52 research outputs found

    Molekularna karakterizacija medonosne pčele Apis mellifera carnica u Srbiji

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    The sequences COI-COII of the mitochondrial DNA region in honeybee from four geographically distant regions in Serbia (Vršac, Knjaževac, Kraljevo, and Vranje) are analyzed. The research was conducted on eight different, previously selected honeybee lines preserved (linear selection) in the four reprocenters for queen bees. All four studied honeybee lines differ in morphological and productive traits, each being specific for the corresponding region. In addition to analysis of the mtDNA sequences in Serbian honeybee, a comparative analysis of the phylogenetic group of so far known C2 haplotypes was also performed. The results revealed two novel polymorphic positions in the COI-COII mtDNA region, viz., h2 at position 3474 and l2 at position 3534 (a T nucleotide deletion in both cases) in honeybees from the regions of Vranje and Knjaževac, respectively. Two novel mtDNA haplotypes in the honeybee C2 phylogenetic group, together with C2I (the new polymorphic position l2 and G-A transition at position 3587) and C2J (the new polymorphic position h2), are described. Also, comparative analysis performed on sequences from GenBank data showed a high degree of similarity (similarity index = 99.4%) between the novel C2I mtDNA haplotype and an A. m. cypria haplotype originating from Turkey. Certain domestic Kranjska honeybee populations from Serbia represent an autochthonous gene pool that can be of great importance for further presentation of honeybee biodiversity. The present paper contributes to characterization of mtDNA in honeybee of Serbia.Analizirane su sekvence COI-COII regiona mitohondrijalne DNK kod medonosnih pčela iz četiri geografski udaljena regiona Srbije (Vršac, Knjaževac, Kraljevo i Vranje). Istraživanje je vršeno na osam različitih, ranije odabranih linija medonosne pčele koje se čuvaju-održavaju (linijska selekcija) u okviru četiri reprocentra za matice. Sve četiri istraživane linije medonosne pčele se na osnovu morfoloških i proizvodnih osobina razlikuju, i specifične su za odgovarajući region. Osim analize sekvenci mtDNK među srpskim medonosnim pčelama, izvršena je i uporedna analiza sa do sada poznatim haplotipovima C2 filogenetske linije. Rezultati su otkrili dva nova polimorfna mesta u COI-COII regionu mtDNK, i to h2 na mestu 3474 i l2 na mestu 3534 (u oba slučaja delecije T nukleotida) među medonosnim pčelama u regionu Vranja i Knjaževca, respektivno. Opisana su dva nova mtDNK haplotipa među medonosnim pčelama C2 f­ilogenetske linije, i to C2I (novo poimorfno mesto l2 i G-A tranzicija na mestu 3587) i C2J (novo polimorfno mesto h2). Takođe, uporednom analizom sa sekvencama iz GenBanke podataka, utvrđena je visoka sličnost (similarity index = 99.4 %) novog C2I mtDNK haplotipa sa jednim haplotipom A. m. cypria poreklom iz Turske. Pojedine populacije domaće kranjske medonosne pčele iz Srbije mogu predstavljati autohtoni genski pul što može biti od velikog značaja za dalje očuvanje biodiverziteta medonosne pčele. Ovim radom upotpunjena je mtDNK karakterizacija medonosne pčele u Srbiji

    Idioecological study of Osmia cornuta (Latr.) and O. rufa (L.) (Megachilidae, Hymenoptera) with special attention to their status and significance as plant pollinators

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    Do pre samo pedesetak godina na oprašivanje gajenih biljaka nije se obraćala naročita pažnja. Međutim, sa razvojem hemijske industrije pesticida i njihove primene u poljoprivredi, dolazi do poremećaja ravnoteže koja je postojala između oprašivača i cvetnica i do drastičnog smanjenja brojnosti oprašivača. Zbog toga su započeta široka istraživanja u cilju iznalaženja adekvatnih pronalaženje metoda gajenja solitarnih pčela i bumbara. U radu je izložen kratak pregled savremenih dostignuća u gajenju i primeni alternativnih oprašivača. Istaknuto je da je otvorena nova oblast proučavanja i pokušaja domestifikacije više vrsta solitarnih pčela i bumbara. Osnovni zadatak u radu je da se iscrpnom idioekološkom studijom vrsta Osmia cornuta (Latreille) i O. rufa (Linnaeus) da doprinos uvođenju nove tehnologije gajenja i korišćenja tj. domestifikacije podvrsta O. cornuta cornuta (Latreille) i O. rufa cornigera (Rossi) kao alternativnih oprašivača biljaka. Idioekološka proučavanja populacija podvrsta O. c. cornuta i O. r. cornigera su obuhvatila praćenje njihove sezonske aktivnosti u periodu od 1994. do 1999. godine u prirodnim uslovima, opis gnezda i njihove biometrijske karakteristike, dinamiku izleganja u laboratorijskim i prirodnim uslovima, sa posebnim osvrtom na njihovu dijapauzu. Proučavan je takođe i uticaj različitih faktora na odnos i raspored polova u gnezdima u toku različitih sezona, kao i uticaj prateće faune na populacije vrsta O. cornuta i O. rufa, sa posebnim osvrtom na iznalaženje metoda kontrole najznačajnijih reducenata brojnosti populacija ovih pčela. U radu je izložen faunistički pregled familije Megachilidae u Jugoslaviji, sa posebnim osvrtom na potencijalne kandidate za masovno gajenje i korišćenje kao oprašivača različitih biljnih kultura. Istaknuto je da je na teritoriji SR Jugoslavije do sada registrovano ukupno 22 roda i 106 vrsta iz familije Megachilidae. Sve te vrste iz ove familije svrstane su u 6 horoloških elemenata, sa sledećim procentualnim učešćem: holarktičkih vrsta 10,28%; palearktičkih 32,71%; zapadno–palearktičkih 7,48%; evropskih 2,80%; evro–mediteranskih 44,86% i balkanskih 1,87%. Prikazan je takođe detaljan opis podvrsta O. c. cornuta i O. r. cornigera. Na čitavom nizu morfoloških karaktera, dato je potpunije razjašnjenje statusa istraživanih populacija iz okoline Beograda. Statističkom analizom 83 izmerenih karaktera, pokazano je da se “sive” i “narandžaste” forme iz obe istraživane podvrste međusobno razlikuju i po većem broju kvantitativnih karaktera, a ne samo po obojenosti dlačica na abdominalnim tergitima. Konstatovana je mogućnost korišćenja ovih pčela za oprašivanje biljaka na značajno nižim temperaturama u odnosu na medonosnu pčelu. Međutim, temperature ispod +10°C mogu, tokom njihove aktivnosti, biti pogubne za populacije ovih pčela. Zbog toga je, budući da se radi o univoltnim vrstama, predložena velika opreznost u iznošenju kokona sa niskih temperatura u voćnjake, posebno u sezonama izrazito ranog prolećnog cvetanja voćaka. Na osnovu ovih rezultata, predlaže se čuvanje kokona ovih pčela tokom dijapauze na različitim temperaturama (za ranocvetajuće biljke na +5°C, a za kasnocvetajuće na +2°C) i obavezno višestruko iznošenje tokom cvetanja voćaka...Plant pollination had not drawn much attention until almost fifty years ago. However, development of chemical industry and utilization of pesticides in agriculture brought about the imbalance between the number of pollinators and flowering plants and drastic reduction of pollinators they need. That is why numerous investigations started worldwide in order to find methods for rearing alternative pollinators. In this thesis we present a short survey of contemporary achievements in management and utilization of these alternative pollinators. We point out new attempts of domestication of several species of solitary bees and bumble bees. By carrying out a comprehensive idioecological study of the subspecies O. cornuta cornuta ( Latreille) and O. rufacornigera ( Rossi) in this thesis we tried to introduce new procedures and utilization, i.e. semidomestication of these alternative pollinators. Idioecology of the subspecies O. c. cornuta and O. r. cornigera populations encompasses the following of their seasonal activities in the period from 1994 to 1999 under natural conditions, description of nests and their biometric characteristics, dynamics of emerging under laboratory and natural conditions, with special emphasis on their diapauses. We also studied the influence of various factors on the sex ratio and distribution of sexes in nests, as well as the impact of accompanying fauna on populations of these species, with special attention to new methods of control of the most significant reducers of populations of O. cornuta and O. rufa . In the thesis we present the faunistic survey of the family Megachilidae in Yugoslavia, with special emphasis on potential candidates for semidomestication and their use as pollinators of various plants. It is stressed that the total of 22 genera and 106 species from the family Megachilidae were registered in SR Yugoslavia up to date. All the species from this family were classified into six horologic elements with the following percentages: Holarctic species 10,28%, Palearctic 32,71%, West–palearctic 7,48%, European 2,80%, Euro–mediterranean 44,86% and Balkan 1,87%. A detailed description of subspecies O. c. cornuta and O. r. cornigera is also given. In a series of morphological characters we give detailed explanation of the status of investigated populations from the vicinity of Belgrade. By use of statistical analysis of 83 measured characters, it is shown that "gray" and "orange" forms from both investigated subspecies differ not only in colour of hairs on abdominal tergites, but also in many quantitative characters. It was found that these bees could pollinate plants at significantly lower temperatures when compared to the honeybee. However, temperatures below +10°C may be dangerous for these populations during their activity. Having that in mind and also that these species are univoltine we suggest a great caution in taking cocoons from low temperatures into orchards, especially in seasons of very early flowering fruit trees in spring. On the basis of these results we suggest keeping bee cocoons during the diapause at different temperatures (for early flowering plants at +5°C and for late flowering plants at +2°C) and taking bees into fields several times during flowering of fruit trees

    Biološko proizvodne karakteristike nekih linija medonosne pčele u Srbiji

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    During the previous decades the natural populations of honey bee Apis mellifera carnica at the territory of Republic of Serbia has been subjected to constant negative influence of man, in first place through deployment of pesticides, herbicides and other chemical substances requisite in agriculture, but also due to uncontrolled import of and crossbreeding with the other breeds of this bee. For the purpose of preservation of existing populations and natural diversity of honey bee and for the purpose of their further selection, researches upon the metric morphology and productive features of certain individual populations of choice at the territory of Republic of Serbia. In this study the quantity of the nest, of bees and of honey with two East Serbian lines (S and L) of honey bee during the spring season have been the subject of survey. The S line has shown more advanced development having 1.06 frames more and 0.11 bees more in the second year assessed. At the Szabo test of honey productivity the S line has shown in both years assessed that it had collected 29.91% and 49.51% more honey per respective year than the line L bees. Through the survey of morphological parameters we have come to conclusion that the differences in length of the forewing and the rear wing, cubital index, length of the tongue and number of spikes at the rear wing have been statistically very significant (p lt 0.01).Prirodne populacije medonosne pčele Apis mellifera carnica na području Republike Srbije su poslednjih decenija pod stalnim negativnim uticajem čoveka, pre svega primenom pesticida, herbicida i drugih hemijskih jedinjenja u poljoprivredi ali i zbog nekontrolisanog uvoza i mešanja sa drugim rasama ove pčele. U cilju očuvanja postojećih populacija i prirodne raznovrsnosti medonosne pčele i njihove dalje selekcije sprovode se ispitivanja morfometrijskih i produktivnih osobina pojedinih odabranih populacija sa teritorije Republike Srbije. U radu je ispitivana količina legla, pčela i meda u prolećnom periodu kod dve linije (S i L) medonosne pčele Istočne Srbije. Linija S je pokazala bolji razvoj i više legla za 1,06 rama i pčela za 0,11u drugoj ispitivanoj godini. U Szabo testu na mednu produktivnost, linija S je u obe godine ispitivanja imala za 29,91% i 49,51% više meda od linije L, respektivno po godinama. Ispitivanjem morfometrijskih parametara utvrdili smo da su razlike u dužini prednjeg i zadnjeg krila, kubitalnom indeksu, dužini jezika i broju kukica na zadnjem krilu bile statistički vrlo značajne (p lt 0,01)

    Morfološka karakterizacija Myzus persicae (Hemiptera: Aphididae) sa breskve i duvana u Srbiji i Crnoj Gori

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    Multivariate morphometric analysis was used to compare nine characteristics of 47 populations of Myzus persicae (Sulzer) originating from two host-plants, peach and tobacco, from 13 localities in 2004 and 34 localities in 2005, in Serbia and Montenegro. Multivariant discriminant analysis showed there to be a distinct discrimination between the populations from the peach and tobacco host-plants. The most important discrimination characteristics are the ultimate rostral segment length and processes terminalis length, which are greater in the aphids from tobacco than in those from peach. This is the first indication that in this part of Europe there are two subspecies: M. persicae (Sulzer) and M. persicae nicotianae Blackman.Multivarijantna analiza varijanse korišćena je za poređenje devet karaktera kod 47 populacija Myzus persicae (Sulzer) sa dve biljke domaćina, breskve i duvana. Uzorci su uzeti sa 13 lokaliteta u 2004. i 34 lokaliteta u 2005. godini u Srbiji i Crnoj Gori. Multivarijantna diskriminatorna analiza pokazala je da se vaši sa duvana jasno odvajaju od vašiju sa breskve. Glavni diskriminatorni karakteri su dužina vršnog segmenta rostruma i dužina vršnog dela šestog segmenta pipka koji su značajno duži kod vašiju sa duvana u odnosu na vaši sa breskve. Ovo su prvi podaci koji govore o postojanju dve podvrste u ovom delu Evrope: M. persicae persicae (Sulzer) i M. persicae nicotianae Blackman

    Uloga pčela (Hymenoptera: Apoidea) u oprašivanju voćaka

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    In this paper we are give a short review of use of honeybee (Apis mellifera L.) and solitary bees (Osmia spp.) in pollination of orchards. For more important plant cultures, pollination with bees imply high yields, large, quality fruits and seeds as well as their faster mature. All of this mentioned facts are important not only for fruits and vegetables growers, but also in general for improving quality of human diet and health. Constant decreasing in number of honeybee hives, in the last 15 years appreciably persist interest for use of bumblebees and solitary bees as commercial pollinators. Today, only some species of these alternative pollinators are successfully reared, and constantly leak of importance for conservation of their natural populations. From the knowledge of biology of some solitary species, we may conclude that rearing methods for some of them are impractical, but for some other species especial breeding methods are in developing or often kept as secrets. One of the aims of this paper is to recognize role of all bees as pollinators. Natural or mass-reared populations of bees represent very valuable but limited natural resource, important for whole human society.U ovom radu dat je pregled primene medonosne pčele (Apis mellifera L.) i solitarnih pčela (Osmia spp.) u oprašivanju voćarskih kultura. Za mnoge značajne kulture, oprašivanje pčelama znači i visoke prinose, krupne, kvalitetne plodove i semena kao i njihovo brže sazrevanje. Sve ove činjenice su od značaja ne samo za proizvođače voća i povrća nego i uopšte za poboljšanje kvaliteta ljudske ishrane i zdravlja čoveka. Istaknuta je činjenica da je zbog drastičnog smanjenja broja društava medonosne pčele, u poslednjih 15 godina znatno poraslo interesovanje za korišćenje bumbara i solitarnih pčela kao komercijalnih oprašivača. Danas se samo nekoliko vrsta ovih tzv. alternativnih oprašivača uspešno gaje, ali se i stalno ističe značaj za očuvanjem njihovih prirodnih populacija. Poznavajući biologiju pojedinih solitarnih vrsta, može se reći da su metode gajenja za neke od ovih pčela praktično i ne izvodljive, dok su za neke druge posebne metode gajenja u razvoju ili su najčešće još uvek zaštićene i čuvaju se kao tajne. Jedan od ciljeva ovog rada jeste da shvatimo ulogu svih prisutnih pčela kao oprašivača. Pčele kao oprašivači, bilo da su gajene ili se slobodno nalaze u prirodi, predstavljaju vredan ali i ograničen prirodni resurs o kome svako društvo treba da vodi računa

    Tačke mržnjenja različitih razvojnih stadijuma lisnog minera paradajza Tuta absoluta (Lepidoptera: Gelechiidae) u laboratorijskim uslovima

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    Lisni miner paradajza Tuta absoluta (Meyrick, 1917) (Lepidoptera: Gelechiidae) se smatra jednom od najopasnijih i najdestruktivnijih štetočina paradajza (Lycopersicon esculentum Miller 1768). Ova vrsta vodi poreklo iz Južne Amerike, gde je široko rasprostranjena na nadmorskim visinama do 1000 m. Tuta absoluta je neotropska, oligofagna vrsta koja napada veći broj biljaka iz familije Solanaceae. Šezdesetih godina 20. veka ova vrsta je postala značajna štetočina paradajza u Argentini. Nakon prvog otkrića u Španiji 2006. godine brzo se proširila u Mediteranskom području (Južna Evropa i Severna Afrika). Iako je u Srbiji prvi put zabeležena 2011. i to svega nekoliko primeraka u feromonskim klopkama, prve ekonomski značajne štete su već zabeležene u 2012. Do danas se ustalila i u plastenicima u Zapadnoj Evropi. Iako je T. absoluta oligofagna vrsta koja se hrani na biljkama iz familije Solanaceae, u Italiji i Srbiji je zabeležena ishrana i na biljkama iz familije Fabaceae (npr. na pasulju). Glavna biljka domaćin je paradajz, na kome leptiri polažu jaja na sve nadzemne delove biljke (lišće, lisne drške, stablo, cvetove i plodove). Štete u našim uslovima može naneti i na plavom patlidžanu, krompiru i duvanu. Biologija vrste je poznata: ona je polivoltina vrsta sa do 12 potpunih generacija u toku godine, visokih reproduktivnih sposobnosti. Ovaj lisni miner može prezimiti u stadijumu jajeta, lutke ili leptira i nema obligatnu dijapauzu već ulazi u mirovanje usled nedostatka hrane. Ipak, znanje o kapacitetu prezimljavanja ove vrste u introdukovanim oblastima u južnoj Evropi u velikoj meri nedostaje. Pretpostavlja se da bi niske temperature koje se javljaju tokom zime na ovom području imale negativan uticaj na uspešno prezimljavanje T. absoluta. U tom smislu izvršena su preliminarna merenja temperatura smrzavanja svih stadijuma (jaje, larva, lutka i adult) T. absoluta u laboratorijskim uslovima. Uzorci su poreklom iz Leskovca (selo Navalin). Za merenje tački mržnjenja korišćen je 16-kanalni aparat (Omega, ChartScan 1400), prema standardnoj metodologiji sa kontinuiranim smanjivanjem temperature po stopi od 1°C min-1 počev od 0 do -30°C. Najniže prosečne tačke mržnjenja su zabeležene na jajima, larvama prvog (L1) i drugog (L2) stupnja, -26.22°C (N=12), -24.35°C (N=27), -22.09°C (N=32), respektivno. Larve trećeg (L3), četvrtog stupnja (L4), lutke i adulti imale su značajno više prosečne tačke mržnjenja,-19.10 (N=36), -19.24°C (N=30), -19.22°C (N=25) i -19.72°C (N=35), respektivno. Kruskal-Wallis ANOVA na tačkama mržnjenja izmeñu različitih razvojnih stadijauma T. Absoluta pokazala je statistički značajne razlike (Kruskal-Wallis test: H (6, N=197) =115.7028 p=0.000). Rezultati Mann Whitney U testa, kojim su odreñene razlike izmeñu parova razvojnih stadijuma (grupa), pokazali su jasnu statistički značajnu razliku izmeñu stadijuma jaja, i L1 i L2 stupnjeva larvi u odnosu na ostala dva larvena stupnja (L3 i L4), lutke i adulte. Podaci o prezimljavanju T. absoluta mogu da daju doprinos razvoju odgovarajuće strategije suzbijanja ove štetočine, posebno u kontrolisanim uslovima plastenika i staklenika. Kao prvi pokazatelj otpornosti na niske temperature, utvrñene su tačke mržnjenja jaja, larvi, lutki i adulata T. absoluta u laboratorijskim uslovima. Tačke mržnjenja su varirale u opsegu od min. -26.80°C za jaja do max. -17.70°C kod adulata, što ukazuje na značajno veću otpornost kod početnih stadijuma razvića. Rezultati ukazuju na mogućnost suzbijanja lisnog minera paradajza T. absoluta tokom hladnog zimskog perioda, naročito ako su u tom periodu prisutni kasniji stadijumi razvića, lutke i adulti. Potrebna su dalja istraživanja u pravcu otkrivanja krioprotektivnih supstanci koje su u direktnoj vezi sa stopom preživljavanja lisnog minera paradajza


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    International audience– We analysed the potential differences between the conceptions of Serbian pre-service and in-service teachers using controlled parameters such as acceptance of the evolution theory. Our sample includes Primary School teachers as well as Secondary School teachers of Biology and of Language. We show that the ideas of pre-service (PreB) and in-service biology teachers (InB) are more evolutionary than those of their colleagues. In contrast, most creationist responses came from the groups of pre-service language (PreL) and pre-service primary teachers (PreP). The agnostic teachers are more evolutionist than other teachers. The more a teacher believes in God and practices religion, the more creationist he or she is, but a great number of teachers who believe in God are evolutionist or simultaneously evolutionist and creationist. There is a positive correlation between evolutionist answers and the attitude that " Science and religion should be separated " , and " religion and politics should be separated "

    Use of honeybees (Apis mellifera L.) as bioindicators of spatial variations and origin determination of metal pollution in Serbia

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    Honeybees have been proposed and used as bioindicators for the last few decades, because of their nature. Until now they have mostly been used to determine the present pollution and to distinguish the differences between the sampling locations and the sampling periods. With the use of multivariate statistical methods honeybees can also be used to distinguish the origin of this pollution. In this study the concentrations of Al, Ba, Ca, Cd, Co, Cr, Cu, Fe, Mg, Mn, Na, Ni, Sr and Zn were measured in the bodies of adult honeybees collected from nine different apiaries in Serbia. With the help of the statistical methods it was established that the least polluted area was the one that has no industrial activities or the intense traffic nearby. The most polluted was the urban region, followed by a region close to thermal power plants and ash disposal site. Using PCA and CA the origin of the analyzed metals were proposed. It was suggested that Al, Ba, Ca, Cd, Co, Cr, Cu, Fe, Mn and Ni have anthropogenic origin mainly from the intensive agriculture, traffic and coal combustion.Supplementary material: [http://cherry.chem.bg.ac.rs/handle/123456789/3312

    The Application of Context-Based Teaching in the Realization of the Program Content “The Decline of Pollinators”

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    This paper analyzes the efficiency of context-based teaching in the realization of the program content: "The Decline of Pollinators." The aim of context-based biology teaching is to connect biology contents with everyday life. The application of knowledge in everyday situations is encouraged so as to develop the skills that deepen one’s knowledge and make it less abstract.The task of the experimental study was to evaluate the effectiveness of the application of context-based teaching vs. conventional expository teaching in the implementation of the teaching content. In order to accomplish the tasks of this paper, a model of a pedagogical experiment with parallel groups [experimental (E) and control (C)] was applied. The teaching content „The Decline of Pollinators" was presented to Group E by using a text based on newspaper articles and the real-life context provided by those articles. In Group C, the same content was presented through conventional expository instruction, which is the traditional lecturing model. The results showed a statistically significant difference between the experimental and control groups in the number of points scored in the post-test evaluation of knowledge. The difference was observed based on individual ranks and a test as a whole, in favour of the experimental group. In terms of the quantity and quality of knowledge acquired by the students in the tested teaching field, the experimental didactic model of context-based teaching proved to be more effective