1,987 research outputs found

    The association between web-based or face-to-face lifestyle interventions on the perceived benefits and barriers to exercise in midlife women: Three-arm equivalency study

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    Š 2019 Journal of Medical Internet Research. All rights reserved. Background: Noncommunicable diseases pose a significant threat to women's health globally, with most diseases being attributed to modifiable risk factors such as physical inactivity. Women perceive a range of benefits and barriers to exercise; however, there is little evidence about the effect of different lifestyle intervention delivery modes on perceptions of exercise. Objective: This study aimed to compare the effect of a multiple health behavior change (MHBC) intervention called the Women's Wellness Program. This intervention was delivered in 3 different modes on perceived exercise benefits, perceived exercise barriers, and actual physical activity and exercise in midlife women. Methods: Women aged 45 to 65 years were recruited via the study website. They were assigned in blocks to 3 different treatment groups (A: Web-based independent; B: face-to-face with nurse consultations; and C: Web-based with virtual nurse consultations). All participants received the 12-week intervention that utilizes principles from social-cognitive theory to provide a structured guide to promote healthy lifestyle behaviors with an emphasis on regular exercise and healthy eating. Data were collected using a self-report Web-based questionnaire at baseline (T1) and postintervention (T2) including perceived exercise benefits and barriers and exercise and physical activity. A data analysis examined both within- and between-group changes over time. Results: Participants in this study (N=225) had a mean age of 50.9 years (SD 5.9) and most were married or living with a partner (83.3%, 185/225). Attrition was 30.2% with 157 participants completing the final questionnaire. Women in all intervention groups reported a significant increase in positive perceptions of exercise (P<.05); a significant increase in exercise and overall physical activity (P<.01) with moderate-to-large effect sizes noted for overall physical activity (d=0.5 to d=0.87). Participants receiving support from registered nurses in the face-to-face and Web-based groups had a greater magnitude of change in benefit perceptions and physical activity than those in the Web-based independent group. There was no significant change in exercise barrier perceptions within or between groups over time. Conclusions: The results of this study suggest that the (MHBC) intervention is effective in increasing exercise benefit perceptions, overall physical activity, and exercise in midlife women. Although Web-based programs are cost-effective and flexible and can be delivered remotely, providing a range of options including face-to-face group delivery and personalized electronic health coaching from registered nurses has the potential to enhance participant engagement and motivation

    Challenges and practical recommendations for successfully recruiting inactive, statin-free older adults to clinical trials

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    Objectives: To outline the challenges and provide practical recommendations for recruiting inactive, statin-free older adults to facilitate feasible study designs. Data was obtained from a double-blind randomised-controlled clinical trial investigating the effects of acipimox versus placebo on muscle function and metabolism in older (65-75 years), inactive, statin-free males. The initial recruitment target was 20 volunteers within 12 months (November 2016-November 2017). Results: Recruitment occurred via the Exeter 10,000 database containing 236 'eligible' males, a Facebook campaign reaching > 8000 ≥ 65 years old males, 400 directly-addressed letters to ≥ 66 year old males, > 1500 flyers distributed within the community, > 40 emails to local community groups, 4 recruitment talks, 2 magazine adverts and 1 radio advert. Widespread recruitment efforts reaching > 120,000 people led to the recruitment of 20 volunteers (18 completed the clinical trial) within a 25-month timeframe, highlighting the challenge of the timely recruitment of inactive, statin-free older adults for clinical trials. We recommend recruitment for future clinical trials should take a multi-pronged approach from the outset, prioritising the use of volunteer databases, Facebook campaigns and delivering recruitment talks.This article is freely available via Open Access. Click on the Publisher URL to access it via the publisher's site.This work was supported by a grant from Dunhill Medical Trust (R492/0516) and the NIHR Exeter CRF. CS Deane is a funded Medical Research Council Skills Development Fellow (MR/T026014/1). The funders had no role in study design, data analysis or outcome of the study.published version, accepted versio

    GRB optical and IR rapid follow-up with the 2 m Liverpool Robotic Telescope

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    The Liverpool Telescope, owned and operated by Liverpool John Moores University and situated at Roque de los Muchachos, La Palma, is the first 2-m, fully instrumented robotic telescope. We plan to use the LT in conjunction with Gamma Ray Observatories (HETE-2, INTEGRAL, Swift) to study GRB physics. A special over-ride mode will enable observations commencing less than a minute after the GRB alert, including optical and near infrared imaging and spectroscopy. These observations, together with systematic monitoring of the burst through the afterglow, will help to unravel the nature of prompt optical flashes, short bursts, optically dark bursts, redshift distribution, GRB - supernova connection and other questions related to the GRB phenomenon. In particular, the combination of aperture, instrumentation and rapid automated response makes the Liverpool Telescope excellently suited to the investigation of optically dark bursts and currently optically unstudied short bursts

    XMMSL2 J144605.0+685735: a slow tidal disruption event

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    Aims. We investigate the evolution of X-ray selected tidal disruption events. Methods. New events are found in near real-time data from XMM-Newton slews, and are monitored by multi-wavelength facilities. Results. In August 2016, X-ray emission was detected from the galaxy XMMSL2 J144605.0+685735 (also known as 2MASX 14460522+6857311), that was 20 times higher than an upper limit from 25 years earlier. The X-ray flux was flat for ∼100 days and then fell by a factor of 100 over the following 500 days. The UV flux was stable for the first 400 days before fading by a magnitude, while the optical (U,B,V) bands were roughly constant for 850 days. Optically, the galaxy appears to be quiescent, at a distance of 127 ± 4 Mpc (z = 0.029 ± 0.001) with a spectrum consisting of a young stellar population of 1–5 Gyr in age, an older population, and a total stellar mass of ∼6 × 109 M⊙. The bolometric luminosity peaked at Lbol ∼ 1043 ergs s−1 with an X-ray spectrum that may be modelled by a power law of Γ ∼ 2.6 or Comptonisation of a low-temperature thermal component by thermal electrons. We consider a tidal disruption event to be the most likely cause of the flare. Radio emission was absent in this event down to < 10 μJy, which limits the total energy of a hypothetical off-axis jet to E <  5 × 1050 ergs. The independent behaviour of the optical, UV, and X-ray light curves challenges models where the UV emission is produced by reprocessing of thermal nuclear emission or by stream-stream collisions. We suggest that the observed UV emission may have been produced from a truncated accretion disc and the X-rays from Compton upscattering of these disc photons

    Atmospheric CO2 and d13C-CO2 reconstruction of the little ice age from antarctic ice cores

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    The decrease of atmospheric CO2 concentration recorded in Antarctic ice around 1600 AD is one of the most significant atmospheric changes to have occurred during the last millennia, before the onset of the industrial period.Together with the temperature decrease, the CO2 drop has been used to derive the sensitivity of carbon stores to climate. However, the cause of it is still under debate because models are not yet able to reproduce either its magnitude, or its timing. Here we present new measurements of the CO2 concentration decrease recorded in an ice core from a medium accumulation rate site in Antarctica (DML). We show that the new record is compatible(differences <2 ppm) with the CO2 record from the high accumulation rate DSS site on Law Dome (East Antarctica), when the different age distributions are taken into account. We have also measured the d13C-CO2 change in DML ice, filling a gap around 1600 AD in the DSS d13C record. We use a double deconvolution of the CO2 and d13C records together to provide quantitative evidence that the CO2 decrease was caused by a change in the net flux to the terrestrial biosphere. Finally, we provide a new interpretation of a published record showing increasing atmospheric carbonyl sulphide during the CO2 decrease, suggesting that cooler LIA climate affected terrestrial biospheric fluxes. Altogether our findings support the hypothesis that reduced soil heterotrophic respiration is likely to have given the most significant contribution to the LIA CO2 decrease implying a positive CO2-climate feedback. Š 2015, Authors

    Natural and anthropogenic changes in atmospheric greenhouse gases over the past 2 millennia

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    Millennial changes in atmospheric trace gas composition are best determined from air enclosed in ice sheets. Air extracted from the open pores in firn and the bubbles in ice is measured to derive the past concentrations and isotopic ratios of the long lived trace gases. The significant increases observed in CO2, CH4 and N2O since about 1750 and the more recent appearance of synthetic gases such as the CFCs in the atmosphere are a key feature of the anthropocene. The millennia preceding the anthropocene, the Late Pre-Industrial Holocene (LPIH), show evidence of natural changes in trace gases that can be used to constrain models and improve their ability to predict future changes under scenarios of anthropogenic emissions and climate change. Precise measurements and ice core air samples that are accurately dated and highly resolved in time are required to record the small and rapid trace gas signals of this period. The atmospheric composition records produced by CSIRO and collaborators using the Law Dome, Antarctica ice cores are widely used in models of climate, atmospheric chemistry and the carbon cycle over the anthropocene and the LPIH. Results from these studies have been influential in informing global policies, including the Montreal and Kyoto Protocols. We will present the recently revised trace gas records from Law Dome and new measurements of tracers from these and other ice sites that reveal the causes of atmospheric changes over the anthropocene and the LPIH

    Epilithic biomass in a large gravel-bed river (the Garonne, France): a manifestation of eutrophication?

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    In order to evaluate the impact of outputs of the city of Toulouse (740 000 inhabitants) on the epilithic communities colonizing pebble banks in the river Garonne, a large gravel-bed river (eighth order), dry mass (DM), ash-free dry mass (AFDM) and chlorophyll-a (chla) epilithic biomass per unit area were measured and autotrophic index (AI) (i.e. ratio AFDM/chla) was calculated at four stations. This river is morphologically characterized by a succession of pools and riffles and by highly fluctuating hydraulic conditions. At the four stations studied (223 km apart), the means of AFDM values varied between 17.1 and 31.1 g m−2 of colonized surface and the chla concentration varied between 112 and 254 mg m−2. However, there were no significant differences in AFDM per unit area between the parts of the river upstream and downstream of the Toulouse area (Mann–Whitney U-test statistic), nor between the four stations (Kruskal–Wallis test statistic), and the AI did not allow the description of changes in periphyton communities between sampling locations. This study showed that epilithic biomass should be considered as the typical microbial community of the river rather than as a manifestation of eutrophication

    Self-Affirmation Improves Problem-Solving under Stress

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    High levels of acute and chronic stress are known to impair problem-solving and creativity on a broad range of tasks. Despite this evidence, we know little about protective factors for mitigating the deleterious effects of stress on problem-solving. Building on previous research showing that self-affirmation can buffer stress, we tested whether an experimental manipulation of self-affirmation improves problem-solving performance in chronically stressed participants. Eighty undergraduates indicated their perceived chronic stress over the previous month and were randomly assigned to either a self-affirmation or control condition. They then completed 30 difficult remote associate problem-solving items under time pressure in front of an evaluator. Results showed that self-affirmation improved problem-solving performance in underperforming chronically stressed individuals. This research suggests a novel means for boosting problem-solving under stress and may have important implications for understanding how self-affirmation boosts academic achievement in school settings. Š 2013 Creswell et al

    A valley-spin qubit in a carbon nanotube

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    Although electron spins in III-V semiconductor quantum dots have shown great promise as qubits, a major challenge is the unavoidable hyperfine decoherence in these materials. In group IV semiconductors, the dominant nuclear species are spinless, allowing for qubit coherence times that have been extended up to seconds in diamond and silicon. Carbon nanotubes are a particularly attractive host material, because the spin-orbit interaction with the valley degree of freedom allows for electrical manipulation of the qubit. In this work, we realise such a qubit in a nanotube double quantum dot. The qubit is encoded in two valley-spin states, with coherent manipulation via electrically driven spin resonance (EDSR) mediated by a bend in the nanotube. Readout is performed by measuring the current in Pauli blockade. Arbitrary qubit rotations are demonstrated, and the coherence time is measured via Hahn echo. Although the measured decoherence time is only 65 ns in our current device, this work offers the possibility of creating a qubit for which hyperfine interaction can be virtually eliminated
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