNA primer in a manner that closely resembles initiation of mtDNA synthesis in vivo

    The hematopoietic transcription factor RUNX1 : a structural view

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    The malfunction of the transcriptional regulator RUNX1 is the major cause of several variants of acute human leukemias and its normal function is to regulate the development of the blood system in concert with other transcriptional co-regulators. RUNX1 belongs to a conserved family of heterodimeric transcription factors that share a conserved DNA binding domain, the Runt domain (RD), named after the first member of this group – Runt - found in Drosophila melanogaster. The binding partner CBFÎČ serves as a regulator of RUNX by enhancing its DNA binding affinity through an allosteric mechanism. The main focus ofo my thesis work has been the crystallization and structural analysis of the RUNX1 RD and involved also more technical methodological aspects that can be applied to X-ray crystallography in general. The high resolution crystal structure of the free RD shows that this immunoglobulin-like molecule undergoes significant structural changes upon binding to both CBFÎČ and DNA. This involves a large flip of the L11 loop from a closed conformation in the free protein to an open conformation when CBFÎČ and/or DNA are bound. We refer to this transition as the “S-switch”. Smaller but significant conformational changes in other parts of the RD accompany the “S-switch”. We suggest that CBFÎČ triggers and stabilizes the “S-switch” which leads to the conversion of the RD into a conformation enhanced for DNA binding. During the structural analysis of the RD we identified two chloride ions that are coordinated by residues otherwise involved in DNA binding. In electrophoretic mobility-shift analyses (EMSA) we demonstrated a chloride ion concentration dependent stimulation of the DNA binding affinity of RUNX1. We further showed by NMR line width broadening experiments that the chloride binding occurred within the physiological range. A comparable DNA binding stimulation of RUNX1 was seen in the presence of negative amino acids. This suggests a regulation of the DNA binding activity of RUNX1 proteins through acidic amino acid residues possibly provided by activation domains of transcriptional co-regulators that interact with RUNX1. The use of the anomalous signal from halide ions has become a powerful technique for obtaining phase information. By replacing the sodium chloride with potassium bromide in the crystallisation conditions of the RD, we could demonstrate in a single wavelength anomalous diffraction (SAD) experiment that the anomalous signal from 2 bromide ions were sufficient to phase a 16 kDa protein. Due to lack of completeness in the low-resolution shells caused by overloaded intensities, density modification schemes failed and the resulting electron density maps were not interpretable. By combining the highresolution synchrotron data with low-resolution data from a native data set collected on a home X-ray source, the density modified bromide phases gave easily traceable maps

    Det moderna ledarskapet : En kvalitativ studie om medarbetares uppfattning av virtuellt ledarskap ur ett genusperspektiv

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    The main purpose of this study is to investigate whether there is a difference between the employee's experience in virtual leadership -  in relation to female and male leadership. Distance work has existed before. But since the outbreak of the corona pandemic, distance work has become a world-famous way of working. In turn, this places higher demands on the manager's ability to guide the organization in the right direction, while maintaining the same commitment of employees. In Sweden, the number of male managers is significantly more than female managers, but according to a recently made survey, female managers perform better than male managers when distance work leading. Therefore, it is necessary to study how leadership differs by gender. We used semi-structured interviews as a method and interviewed four respondents to take part in their views on virtual leadership. The respondents are active in various industries. Two of them are women, one with a male manager, and the other with a female manager. The other two respondents are men, one with a male manager and the other with a female manager. We concluded that female managers exercise transformational leadership from a distance, while male managers exercise transactional leadership from a distance. Female managers are more committed to the personal development of their employees, are more communicative and have made greater contributions to establishing a good work culture in which everyone can participate
