165 research outputs found

    Affective Reactions to daily interpersonal stressors: Moderation by family involvement and gender

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    The goal of this study was to examine whether family involvement and gender moderated daily changes in affect associated with interpersonal stressors. Adults ( N = 2022; Mage = 56.25, Median = 56, SD = 12.20, Range = 33–84) from the second wave of the National Study of Daily Experiences participated in eight consecutive daily diaries. Each day they reported whether a daily interpersonal stressor occurred, whether family was involved, and their positive and negative affect. Results from multilevel models indicated that family involvement did not significantly moderate daily interpersonal stressor-affect associations; however, gender was a significant moderator in some instances. Women showed greater increases in negative affective reactivity to arguments and avoided arguments compared to men. Further, compared to men, women reported larger decreases in positive affective reactivity, but only for avoided arguments. Neither family involvement, gender, nor the interaction between family involvement and gender predicted affective residue. Gender differences in daily interpersonal stressors and affective reactivity may be attributable to overarching gender norms and roles that are still salient in the U.S. Our results suggest that daily interpersonal stressors may be detrimental to affective well-being, regardless of family involvement. Future work should explore associations between daily interpersonal stressors and family involvement by specific relationship roles, such as mother or spouse, for a more comprehensive understanding of what stressor characteristics impact daily affective well-being

    End-to-end automated microfluidic platform for synthetic biology: from design to functional analysis

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    DNAConstructor scripts.zip. Zip file containing files gfp_DNAConstructor.txt and rfp_DNAConstructor.txt, input script files for DNA Constructor. (ZIP 1.7 kb

    How Do Marital Transitions Affect Self-Perceptions of Aging?

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    Objectives We analyzed whether marital status and experiences of marital loss or gain were associated with self-perceptions of aging (SPA), a major psychosocial mechanism of healthy aging. Method We used data from 7028 participants of the Health and Retirement Study. Participants reported their marital status and their positive and negative SPA on two occasions 4 years apart. We ran general linear models to analyze differences in SPA between men and women who remained married, became divorced or widowed, or remarried following divorce or widowhood. Results Participants who experienced marital loss had lower positive SPA than participants who remained marred. Participants who experienced marital gain had lower negative SPA than participants who remained married. None of the associations differed between men and women. Discussion Results suggest that it may not be marital status itself, but rather the transition into or out of marriage, that impacts how people appraise their own aging

    Advanced Technology Composite Fuselage - Manufacturing

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    The goal of Boeing's Advanced Technology Composite Aircraft Structures (ATCAS) program is to develop the technology required for cost-and weight-efficient use of composite materials in transport fuselage structure. Carbon fiber reinforced epoxy was chosen for fuselage skins and stiffening elements, and for passenger and cargo floor structures. The automated fiber placement (AFP) process was selected for fabrication of stringer-stiffened and sandwich skin panels. Circumferential and window frames were braided and resin transfer molded (RTM'd). Pultrusion was selected for fabrication of floor beams and constant-section stiffening elements. Drape forming was chosen for stringers and other stiffening elements cocured to skin structures. Significant process development efforts included AFP, braiding, RTM, autoclave cure, and core blanket fabrication for both sandwich and stiffened-skin structure. Outer-mold-line and inner-mold-line tooling was developed for sandwich structures and stiffened-skin structure. The effect of design details, process control and tool design on repeatable, dimensionally stable, structure for low cost barrel assembly was assessed. Subcomponent panels representative of crown, keel, and side quadrant panels were fabricated to assess scale-up effects and manufacturing anomalies for full-scale structures. Manufacturing database including time studies, part quality, and manufacturing plans were generated to support the development of designs and analytical models to access cost, structural performance, and dimensional tolerance

    Deposition of poly(ethyleneimine)/poly(2-ethyl-2-oxazoline) based comb-branched polymers onto polypropylene nonwoven fabric using the layer-by-layer technique. selected properties of the modified materials

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    Well-defined comb polymers consisting of branched homo poly(ethyleneimine) (bPEI), or poly(ethyleneimine) with grafted poly(2-ethyl-2-oxazoline) (PEI-PEtOx), having varying degrees of polymerization (DPs) of the main chain and branches, have been successfully deposited onto a poly(propylene) nonwoven textile fabric (PP) using a layer-by-layer technique. The surface properties of the materials have been studied by Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR) and X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS). Changes in the net surface charge and the electrostatic behaviour have been studied by employing electrokinetic and electrostatic measurements. The deposition of the electrolytes increased the thermal stability of the nanomaterials and enabled the absorption of copper ions from solution

    Formation mechanism of a nano ring of bismuth cations and mono-lacunary Keggin-type phosphomolybdate

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    A new hetero-bimetallic polyoxometalate (POM) nano ring was synthesized in a one-pot procedure. The structure consists of tetrameric units containing four bismuth-substituted monolacunary Keggin anions including distorted [BiO8] cubes. The nano ring is formed via self -assembly from metal precursors in aqueous acidic medium. The compound (NH4)16[(BiPMo11O39)4]×22H2O; (P4Bi4Mo44) was characterized by single-crystal X-ray diffraction, extended X-ray absorption fine structure spectroscopy (EXAFS), Raman spectroscopy, matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionisation-time of flight mass spectrometry (MALDI-TOF), and thermogravimetry/differential scanning calorimetry (TG-DSC-MS). The formation of the nano ring in solution was studied by time-resolved in situ small- and wide-angle X-ray scattering (SAXS/WAXS) and in situ EXAFS measurements at the Mo-K and the Bi-L3 edge indicating a two-step process consisting of condensation of Mo-anions and formation of Bi-Mo-units followed by a rapid self-assembly to yield the final tetrameric ring structure

    Daily Stress Processes as Potential Intervention Targets to Reduce Gender Differences and Improve Mental Health Outcomes in Mid- and Later Life.

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    The current study examines daily stress processes as risk factors for comprised mental health in midlife and later life, specifically for gender differences in depression risk. Using data from the Midlife in the United States (MIDUS) study and the National Study of Daily Experiences (NSDE), we examine (1) gender differences in depression; (2) the prospective effects of differential exposure and affective responses on 10-year depression status; (3) gender differences in daily stress-depression links. Furthermore, we explore whether the protective factor of help-seeking behavior moderates the effects of daily stress on depression. Participants included 1289 (mage = 55; SD = 12; range = 34-83; 56% female) individuals who completed the second waves of MIDUS and the 8-day NSDE daily diary protocol and participated in the third wave of MIDUS approximately 10 years later. Respondents completed assessments of depression and their seeking assistance from a psychiatrist, mental health professional, counselor, or religious leader. Covariate-adjusted logistic regression analyses revealed increased odds of depression among women compared to men, but no significant gender difference after taking daily stress into account. Higher levels of stressor exposure, negative affect, and affective reactivity were associated with increased odds of depression for both men and women. Compared to those who did not engage in help-seeking behavior, those who did had significantly greater odds of depression, and there were asymmetric patterns of daily stress effects across groups. These findings highlight differential exposure, negative affect, and affective responses to daily stress as potentially accessible intervention targets for reducing stress in daily life and mitigating longer-term depression risk during mid- and later life

    Elimination of wild-type P53 mRNA in glioblastomas showing heterozygous mutations of P53

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    We screened 50 glioblastomas for P53 mutations. Five glioblastomas showed heterozygous mutations, while three were putatively heterozygous. Six of these eight glioblastomas showed elimination of wild-type P53 mRNA. These results strongly suggest that some sort of mechanism(s) favouring mutated over wild-type P53 mRNA exists in glioblastoma cells with heterozygous mutations of this gene
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