19 research outputs found

    Model for the Cable Thermal Characteristic Calculation

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    V rámci této práce byl vytvořen model pro výpočet oteplovacích charakteristik silových kabelů. Připravený přehled se nejprve věnuje základním pojmům z kabelové techniky. Navazuje jednoduché popsání jednotlivých možností přestupu tepla do okolí. V práci je zmíněna fyzikální podstata oteplování kabelů. Je zde popsán výpočet venkovních tepelných odporů kabelů. Lze se zde seznámit s metodou výpočtu oteplení silových kabelu. V rámci práce byl vytvořen a parametrizován model pro výpočet oteplovacích charakteristik silových kabelů, který je založen na metodě uvedené Van Wormerem. V závěru práce proběhla verifikace vytvořeného modelu s reálným kabelem. Proběhlo měření a porovnání výsledků modelování a měření.The result of this assignment is the Model for the Cable Thermal Characteristic Calculation. Firstly, there is a prepared overview that is focused on the essential ideas of cable technology. The following part describes the simple possibilities of passaging the heat. Secondly,the physical essence of warming cables as well as the possibility to discover the methods how to calculate the warming cables are also mentioned in this task.There is an opportunity to find the methods for calculating the warming cables as well. The model was verificationed in the conclusion of my assignment. The measurement was done and the empirical results were compared with the results that were achieved by modeling.

    Time and Space: The Language Clinch

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    Information System for Cultural and Sport Events

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    Práce se zabývá problematikou tvorby informačních systémů pro kulturní a sportovní akce. Cílem je vytvořit redakční systém, který umožní spravovat obsah webových stránek bez nutnosti znalosti jazyka  HTML. Aplikace umožňuje prezentovat články, místa a akce, které se na nich konají. Tato práce se také zabývá personalizací systému pro uživatele, výměnou informací s jinými informačními systémy pomocí kanálů XML a také nabízí modul pro export vybraných akcí do PDF.This thesis deals with problem of information system for cultural and sports events. The aim is to set up CMS (content management system), that allows web pages content managing without necessity of HTML language knowledge. Application allows presentation of articles, places and actions within. This thesis also deals with system personalization for users, exchange of data with different information systems via XML channels and it also offers module for export of selected action to PDF.  

    Janečka, M. (2017). S. K. Šaumjan: Sémiotické pojetí gramatiky. České Budějovice: Episteme.

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    BaTiO3 films deposited onto TiNb and Ti substrates using hydrothermal synthesis method were studied in the presented work. These films are supposed to improve properties of bone implants due to their ferroelectric behaviour, because ferroelectrics induce improved bone formation. A great question is the chemical stability of the used material. It can be crucial for its biocompatibility and possible in vivo application. We studied chemical composition of prepared samples, especially concentration of Ba and Ti and trends of these concentrations stimulated by a solution saline action. The Ba and Ti concentrations were determined by XPS under ultra - high vacuum condition. The BaTiO3 films were investigated as received after the preparation procedure as well as after a long - time treatment in solution saline. Every sample was introduced to the solution saline at first for 1 and later for 3 weeks. Ti concentration almost does not change during our experiments while a meaningful Ba decrease is observed. Nevertheless, barium release seems to slow down with respect to the time of solution saline action. Stability of barium titanate films in a period of several months and an absolute amount of the released barium will be a subject of the next research

    Structure characterization and biodegradation rate of poly(ε-caprolactone)/starch blends

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    The present paper focuses on the effects of blending poly (ε-caprolactone) (PCL) with thermoplastic starch (TPS) on the final biodegradation rate of PCL/TPS blends, emphasizing the type of environment in which biodegradation takes place. The blends were prepared by melt-mixing the components before a two-step processing procedure, which strongly affects the degree of plasticization and therefore the final material morphology, as was detailed in the previous work, was used for the thermoplastic starch. The concentration row of pure PCL over PCL/TPS blends to pure TPS was analyzed for biodegradation in two different environments (compost and soil), as well as from a morphological, thermomechanical, rheological, and mechanical point of view. The morphology of all the samples was studied before and after biodegradation. The biodegradation rate of the materials was expressed as the percentage of carbon mineralization, and significant changes, especially after exposure in soil, were recorded. The crystallinity of the measured samples indicated that the addition of thermoplastic starch has a negligible effect on PCL-crystallization. The blend with 70% of TPS and a co-continuous morphology demonstrated very fast biodegradation, with the initial rate almost identical to pure TPS in both environments while the 30% TPS blend exhibited particle morphology of the starch phase in the PCL matrix, which probably resulted in a dominant effect of the matrix on the biodegradation course. Moreover, some molecular interaction between PCL and TPS, as well as differences in flow and mechanical behavior of the blends, was determined. © Copyright © 2020 Nevoralová, Koutný, Ujčić, Starý, Šerá, Vlková, Šlouf, Fortelný and Kruliš.MH CR [NV15-31269A]; Technology Agency of the CR [TE01020118, TN01000008]; Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports of the CR, program NPU I [POLYMAT LO1507


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    BaTiO3 films deposited onto TiNb and Ti substrates using hydrothermal synthesis method were studied in the presented work. These films are supposed to improve properties of bone implants due to their ferroelectric behaviour, because ferroelectrics induce improved bone formation. A great question is the chemical stability of the used material. It can be crucial for its biocompatibility and possible in vivo application. We studied chemical composition of prepared samples, especially concentration of Ba and Ti and trends of these concentrations stimulated by a solution saline action. The Ba and Ti concentrations were determined by XPS under ultra - high vacuum condition. The BaTiO3 films were investigated as received after the preparation procedure as well as after a long - time treatment in solution saline. Every sample was introduced to the solution saline at first for 1 and later for 3 weeks. Ti concentration almost does not change during our experiments while a meaningful Ba decrease is observed. Nevertheless, barium release seems to slow down with respect to the time of solution saline action. Stability of barium titanate films in a period of several months and an absolute amount of the released barium will be a subject of the next research

    Biaspectuals Revisited

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    The article deals with (or rather begins with) Czech biaspectual verbs. Although biaspectuals (sometimes referred to as aspectual homonyms) distinguish between perfective vs. imperfective meaning, there is nothing in their morphological makeup to signal this meaning distinction. To determine the aspect of a biaspectual, i.e. to disambiguate its aspectual homonymy, biaspectuals are sometimes synonymously substituted by verbs whose morphological makeup does signal their aspect; the biaspectuals are then considered perfective or imperfective (used perfectively vs. imperfectively) depending on the aspect of their substituents. The article demonstrates that this method is deficient: it is not necessarily conclusive. To demonstrate this, the following observations were made and conclusions drawn on Czech aspect and aspect in general. i. Despite the fact that aspect is thought of as an obligatory verbal category in Czech, it is not a matter of the verb alone, but rather of a larger linguistic expression. The mutual morphological makeup of the verb is only one of the many factors/exponents which (“in cooperation”) determine the aspectual interpretation of the respective linguistic expression. Some of these factors are identifiable as aspectual exponents in the expression itself (for example tense, verb complements, adverbial verb complements among them), others are beyond its scope, i.e. they are part of the (situational) context in which the expression is used. ii. Linguistic expression can be interpreted as perfective, imperfective, aspectually unspecific or the aspectual distinction can be irrelevant for it — despite that, aspect is considered to be an obligatory category. iii. Furthermore, the morphological imperfective can be used to co-express perfectivity, and the morphological perfective can be used to refer to an imperfectivelyconceived process/event. Therefore, due to this and points i. and ii. above, the verb IS NOT inherentlyperfective or imperfective, it is USED perfectively, imperfectively, or in an aspectually unspecificway.11112

    Bodové poruchy, vazba a struktura vrstevnatých krystalů typu tetradymidu

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    Dokončená práce s úspěšnou obhajobo

    Use of compatibilization in recycling of commingled plastic waste

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    An efficient compatibilization system based on the combination of styrene-butadiene block copolymer (SBS) with ethylene-propylene random copolymer (EPM) has been developed for polyolefin/polystyrene blends and commingled plastic waste. Efficiency of this system can be further improved by incorporation of N,N´-disubstituted phenylenediamine stabilizer