1,322 research outputs found

    A Finite Model Property for Intersection Types

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    We show that the relational theory of intersection types known as BCD has the finite model property; that is, BCD is complete for its finite models. Our proof uses rewriting techniques which have as an immediate by-product the polynomial time decidability of the preorder <= (although this also follows from the so called beta soundness of BCD).Comment: In Proceedings ITRS 2014, arXiv:1503.0437

    On sets of terms with a given intersection type

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    We are interested in how much of the structure of a strongly normalizable lambda term is captured by its intersection types and how much all the terms of a given type have in common. In this note we consider the theory BCD (Barendregt, Coppo, and Dezani) of intersection types without the top element. We show: for each strongly normalizable lambda term M, with beta-eta normal form N, there exists an intersection type A such that, in BCD, N is the unique beta-eta normal term of type A. A similar result holds for finite sets of strongly normalizable terms for each intersection type A if the set of all closed terms M such that, in BCD, M has type A, is infinite then, when closed under beta-eta conversion, this set forms an adaquate numeral system for untyped lambda calculus. A number of related results are also proved

    Bandwidth compression of noisy signals with square-wave subcarrier

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    This article discusses a method for downconverting the square-wave subcarrier of spacecraft signals, such as the one from Galileo, which results in a compression bandwidth that lowers the sample rate significantly. The study is focused on three issues. The first is the selection of an adequate down-mixing signal for the resulting signal to have a format similar to that of the original signal, except at a lower subcarrier frequency. The second is the control of the noise level so that the signal to noise ratio is not degraded due to the downconversion. The third is to determine the bandwidth of the downconverted signal considering the uncertainty of the residual carrier frequency

    SNR degradation in square-wave subcarrier downconversion

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    This article presents a study of signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) degradation in the process of square-wave subcarrier downconversion. The study shows three factors that contribute to the SNR degradation: the cutoff of the higher frequency components in the data, the approximation of a square wave with a finite number of harmonics, and nonideal filtering. Both analytical and simulation results are presented

    Digital phase-lock loop having an estimator and predictor of error

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    A digital phase-lock loop (DPLL) which generates a signal with a phase that approximates the phase of a received signal with a linear estimator. The effect of a complication associated with non-zero transport delays related to DPLL mechanization is then compensated by a predictor. The estimator provides recursive estimates of phase, frequency, and higher order derivatives, while the predictor compensates for transport lag inherent in the loop

    Symbol signal-to-noise ratio loss in square-wave subcarrier downconversion

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    This article presents the simulated results of the signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) loss in the process of a square-wave subcarrier down conversion. In a previous article, the SNR degradation was evaluated at the output of the down converter based on the signal and noise power change. Unlike in the previous article, the SNR loss is defined here as the difference between the actual and theoretical symbol SNR's for the same symbol-error rate at the output of the symbol matched filter. The results show that an average SNR loss of 0.3 dB can be achieved with tenth-order infinite impulse response (IIR) filters. This loss is a 0.2-dB increase over the SNR degradation in the previous analysis where neither the signal distortion nor the symbol detector was considered

    Why Do Countries Matter so Much in Corporate Social Performance?

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    Why do levels of corporate social performance (CSP) differ so much across countries? We answer this question in an examination of CSP ratings of more than 2,600 companies from 36 countries. We find that firm characteristics explain very little of the variations in CSP ratings. In contrast, variations in country factors such as stages of economic development, culture, and institutions account for a significant proportion of variations in CSP ratings across countries. In particular, we find that CSP ratings are high in countries with high income-per-capita, strong civil liberties and political rights, and cultures oriented toward harmony and autonomy. Furthermore, we find that home country factors explain a smaller portion of the overall variations in CSP for multinationals and cross-listed firms than for non-multinationals and pure domestic firms, respectively

    High-dynamic GPS tracking

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    The results of comparing four different frequency estimation schemes in the presence of high dynamics and low carrier-to-noise ratios are given. The comparison is based on measured data from a hardware demonstration. The tested algorithms include a digital phase-locked loop, a cross-product automatic frequency tracking loop, and extended Kalman filter, and finally, a fast Fourier transformation-aided cross-product frequency tracking loop. The tracking algorithms are compared on their frequency error performance and their ability to maintain lock during severe maneuvers at various carrier-to-noise ratios. The measured results are shown to agree with simulation results carried out and reported previously

    A New Type Assignment for Strongly Normalizable Terms

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    We consider an operator definable in the intuitionistic theory of monadic predicates and we axiomatize some of its properties in a definitional extension of that monadic logic. The axiomatization lends itself to a natural deduction formulation to which the Curry-Howard isomorphism can be applied. The resulting Church style type system has the property that an untyped term is typable if and only if it is strongly normalizable

    Halakha and Morality: A Few Methodological Considerations

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    This paper argues that the current discussion on the relationship between morality and halakha tends to confuse philosophical, historical, ideological and jurisprudential issues. It claims that the philosophical question of whether or not morality is dependent on religion should be separated from the historical question of how Jewish thinkers perceived the relationship between divine command and morality and from the question of the actual role played by moral considerations in the history of halakha. Similarly, the jurisprudential question regarding the formalistic nature of the law should be separated from the internal, halakhic question regarding the weight that should be assigned to formalistic, as opposed to substantive, considerations in halakha. The only way to understand the role of moral considerations in halakha as an historical phenomenon is through comprehensive inductive research on the role of moral considerations in halakha together with an investigation into the way experts in halakha viewed this role
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