497 research outputs found

    Enquête auprès des travailleuses du sexe de rue en ville de Lausanne : mise en perspective de leur santé sexuelle par rapport à la globalité de leurs besoins en santé

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    Ce travail de maîtrise s'est intéressé à la mise en perspective de la santé sexuelle des travailleuses du sexe de rue (tds) de la ville de Lausanne par rapport à leur santé globale. Ainsi, 30 entretiens semi-structurés ont été réalisés auprès de tds entre les mois de mai et de septembre 2015. Un tiers des femmes interrogées rapportent avoir déjà eu au moins une fois une IST dans sa vie. Néanmoins les aspects de santé sexuelle ne sont pas considérés par les tds comme étant problématiques. Elles estiment se protéger assidument avec leurs clients et réalisent des dépistages régulièrement. L'usage du préservatif se fait par contre beaucoup plus rare lors de relations avec des partenaires privés (qui ne sont pas des clients). Parallèlement, les tds rencontrent d'autres problèmes de santé qu'elles considèrent comme problématiques mais pour lesquels elles ne vont jamais consulter ; il s'agit entre autre de problèmes psychologiques et de problèmes liés à la violence. D'autres problèmes de santé, qui peuvent être pris en charge par des médecins de premier recours, sont également récurrents alors qu'un grand nombre de tds fait part d'un renoncement aux soins pour des motifs économiques. Le prix fait également figure d'obstacle concernant l'accès aux dépistages du VIH et d'autres IST. D'autres barrières structurelles (assécurologiques et linguistiques par exemple) entravent l'accès aux dépistages et au système de soins. Les tds de la ville de Lausanne font donc face à différentes problématiques socio-sanitaires et les aspects de santé sexuelle ne figurent pas au premier plan. Il faudrait ainsi préconiser une approche prenant en compte la globalité bio-psycho-sociale de ces femmes pour favoriser leur accès à un dépistage du VIH et d'autres IST

    Complex Matrix Models and Statistics of Branched Coverings of 2D Surfaces

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    We present a complex matrix gauge model defined on an arbitrary two-dimensional orientable lattice. We rewrite the model's partition function in terms of a sum over representations of the group U(N). The model solves the general combinatorial problem of counting branched covers of orientable Riemann surfaces with any given, fixed branch point structure. We then define an appropriate continuum limit allowing the branch points to freely float over the surface. The simplest such limit reproduces two-dimensional chiral U(N) Yang-Mills theory and its string description due to Gross and Taylor.Comment: 21 pages, 2 figures, TeX, harvmac.tex, epsf.tex, TeX "big

    A study of a kanban based assembly line feeding system through integration of simulation and particle swarm optimization

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    With increase in differentiation and decreasing batch size of products, feeding the assembly line at regular intervals is considered to be a critical problem in today's manufacturing sector. Yet no clear solution has been developed for this problem; therefore, the main focus of this research is to discuss the different aspects of line feeding, the latest trend in literature, and to propose an innovative method to support solving the problem. A discrete event simulation model is developed and a mathematical model based on particle swarm optimization is used to support the simulation. The hybrid model is finally applied to practical situations. Results show how different settings of kanban influence the performance of the assembly line feeding system. The biggest novelty item is certainly the recognition of the trade-off between kanban size and number of kanban and the importance of investigating its behaviour during the design of the system. (C) 2019 by the authors; licensee Growing Science, Canad

    Multicritical Phases of the O(n) Model on a Random Lattice

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    We exhibit the multicritical phase structure of the loop gas model on a random surface. The dense phase is reconsidered, with special attention paid to the topological points g=1/pg=1/p. This phase is complementary to the dilute and higher multicritical phases in the sense that dense models contain the same spectrum of bulk operators (found in the continuum by Lian and Zuckerman) but a different set of boundary operators. This difference illuminates the well-known (p,q)(p,q) asymmetry of the matrix chain models. Higher multicritical phases are constructed, generalizing both Kazakov's multicritical models as well as the known dilute phase models. They are quite likely related to multicritical polymer theories recently considered independently by Saleur and Zamolodchikov. Our results may be of help in defining such models on {\it flat} honeycomb lattices; an unsolved problem in polymer theory. The phase boundaries correspond again to ``topological'' points with g=p/1g=p/1 integer, which we study in some detail. Two qualitatively different types of critical points are discovered for each such gg. For the special point g=2g=2 we demonstrate that the dilute phase O(2)O(-2) model does {\it not} correspond to the Parisi-Sourlas model, a result likely to hold as well for the flat case. Instead it is proven that the first {\it multicritical} O(2)O(-2) point possesses the Parisi-Sourlas supersymmetry.}Comment: 28 pages, 4 figures (not included

    Strong coupling from the Hubbard model

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    It was recently observed that the one dimensional half-filled Hubbard model reproduces the known part of the perturbative spectrum of planar N=4 super Yang-Mills in the SU(2) sector. Assuming that this identification is valid beyond perturbation theory, we investigate the behavior of this spectrum as the 't Hooft parameter \lambda becomes large. We show that the full dimension \Delta of the Konishi superpartner is the solution of a sixth order polynomial while \Delta for a bare dimension 5 operator is the solution of a cubic. In both cases the equations can be solved easily as a series expansion for both small and large \lambda and the equations can be inverted to express \lambda as an explicit function of \Delta. We then consider more general operators and show how \Delta depends on \lambda in the strong coupling limit. We are also able to distinguish those states in the Hubbard model which correspond to the gauge invariant operators for all values of \lambda. Finally, we compare our results with known results for strings on AdS_5\times S^5, where we find agreement for a range of R-charges.Comment: 14 pages; v2: 17 pages, 2 figures, appendix and references added; typos fixed, minor changes; v3 fixed figures; v4 more references added, minor correctio

    Computations in Large N Matrix Mechanics

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    The algebraic formulation of Large N matrix mechanics recently developed by Halpern and Schwartz leads to a practical method of numerical computation for both action and Hamiltonian problems. The new technique posits a boundary condition on the planar connected parts X_w, namely that they should decrease rapidly with increasing order. This leads to algebraic/variational schemes of computation which show remarkably rapid convergence in numerical tests on some many- matrix models. The method allows the calculation of all moments of the ground state, in a sequence of approximations, and excited states can be determined as well. There are two unexpected findings: a large d expansion and a new selection rule for certain types of interaction.Comment: 27 page


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    Two-Dimensional Chiral Matrix Models and String Theories

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    We formulate and solve a class of two-dimensional matrix gauge models describing ensembles of non-folding surfaces covering an oriented, discretized, two-dimensional manifold. We interpret the models as string theories characterized by a set of coupling constants associated to worldsheet ramification points of various orders. Our approach is closely related to, but simpler than, the string theory describing two-dimensional Yang-Mills theory. Using recently developed character expansion methods we exactly solve the models for target space lattices of arbitrary internal connectivity and topology.Comment: 12 pages, 1 figure, TeX, harvmac.tex, epsf.tex, minor correction

    Nutritional implications of dietary interventions for managing gastrointestinal disorders

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    PURPOSE OF REVIEW: The aim of this review is to summarize some of the key dietary interventions recommended for common gastrointestinal disorders and to discuss recent evidence regarding their nutritional implications. RECENT FINDINGS: The gluten-free diet has been shown to negatively influence overall diet quality. The gluten-free diet is essential in celiac disease, although it is increasingly used for other perceived health benefits for which an analysis of perceived benefit should be weighed against any nutritional risks. Evidence from short-term controlled trials of a diet low in fermentable oligosaccharides, disaccharides, monosaccharide and polyols in irritable bowel syndrome suggests compromised intake of nutrients such as fiber, iron, and calcium, although findings vary across studies. Meanwhile long-term uncontrolled trials suggest dietary adequacy improves with reintroduction and personalization. Although high-fiber diets may be beneficial in diverticular disease and constipation, it may lead to reductions in energy intake and nutrient absorption in at-risk populations. SUMMARY: The role of therapeutic diets in the management of gastrointestinal disorders is increasingly recognized, but there are limited studies investigating their nutritional implications. The judicious use of dietetic expertise should minimize potential nutritional deficits, however further prospective trials are needed to identify the individuals and nutrients most at risk