72 research outputs found


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    [EN] This paper proposes the use of Structure from Motion (SfM) techniques to survey inaccessible monument structures and presents its application on capturing Kornarou Square's philanthropic fountain in Heraklion, Crete. A series of aerial and terrestrial photos of the fountain were combined in order to build the 3D geometry of the monument using Agistoft's Photoscan. This 3D model was used to study the dynamic behavior of the fountain. Its response was determined through multiple inelastic dynamic analyses. The analysis results were summarized in the average dynamic curveLiratzakis, A.; Parthenios, P.; Stavroulaki, M. (2016). PHILANTHROPIC FOUNTAIN OF KORNAROU SQUARE: USING SFM TO CALCULATE THE FOUNTAIN’S GEOMETRIC CHARACTERISTICS IN ORDER TO DETERMINE ITS INELASTIC DYNAMIC RESPONSE. En 8th International congress on archaeology, computer graphics, cultural heritage and innovation. Editorial Universitat Politècnica de València. 472-476. https://doi.org/10.4995/arqueologica8.2015.4167OCS47247

    Modelling, identification and structural damage investigation of the Neoria monument in Chania

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    The structural behavior of Neoria masonry monument is studied here. The determination of structural and material properties of a partially collapsed monument and the evaluation of existing damages and their importance for further restoration studies are not trivial tasks. The investigation has been based on detailed geometric data, collected from sources and in-situ measurements. For the mechanical analysis, finite element models have been created with different level of detail, including simplified description of documented damages. Modal analysis is assisted by micro-tremor measurements. Comparison of the predictions with the experimentally measured quantities, allows the determination of material parameters with higher accuracy. A least square technique assisted by the modal assurance criterion has been used, by driving the model from a Python script. A comparison of collapse predictions based on modified pushover analysis, with classical modal analysis has been performed. An explanation of existing damages is attempted, based on the numerical models

    Effect of Neonatal Treatment With the NMDA Receptor Antagonist, MK-801, During Different Temporal Windows of Postnatal Period in Adult Prefrontal Cortical and Hippocampal Function

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    The neonatal MK-801 model of schizophrenia has been developed based on the neurodevelopmental and NMDA receptor hypofunction hypotheses of schizophrenia. This animal model is generated with the use of the NMDA receptor antagonist, MK-801, during different temporal windows of postnatal life of rodents leading to behavioral defects in adulthood. However, no studies have examined the role of specific postnatal time periods in the neonatal MK-801 (nMK-801) rodent model and the resulting behavioral and neurobiological effects. Thus, the goal of this study is to systematically investigate the role of NMDA hypofunction, during specific temporal windows in postnatal life on different cognitive and social behavioral paradigms, as well as various neurobiological effects during adulthood. Both female and male mice were injected intraperitoneally (i.p.) with MK-801 during postnatal days 7–14 (p7–14) or 11–15 (p11–15). Control mice were injected with saline during the respective time period. In adulthood, mice were tested in various cognitive and social behavioral tasks. Mice nMK-801-treated on p7–14 show impaired performance in the novel object, object-to-place, and temporal order object recognition (TOR) tasks, the sociability test, and contextual fear extinction. Mice nMK-801-treated on p11–15 only affects performance in the TOR task, the social memory test, and contextual fear extinction. No differences were identified in the expression of NMDA receptor subunits, the synapsin or PSD-95 proteins, either in the prefrontal cortex (PFC) or the hippocampus (HPC), brain regions significantly affected in schizophrenia. The number of parvalbumin (PV)-expressing cells is significantly reduced in the PFC, but not in the HPC, of nMK-801-treated mice on p7–14 compared to their controls. No differences in PV-expressing cells (PFC or HPC) were identified in nMK-801-treated mice on p11–15. We further examined PFC function by recording spontaneous activity in a solution that allows up state generation. We find that the frequency of up states is significantly reduced in both nMK-801-treated mice on p7–14 and p11–15 compared to saline-treated mice. Furthermore, we find adaptations in the gamma and high gamma activity in nMK-801-treated mice. In conclusion, our results show that MK-801 treatment during specific postnatal temporal windows has differential effects on cognitive and social behaviors, as well as on underlying neurobiological substrates

    Formulation, implementation considerations, and first performance evaluation of algorithmic solutions - D4.1

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    Deliverable D4.1 del projecte Europeu OneFIT (ICT-2009-257385)This deliverable contains a first version of the algorithmic solutions for enabling opportunistic networks. The presented algorithms cover the full range of identified management tasks: suitability, creation, QoS control, reconfiguration and forced terminations. Preliminary evaluations complement the proposed algorithms. Implementation considerations towards the practicality of the considered algorithms are also included.Preprin

    Validation platform specification – D5.1

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    Deliverable D5.1 del projecte Europeu OneFIT (ICT-2009-257385)The present deliverable introduces the OneFIT Proof-of-Concept (PoC) Architecture which will be used as a basis for the validation platform development throughout the project. This PoC Architecture proposal is validated by identifying the roles of the various components in the framework of the OneFIT Scenarios as derived and detailed in WP2. The applied methodology ensures that all required features are appropriately considered. Furthermore, the hardware components available to the project are detailed which are the basis for the development of an integrated validation platform. Their role is highlighted by an instantiation step which maps the PoC Architecture components to the identified hardware components. Finally, a scenario instantiation is derived which illustrates the role of the various hardware components for the validation of selected OneFIT scenarios.Postprint (published version

    OneFIT functional and system architecture - D2.2

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    Deliverable D2.2 del projecte Europeu OneFIT (ICT-2009-257385)This document presents the OneFIT functional and system architecture for the management and control of infrastructure coordinated opportunistic networks (ONs). The most relevant building blocks "Cognitive management System for the Coordination of the Infrastructure" (CSCI) and the "Cognitive Management system for the Opportunistic Network" (CMON) are described.Postprint (published version

    Αντίληψη ομόηχων γλωσσικών τύπων από φοιτητές σε σχέση με τη συχνότητα εμφάνισης κάθε τύπου στη Νέα Ελληνική.

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    Σκοπός της παρούσας εργασίας είναι η διερεύνηση του τρόπου με τον οποίο γίνονται αντιληπτές περιπτώσεις φωνητικής ταύτισης τύπων που διαφέρουν ως προς τη σημασία και την ορθογραφία όταν αυτοί παρουσιάζονται ως ακουστικά ερεθίσματα χωρίς περικειμενικές πληροφορίες, αναφορικά και με τη συχνότητα εμφάνισης του καθενός όπως αυτή καταγράφεται με βάση τα στοιχεία από το σώμα κειμένων του Εθνικού Θησαυρού της Ελληνικής Γλώσσας (ΕΘΕΓ). Το δείγμα της έρευνας αποτέλεσαν 72 φοιτητές του Ε.Κ.Π.Α για 60 από τους οποίους οι απαντήσεις στη γλωσσική δοκιμασία συγκεντρώθηκαν γραπτώς ενώ για τους υπόλοιπους 12 συλλέχθηκαν προφορικά και απομαγνητοφωνήθηκαν. Τα αποτελέσματα της δοκιμασίας έδειξαν ότι μεταξύ ομόηχων τύπων που ανήκουν στην ίδια γραμματική κατηγορία (ουσιαστικό – ουσιαστικό, ρήμα – ρήμα) η ανάκληση της πρώτης σημασίας βασίζεται στη συχνότητα εμφάνισης κάθε τύπου. Για ομόηχα της ίδιας γραμματικής κατηγορίας του ουσιαστικού που παρουσιάζουν κοντινές συχνότητες ανακαλούνται πρώτα οι τύποι ενικού αριθμού και επιπλέον όχι εκείνοι με την ευκολότερη ορθογραφικά μορφή. Ανάμεσα σε ομόηχα διαφορετικής γραμματικής κατηγορίας (ουσιαστικό – ρήμα, ρήμα – επίθετο) ανακαλείται πρώτα ο ονοματικός τύπος ακόμα και όταν εμφανίζει χαμηλότερη συχνότητα χρήσης με βάση τα δεδομένα από το corpus του ΕΘΕΓ. Μικρές διαφοροποιήσεις στα αποτελέσματα των απαντήσεων μεταξύ του δείγματος της γραπτής και προφορικής μορφής της πειραματικής δοκιμασίας υποδεικνύουν πιθανά ότι η μεσολάβηση της γραφής κατά την αποτύπωση των απαντήσεων επιδρά στη νοητική επεξεργασία και στην αυθόρμητη έκφραση της πρώτης σκέψης κατά το άκουσμα μιας ομόηχης λέξης.The purpose of the present study is to examine the perception of auditorily presented heterographic homophones free from any context information, with regard to the frequency of each homophonic type as it is indicated in the statistical data of the Hellenic National Corpus (HNC). The sample of the study consisted of 72 students of the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, 60 of whom participated in the written form of the experimental test while the rest 12 participated orally and their answers were recorded and transcribed. The results of the test indicated that among homophonic types which belong in the same grammatical category, the spontaneous mental recall of the meaning is related to the frequency of each type. In the case of the homophones which belong in the grammatical category of nouns but also have close frequencies, the singular form types are recalled first and not those with the easiest spelling. Between homophones of different grammatical categories the one that is firstly recalled is the nominal form even if its frequency is lower depending on the data of the HNC. Also, small differences between the results of the subsamples of the written and oral form of the experimental method may indicate that the intervention of writing when answering the test affects the first recall of meaning of an auditorily presented homophone