363 research outputs found

    Translation as talking to oneself : MiƂosz makes Whitman speak

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    In this paper, the author examines CzesƂaw MiƂosz’s poetic dialogue with Walt Whitman on the ambivalent status of the natural world and material existence. By translating Whitman’s poems and interspersing them among his own verses in the collection Unattainable Earth (Nieobjęta ziemia, 1984), MiƂosz practices a peculiar form of poetic commentary or criticism, drawing attention to certain tensions within the work of his American predecessor. This tendentious form of dialogue between poets simultaneously intertwines with a conflict within MiƂosz’s own poetics - as the Polish poet effectively argues with himself by proxy. The author plays close attention to MiƂosz’s translation of Whitman’s "As I Ebb’d With the Ocean of Life", pointing to several crucial distortions of its original meaning and context. This analysis opens the broader question of whether MiƂosz’s poetry is truly hospitable to other voices or whether the dominant voice of the MiƂoszean poetic subject inevitably subjugates or perverts them

    Stanley Owen in a Junior Voice Recital

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    This is the program for the junior voice recital of Stanley Owen, accompanied by pianist, Bill Borland. The recital was held on February 2, 1968

    Translation as Talking to Oneself: MiƂosz Makes Whitman Speak

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    In this paper, the author examines CzesƂaw MiƂosz’s poetic dialogue with Walt Whitman on the ambivalent status of the natural world and material existence. By translating Whitman’s poems and interspersing them among his own verses in the collection Unattainable Earth (Nieobjęta ziemia, 1984), MiƂosz practices a peculiar form of poetic commentary or criticism, drawing attention to certain tensions within the work of his American predecessor. This tendentious form of dialogue between poets simultaneously intertwines with a conflict within MiƂosz’s own poetics – as the Polish poet effectively argues with himself by proxy. The author plays close attention to MiƂosz’s translation of Whitman’s “As I Ebb’d With the Ocean of Life,” pointing to several crucial distortions of its original meaning and context. This analysis opens the broader question of whether MiƂosz’s poetry is truly hospitable to other voices or whether the dominant voice of the MiƂoszean poetic subject inevitably subjugates or perverts them

    Seeking the Authentic: Polish Culture and the Nature of Postcolonial Theory

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    W Polsce, teoria postkolonialna okazaƂa się bardzo atrakcyjna dla myƛlicieli związanych z konserwatywną prawicą. Jest to zaskakujące, gdy wziąć pod uwagę fakt, ĆŒe w swoich kanonicznych formach teoria postkolonialna bardzo duĆŒo zawdzięcza teoriom marksistowskim, postmodernistycznym czy feministycznym. Autor rozpoczyna ten artykuƂ od zbadania owego paradoksu, dociekając, dlaczego omawiana teoria jest tak atrakcyjna dla konserwatywnych intelektualistĂłw i jaki czynią z niej uĆŒytek. Teoria postkolonialna pojawiƂa się jednak w Polsce takĆŒe w bardzo odmiennym kontekƛcie ideologicznym – a mianowicie w pracach Marii Janion, ktĂłra sytuuje się raczej na przeciwlegƂym ideologicznym biegunie wspóƂczesnych polskich „wojen kulturowych”. W proponowanej analizie autor sugeruje, ĆŒe podstawowy repertuar wyobraĆŒeniowy, stojący za pozornie sprzecznymi wizjami polskiej przeszƂoƛci i przyszƂoƛci, moĆŒe się okazać w duĆŒej mierze wspĂłlny. Mając to na uwadze, odnosi on omawiany przypadek do szerszych dyskusji dotyczących samej natury teorii postkolonialnej.In Poland, postcolonial theory has proven especially attractive to various thinkers associated with the conservative right. This is surprising when we consider that postcolonial theory in its canonical forms owes a great deal to Marxist, postmodernist and feminist theories. The author begins by examining this paradox, assessing why the theory might be so appealing to conservative intellectuals and how they have employed it. Yet postcolonial theory has also appeared in a very different ideological context – namely, in the work of Maria Janion, who belongs to the opposing side of the ideological divide in Poland’s contemporary “culture wars” between “traditionalist” and “progressive” factions. The author suggests that the fundamental imaginative repertoires fueling quite disparate visions of Poland’s past and future may turn out to have a great deal in common. On this basis, he brings the Polish case into broader discussions on the very nature of postcolonial theory

    Cardiovascular Disease Control Through Barbershops: Design of a Nationwide Outreach Program

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    Objectives To review the success of barbershops as vehicles for health promotion and outline the Black Barbershop Health Outreach Program (BBHOP), a rapidly growing, replicable model for health promotion through barbershops. Methods BBHOP was established by clinicians in order to enhance community level awareness of and empowerment for cardiometabolic disorders such as diabetes and cardiovascular disease. At coordinated events utilizing existing infrastructures as well as culturally and gender-specific health promotion, BBHOP volunteers screen for diabetes and hypertension and reinforce lifestyle recommendations for the prevention of cardiometabolic disorders from the Seventh Report of the Joint National Committee on Prevention, Detection, Evaluation, and Treatment of High Blood Pressure. Patrons with abnormal findings are referred to participating physicians or health care facilities. We performed a selective review of the literature in order to place this model for health promotion in the context of previous efforts in barbershops. BBHOP is among several successful programs that have sought to promote health in barbershops. Combining a grassroots organization approach to establishing a broad-based network of volunteers and partner agencies with substantial marketing expertise and media literacy, the BBHOP has screened more than 7000 African American men in nearly 300 barbershops from more than 20 cities across 6 states. Conclusions The BBHOP is an effective method for community level health promotion and referral for cardio-metabolic diseases, especially for AA men, one of the nation’s most vulnerable populations

    Evolving Maturation of the Series-Bosch System

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    Human exploration missions to Mars and other destinations beyond low Earth orbit require highly robust, reliable, and maintainable life support systems that maximize recycling of water and oxygen. In order to meet this requirement, NASA has continued the development of a Series-Bosch System, a two stage reactor process that reduces carbon dioxide (CO2) with hydrogen (H2) to produce water and solid carbon. Theoretically, the Bosch process can recover 100% of the oxygen (O2) from CO2 in the form of water, making it an attractive option for long duration missions. The Series Bosch system includes a reverse water gas shift (RWGS) reactor, a carbon formation reactor (CFR), an H2 extraction membrane, and a CO2 extraction membrane. In 2016, the results of integrated testing of the Series Bosch system showed great promise and resulted in design modifications to the CFR to further improve performance. This year, integrated testing was conducted with the modified reactor to evaluate its performance and compare it with the performance of the previous configuration. Additionally, a CFR with the capability to load new catalyst and remove spent catalyst in-situ was built. Flow demonstrations were performed to evaluate both the catalyst loading and removal process and the hardware performance. The results of the integrated testing with the modified CFR as well as the flow demonstrations are discussed in this paper

    Analysis, characterization, and effects of heavy metal chealating agents in water

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    Students supported: 5 Student Assistants"The term 'chelating agents' refers to chemical ligands which bind to an element with more than one site. It is a ubiquitous term, since there are multitudes of compounds which fulfill the requirements for being called chelating agents. Their origin is both synthetic and natural, and the manner and fashion in which they bind is quite varied. Many of the vitamins and hormones essential to life are chelating agents. Chlorophyll, which is required for photosynthesis, consists of a porphyrin ring structure bound to magnesium. Hemoglobin binds iron in a similar pattern, and vitamin B-12 utilizes cobalt in the same fashion. In addition to these, there are quite a number of similar compounds in both plants and animals. Most metals transport and usage inside living things involve a chelation process. In natural water systems, the presence of chelating agents can have significant impact on the transport and toxicity of metals."--IntroductionProject # B-095-MO Agreement # 14-31-0001-409
