310 research outputs found


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    Bathythrix formosa (Desvignes, 1860) is a new finding of the ichneumonid wasp for the Serbian fauna. It was recorded on the locality Bojanine vode, Suva mt. Serbia from the host species Agroeca sp (Aranea: Liocranidae)

    Optimal detection and error exponents for hidden semi-Markov models

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    We study detection of random signals corrupted by noise that over time switch their values (states) between a finite set of possible values, where the switchings occur at unknown points in time. We model such signals as hidden semi-Markov signals (HSMS), which generalize classical Markov chains by introducing explicit (possibly non-geometric) distribution for the time spent in each state. Assuming two possible signal states and Gaussian noise, we derive optimal likelihood ratio test and show that it has a computationally tractable form of a matrix product, with the number of matrices involved in the product being the number of process observations. The product matrices are independent and identically distributed, constructed by a simple measurement modulation of the sparse semi-Markov model transition matrix that we define in the paper. Using this result, we show that the Neyman-Pearson error exponent is equal to the top Lyapunov exponent for the corresponding random matrices. Using theory of large deviations, we derive a lower bound on the error exponent. Finally, we show that this bound is tight by means of numerical simulations

    The Catholic Church and the Croatians in Foreign Lands

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    This lecture under the title THE CATHOLIC CHURCH AND THE CROATIANS IN FOREIGN LANDS was delivered in a little shorter form in the panel ā€œCroatian Migrations During the Twentieth Centuryā€, November 1, 1985 in Washington at III World Congress for Soviet and East European Studies, hosted by the American Association for the Advencement of Slavic Studies. The panel session was sponsored by the Association for Croatian Studies. This topic coincides with the title of the printed symposium ā€œKatolička Crkva i Hrvati izvan domovineā€ which was published by the Council of Bishopsā€™ Conference for Croatian Migration in Zagreb in 1980. The Journal of Croatian Studies, vol. XXIII (New York 1982) called it in its review ā€œan exceptionally valuable book, an indispensable reference volume about Croatians abroadā€. This article is divided in five chapters: 1. General documents of the Catholic Church regulating the pastoral care for Catholic migrants; 2. The beginning of an organized Croatian spiritual care abroad; 3. Croatian parishes and missions abroad at present time; 4. The administration of Croatian religious caretaking abroad; 5. Some problems and perspectives. 1. The doctrinal documents of the Church as regards human mobility are numerous and embrace centuries of history. This article limits itself to mentioning only a few of the main documents: The apostolic Constitution EXSUL FAMILIA, the Motu proprio PASTORALI MIGRATORUM CURA, the Instruction DE PASTORALI MIGRATORUM CURA, the Motu proprio APOSTOLICAE CARITATIS, the Letter THE CHURCH AND PEOPLE ON THE MOVE, the Encyclical Letter LABOREM EXERCENS and the NEW CODE OF CANON LAW. Special attention is given to the Instruction De pastorali migratorum cura and the New Code of Canon Law, the documents most relevant for the pastoral care for Catholic migrants today. 2. The beginning of an organized spiritual care among Croatian Catholics abroad goes centuries back. The Church attended to the spiritual needs of the Croatians in neighbouring countries for several centuries till the present time: Austria, Hungary, Czecho-Slovakia, Rumania and South Italy. During the building of the Suez Canal there were numerous Croatian workers who had a Croatian chaplain. The first Croatian parish in the United States of America was founded in 1894 in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. The Croatian Franciscan Fathers started with their organized pastoral care in US in 1912 and this is known today as the Holy Family Custody with its center in Chicago. They are affiliated with the Franciscan Province of Hercegovina. In 1912 Archbishop of Zagreb Antun Bauer founded The St. Raphael Society for the protection of Croatian emigrants which was revived by Archbishop Alojzije Stepinac who in 1940 started with a periodical ā€œHrvat u tuđiniā€ (Croatian Abroad). At the Zagreb Theology School the students formed in 1930 a special Section promoting contacts with Croatians abroad. Between the two World wars some other Croatian religious orders started their pastoral work among Croatians in North and South America. Also our nuns sent numerous members to teach at Croatian parrochial schools abroad. At the same time some secular priests were engaged in Croatian ethnic parishes in America. 3. In neighbouring countries there are still today many Croatian parishes which are under the jurisdiction of local bishops and their priests were born there. In the diocese Eisenstadt in Burgenland, Austria, there are 33 Croatian parishes. The mother of their Bishop Stefan Laszlo was Croatian and he speaks our language fluently. Croatian settlements are scattered all over Hungary where there are some 40 Croatian parishes. Many Church dignitaries in Hungary are of Croatian origin. Croatian priest and dignitaries from Austria and Hungary have friendly relations with the Church in Croatia. In Rumanian Banat there are still four purely Croatian parishes and two partly Croatian with five pastors who use liturgical books published in Zagreb. There are still Croatian settlements in Czecho-Slovakia but they have no ethnic parishes of their own. In the South Italian province Molise there are three Croatian villages with their pastors and Acquaviva Collecroce has a pastor and two nuns from Croatia. In overseas lands we have many pastoral centers: The United States of America 39 centers with secular and religious priests and sisters of whom some were born in America. In Canada there are 18 parishes and missions with 24 priests and 17 nuns. In South America Croatian pastoral care is more active in Argentina where Franciscan Fathers from Zadar are in charge. There are Croatian priests also in Venezuela and Brazil. But the majority of Croatian Catholics in South America have already been assimilated and absorbed by the local Church. South America has four Catholic Bishops of Croatian descent. In Australia Croatians commenced to build up their own national churches and centers with presbyteries and large halls only a few years ago. In 13 pastoral Centers there we have 17 priests and 12 nuns, all of them born in Yugoslavia. In New Zealand there are four Croatian priests active among our immigrants, two of them were born there. Even in South Africa there is a Croatian Mission with two Franciscans from Zadar for some six thousand Croatians. Croatian pastoral care is especially active in Western Europe. There we have 112 missions with 146 priests, 100 social workers and 123 catechists (nuns). These missions are located as follows: 81 in Western Germany, 8 in Austria, 6 in Switzerland, 4 in France, 3 in Sweden, 2 in Belgium and one in each of these countries: Norway, Denmark, Great Britain, Netherlands, Italy, Luxembourg and Spain. Holy liturgy in Croatian is regularly offered in more than five hundred towns and cities. 4. After the review of post-war pastoral actions of the St. Jeromeā€™s Croatian College in Rome in favour of refugees and activities of Msgr. KreÅ”imir Zorić, the article describes the appointment of the first National Director for Croatian Migration. Dr. Vladimir Vince was nominated by pope Paul VI in 1966 but he was killed in a planewreckage in Latin America already in 1968. His successor was the present National Director Msgr. Vladimir Stanković who is at the same time the secretary of the Council for Croatian Migration at the Bishopsā€™ Conference of Yugoslavia, while the chairman of the Council is Msgr. Tomislav Jablanović, auxiliary bishop of Sarajevo. The Council comprises 15 members, some of them are from abroad some from the homeland. Thus the official Church pastoral care for Croatian Catholics abroad has two institutions: The Directorate of the Pastoral Care for Croatians abroad with its office in Rome and The Council for Croatian Migration at the Episcopal Conference in Zagreb. In its 16 years of activity the Council has sent to Croatian foreign missions 152 priests from Yugoslavia and helped some one hundred social workers and 97 catechists to be settled. At the same time 102 missions and parishes have been established, 86 of these in Western Europe and 16 in overseas countries. The article enumerates many other activities of this Council. 5. The article mentiones some organizational problems, some problems concerning the second generation of our emigrants and some political questions. It is emphasized that Croatian priests abroad must conform their work to the rules of the local Church, of the universal Church, they must abide by the directives of Croatian Bishops and religious superiors. Their first aim is the preaching of the Gospel, religious and social assistance, and at the same time they have to support the preservation of national heritage. It is strictly forbidden for them to be engaged in political activities. The article concludes with quoting the words of Cardinal Kuharić acknowledging the efforts of Croatian missionaries, sisters and social workers whose ā€œonly reward is in the recognition that they have done good to their brethrenā€


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    Colon carcinoma is one of the most common malignant tumours and the second cause of cancer-related deaths in developed countries.The objective of the research was to investigate the p53 expression in colorectal cancer and compare the expression levels of p53 with the macroscopic appearance and manner of growth of the tumours, followed by detection and identification of the expression levels of p53 as an important prognostic factor of the further course, outcome and data for the selection of appropriate therapy.Research was implemented as a prospective, clinical and experimental study. We used a postoperative material obtained by resection of colorectal cancer from 63 patients of both sexes.The results showed that the majority of tumours 36/63, i.e. 57.1% were manifested as infiltrative forms, 9/63, i.e. 14.3% as ulcerating form, and 18/63, i.e. 28.6% of tumours had a polypoid ā€“ exophytic form.The results have shown that three tumours of infiltrative forms were p53 negative and 17 of them were p53 positive. In tumours with ulcerating form, eight were p53 negative, and 16 of them were no p53 positive tumours. In vegetative tumour forms, four were p53 negative, and 15 of the were p53 positive.Positive p53 status was present in 52.4% of tumours. Expression of p53 was absent in 47.6% of the tumours and does not correlate with the macroscopic appearance and manner of tumour growth. Expression levels of p53 do not have a diagnostic, predictive and prognostic potential, while its importance is undeniable in the understanding of oncogenesis

    Analiza prodrlog elektromagnetskog polja mobilnog telefona koriŔćenjem numeričkog modela dečije glave za različite mikrotalasne podopsege

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    The research work presented here was aimed at obtaining the new results related to the calculation of penetrated electromagnetic field from a mobile phone and its spatial distribution inside a childā€™s head. Several numerical models were developed for the purpose of investigating the effects of mobile phone radiation. A comprehensive 3D numerical model was developed, which corresponds to the anatomical and morphological properties of a seven years-old child head by size and shape. An adult head model was created for the purpose of examining the different effects of electromagnetic radiation on children and adults. Also, in line with the trend of increased use of mobile phones for internet access and viewing/reading of the content on the device display, a child eye model with appropriate anatomical and morphological characteristics was developed to match such use. The source of electromagnetic radiation has been created to match the shape of a contemporary smart phone, and it contains the housing with a display and the antenna. The research involved a simulation of operational conditions of the phone at several different frequencies ā€“ both at currently used and at upcoming 5G network frequencies. For assumed level of device output power, high values of electric field intensity and specific absorption rate (SAR), exceeding the allowed reference levels and base limitations were found in some tissues/organs inside the child head model. Higher than allowed electric field and SAR levels were also found for millimetre wave frequency ranges but they are concentrated in narrow layers near the very surface of the model, whereby the exceeding SAR level is even more noticeable. Higher values of electric field intensity and SAR are present in the child head model to a greater extent compared to the adult head model, due to anatomical and geometrical differences between child and adult head models. The research also shows that the morphological properties of childrenā€™s tissues and organs influence the increase of SAR values

    Analysis of Comfort Parameters in Special Purpose Vehicles from Technological Development Point of View

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    The analysis of comfort parameters in the crew cabin space of two variants of the special purpose off-road vehicle is presented, taking technological development aspects into account. Tests of noise, vibration and heating - cooling efficiency have been performed in realistic operating conditions, during the intensive driving on three selected test tracks, in order to ensure the repeatability of the obtained results. Measuring of noise and vibration levels at the drivers, co-drivers and crew members' seats were performed at strictly defined vehicle speed. Heating efficiency tests for the cabin have been performed in laboratory conditions, inside a cold chamber with the constant temperature of (-16 degrees C), whereas cooling efficiency tests were conducted in the hot chamber at the temperature of (+ 40 degrees C). The results of these tests enable the selection of a more comfortable variant of vehicle, wherein the one with less seats for passengers in the cabin which, in addition to more comfort also has the advantage of greater storage space, and from the application flexibility standpoint, which is offered by the possibility of transporting more passengers and less load, such vehicles offer better environment control from within the vehicle

    Photocatalytic activity of ZnO-PEO composites

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    The removal of organic pollutants from wastewater is very important for environmental protection. During the years different methods have been developed and applied on wastewater treatment. Between those methods a heterogeneous photocatalysis has received extensive attention since it allows a complete mineralization of pollutants. ZnO-based materials has established role in heterogeneous photocatalysis. However, major drawback of ZnO is a band energy gap of 3.37 eV (368 nm) which restricts the material to absorb only UV light. Since sunlight is a source of clean and cheap energy, where UV light makes no more than 3ā€“5% while visible light is about 45% of the total sunlight, it is highly desirable to synthesize ZnO-based materials capable for visible light photocatalysis. To modify the optical absorption properties and improving the visible light photocatalytic activity of ZnO materials several approaches have been applied: (1) metal ion doping, (2) nonmetal doping, (3) defect induced doping, (4) surface sensitization of ZnO particles to extend the spectral response into the visible region, (5) band gap modification by creation of oxygen vacancies and oxygen sub-stoichiometry, etc. In this study, ZnO powder with nanospherical morphology was synthesized by microwave processing. In the continuation, the synthesized powder was used for preparation of composites with polyethylene oxide (PEO). PEO powders with three different molecular mass (200.000, 600.000 and 900.000) were used for composites preparation. The phase purity and crystal structure of the composites were investigated by X-ray diffraction and Raman spectroscopy. The particles morphology and size distributions were studied by FEā€“SEM and laser diffraction particle size analyzer, respectively. The optical properties were studied using UVā€“Vis diffuse reflectance and photoluminescence spectroscopy. The photocatalytic activity of ZnO-PEO composites was examined via decomposition of methylene blue (MB) under direct sunlight irradiation. A large efficiency of MB degradation was found after 6 h of irradiation. An enhanced optical and photocatalytical properties of ZnO-PEO composites were attributed to: (1) lattice defects introduced in crystal structure of ZnO by fast microwave processing, and (2) surface sensitization by polyethylene oxide (PEO)

    Smoke Cloak ā€“ New Conception in Object and Facilities Protection

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    Svjedoci smo gotovo svakodnevnih provala u naÅ”oj neposrednoj okolini i svugdje u svijetu. Provalnici su sve smjeliji i provaljuju u svako doba dana i noći u objekte poput banaka, poÅ”tanskih ureda, kladionica, mjenjačnica i slične prostore u kojima je postavljena visoka razina zaÅ”tite (zaÅ”titari i sredstva tehničke zaÅ”tite). Unatoč tome provale su učestale. Zbog toga se pristupilo osmiÅ”ljavanju novih koncepcija i strategija osiguravanja objekata i prostora. Jedan od uspjeÅ”nih koncepata je i zaÅ”tita dimom ili dimnom zavjesom. Idejni princip rada ovog sustava je u prevenciji krađe je: ā€žNe može se ukrasti ono Å”to se ne vidiā€œ. Sustav dimne zavjese radi tako da u vrlo kratkom vremenu ispunjava prostoriju bezopasnim dimom kako bi provalniku smanjio vidljivost i tako ga psiholoÅ”ki dezorijentirao, osujetio i odvratio od daljnjih aktivnosti. Ovaj novi sustavni pristup za dezorijentaciju kao protuprepadni sustav počeo se sve viÅ”e primjenjivati (NATO ga koristi kao dio sustava za zaÅ”titu tankera od gusara) i do sada se pokazao izuzetno učinkovit.lmost daily we are witnesses to burglaries in our immediate environment. The burglars are more audacious and they break in at any time of day and night in buildings such as banks, post offices, betting office, exchange office and places in which high level of protection (security guards and means of technical protection) are set up. Despite that, the burglaries are very ommon. Therefore, a new conception has been made to secure objects and indoors and outdoors of buildings. One of them is the smoke cloak or smoke screen. The principle of this stealing prevention system is ā€œYou can not steal what you can not seeā€. Smoke cloak system in a very short time fills the oom with harmless smoke in order to totally reduce visibility. The burglar is psychologically disoriented, frustrated and discouraged for further activities. This new systematic approach to disorientationas anti-foray system, began to be increasingly applied (NATO uses it as part of system to protect tanker ships from pirates), and so far it has proved very effective
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