1,018 research outputs found

    Morphology and Tensile Properties of Multigraft Copolymers with Regularly Spaced Tri-, Tetra-, and Hexafunctional Junction Points

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    The effect of chain architecture on the morphological and tensile properties of series of multigraft copolymers, with regularly spaced tri-, tetra-, and hexafunctional junction points, was investigated using transmission electron microscopy (TEM), small-angle X-ray scattering (SAXS), and tensile testing. The materials were synthesized by coupling difunctional polyisoprene (PI) spacers and living polystyrene (PS) branches, made by anionic polymerization, with chlorosilanes of different functionalities. Since the coupling process is a step-growth polymerization, yielding polydisperse products, fractionation was utilized to separate each material into three fractions (high, middle, and low molecular weight), each of low polydispersity. All three fractions have the same chain architecture on a per junction point basis but differ in the number of junction point units per molecule. By applying the constituting block copolymer concept, the physical behavior of these molecules was compared with current theories. It was found that morphological behavior of these graft copolymers can be predicted using theoretical approaches and is independent on the number of junction points. The number of the junction points, however, greatly influences the long-range order of microphase separation. Additionally, two new parameters for adjusting mechanical properties of multigraft copolymers were found in this investigation: (1) functionality of the graft copolymerstri-, tetra-, or hexafunctionals and (2) number of junction points per molecule. An increase in functionality causes a change in morphology, resulting in a high level of tensile strength for tetrafunctional (cylindrical) and hexafunctional (lamellae) multigraft copolymers, leading to about the twice the strength of the spherical trifunctional multigrafts of similar overall composition. Tetrafunctional multigraft copolymers show a surprisingly high strain at break, far exceeding that of commercial block copolymer thermoplastic elastomers (TPEs). Strain at break and tensile strength increase linearly with the number of junction points per molecule. Hysteresis experiments at about 300-900% deformation demonstrate that multifunctional multigraft copolymers have improved high elasticity as compared to commercial TPEs like Kraton or Styroflex

    FPGA basierte, konfigurierbare OFDM Sender-Plattform für die Positionsbestimmung mittels TDoA

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    Für die Evaluierung von Algorithmen zur Positionsbestimmung nach dem Time Difference of Arrival – Verfahren wird eine frei konfigurierbare OFDM Sender-Plattform benötigt. Da die Berechnung in Echtzeit erfolgen soll, ist eine Implementierung in rekonfigurierbarer Hardware (FPGA) erforderlich. Das Manuskript gibt sowohl einen Überblick über die Hintergründe und die Architektur des Sendesystems, als auch einen tieferen Einblick in verschiedene Lösungsdetails

    Addressing Grand Challenges in Earth Observation Science: The Earth Observation Data Centre for Water Resources Monitoring

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    Earth observation is entering a new era where the increasing availability of free and open global satellite data sets combined with the computing power offered by modern information technologies opens up the possibility to process high-resolution data sets at global scale and short repeat intervals in a fully automatic fashion. This will not only boost the availability of higher level earth observation data in purely quantitative terms, but can also be expected to trigger a step change in the quality and usability of earth observation data. However, the technical, scientific, and organisational challenges that need to be overcome to arrive at this point are significant. First of all, Petabyte-scale data centres are needed for storing and processing complete satellite data records. Second, innovative processing chains that allow fully automatic processing of the satellite data from the raw sensor records to higher-level geophysical products need to be developed. Last but not least, new models of cooperation between public and private actors need to be found in order to live up to the first two challenges. This paper offers a discussion of how the Earth Observation Data Centre for Water Resources Monitoring (EODC) – a catalyser for an open and international cooperation of public and private organisations – will address these three grand challenges with the aim to foster the use of earth observation for monitoring of global water resources

    A mathematical model for breath gas analysis of volatile organic compounds with special emphasis on acetone

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    Recommended standardized procedures for determining exhaled lower respiratory nitric oxide and nasal nitric oxide have been developed by task forces of the European Respiratory Society and the American Thoracic Society. These recommendations have paved the way for the measurement of nitric oxide to become a diagnostic tool for specific clinical applications. It would be desirable to develop similar guidelines for the sampling of other trace gases in exhaled breath, especially volatile organic compounds (VOCs) which reflect ongoing metabolism. The concentrations of water-soluble, blood-borne substances in exhaled breath are influenced by: (i) breathing patterns affecting gas exchange in the conducting airways; (ii) the concentrations in the tracheo-bronchial lining fluid; (iii) the alveolar and systemic concentrations of the compound. The classical Farhi equation takes only the alveolar concentrations into account. Real-time measurements of acetone in end-tidal breath under an ergometer challenge show characteristics which cannot be explained within the Farhi setting. Here we develop a compartment model that reliably captures these profiles and is capable of relating breath to the systemic concentrations of acetone. By comparison with experimental data it is inferred that the major part of variability in breath acetone concentrations (e.g., in response to moderate exercise or altered breathing patterns) can be attributed to airway gas exchange, with minimal changes of the underlying blood and tissue concentrations. Moreover, it is deduced that measured end-tidal breath concentrations of acetone determined during resting conditions and free breathing will be rather poor indicators for endogenous levels. Particularly, the current formulation includes the classical Farhi and the Scheid series inhomogeneity model as special limiting cases.Comment: 38 page

    Toksični učinci olova u profesionalno izložene indijske obitelji

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    This article describes an entire family manufacturing lead acid batteries who all suffered from lead poisoning. The family of five lived in a house, part of which had been used for various stages of battery production for 14 years. Open space was used for drying batteries. They all drank water from a well located on the premises. Evaluation of biomarkers of lead exposure and/or effect revealed alarming blood lead levels [(3.92±0.94) µmol L-1], 50 % reduction in the activity of δ-aminolevulinic acid dehydratase [(24.67±5.12) U L-1] and an increase in zinc protoporphyrin [(1228±480) µg L-1]. Liver function tests showed an increase in serum alkaline phosphatase [(170.41±41.82) U L-1]. All other liver function test parameters were normal. Renal function tests showed an increase in serum uric acid [(515.81±86.29) µmol L-1] while urea and creatinine were normal. Serum calcium was low [(1.90±0.42) mmol L-1 in women and (2.09±0.12) mmol L-1 in men], while blood pressure was high in the head of the family and his wife and normal in children. Lead concentration in well water was estimated to 180 µg L-1. The family was referred to the National Referral Centre for Lead Poisoning in India, were they were received treatment and were informed about the hazards of lead poisoning. A follow up three months later showed a slight decrease in blood lead levels and a significant increase in haemoglobin. These findings can be attributed to behavioural changes adopted by the family, even though they continued producing lead batteries.Olovo je sveprisutni metal s mnogo namjena, a čovječanstvo ga rabi već više od 6000 godina. Danas je olovo među najrasprostranjenijim toksinima u okolišu, a drugi je na popisu toksičnih metala, odmah iza arsena. Mnogi još nisu svjesni njegova toksičnoga djelovanja te se i dalje izlažu olovu. Ovdje je opisana obitelj koja proizvodi olovne akumulatore i koja je pretrpjela trovanje olovom zahvaljujući svojoj neobaviještenosti. Ova peteročlana obitelj živjela je u jednome kućanstvu čiji je dio namijenjen različitim fazama proizvodnje akumulatora već 14 godina. Akumulatori su se sušili na otvorenome. Na imanju je bio i bunar s pitkom vodom. Mjerenja biopokazatelja izloženosti olovu i njegova djelovanja u svih pet članova obitelji dovela su do alarmantnoga saznanja o razinama olova u krvi [(3,92±0,94) µmol L-1], 50 %-tnom padu aktivnosti dehidrataze δ-aminolevulinske kiseline [(24,67±5,12) U L-1] te povišenom cinkovu protoporfirinu [(1228±480) µg L-1]. Jetrene probe otkrile su povišene razine alkalne fosfataze u serumu [(170,41±41,82) U L-1]. Ostali su parametri jetrene funkcije bili normalni. Testovi funkcije bubrega otkrili su povišene razine mokraćne kiseline u serumu [(515,81±86,29) µmol L-1], dok su razine ureje i kreatinina bile normalne. Također je zabilježen pad razina kalcija u serumu [(1,90±0,42) mmol L-1 u žena te (2,09±0,12) mmol L-1 u muškaraca]. Povišeni krvni tlak zamijećen je u glave obitelji i njegove supruge, dok je u djece bio normalan. Koncentracija olova u bunarskoj vodi bila je izrazito visoka, prema procjeni 180 µg L-1. Obitelj je upućena u indijski Državni referalni centar za otrovanje olovom (National Referral Centre for Lead Poisoning) gdje je primila lijekove i bila upoznata s činjenicama vezanim uz otrovanje olovom. Tromjesečno je praćenje pokazalo blagi pad razina olova u krvi te značajan porast hemoglobina. Ovi se nalazi mogu pripisati promjenama u ponašanju obitelji, bez obzira na to što je nastavila proizvoditi akumulatore