
Parental control of child as a predictor of academic procrastination


This research aims examine the relationship between the parental control of school duties in the first five grades of elementary school and academic procrastination on college. A new method was designed to assess the level of parental control of school duties. To assess procrastination, modified versions of Lay‘s Procrastination Scale for Students (PSS) and Procrastination Assessment Scale for Students (PASS) were used. The questionnaires were filled in by 155 students of Czech universities. Moreover, 102 parents of these students self-assessed their level of parental control. Polynomial multiple regression showed a significant quadratic relationship between parental control and procrastination. As predicted based on previous research, the results showed a strong positive relationship between parental control and procrastination for higher levels of parental control, and a weak, but still significant, negative relationship between parental control and procrastination for lower levels of parental control.Studie se zaměřuje na vztah mezi mírou rodičovské kontroly studijních povinností dítěte na prvním stupni ZŠ a jeho akademickou prokrastinací na VŠ. Pro účely výzkumu byla vytvořena zcela nová metoda na zjišťování míry rodičovské kontroly studijních povinností. Rovněž byly v modifikované podobě použity metody “Procrastination Assessment Scale for Students” a “Layova Škála prokrastinace pro studenty”. Obě metody byly vyplněny 155 studenty českých VŠ, dotazník na rodičovskou kontrolu byl navíc vyplněn 102 rodiči těchto studentů. Byla provedena polynomická mnohonásobná regresní analýza, která odhalila kvadratický vztah mezi mírou rodičovské kontroly a prokrastinací. Výsledky identifikovaly signifikantní těsný vztah mezi vysokou mírou rodičovské kontroly a prokrastinací, méně těsný, stále však signifikantní vztah byl identifikován i mezi nízkou mírou rodičovské kontroly a prokrastinací, jak bylo předpokládáno na základě dřívějších výzkumů.This research aims examine the relationship between the parental control of school duties in the first five grades of elementary school and academic procrastination on college. A new method was designed to assess the level of parental control of school duties. To assess procrastination, modified versions of Lay‘s Procrastination Scale for Students (PSS) and Procrastination Assessment Scale for Students (PASS) were used. The questionnaires were filled in by 155 students of Czech universities. Moreover, 102 parents of these students self-assessed their level of parental control. Polynomial multiple regression showed a significant quadratic relationship between parental control and procrastination. As predicted based on previous research, the results showed a strong positive relationship between parental control and procrastination for higher levels of parental control, and a weak, but still significant, negative relationship between parental control and procrastination for lower levels of parental control

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