106 research outputs found

    Safety Management System Design for Company Terminal Station

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    Bakalářská práce „Návrh systému řízení bezpečnosti koncových stanic ve společnosti“ se zaobírá tématem bezpečnosti koncových stanic ve firmě a to jak na administrativní úrovni, tak na personální. Soustředím se spíš na vnitřní rizika než vnější. Jedná se prakticky o každého uživatele počítače ve firmě. Stanovím konkrétní postupy, které zajistí informační bezpečnost, pravomoci a odpovědnosti zaměstnanců.Bachelor’s thesis "Safety Management System for Company Terminal Stations" deals with the problems of security for terminal stations in the company at both the administrative level and at the personal. I focus more on internal than external risks. Essentially every computer user in the company. I will specify procedures to ensure information security and define authority and responsibility system for staff.

    Accurate structure models and absolute configuration determination using dynamical effects in continuous-rotation 3D electron diffraction data

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    Continuous-rotation 3D electron diffraction methods are increasingly popular for the structure analysis of very small organic molecular crystals and crystalline inorganic materials. Dynamical diffraction effects cause non-linear deviations from kinematical intensities that present issues in structure analysis. Here, a method for structure analysis of continuous-rotation 3D electron diffraction data is presented that takes multiple scattering effects into account. Dynamical and kinematical refinements of 12 compounds—ranging from small organic compounds to metal–organic frameworks to inorganic materials—are compared, for which the new approach yields significantly improved models in terms of accuracy and reliability with up to fourfold reduction of the noise level in difference Fourier maps. The intrinsic sensitivity of dynamical diffraction to the absolute structure is also used to assign the handedness of 58 crystals of 9 different chiral compounds, showing that 3D electron diffraction is a reliable tool for the routine determination of absolute structures. [Figure not available: see fulltext.]

    The SWI/SNF ATP-Dependent Chromatin Remodeling Complex in Arabidopsis Responds to Environmental Changes in Temperature-Dependent Manner

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    SWI/SNF ATP-dependent chromatin remodeling complexes (CRCs) play important roles in the regulation of transcription, cell cycle, DNA replication, repair, and hormone signaling in eukaryotes. The core of SWI/SNF CRCs composed of a SWI2/SNF2 type ATPase, a SNF5 and two of SWI3 subunits is sufficient for execution of nucleosome remodeling in vitro. The Arabidopsis genome encodes four SWI2/SNF2 ATPases, four SWI3, a single SNF5 and two SWP73 subunits. Genes of the core SWI/SNF components have critical but not fully overlapping roles during plant growth, embryogenesis, and sporophyte development. Here we show that the Arabidopsis swi3c mutant exhibits a phenotypic reversion when grown at lower temperature resulting in partial restoration of its embryo, root development and fertility defects. Our data indicates that the swi3c mutation alters the expression of several genes engaged in low temperature responses. The location of SWI3C-containing SWI/SNF CRCs on the ICE1, MYB15 and CBF1 target genes depends on the temperature conditions, and the swi3c mutation thus also influences the transcription of several cold-responsive (COR) genes. These findings, together with genetic analysis of swi3c/ice1 double mutant and enhanced freezing tolerance of swi3c plants illustrate that SWI/SNF CRCs contribute to fine-tuning of plant growth responses to different temperature regimes

    Two Cases of Transfusion-related Acute Lung Injury Triggered by HLA and Anti-HLA Antibody Reaction

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    Transfusion-related acute lung injury (TRALI) is a serious adverse transfusion reaction that is presented as acute hypoxemia and non-cardiogenic pulmonary edema, which develops during or within 6 hr of transfusion. Major pathogenesis of TRALI is known to be related with anti-HLA class I, anti-HLA class II, or anti-HNA in donor's plasma. However, anti-HLA or anti-HNA in recipient against transfused donor's leukocyte antigens also cause TRALI in minor pathogenesis and which comprises about 10% of TRALI. Published reports of TRALI are relatively rare in Korea. In our cases, both patients presented with dyspnea and hypoxemia during transfusion of packed red blood cells and showed findings of bilateral pulmonary infiltrations at chest radiography. Findings of patients' anti-HLA antibodies and recipients' HLA concordance indicate that minor pathogenesis may be not as infrequent as we'd expected before. In addition, second case showed that anti-HLA class II antibodies could be responsible for immunopathogenic mechanisms, alone

    Evaluation of the role of downregulation of SNF5/INI1 core subunit of SWI/SNF complex in clear cell renal cell carcinoma development

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    Clear cell renal cell carcinoma (ccRCC) is characterized by stabilization of hypoxia-inducible factor (HIF1), and mutations in von Hippel-Lindau (VHL) gene. Additionally, in about 40% of ccRCC cases the mutation in PBRM1 (POLYBROMO1) gene coding for a non-core subunit of SWI/SNF chromatin remodeling complex was found suggesting potential impairment of this complex function in ccRCC. In this study we assessed the extent to which the core SWI/SNF complex subunit - INI1 (hSNF5/SMARCB1) is affected in ccRCC and whether it has any consequences on the development of this type of cancer. The evaluation of INI1 protein level in samples from 50 patients with diagnosed ccRCC, including three displaying rhabdoid features, showed the INI1 positive staining in rhabdoid cells while the conventional ccRCC cells exhibited reduced INI1 level. This indicated the rhabdoid component of ccRCC as distinct from other known rhabdoid tumors. The reduced INI1 protein level observed in all conventional ccRCC cases used in this study correlated with decreased SMARCB1 gene expression at the transcript level. Consistently, the overexpression of INI1 protein in A498 ccRCC cell line resulted in the elevation of endogenous SMARCB1 transcript level indicating that the INI1-dependent regulatory feedback loop controlling expression of this gene is affected in ccRCC Moreover, the set of INI1 target genes including i.e. CXCL12/CXCR7/CXCR4 chemokine axis was identified to be affected in ccRCC. In summary, we demonstrated that the inactivation of INI1 may be of high importance for ccRCC development and aggressiveness

    Потенціал біопродуктивності осушуваних земель України

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    The purpose of the work is based on the generalization of the results of long-term researches of scientific institutions of the NAAN in the Livoberezhnyy, Pravoberezhnyy, Western Polissya, as well as on intrazonal soils of river floodplains to substantiate the need to restore the effective use of melioration arable land and natural forage lands of the humid zone on the basis of evaluation of their potential bioproductivity for optimization of water -air, nutrient regimes, crop rotation and other factors.   In the conditions of the floodplain of the rivers in the vegetation specialization of agrarian production, the maximum productivity of the crop rotation: 1, 2 - corn for grain, 3 - soybeans, buckwheat on the background of the mineral fertilizer system will reach the level of 9 t f.unit / ha. For livestock specialization in crop rotation, which provides close to optimal ration of feeding of milk cattle: 1, 2 - corn for grain, 3 - soybeans, 4 - corn for silage, perennial grasses, sylvia permeated leaves, productivity of arable land under optimal conditions of moisture and nutrition will be 10 tons of f. units per hectare. According to the bioenergy specialization of production activity, it may be most expedient to grow Salix triandra L. with a difference in terms of planting in 1 year - 40 t / ha of dry matter. Regarding the conditions of the Left Bank Polissya for well-cultivated sod-  podzolic soils in the conditions of humidity and nutrition, which are close to optimal ones, it is possible to recommend 4-field crop rotation: 1 - winter and spring crops, 2 - clover, lupine, 3 -  milk-waxy corn or grain and 4 - potatoes with an expected productivity of 12 t f.unit / ha. Such crop rotation, which involves the production of coarse and juicy fodder, is suitable for introduction in the presence of a developed livestock industry. In the absence of livestock breeding with a purely planting crop specialization, it is possible to recommend a 3-fiel crop rotation with the production of only commercial crop production: 1 - winter and spring crops, 2 - potatoes, 3 - maize for grain and productivity level of 12 t f. unit / hа.         In the Right-bank Polissya, the highest yield was observed at the cultivation of a mixture of grass (Phléum praténse L. + Bromus inermis + Agropyrum glaucum R.) - 9 t / ha of dry matter. In the meliorationed arable lands of the region, the expected level of productivity of crop rotation: 1 - cereals 2 - milk-waxy corn, 3 - lupine, 4 - clover will be at level of 11 t / ha of dry matter. The bioenergy trend of agrarian production is the productivity of crop rotation: 1 - maize for silage, 2 - clover can reach 13 t / ha of dry matter.    In Western Polissya, the grass-mixed Galega oritalis L.50% + Bromus inermis 50% provide at a level of 10 t f. unit / ha. On organic soils - feed  crop rotation: 1 - Rhaponticum Transbaikal, 2 - Galega oritalis L., 3 - Raphanus sativum d., 4 – Echinochloa flumentacea will be able to receive 17 t f.unit / ha, on sod-podzolic soils of crop rotation: 1 - Rhaponticum Transbaikal, 2 - Lotus corniculatus, 3 - Raphanus sativum d., 4 - Echinochloa flumentacea will be able to receive at the level of 12 t f. unit / ha. From one-year grassy energy crops, sugar sorghum produces - 22 t / ha of dry matter, from perennial herbaceous Miscánthus  - 24 t / ha of dry matter, Salix triandra L. provides 55 t / ha for the 3rd year, Salix viminalis L. of domestic selection -   52 t / ha, Swedish selection - 84 t / ha of dry matter.У статті узагальнено результати багаторічних досліджень, спрямованих на розробку технологій підвищення біопродуктивності осушуваних територій річкових заплав, лівобережного, правобережного та західного Полісся на органогенних і мінеральних ґрунтах, на орних землях і кормових угіддях. Встановлено, що за оптимізації водно-повітряного, поживного режиму ґрунту та складу культур у сівозмінах очікувана продуктивність орних земель становить 10-12 т к. од./га. У сприятливих умовах вирощування традиційні багаторічні трави і травосумішки забезпечують до 15 т к. од./га. На органогенних ґрунтах перевагу мають малопоширені нетрадиційні кормові і трав’янисті енергетичні культури з максимальною продуктивністю відповідно 27 та 29 т/га сухої речовини. З дерев’янистих енергетичних культур максимальний вихід сухої речовини дає верба прутовидна шведської селекції – 84 т/га сухої речовини. Проведені дослідження свідчать про доцільність відновлення ефективного використання осушуваних земель Україн

    Band structure of CuMnAs probed by optical and photoemission spectroscopy

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    The tetragonal phase of CuMnAs progressively appears as one of the key materials for antiferromagnetic spintronics due to efficient current-induced spin-torques whose existence can be directly inferred from crystal symmetry. Theoretical understanding of spintronic phenomena in this material, however, relies on the detailed knowledge of electronic structure (band structure and corresponding wave functions) which has so far been tested only to a limited extent. We show that AC permittivity (obtained from ellipsometry) and UV photoelectron spectra agree with density functional calculations. Together with the x-ray diffraction and precession electron diffraction tomography, our analysis confirms recent theoretical claim [Phys. Rev. B 96, 094406 (2017)] that copper atoms occupy lattice positions in the basal plane of the tetragonal unit cell