33 research outputs found

    Influence of different growing conditions on production, milk composition and body condition score for Alpina goat breed

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    This paper presents the results of testing the impact of different farming systems on milk production, milk composition (milk fat, protein and dry matter without fat) and body condition score of Alpine breed goats in different growing systems during one production year. Control of the amount and chemical composition of milk included a total of 59 French Alpine goats at the age of 2-3 years (2-3 lactations), which are divided into two groups with approximate similar body weight. In the first group of goats a stable diet was applied. Goats had a sufficient amount of alfalfa hay available (ad libitum) and the addition of about 0.5 kg of concentrate that is administered twice a day. Goats in the second group in addition to 0.5 kg of alfalfa hay, received 0.25 kg of concentrate and in the period from April to October during the day stayed at the outlet and the surrounding pasture. Control of body weight of goats and body condition were performed once every two months from March to October, while the rate of body condition (BCS) was given score of 1-5. Somatic cell count and chemical quality of milk were controlled on a daily basis in the laboratory for raw milk AD Mlekara - Subotica on the device CombiFoss 6200 FC. Both groups of goats had a statistically significant increase in production of milk (about 45 l) and the average daily milk yield (of about 0.15 l) in the second compared with the third lactation (p <0.01). It was also determined statistically significant effect of lactation on content of protein, dry matter without fat (DMwF) and the number of somatic cells in milk in both groups of goats. Body condition score of the analyzed groups of goats varied over time, and statistically significant differences were found in July (p = 0.021) and September (p = 0.013), where goats from the second group that remained at the pasture in the examined period had higher scores for BCS compared with the first group

    Evaluación de la inuencia del ciclo vital en la producción de los productos de carne de cerdo sobre el medio ambiente

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    The objective of this paper was to assess the environmental performance of the production of pork products in Serbia. Life cycle assessment calculations have been performed to identify and quantify the environmental impacts from a cradle-to-grave perspective covering four subsystems: ‘pig housing farm’, ‘slaughterhouse’, ‘meat processing plant’ and ‘waste and waste water treatment’. Structured survey has been conducted in order to collect life cycle inventory input data. Six environmental impact potentials were calculated in this study: global warming potential, acidification potential, eutrophication potential, ozone layer depletion, photochemical smog and human toxicity. The global warming potential associated with the production of 1 kg of pork products is 9.04 kg CO2eq. Acidification potential within the pork meat chain is 9.874 x 10-3 kg SO2eq while the eutrophication potential is 0.0151 kg PO4eq. The largest contributor to the environmental profile of meat production within the pork meat chain is the production of feed and manure management. Contributions of the processing plants are mainly due to water and energy requirement and use of refrigerants in the cold chain.Cilj je ovog rada bio procijeniti utjecaj proizvodnje proizvoda od svinjetine u Srbiji na okoliš. Izračuni za procjenu životnog ciklusa provedeni su kako bi identi.cirali i kvanti.cirali utjecaj na okoliš po načelu „od kolijevke do groba“, koji obuhvaća četiri podsustava: ‘farmu za uzgoj svinja’, ‘klaonicu’, pogone za preradu mesa’ i ‘pogon za zbrinjavanje otpada i otpadnih voda’. U cilju prikupljanja ulaznih podataka inventara životnog ciklusa provedeno je strukturirano istraživanje. Navedenim smo istraživanjem procijenili šest potencijalnih utjecaja na okoliš: potencijal globalnog zatopljenja, potencijal akiseljavanja, potencijal eutro.kacije, potencijal razaranja ozona, potencijal stvaranja fotokemijskog smoga i toksičnost za čovjeka. Potencijal globalnog zatopljenja povezan s proizvodnjom 1 kg proizvoda od svinjetine iznosi 9,04 kg CO2Eq. Potencijal zakiseljavanja unutar lanca svinjskog mesa iznosi 9,874 x 10-3 kg SO2Eq, a potencijal eutro.kacije 0,0151 kg PO4Eq. Na okoliš u lancu svinjskog mesa tijekom proizvodnje najviše utječu proizvodnja stočne hrane i upravljanje gnojivom. Utjecaj pogona za preradu uglavnom se odnosi na zahtjeve za vodu i energiju te uporabu rashladnih sustava u hladnom lancu.Ziel dieser Arbeit war es, den Ein!uss der Herstellung von Schweine!eischprodukten in Serbien auf die Umwelt zu bewerten. Berechungen für die Bewertung des Lebenszyklus wurden vorgenommen, um die Umweltein!üsse zu identi.zieren und quanti.zieren, nach dem Grundsatz „von der Wiege bis zum Grabe“, der vier Teilsysteme umfasst: ‘Schweinezuchtbetrieb’, ‘Schlachtbetrieb’, ‘Fleischverarbeitungsbetrieb’ und ‘Abfall- und Abwasserentsorgungsbetrieb’. Um Eingangsdaten über das Lebenszyklusinventar zu sammeln, wurde eine strukturierte Untersuchung durchgeführt. In der genannten Untersuchung haben wir sechs potentielle Umweltein!üsse ausgewertet: Potential der globalen Erwärmung, Potential der Versauerung, Potential der Eutrophierung, Potential der Ozonzerstörung, Potential der Entstehung von Sommersmog und Toxizität für den Menschen. Das Potential der globalen Erwärmung, das mit der Herstellung von 1 kg Schweine!eischprodukten verbunden ist, beträgt 9,04 kg CO2Eq. Das Potential der Versauerung innerhalb der Schweine!eischkette beläuft sich auf 9,874 x 10-3 kg SO2Eq und das Potential der Eutrophierung auf 0,0151 kg PO4Eq. Der größte Ein!uss in der Fleischkette während der Herstellung haben die Produktion von Viehfutter und die Verwaltung von Düngemitteln. Die Auswirkung des Verarbeitungsbetriebs bezieht sich größtenteils auf die Wasser- und Energieanforderungen und den Einsatz von Kühlmitteln in der Kühlkette.Obiettivo di questo studio č quello di valutare l’incidenza della produzione dei prodotti di carne suina sull’ambiente in Serbia. I rilevamenti per la valutazione del ciclo vitale sono stati eseguiti ai .ni dell’identi.cazione e della quanti.cazione dell’incidenza sull’ambiente in base al principio “dalla culla alla tomba”, comprendente quattro sottosistemi: “impianto d’allevamento di suini”, “macello/mattatoio”, “impianto di lavorazione delle carni” e “impianto per lo smaltimento dei ri.uti e delle acque reue”. Ai .ni della raccolta dei dati d’ingresso dell’inventario del ciclo vitale animale, č stata eseguita una ricerca strutturata. Mediante detta ricerca, abbiamo valutato sei potenziali fattori d’incidenza sull’ambiente: il potenziale di riscaldamento globale, il potenziale di acidi.cazione, il potenziale di eutro.zzazione, il potenziale di degrado dell’ozono, il potenziale di creazione dello smog fotochimico e di tossicitŕ per l’uomo. Il potenziale di riscaldamento globale legato alla produzione di 1 kg di prodotti di carne suina č pari a 9,04 kg CO2Eq. Il potenziale di acidicazione nell’ambito della catena di produzione della carne suina č pari a 9,874 x 10-3 kg SO2Eq, mentre il potenziale di eutro.zzazione čpari a 0,0151 kg PO4Eq. Sull’ambiente, nel nell’ambito della catena della carne suina, nel corso della produzione, incidono maggiormente la produzione del mangime e la gestione del concime. L’incidenza dell’impianto di lavorazione delle carni si riferisce in prevalenza alle esigenze di acqua ed energia e all’uso di sistemi di ra#reddamento nella catena del freddo.El objetivo de este trabajo fue evaluar la inuencia de la producción de los productos de carne de cerdo en Serbia sobre el medio ambiente. Los cálculos para evaluar el ciclo vital fueron hechos para identi.car y cuanti.car la inuencia sobre el medio ambiente según el principio ‘’de la cuna a la tumba’’, el cual incluye cuatro subsistemas: ‘la planta para crianza de cerdos’, ‘el matadero’, la planta para el procesamiento de carne’ y ‘la planta para deposito de residuos y aguas residuales’. Fue hecha una investigación estructurada el .n de recoger los datos de entrada del inventario del ciclo vital fue hecha una. Con la investigación mencionada evaluamos seis potenciales impactos sobre el medio ambiente: el potencial de calentamiento global, el potencial de acidi.cación, el potencial de eutro.zación, el potencial de destrucción de la capa de ozono, el potencial de formación de esmog fotoquímico y toxicidad para los seres humanos. El potencial de calentamiento global conectado con la producción de 1 kg del producto de carne de cerdo es 9,04 kg CO2Eq. El potencial de acidi.cación dentro de la cadena de carne de cerdo es 9,874 x 10-3 kg SO2Eq y el potencial de eutro.zación es 0,0151 kg PO4Eq. Dentro de la cadena de carne de cerdo los que más inuyen sobre el medio ambiente son la producción del pienso y la gestión del estiércol. La inuencia de la planta para el procesamiento de carne se re.ere principalmente a la demanda de agua y energía, y el uso de los sistemas de enfriamiento en la cadena de frío

    Digitalne generacije - nove sposobnosti?

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    Era digitalne tehnologije donosi jednu potpuno novu kulturu življenja. Digitalne tehnologije su zašle u sve „pore“ društva i ljudskog bivstvovanja. Stoga ne čudi što su se mnogi autori iz različitih oblasti zainte- resovali za tragove koje digitalne tehnologije ostavljaju na kognitivno funkcionisanje jedinki. Iz želje za razumevanjem drugačijeg konteksta proizašlo je shvatanje da individue koje su odrastale u doba interneta imaju kvalitativno drugačije karakteristike od njihovih prethodnika. Međutim, obrazovni sistem je naročito „pogodilo“ pitanje diskrepancije između načina na koji nove generacije uče i načina na koji starije generacije poučavaju. Uzimajući u obzir tu dilemu i saznanja do kojih su brojni autori došli, obrazovni sistem mora proći kroz transformaciju koju mu nameću drugačije potrebe učenika nove generacije i savremeno doba digitalnih tehnologija

    Varijabilnost i povezanost osnovnih parametara kvaliteta sirovog kravljeg mleka

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    In this paper the results of the analysis of the milk somatic cell count are presented, as well as correlation between the somatic cell count and content of certain chemical parameters in milk (milk proteins, fat, lactose and dry matter without fat) determined in collective samples of milk obtained from cows reared in intensive rearing system, during two production years. The research was carried out by control of collective milk samples from cows reared on family holdings. Somatic cell count, as well as the chemical quality of milk, were controlled daily in the laboratory for raw milk in dairy plant AD 'Mlekara' - Subotica using the apparatus CombiFoss 6200 FC. In this investigation, statistically significant correlation (P lt 0,001) between all observed milk parameters was determined. Positive, weak and statistically highly significant correlation between the content of milk fat and proteins in milk and somatic cell count was established. It was also established that the variability of chemical parameters of milk and somatic cell count is also under the influence of different factors, such as: month of control, year of the research and farm.U radu prikazani su godišnji rezultati ispitivanja broja somatskih ćelija u mleku, mlečne masti, proteina, laktoze i suve materije bez masti, u zbirnim uzorcima mleka krava u intenzivnoj proizvodnji u toku dve proizvodne godine. Ispitivanja su izvršena kontrolom zbirnih uzoraka mleka od približno 3000 krava sa porodičnih farmi. Prosečni broj somatskih ćelija je bio 462x103 u 1 ml zbirnog mleka (uz variranje od 410,43 do 536,06 x 103 u 1 ml), prosečni sadržaj proteina je bio 3,21%, mlečne masti 3,76%, laktoze 4,54% i suve materije bez masti 8,46%. Utvrđene su statistički značajne razlike u broju somatskih ćelija utvrđenih na zbirnom uzorku mleka u odnosu na mesec kontrole. U ovom radu je utvrđena pozitivna i statistički signifikantna korelacija (P lt 0,001) između sadržaja mlečne masti i proteina u mleku i broja somatskih ćelija, i negativna i statistički signifikantna (P lt 0,001) korelacija između broja somatskih ćelija i sadržaja laktoze i suve materije bez masti u zbirnom uzorku mleka. Utvrđivanje odn. merenj broja somatskih ćelija u zbrinom mleku je ključni faktor u oceni kvaliteta mleka zapata, i koristi se i u određivanju cene otkupljenog mleka, i ukazuje na zdravlje vimena mlečnih grla u zapatu i omogućava farmi da prati uspeh programa za kotnrolu mastitisa u zapatu

    Izvori varijabilnosti osobina porasta i telesne razvijenosti bikova Simentalske rase u performans testu

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    To test the variability of traits of Simmental bulls in performance test, data of the Livestock - Veterinary Centres for Reproduction and Artificial Insemination of Velika Plana and Krnjača were used. In the analysis, data on 113 performance tested bulls born from 2008 to 2009 were used. The analysis included two sets of characteristics: body development traits and growth traits. The average body mass of calves entering the test was 195.75 kg, while the body mass at the end of the test was 476.50 kg, average daily gain in the test was 1138.69 g. Average values of body development traits measured at the end of the test, with 12 months of age were: height at withers 127.13 cm, chest circumference 179.42 cm, the chest depth 61.19 cm and body length 151.34 cm. The influence of their sires, the year and the Centre on the variability of traits was studied. The effect of age is present at a high level of statistical significance (p lt 0.01) for all traits that are registered at the end of the test, while the effect of the Centre was present in the variability of body mass at the end of the test, the daily gain in the test and the length of the body. The bulls-sires' influence was demonstrated (p lt 0.05) on the variability in body mass of calves entering the test.Za ispitivanje varijabilnosti osobina simentalskih bikova u performans testu iskorišćeni su podaci stočarsko-veterinarskog centra za reprodukciju i veštačko osemenjavanje iz Velike Plane i Krnjače. Za analizu su upotrebljeni podaci o 113 performans testiranih bikova rođenih u periodu od 2008 do 2009 godine. Analizom su obuhvaćene dve grupe osobina: osobine telesne razvijenosti i osobine porasta. Prosečna telesna masa sa kojom su telad ulazila u test iznosila je 195,75 kg, dok je telesna masa na kraju testa 476,50 kg, prosečan dnevni prirast u testu iznosio je 1138,69 g. Prosečne vrednosti osobina telesne razvijenosti merenim na kraju testa, sa 12 meseci uzrasta iznosile su: visina grebena 127.13 cm, obim grudi 179.42 cm, dubina grudi 61.19 cm i dužina trupa 151.34 cm. Analizirani su uticaj očeva, godine i centra na varijabilnost osobina. Efekat godine je prisutan na visokom nivou statističke značajnosti (p lt 0,01) za sve osobine koje se registruju na kraju testa, dok je efekat centra prisutan u varijabilnosti telesne mase na kraju testa, dnevnog prirasta u testu i dužini tela. Bikovi-očevi su ispoljili uticaj (p lt 0,05) na varijabilnost telesne mase sa kojom su telad ulazila u test

    Possibility of milk utilization in hilly-mountainous region of Herzegovina

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    Autori opisuju proizvodnju mlijeka i mliječnih proizvoda na brdsko-planinskom području Hercegovine. Danas postoji na tom području samo jednu suvremena mljekara u Mostaru, dok se lokalno vrši prerada u različite kvalitetne mliječne proizvode, kao što su kajmak, vareni sir iz mješine, suhi sir, presukača, bijeli sir. Uz organizirani otkup mogla bi se još više razviti prerada u autohtone proizvode koji svojom kvalitetom mogu zadovoljiti suvremeno tržište.The authors describe production of milk and dairy products in the hilly-mountainous region of Herzegovina. Today there is only one modern dairy plant in Mostar, hut locally many dairy products are manufactured as kajmak dry cheese, presukača etc. With better organization of milk collecting, man products and better quality could be achieved for the market

    Total Synthesis and Functional Evaluation of IORs, Sulfonolipid‐based Inhibitors of Cell Differentiation in Salpingoeca rosetta

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    The choanoflagellate Salpingoeca rosetta is an important model system to study the evolution of multicellularity. In this study we developed a new, modular, and scalable synthesis of sulfonolipid IOR‐1A (six steps, 27 % overall yield), which acts as bacterial inhibitor of rosette formation in S. rosetta . The synthesis features a decarboxylative cross‐coupling reaction of a sulfonic acid‐containing tartaric acid derivative with alkyl zinc reagents. Synthesis of 15 modified IOR‐1A derivatives, including fluorescent and photoaffinity‐based probes, allowed quantification of IOR‐1A, localization studies within S. rosetta cells, and evaluation of structure‐activity relations. In a proof of concept study, an inhibitory bifunctional probe was employed in proteomic profiling studies, which allowed to deduce binding partners in bacteria and S. rosetta . These results showcase the power of synthetic chemistry to decipher the biochemical basis of cell differentiation processes within S. rosetta

    Changes in chemical and physicochemical characteristics during the production of traditional Sremska sausage

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    The aim of this trial was to investigate changes in chemical and physic-chemical parameters during the production of traditional Sremska sausage (dry fermented sausage) from pork of three pig breeds: Mangalitsa (MA), Moravka (MO) and Swedish Landrace (SL). Analyses of all variants of sausages were carried out after stuffing (day 0) and on production days 3, 7, 14 and 21. The reduction in moisture during production caused the increase in protein, fat and ash contents (p<0.001) in all three variants of sausages, were found to be within the range for this type of sausages. Higher fat content in MA and MO sausages compared to SL variant was most likely a result of the different chemical composition of the meat from pigs of autochthonous breeds. All three sausage variants had a similar final pH value, but the mildest drop of pH was determined in MA sausages. Pig breed significantly affected (p<0.05) all three indicators of oxidative changes (thiobarbituric acid value, peroxide value and free fatty acid content). It was found that they were higher in SL compared with MA and MO sausages and to significantly increase during the production process

    Biochemical characteristics of Streptococcus suis strains isolated from healthy and deceased pigs

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    The aim of this study was to determine the biochemical properties of Streptococcus suis strains isolated from healthy and deceased pigs. For this research we tested 34 S. suis strains isolated from deceased pigs that had clinical signs of septicemia and meningitis, as well as from clinically healthy pigs. The strains that have been already confirmed with specific antisera were tested using commercial battery of biochemical tests (API 20 Strep and ID 32 Strep) to determine the dominant biochemical characteristics that can be used in diagnosis of bacterial infection if specific S. suis antisera are not available. The main results showed that all S. suis strains were postive in esculine, trehalose, glycogen, lactose, sacharose, starch, leucine aminopeptidase, alanine-phenyl-alanine-proline arylamidase tests, while negative in Voges-Proskauer, hipurate, ribose, arabinose and sorbitol tests. S. suis strains were in high percentage positive in arginine dihydrolase, β-glucoronidase, α-galactosidase, β-galactosidase, methyl-β-d- glucopyranoside, glycyl-tryptophan arylamidase and inulin tests. Athough S. suis is in highly positive in some tests, it can be concluded that Voges-Proskauer, hipurate, trehalose, esculine tests, along with β-glucoronidase (βGUR) and α-galactosidase (αGAL), were significant in differentiation of this bacteria from other similar streptococci, along with some other crucial features (a hemolysis on blood sheep agar, absence of growth in 6,5% NaCl broth)