112 research outputs found


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    According to Nietzsche autonomous individual has certain skill or capacity to be free, his own long, unbreakable will to power, able to made a promise, has “mastery over himself”, has standard of value,  permitted to say “yes” to himself and conscious of “superiority and completion.” Capability to achieve autonomy Nietzsche explains in mastery over circumstances, nature and fate. Someone who has a spirit to become a free he is capable to accept and affirm oneself as a whole, and rather than seeing the necessity or accepting the fate of one’s character as an obstacle to action, one sees it as an opportunity for true self-expression. An autonomous individual is strong enough for this freedom and stands in the midst of a universe of joyful and trusting fatalism. This person has in his power conscious and unconscious drives and takes with challenge obstacles and opportunity gave by fate. They have will and power for struggle to overcome them and to achieve new freedom according to their rules and values

    Comparative study of Pterygium surgery

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    Aim: To compare and evaluate the success rates of various surgical techniques of pterygium excision, including pterygium excision with complete suture of conjunctivae (PESC), pterygium excision with conjunctival auto-graft transplantation with graft from the inferior temporal bulbar conjunctiva (ITBC) and pterygium excision with conjunctival auto-graft transplantation with graft from the superior temporal bulbar conjunctiva (STBC). Material and methods: 120 cases with primary unilateral nasal pterygium were evaluated. Outcomes were evaluated in terms of complication and recurrence after pterygium excision. The patients were divided into 3 groups: 1.Group of 40 patients with primary pterygium (pterygium length over the cornea 1.0 mm and more) treated by the technique of pterygium excision with complete suture of conjunctiva (PESC). 2.Group of 40 patients with primary pterygium (pterygium length over the cornea 1.0 mm and more) treated by the technique of pterygium excision with the conjunctival auto-graft transplantation with graft from the inferior temporal bulbar conjunctivae(ITBC). 3.Group of 40 patients with primary pterygium (pterygium length over the cornea 1.0 mm and more) treated by the technique of pterygium excision with conjunctival auto-graft transplantation with graft from the superior temporal bulbar conjunctivae(STBC). Results: Mean follow-up time after the surgery was 15 months (6 to 24 months).12 out of 40 (30%) recurred after the pterygium excision with complete suture of conjunctivae (PESC). Three out of forty (7.5%) pterygium recurred after the modified surgical techniques of pterygium excision with conjunctival auto-graft transplanttation wit

    Cyber Security in Education

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    This paper presents an analysis of basic knowledge about cyber security in the education of high school students (from the first to the fourth grade of high school) and undergraduate students. The focus of the research is determining knowledge about cyber security, as well as identifying the desire of respondents to learn more about cyber security. The respondents were students of the Gymnasium and Technical School in Čačak and undergraduate students of the Information Technologies study program at the Faculty of Technical Sciences in Čačak, University of Kragujevac. An analysis of the conducted research on cyber security in education was carried out. Based on the results of the research, a discussion was given and conclusions were drawn in order to improve knowledge about cyber security in education.Publishe

    Uticaj količina hrane na prirast šaranske mlađi u tankovima

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    Šaran se gaji u sva tri sistema: ekstenzivni, poluintenzivni i intenzivni. Za razliku od ekstenzivnog gde je prirast ribe isključivo zavistan od prirodne hrane, poluintenzivni i intenzivan sistem gajenja riba su bazirani na delimičnoj, odnosno potpunoj zavisnosti od dodatne hrane. Kako tokom sezone gajenja, prirodna hrana u ribnjacima sa poluintenzivnim sistemom ima veoma izražen sezonalni karakter, u periodu sa optimalnim temperaturama za rast šarana (od sredine juna pa do kraja avgusta) prirast je u najvećoj meri zavistan od vrste i količine dodatne hrane. Sa ekonomskog, ali i ekološkog aspekta važno je obezbediti hranu koja će rezultirati niskim koeficijentom konverzije, visokim tempom rasta, dobrim zdravstvenim stanjem gajenih riba, visokim kvalitetom finalnog proizvoda, tj. ribljeg mesa i što manjim opterećenjem vodene sredine organskim materijama, fosforom i azotom. Od velike važnosti je i obezbeđivanje adekvatne količine dodatne hrane, odnosno ne dozvoliti da količina hrane bude manja od potreba gajene ribe, ali i ne preterati sa količinom koja od strane riba neće biti racionaln iskorišćena i time smanjiti profitabilnost gajenja riba. U cilju određivanja optimalnog procenta hrane u odnosu na ihtiomasu gajene mlađi šarana urađen je ovaj rad. Eksperiment je realizovan u Centru za ribarstvo i primenjenu hidrobiologiju, Poljoprivrednog fakulteta, Univerziteta u Beogradu tokom 90 dana. Za prihranu šaranske mlađi korišćena je ekstrudirana hrana sa 38% proteina i 8% masti proizvođača Vetrinarski zavod «Subotica», veličine peleta 2 mm. Eksperiment je realizovan u 4 tretmana sa po 3 ponavljanja. Tretmani su se razlikovali po procentualnom učešću količine hrane u odnosu na ihtiomasu u tanku na početku svakog tridesetodnevnog perioda. U prvom tretmanu je dnevni obrok riba 2%, u drugom 3%, u trećem 4%, dok su ribe u tretmanu četiri hranjene sa 5% hrane u odnosu na ihtiomasu. U svaki od 12 nezavisnih tankova nakon perioda adaptacije, nasađeno je po 40 jedinki šarana, prosečne mase 6,41 do 6,47 g. Hranjenje riba je obavljano svakodnevno upotrebom hranilica sa trakom. Na osnovu prosečnih masa riba po periodima i na kraju eksperimenta, statističkom analizom je ustanovljeno da postoje vrlo značajne razlike u prirastu u zavisnosti od dnevnog obroka. Ribe hranjene sa 5% hrane u odnosu na ihtiomasu ostvarivale su statistički značajno veći prirast u odnosu na ribe hranjene sa 2, 3 i 4% hrane. Korišćenjem ovog rezultata se otklanja dilema koja je količina hrane za prihranu gajene šaranske mlađi optimalna tokom gajenja šaranske mlađi u prvoj godini. Pored najboljeg prirasta, šaranska mlađ hranjena sa 5% hrane je imala i najbolji faktor kondicije, specifičnu stopu rasta, kao i termalni koeficijent rasta. U odnosu na ribe hranjene sa 3 i 4% hrane, mlađ hranjena sa 5% je imala nešto veći koeficijent konverzije (za oko 10%), međutim imajući u vidu značajnu razliku u prirastu između svake od 4 hrane, ovo povećanje koeficijenta konverzije je ekonomski opravdano

    Feed Quantity Effect on Carp Juveniles’ Plasma Protein and Immunoglobulin Levels

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    Plasma protein and immunoglobulin (Ig) levels in fish can be influenced by stress reaction, caused by some nutritional factors. This paper shows effects of different feed quantity on total protein and total Ig levels in blood of common carp (Cyprinus carpio) juveniles exposed to chronic stress conditions. The study was carried out in a recirculation aquaculture system (RAS) during 96 days. Carps (initial weight 6.43±0.02 g) were distributed into four groups in three replicate tanks, 40 fish per tank. The groups were formed according to the feed quantity applied: 2, 3, 4 and 5% of commercial extruded mixture in relation to the ichthyomass (i.e. groups I, II, III and IV respectively). According to the results, the mean values of total plasma proteins and Ig were highest in group IV and the lowest in group II (p<0.05). Total protein levels were influenced by feed quantity (p<0.05), and sampling time (p<0.001). Total Ig levels were influenced by duration of the experiment i.e. sampling time (p<0.001). In all groups the mean values of plasma proteins after two month of the experiment was increased (p<0.01), and the mean values of Ig in less fed groups I and II (p<0.05 and p<0.01, respectively). Total plasma proteins and Ig were not significantly affected by water quality parameters only in the group fed 2% of feed (group I). Significant positive correlation between total proteins and Ig was determined in each experimental group (p<0.01). In terms of reducing stress and ensuring welfare in carp juveniles, applied feed amount should match to the length of fish growing in the fish tanks, stocking density and capacity of the system for efficient water purification

    Two cases of uveitis masquerade syndrome caused by bilateral intraocular large B-cell lymphoma

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    Introduction. Sometimes it is not easy to clinically recognize subtle differences between intraocular lymphoma and non-infectious uveitis. The most common lymphoma subtype involving the eye is B-cell lymphoma. Case report. We presented two patients aged 59 and 58 years with infiltration of the subretinal space with a large B-cell non-Hodgkin intraocular lymphoma. The patients originally had clinically masked syndrome in the form of intermediate uveitis. As it was a corticosteroid-resistant uveitis, we focused on the possible diagnosis of neoplastic causes of this syndrome. During hospitalization, the neurological symptoms emerged and multiple subretinal changes accompanied by yellowish white patches of retinal pigment epithelium with signs of vitritis, which made us suspect the intraocular lymphoma. Endocra-nial magnetic resonance imaging established tumorous infiltration in the region of the left hemisphere of the cerebellum. The histopathological finding confirmed the diagnosis of large B-cell non-Hodgkin lymphoma of risk moderate degree, immunoblast - centroblast cytological type. The other patient had clinical chronic uveitis accompanied by yellowish shaped white echographic changes of the retina and localized changes in the level of the subretina. The diagnosis of lymphoma was made by brain biopsy. Conclusion. Uveitis masquerade syndrome should be considered in all patients over 40 years with idiopathic steroid-resistant uveitis. Treatment begun on time can affect the course and improve the prognosis of uveitis masquerade syndrome (UMS) and systemic disease

    Ultrastructural characteristics of the vascular wall components of ruptured atherosclerotic abdominal aortic aneurysm

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    The aim of this study was to determine the ultrastructural characteristics of cell populations and extracellular matrix components in the wall of ruptured atherosclerotic abdominal aortic aneurysm (AAA). We analyzed 20 samples of ruptured AAA. For orientation to the light microscopy, we used routine histochemical techniques by standard procedures. For ultrastructural analysis, we applied transmission electron microscopy (TEM). Our results have shown that ruptured AAA is characterized by the remains of an advanced atherosclerotic lesion in the intima followed by a complete absence of endothelial cells, the disruption of basal membrane and disruption of internal elastic lamina. On plaque margins as well as in the inner media we observed smooth muscle cells (SMCs) that posses a euchromatic nucleus, a well-developed granulated endoplasmic reticulum around the nucleus and reduced myofilaments. The remains of the ruptured lipid core were acellular in all samples; however, on the lateral sides of ruptured plaque we observed a presence of two types of foam cells (FCs), spindle- and star-shaped. Fusiform FCs possess a well-differentiated basal lamina, caveolae and electron dense bodies, followed by a small number of lipid droplets in the cytoplasm. Star-shaped FCs contain a large number of lipid droplets and do not possess basal lamina. On the inner margins of the plaque, we observed a large number of cells undergoing apoptosis and necrosis, extracellular lipid droplets as well as a large number of lymphocytes. The media was thinned out with disorganized elastic lamellas, while the adventitia exhibited leukocyte infiltration. The presented results suggest that atherosclerotic plaque in ruptured AAA contains vascular SMC synthetic phenotype and two different types of FCs: some were derived from monocyte/macrophage lineage, while others were derived from SMCs of synthetic phenotype. The striking plaque hypocellularity was the result of apoptosis and necrosis of different cell populations