131 research outputs found


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    In a multi-year field fertilisation experiment the effects of organic and mineral fertilisers on the physicochemical properties of lessive soil were compared. Manure, two doses of slurry and mineral fertilisers were applied to soil farmed in an eight-field crop rotation. Dose 1 of slurry, manure and mineral fertiliser were applied in doses balanced with nitrogen. Dose II of slurry was determined so that the amount of organic carbon introduced along with it was the same as in the dose of manure. To the experimental facilities with manure and slurry, additional fertilisation with phosphorus and potassium was applied. Following 36 years of annual fertilisation, samples of soil were taken from the 0-25 cm layer, determining the amount of organic carbon and the sorption properties of the soil. It was determined that as a result of applying organic fertilisers, the amount of organic carbon, sorption complex capacity and basic cation content increased whereas hydrolytic acidity decreased. Manure was found to have the most beneficial effect, which was matched by neither dose I nor II of slurry. Additional phosphorus-potassium fertilisation of soil with manure and slurry positively influenced the sum of bases and the total sorption capacity of the soil. Mineral NPK fertilisation led to the decrease in the saturation of bases of the sorption complex and the increase in hydrolytic acidity. W wieloletnim polowym doświadczeniu nawozowym porównano działanie nawozów naturalnych i mineralnych na właściwości fizykochemiczne gleby płowej. Pod rośliny uprawiane w 8-polowym zmianowaniu stosowano obornik, gnojowicę w dwóch dawkach i nawozy mineralne. Gnojowicę w dawce I, obornik i nawożenie mineralne stosowano w dawkach zrównoważonych azotem. Wielkość dawki II gnojowicy określono tak, by ilość wprowadzanego z nią węgla organicznego była taka sama jak w dawce obornika. W obiektach z obornikiem i gnojowicą stosowano dodatkowe nawożenie fosforem i potasem. Po 36 latach corocznego nawożenia pobrano próbki gleby z warstwy 0-25 cm i oznaczono zawartość węgla organicznego oraz właściwości sorpcyjne gleby. Stwierdzono, że w wyniku stosowania nawozów organicznych wzrosła zawartość węgla organicznego, pojemność kompleksu sorpcyjnego i zawartość kationów zasadowych, a zmalała kwasowość hydrolityczna. Najkorzystniej na badane właściwości gleby działał obornik, któremu ustępowała gnojowica w dawce II i gnojowica w dawce I. Dodatkowe nawożenie fosforowo-potasowe w obiektach z obornikiem i gnojowicą działało korzystnie na sumę zasad i całkowitą pojemność sorpcyjną gleby Nawożenie mineralne NPK spowodowało zmniejszenie wysycenia kompleksu sorpcyjnego zasadami i wzrost kwasowości hydrolitycznej

    Chrześcijańska filozofia człowieka w Polsce wobec wyzwań XX i XXI wieku

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    According to the author of the article, Christian anthropology is characterized by an affirmative approach to Christianity and personalism in the understanding of man. During the last century in Poland it faced four key challenges for its development which were: 1) searching for a proper model of social life connected with the rejection of individualism and collectivism; 2) the clash with collectivist totalitarianism (communism) which imposes an erroneous concept on man; 3) resignation of the Church in her teaching from the domination of the Thomistic model of understanding the world and man; 4) establishment of a naturalistic and transhumanistic model of man in the culture of the turn of the 20th and 21st centuries. Christian anthropology responded to the first three calls with a specific type of personalism: social – in the first case, metaphysical – in the second, liberalist and ethical – in the third. At present time, it must seek a personalistic response to the fourth challenge, while the author believes that Christian anthropology is threatened by fideistic personalism resulting from the acceptance of the naturalistic image of man coming from detailed sciences and the abandonment of attempts to ­philosophically justify his personal status.Według autora artykułu antropologia chrześcijańska charakteryzuje się afirmatywnym podejściem do chrześcijaństwa i personalizmu w rozumieniu człowieka. W ciągu ostatniego stulecia w Polsce stanęła ona przed czterema kluczowymi wyzwaniami dla jej rozwoju, którymi były: 1) poszukiwanie właściwego modelu życia społecznego związanego z odrzuceniem indywidualizmu i kolektywizmu; 2) zderzenie z totalitaryzmem kolektywistycznym (komunizmem), który narzucał błędną koncepcję człowieka; 3) rezygnacja Kościoła w jego nauczaniu z dominacji tomistycznego modelu rozumienia świata i człowieka; 4) ustanowienie naturalistycznego i transhumanistycznego modelu człowieka w kulturze przełomu XX i XXI wieku. Antropologia chrześcijańska odpowiedziała na pierwsze trzy wezwania specyficznym typem personalizmu: społecznym – w pierwszym przypadku; metafizycznym – w drugim, liberalistycznym i etycznym – w trzecim. Zdaniem autora artykułu obecnie musi ona szukać personalistycznej odpowiedzi na czwarte wyzwanie. Antropologii chrześcijańskiej zagraża fideistyczny personalizm wynikający z przyjęcia naturalistycznego obrazu człowieka pochodzącego z nauk szczegółowych i rezygnacja z prób filozoficznego ­uzasadnienia jego osobowego statusu

    Mieczysława A. Krąpca koncepcja uniwersytetu

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    The main goal of this paper is to present the concept of the university proposed by one of the the most important representatives of the Lublin school of philosophy and Rector of the Catholic University of Lublin from 1970–1983, Mieczysław A. Krąpiec. In reference to the medieval tradition of the university, he understands the university as a community of professors and students (universitas magistrorum et scholarium) focused on the social cognition of the truth about man. The contemporary domination of instrumental sciences (technical) aimed at transforming existing reality leads to and threatens the good of the human person. Hence the essential role Krąpiec assigns to noninstrumental recognition of humanities and especially philosophy, in which the main goal is the knowledge of the truth about man, because man wants to know also those areas, “which are not useful but which give value to human life”. The concept of the university as proposed by Krąpiec is a universalist combination of different the types of knowledge and different ways of knowing in order to realize the good of the human person, the foundation of which is truth about himself and about the world.Wolność oznacza niezdeterminowane działanie człowieka, niezależność od czynników zewnętrznych, od skrępowania i przymusu fizycznego, psychicznego, moralnego, prawnego itp. Nieraz człowiek przypisuje sobie wolność absolutną, bezwzględną, która nie zna jakichkolwiek ograniczeń. Niewątpliwie wolność należy do konstytutywnych elementów każdego człowieka, jest niezbywalną jego własnością. Dzięki aktom wyboru kształtuje on swoją niepowtarzalną osobowość. Wolność jest uprawnieniem i zarazem obowiązkiem dokonywania wyborów, co implikuje odpowiedzialność za podjęte działania i wynikające z nich skutki. Nie każde działanie przynosi pożądane rezultaty, zarówno dla samego podmiotu działania, jak i jego otoczenia. Dlatego w kształtowaniu i korzystaniu z wolności niezbędne są kryteria i wyznaczniki. Wolność, a w ślad za nią podmiot wolności, podlega nieustannemu rozwojowi, wymagają więc odpowiedniej pielęgnacji i troski. Spośród wielu czynników kształtujących wolność osoby ludzkiej wybrano prawo i etykę

    Surgical management of atheroslerotic internal carotid artery stenosis — first own experience report from General and Vascular Surgery Ward in Siedlce Specialist Hospital

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    Wstęp: W latach 2009–2011 w Oddziale Chirurgii Ogólnej i Naczyniowej Mazowieckiego Szpitala Woje­wódzkiego w Siedlcach wykonano 163 operacje udrożnienia tętnic szyjnych wewnętrznych. Materiał i metody: Do zabiegu zakwalifikowano 144 (89%) pacjentów z objawowym zwężeniem tętnicy szyjnej wewnętrznej > 70% oraz 19 (11%) z bezobjawowym zwężeniem > 80%. Czasowy przepływ do­mózgowy shunt zastosowano w 9 przypadkach. Wyniki: Metodą endarterektomii z bezpośrednim zeszyciem tętnicy wykonano 142 operacje (87%). Zabieg udroż­nienia z użyciem łaty poliuretanowej przeprowadzono 21 razy (13%). Skumulowany odsetek udarów i zgonów wyniósł 1,3%. W trzech przypadkach (1,8%) stwierdzono śródoperacyjnie brak wypływu wstecznego z tętnicy szyjnej wewnętrznej, mimo że badanie USG wykonane przed operacją nie wykazało niedrożności naczynia. Wnioski: 1. Powstawanie nowych ośrodków wykonujących zabiegi udrożnienia tętnic szyjnych nie wpływa niekorzystnie na ogólnokrajowe statystyki powikłań pooperacyjnych. 2. U chorych z krytycznym zwężeniem tętnicy szyjnej wewnętrznej konieczne jest wykonanie badania ultrasonograficznego doppler-duplex bezpośred­nio przed zabiegiem endarterektomii. 3. Użycie łaty poliuretanowej, służącej do zamknięcia arteriotomii, może istotnie wpływać na zmniejszenie ryzyka wystąpienia restenozy po udrożnieniu tętnicy szyjnej wewnętrznej.Introduction: During the period 2009–2011 we performed 163 cervical endarterectomies in the General and Vascular Surgery Ward in Siedlce Specialist Hospital. Material and methods: 144 patients (89%) underwent CEA because of symptomatic ICA stenosis of more than 70%. Moreover, the remaining 19 patients (11%) had asymptomatic ICA stenosis of more than 80%. A shunt was employed generally in 9 patients. Results: CEA was performed with artery primary closure in 142 (87%) and in 21 (13%) cases using a polyu­rethane patch. Total percentage of strokes and deaths was 1.3%. In 3 cases (1.8%) there was no reverse ICA blood flow and a preoperative ultrasound examination did not show ICA occlusion. Conclusions: 1. Introducing new cervical artery revascularization centers do not negatively affect nationwide postoperative complication rates. 2. Patients with critical internal cervical artery stenosis should undergo a Doppler-duplex ultrasound examination before an endarteriectomy. 3. The use of a polyurethane patch to perform an arteriotomy closure reduces the risk of restenosis

    Deep seismic reflection profiles in SE Poland reveal a Variscan thin-skinned fold-and-thrust belt encroaching the East European Craton

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    20th EGU General Assembly, EGU2018, Proceedings from the conference held 4-13 April, 2018 in Vienna, AustriaRecent years have brought a significant progress in understanding of the external Variscides in Poland. Combined POLCRUST-01 and PolandSPAN deep seismic surveys imaged for the first time a Variscan thin-skinned fold-and-thrust belt that encroaches onto a little deformed basement slope of the East European Craton (EEC) much farther eastward than the previously postulated position of the Variscan deformation front. This deformed belt consists of several tectonic units, to a various degree overprinted by Variscan shortening and inversion (Fragment tekstu)

    The shape of the Variscan Belt in Central Europe : strike-slip tectonics versus oroclinal bending

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    "The European Variscan belt sharply changes its trend in easternmost Germany and western Poland, where the ENE- to NE-striking structures are replaced by the ESE- to SE-trending ones. The structures of still another, NNE-SSW strike, take the lead, however, along the SE margin of the Bohemian Massif. The Variscan belt seems, thus, to make nearly a U-turn, encircling the Bohemian Massif from the north. This has been explained for almost a century by assuming a 180° oroclinal loop, in which the Rhenohercynian and Saxothuringian tectonostratigraphic zones inarm the core of the Bohemian Massif. According to this classical view, the outermost tectonostratigraphic zone of the Variscan belt, the Rhenohercynian Zone, continues eastward in the deep substratum of the Permian-Mesozoic basin and reappears at the surface along the eastern rim of the Bohemian Massif." (fragm.

    Late Palaeozoic strike-slip tectonics versus oroclinal bending at the SW outskirts of Baltica: case of the Variscan belt’s eastern end in Poland

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    Geophysical and geological data from the eastern sector of the Central European Variscan belt are presented and reviewed in the regional tectonic context. Matched filtering of isostatic gravity, guided by results of spectral analysis, along with other derivatives of gravity and magnetic fields reveal a dominant WNW–ESE-trending pre-Permian structural grain in the external zones of the Variscan belt in Poland. This trend is confirmed by regional distribution of dips in Carboniferous and Devonian strata that were penetrated by boreholes beneath Permian-Mesozoic sediments. Based on these data, two alternative concepts explaining the connection of the Variscan belt and its NE foreland, those of strike-slip tectonics versus oroclinal bending, are discussed. The WNW–ESE structural trend in the Variscan foreland is parallel to a set of major strike-slip fault zones in the area, including those of Upper Elbe, Intra-Sudetic, Odra, Dolsk and Kraków-Lubliniec. These faults are considered to convey a significant dextral displacement between Laurussia and Gondwana. The revised position of the Variscan deformation front shows a similar, uninterrupted, generally WNW–ESE trend, up to the SE border of Poland, which indicates an initial continuation of the Variscan belt into the area of the present-day Western Carpathians. The geometry of the Variscan deformation front along with the pattern of the Variscan structural grain are inconsistent with the idea of an oroclinal loop affecting the external, non-metamorphic Variscan belt. However, the data presented do not entirely rule out an oroclinal loop within the Variscan internides. The still possible options are (1) a semi-oroclinal model postulating ~ 90° bending of the Variscan tectonostratigraphic zones into parallelism with the WNW–ESE strike-slip faults or (2) an orocline limited only to the belt linking the Wolsztyn High and Moravo-Silesian non- to weakly-metamorphic fold-and-thrust belt. Regardless of the kinematic model preferred, our data indicate that structural evolution of the Polish Variscides was concluded with the end-Carboniferous NNE–SSW shortening that resulted in the present-day extent of the Variscan deformation front

    Detrital zircon U-Pb and Hf constraints on provenance and timing of deposition of the Mesoproterozoic to Cambrian sedimentary cover of the East European Craton, Belarus

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    International audienceThe sedimentary cover of the East European Craton (EEC) is unique because of its low degree of diagenetic alteration that allows preservation of the original “source to sink” relationships. The present study provides U-Pb and Hf zircon data for the entire Proterozoic sedimentary section of the EEC based on samples from five boreholes in Belarus within the Volyn-Orsha Basin, one of the most important sedimentary basins of the craton. Twenty-one samples of mudstones and sandstones were selected for detrital zircon U-Pb geochronology, supplemented by the Hf isotope analyses of zircons from 6 samples representing different U-Pb age spectra and bulk rock XRD mineralogy of all mudstone samples collected from the studied boreholes. Five clastic successions in the Volyn-Orsha Basin are characterized by different sources of detrital material: (1) The Mesoproterozoic Pinsk Suite with a narrow population of c. 2.0 Ga zircons, (2) The Orsha Suite with a broad 1.3–3.2 Ga zircon age distribution, (3) Glacial sediments of the Vilchitsy Series with an age spectra similar to the Orsha Suite, except for a c. 1.0 and 1.2 Ga cluster, (4) The Volyn and Valdai Series, including lowermost Cambrian, with a narrow trimodal population of 0.5, 1.5, and 1.8 Ga zircons, and (5) lower Cambrian (?) sediments with a diffused zircon age spectrum, including a 500–700 Ma cluster. Maximum depositional ages were constrained for the Vilchitsy Series at 977 ± 6 Ma and for the Volyn Series at 579–545 ± 4 Ma. Combined Hf zircon data indicate four episodes of new continental crust generation at 3.3, 2.8, 2.1–2.3 and 1.8 Ga, suggestive of source terrains within the crust of the present-day EEC. These sources experienced subsequent reworking of crust at c. 1.8 Ga and 550–600 Ma. Only a lower Cambrian sample lacks any trend or clustering within the Hf data probably due to mixing of zircons from exotic and local sources. Paleogeographic models explaining these provenance signals in terms of intracratonic erosion and sediment transport are presented

    Dynamics of superparamagnetic iron oxide nanoparticles with various polymeric coatings

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    In this article, the results of a study of the magnetic dynamics of superparamagnetic iron oxide nanoparticles (SPIONs) with chitosan and polyethylene glycol (PEG) coatings are reported. The materials were prepared by the co-precipitation method and characterized by X-ray diffraction, dynamic light scattering and scanning transmission electron microscopy. It was shown that the cores contain maghemite, and their hydrodynamic diameters vary from 49 nm for PEG-coated to 200 nm for chitosan-coated particles. The magnetic dynamics of the nanoparticles in terms of the function of temperature was studied with magnetic susceptometry and Mössbauer spectroscopy. Their superparamagnetic fluctuations frequencies, determined from the fits of Mössbauer spectra, range from tens to hundreds of megahertz at room temperature and mostly decrease in the applied magnetic field. For water suspensions of nanoparticles, maxima are observed in the absorption part of magnetic susceptibility and they shift to higher temperatures with increasing excitation frequency. A step-like decrease of the susceptibility occurs at freezing, and from that, the Brown’s and Néel’s contributions are extracted and compared for nanoparticles differing in core sizes and types of coating. The results are analyzed and discussed with respect to the tailoring of the dynamic properties of these nanoparticle materials for requirements related to the characteristic frequency ranges of MRI and electromagnetic field hyperthermia

    Can ceylon leadwort (Plumbago zeylanica L.) acclimate to lead toxicity? - studies of photosynthetic apparatus efficiency

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    Ceylon leadwort (Plumbago zeylanica) is ornamental plant known for its pharmacological properties arising from the abundant production of various secondary metabolites. It often grows in lead polluted areas. The aim of presented study was to evaluate the survival strategy of P. zeylanica to lead toxicity via photosynthetic apparatus acclimatization. Shoots of P. zeylanica were cultivated on media with different Pb concentrations (0.0, 0.05, and 0.1 g Pb∙l−1). After a four-week culture, the efficiency of the photosynthetic apparatus of plants was evaluated by Chl a fluorescence measurement, photosynthetic pigment, and Lhcb1, PsbA, PsbO, and RuBisCo protein accumulation, antioxidant enzymes activity, and chloroplast ultrastructure observation. Plants from lower Pb concentration revealed no changes in photosynthetic pigments content and light-harvesting complex (LHCII) size, as well as no limitation on the donor side of Photosystem II Reaction Centre (PSII RC). However, the activity and content of antioxidant enzymes indicated a high risk of limitation on the acceptor side of Photosystem I. In turn, plants from 0.1 g Pb∙l−1 showed a significant decrease in pigments content, LHCII size, the amount of active PSII RC, oxygen-evolving complex activity, and significant remodeling of chloroplast ultrastructure indicated limitation of PSII RC donor side. Obtained results indicate that P. zeylanica plants acclimate to lead toxicity by Pb accumulation in roots and, depending on Pb concentration, by adjusting their photosynthetic apparatus via the activation of alternative (cyclic and pseudocyclic) electron transport pathways