38 research outputs found

    Internet application to show data from the wireless temperature measuring system

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    V rámci této bakalářské práce byla vytvořena internetová aplikace pro správu, archivaci a prezentaci dat získaných z teplotní senzorové sítě. Jedná se o systém pro měření teplot, který je tvořen souborem teplotních senzorů, koordinátorem senzorové sítě a internetovou aplikací. Koordinátor senzorové sítě slouží pro sběr dat z bezdrátových teplotních senzorů a jejich následné odeslání počítačovému serveru. Internetová aplikace tato data zpracovává.Within this bachelor work the design of the Internet applications was created. It can be used for administration, archiving as well as presentation of data acquired from the coordinator of the temperature sensor network. The system is based on temperature measurement and it consists of the temperature sensor network, coordinator of sensor network and the Internet applications. The coordinator of sensor network collects data from wireless sensors and delivers them to the computer unit. Subsequently the Internet applications evaluate these data.

    Data Collecting Application in Wireless Sensor Network for Measuring Relative Humidity of Air

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    Diplomová práce se zabývá návrhem a realizací dvou částí systému pro měření relativní vlhkosti a teploty vzduchu. Systém měření teploty a vlhkosti je tvořen sítí bezdrátových senzorů, převodníkem ISM/Wifi a aplikací pro sběr, vyhodnocování a archivaci naměřených dat. Tato práce se zabývá návrhem a realizací převodníku ISM/Wifi a aplikace pro sběr, vyhodnocování a archivaci naměřených dat. Převodník ISM/Wifi bude schopen komunikovat se senzorovou sítí pomocí komunikačního protokolu SimpliciTI a koncovým zařízením (zařízení s operačním systémem Android) pomocí protokolu IEEE 802.11. Aplikace bude schopna obdržená data vyhodnocovat, ukládat a přehledně prezentovat koncovému uživateli.The master work is focused on the design and implementation of two parts of the system for measuring temperature and relative humidity. The system for measuring temperature and relative humidity consists of a network of wireless sensors, a ISM/Wifi converter and application which will collect, analyze and archive data. The design and implementation of ISM/Wifi converter as well as the design and implementation of application are described in this work. ISM/Wifi converter will be able to communicate with the network of wireless sensors through ISM/Wifi protocol and end device (the device with Android operating system) by means of IEEE 802.11 protocol. The application will be able to evaluate, to save and to present user the received data very clearly.

    Leader traits, transformational leadership and leader effectiveness : A mediation study from the Czech Republic

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    This study explores the mediation effect of transformational leadership in the relationship between leaders’ personality characteristics and effectiveness. Data from 210 students in a managerial role, and from 3,766 students in a subordinate role, were obtained during a four-month-long Management Simulation Game and analysed using multilevel structural equation modelling. Transformational leadership mediated the effect of leaders’ agreeableness and conscientiousness on group performance, perceived leader effectiveness, and leadership emergence. Extraversion, openness to experience and neuroticism were not linked to transformational leadership or any indicator of leader effectiveness. Intelligence predicted neither transformational leadership, nor group performance and leadership emergence. Along with other studies, this study emphasizes conscientiousness as the personality characteristic that influences leadership and leaders' effectiveness in various cultures and situations. Agreeableness may be an important leader trait in specific conditions and its influence may be moderated by context. The results must be interpreted with the knowledge that they were obtained in a simulation game environment on a sample of students

    Parental control of child as a predictor of academic procrastination

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    This research aims examine the relationship between the parental control of school duties in the first five grades of elementary school and academic procrastination on college. A new method was designed to assess the level of parental control of school duties. To assess procrastination, modified versions of Lay‘s Procrastination Scale for Students (PSS) and Procrastination Assessment Scale for Students (PASS) were used. The questionnaires were filled in by 155 students of Czech universities. Moreover, 102 parents of these students self-assessed their level of parental control. Polynomial multiple regression showed a significant quadratic relationship between parental control and procrastination. As predicted based on previous research, the results showed a strong positive relationship between parental control and procrastination for higher levels of parental control, and a weak, but still significant, negative relationship between parental control and procrastination for lower levels of parental control.Studie se zaměřuje na vztah mezi mírou rodičovské kontroly studijních povinností dítěte na prvním stupni ZŠ a jeho akademickou prokrastinací na VŠ. Pro účely výzkumu byla vytvořena zcela nová metoda na zjišťování míry rodičovské kontroly studijních povinností. Rovněž byly v modifikované podobě použity metody “Procrastination Assessment Scale for Students” a “Layova Škála prokrastinace pro studenty”. Obě metody byly vyplněny 155 studenty českých VŠ, dotazník na rodičovskou kontrolu byl navíc vyplněn 102 rodiči těchto studentů. Byla provedena polynomická mnohonásobná regresní analýza, která odhalila kvadratický vztah mezi mírou rodičovské kontroly a prokrastinací. Výsledky identifikovaly signifikantní těsný vztah mezi vysokou mírou rodičovské kontroly a prokrastinací, méně těsný, stále však signifikantní vztah byl identifikován i mezi nízkou mírou rodičovské kontroly a prokrastinací, jak bylo předpokládáno na základě dřívějších výzkumů.This research aims examine the relationship between the parental control of school duties in the first five grades of elementary school and academic procrastination on college. A new method was designed to assess the level of parental control of school duties. To assess procrastination, modified versions of Lay‘s Procrastination Scale for Students (PSS) and Procrastination Assessment Scale for Students (PASS) were used. The questionnaires were filled in by 155 students of Czech universities. Moreover, 102 parents of these students self-assessed their level of parental control. Polynomial multiple regression showed a significant quadratic relationship between parental control and procrastination. As predicted based on previous research, the results showed a strong positive relationship between parental control and procrastination for higher levels of parental control, and a weak, but still significant, negative relationship between parental control and procrastination for lower levels of parental control

    Auxin flow mediated competition between axillary buds to restore apical dominance

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    Apical dominance is one of the fundamental developmental phenomena in plant biology, which determines the overall architecture of aerial plant parts. Here we show apex decapitation activated competition for dominance in adjacent upper and lower axillary buds. A two-nodal-bud pea (Pisum sativum L.) was used as a model system to monitor and assess auxin flow, auxin transport channels, and dormancy and initiation status of axillary buds. Auxin flow was manipulated by lateral stem wounds or chemically by auxin efflux inhibitors 2,3,5-triiodobenzoic acid (TIBA), 1-N-naphtylphtalamic acid (NPA), or protein synthesis inhibitor cycloheximide (CHX) treatments, which served to interfere with axillary bud competition. Redirecting auxin flow to different points influenced which bud formed the outgrowing and dominant shoot. The obtained results proved that competition between upper and lower axillary buds as secondary auxin sources is based on the same auxin canalization principle that operates between the shoot apex and axillary bud. © The Author(s) 2016

    Single-layer graphene on epitaxial FeRh thin films

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    Graphene is a 2D material that displays excellent electronic transport properties with prospective applications in many fields. Inducing and controlling magnetism in the graphene layer, for instance by proximity of magnetic materials, may enable its utilization in spintronic devices. This paper presents fabrication and detailed characterization of single-layer graphene formed on the surface of epitaxial FeRh thin films. The magnetic state of the FeRh surface can be controlled by temperature, magnetic field or strain due to interconnected order parameters. Characterization of graphene layers by X-ray Photoemission and X-ray Absorption Spectroscopy, Low-Energy Ion Scattering, Scanning Tunneling Microscopy, and Low-Energy Electron Microscopy shows that graphene is single-layer, polycrystalline and covers more than 97% of the substrate. Graphene displays several preferential orientations on the FeRh(0 0 1) surface with unit vectors of graphene rotated by 30 degrees, 15 degrees, 11 degrees, and 19 degrees with respect to FeRh substrate unit vectors. In addition, the graphene layer is capable to protect the films from oxidation when exposed to air for several months. Therefore, it can be also used as a protective layer during fabrication of magnetic elements or as an atomically thin spacer, which enables incorporation of switchable magnetic layers within stacks of 2D materials in advanced devices

    Options Revitalization of Small Streams in Urban Areas

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    Bakalářská práce se zabývá oblastí revitalizace vodních toků, a to se zaměřením na intravilán obce nebo města. Práce popisuje, co to je vlastně revitalizace, jaký byl historický vývoj revitalizací, jednotlivé formy revitalizací. Dále se práce zaměřuje na revitalizaci vodních toků v intravilánu, popisuje specifika takovéto revitalizace, její možnosti, způsoby a nároky kladené na revitalizaci. V závěru práce jsou uvedeny příklady vhodné a povedené revitalizace a rovněž i příklady, kdy se revitalizace vodního toku neúplně povedla.The bachelor thesis adresses the revitalization of water bodies, more specifically urban area of municipalities and cities.The thesis describes the substance of revitalization, the historical development of revitalisation and individual forms of revitalization. Furthemore the thesis focuses on revitalization of water bodies in urban areas, describes the specific details of such proces such as possibilities, forms and requirements for revitalization. The examples of succesful and unsuccessful revitalizations are listen in the conclusion of the thesis.546 - Institut environmentálního inženýrstvídobř