1,435 research outputs found

    Finding the brightest galactic bulge microlensing events with a small aperture telescope and image subtraction

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    Following the suggestion of Gould and Depoy (1998) we investigate the feasibility of studying the brightest microlensing events towards the Galactic bulge using a small aperture (≈ 10 cm) telescope. We used one of the HAT telescopes to obtain 151 expos

    An Attempt to Reproduce the Schwarz‐Hora Effect

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    Several attempts were made to observe the modulation of an electron beam by a laser (the Schwarz‐Hora effect). These were not successful and possible reasons are reported

    The Optical Afterglow of GRB 011211

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    We present early-time optical photometry and spectroscopy of the optical afterglow of the gamma-ray burst GRB 011211. The spectrum of the optical afterglow contains several narrow metal lines which are consistent with the burst occurring at a redshift of 2.140 +/- 0.001. The optical afterglow decays as a power law with a slope of alpha = 0.83 +/- 0.04 for the first approximately two days after the burst at which time there is evidence for a break. The slope after the break is at least 1.4. There is evidence for rapid variations in the R-band light approximately 0.5 days after the burst. These variations suggest that there are density fluctuations near the gamma-ray burst on spatial scales of approximately 40--125 AU. The magnitude of the break in the light curve, the spectral slope, and the rate of decay in the optical, suggest that the burst expanded into an ambient medium that is homogeneous on large scales. We estimate that the local particle density is between approximately 0.1 and 10 cm^{-3} and that the total gamma-ray energy in the burst was 1.2--1.9 x 10^{50} erg. This energy is smaller than, but consistent with, the ``standard'' value of (5 +/- 2) x 10^{50} erg. Comparing the observed color of the optical afterglow with predictions of the standard beaming model suggests that the rest-frame V-band extinction in the host galaxy is less than approximately 0.03 mag.Comment: 17 pages, 4 figures, AASTeX 5.02, to appear in AJ Referee's report incorporated, minor changes in the tex

    Lifting the Dusty Veil With Near- and Mid-Infrared Photometry: III. Two-Dimensional Extinction Maps of the Galactic Midplane Using the Rayleigh-Jeans Color Excess Method

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    We provide new, high-resolution A(Ks) extinction maps of the heavily reddened Galactic midplane based on the Rayleigh-Jeans Color Excess ("RJCE") method. RJCE determines star-by-star reddening based on a combination of near- and mid-infrared photometry. The new RJCE-generated maps have 2 x 2 arcmin pixels and span some of the most severely extinguished regions of the Galaxy -- those covered with Spitzer+IRAC imaging by the GLIMPSE-I, -II, -3D, and Vela-Carina surveys, from 256<l<65 deg and, in general, for |b| <= 1-1.5 deg (extending up to |b|<=4 deg in the bulge). Using RJCE extinction measurements, we generate dereddened color-magnitude diagrams and, in turn, create maps based on main sequence, red clump, and red giant star tracers, each probing different distances and thereby providing coarse three-dimensional information on the relative placement of dust cloud structures. The maps generated from red giant stars, which reach to ~18-20 kpc, probe beyond most of the Milky Way extinction in most directions and provide close to a "total Galactic extinction" map -- at minimum they provide high angular resolution maps of lower limits on A(Ks). Because these maps are generated directly from measurements of reddening by the very dust being mapped, rather than inferred on the basis of some less direct means, they are likely the most accurate to date for charting in detail the highly patchy differential extinction in the Galactic midplane. We provide downloadable FITS files and an IDL tool for retrieving extinction values for any line of sight within our mapped regions.Comment: 23 pages, 5 figures, accepted for publication in ApJ

    Rotation and Turbulence of the Hot ICM in Galaxy Clusters

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    Cosmological simulations of galaxy clusters typically find that the weight of a cluster at a given radius is not balanced entirely by the thermal gas pressure of the hot ICM, with theoretical studies emphasizing the role of random turbulent motions to provide the necessary additional pressure support. Using a set of high-resolution, hydrodynamical simulations of galaxy clusters that include radiative cooling and star formation, we find instead that in the most relaxed clusters rotational support exceeds that from random turbulent motions for radii 0.1 - 0.5 r_500, and that the observed clusters are much rounder than the simulated, relaxed clusters within ~ 0.4 r_500. Moreover, while the observed clusters display an average ellipticity profile that does not vary significantly with radius, the ellipticity of the relaxed CDM clusters declines markedly with increasing radius, suggesting that the ICM of the observed clusters rotates less rapidly than that of the relaxed CDM clusters out to ~ 0.6 r_500. We also find the ellipticity profile of a simulated cluster without radiative cooling is in much better agreement with the observations, implying that over-cooling has a substantial impact on the gas dynamics and morphology out to larger radii than previously recognized. It also suggests that the 10%-20% systematic errors from non-thermal gas pressure support reported for simulated cluster masses, obtained from fitting simulated X-ray data over large radial ranges within r_500, may need to be revised downward. These results demonstrate the utility of X-ray ellipticity profiles as a probe of ICM rotation and over-cooling which should be used to constrain future cosmological cluster simulations.Comment: 13 pages, 8 figures, accepted for publication in Ap

    On the Baryon Fractions in Clusters and Groups of Galaxies

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    We present the baryon fractions of 2MASS groups and clusters as a function of cluster richness using total and gas masses measured from stacked ROSAT X-ray data and stellar masses estimated from the infrared galaxy catalogs. We detect X-ray emission even in the outskirts of clusters, beyond r_200 for richness classes with X-ray temperatures above 1 keV. This enables us to more accurately determine the total gas mass in these groups and clusters. We find that the optically selected groups and clusters have flatter temperature profiles and higher stellar-to-gas mass ratios than the individually studied, X-ray bright clusters. We also find that the stellar mass in poor groups with temperatures below 1 keV is comparable to the gas mass in these systems. Combining these results with individual measurements for clusters, groups, and galaxies from the literature, we find a break in the baryon fraction at ~1 keV. Above this temperature, the baryon fraction scales with temperature as f_b \propto T^0.20\pm0.03. We see significantly smaller baryon fractions below this temperature, and the baryon fraction of poor groups joins smoothly onto that of systems with still shallower potential wells such as normal and dwarf galaxies where the baryon fraction scales with the inferred velocity dispersion as f_b \propto \sigma^1.6. The small scatter in the baryon fraction at any given potential well depth favors a universal baryon loss mechanism and a preheating model for the baryon loss. The scatter is, however, larger for less massive systems. Finally, we note that although the broken power-law relation can be inferred from data points in the literature alone, the consistency between the baryon fractions for poor groups and massive galaxies inspires us to fit the two categories of objects (galaxies and clusters) with one relation.Comment: 21 pages, 5 figures, ApJ in pres

    SDSS1133: An Unusually Persistent Transient in a Nearby Dwarf Galaxy

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    While performing a survey to detect recoiling supermassive black holes, we have identified an unusual source having a projected offset of 800 pc from a nearby dwarf galaxy. The object, SDSS J113323.97+550415.8, exhibits broad emission lines and strong variability. While originally classified as a supernova (SN) because of its nondetection in 2005, we detect it in recent and past observations over 63 yr and find over a magnitude of rebrightening in the last 2 years. Using high-resolution adaptive optics observations, we constrain the source emission region to be <12 pc and find a disturbed host-galaxy morphology indicative of recent merger activity. Observations taken over more than a decade show narrow [O III] lines, constant ultraviolet emission, broad Balmer lines, a constant putative black hole mass over a decade of observations despite changes in the continuum, and optical emission-line diagnostics consistent with an active galactic nucleus (AGN). However, the optical spectra exhibit blueshifted absorption, and eventually narrow Fe II and [Ca II] emission, each of which is rarely found in AGN spectra. While this peculiar source displays many of the observational properties expected of a potential black hole recoil candidate, some of the properties could also be explained by a luminous blue variable star (LBV) erupting for decades since 1950, followed by a Type IIn SN in 2001. Interpreted as an LBV followed by a SN analogous to SN 2009ip, the multi-decade LBV eruptions would be the longest ever observed, and the broad Halpha emission would be the most luminous ever observed at late times (>10 yr), larger than that of unusually luminous supernovae such as SN 1988Z, suggesting one of the most extreme episodes of pre-SN mass loss ever discovered.Comment: Accepted for publication in MNRA

    Lifting the Dusty Veil With Near- and Mid-Infrared Photometry: I. Description and Applications of the Rayleigh-Jeans Color Excess Method

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    The Milky Way (MW) remains a primary laboratory for understanding the structure and evolution of spiral galaxies, but typically we are denied clear views of MW stellar populations at low Galactic latitudes because of extinction by interstellar dust. However, the combination of 2MASS near-infrared (NIR) and Spitzer-IRAC mid-infrared (MIR) photometry enables a powerful method for determining the line of sight reddening to any star: the sampled wavelengths lie in the Rayleigh-Jeans part of the spectral energy distribution of most stars, where, to first order, all stars have essentially the same intrinsic color. Thus, changes in stellar NIR-MIR colors due to interstellar reddening are readily apparent, and (under an assumed extinction law) the observed colors and magnitudes of stars can be easily and accurately restored to their intrinsic values, greatly increasing their usefulness for Galactic structure studies. In this paper we explore this "Rayleigh-Jeans Color Excess" (RJCE) method and demonstrate that use of even a simple variant of the RJCE method based on a single reference color, (H-[4.5um]), can rather accurately remove dust effects from previously uninterpretable 2MASS color-magnitude diagrams of stars in fields along the heavily reddened Galactic mid-plane, with results far superior to those derived from application of other dereddening methods. We also show that "total" Galactic midplane extinction looks rather different from that predicted using 100um emission maps from the IRAS/ISSA and COBE/DIRBE instruments as presented by Schlegel et al. Instead, the Galactic mid-plane extinction strongly resembles the distribution of 13-CO (J=1->0) emission. Future papers will focus on refining the RJCE method and applying the technique to understand better not only dust and its distribution, but the distribution of stars intermixed with the dust in the low-latitude Galaxy.Comment: Accepted to ApJ; 21 pages, 17 figure

    Impact of Homogeneous Strain On Uranium Vacancy Diffusion In Uranium Dioxide

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    We present a detailed mechanism of, and the effect of homogeneous strains on, the migration of uranium vacancies in UO2. Vacancy migration pathways and barriers are identified using density functional theory and the effect of uniform strain fields are accounted for using the dipole tensor approach. We report complex migration pathways and noncubic symmetry associated with the uranium vacancy in UO2 and show that these complexities need to be carefully accounted for to predict the correct diffusion behavior of uranium vacancies. We show that under homogeneous strain fields, only the dipole tensor of the saddle with respect to the minimum is required to correctly predict the change in the energy barrier between the strained and the unstrained case. Diffusivities are computed using kinetic Monte Carlo simulations for both neutral and fully charged state of uranium single and divacancies. We calculate the effect of strain on migration barriers in the temperature range 800–1800 K for both vacancy types. Homogeneous strains as small as 2% have a considerable effect on diffusivity of both single and divacancies of uranium, with the effect of strain being more pronounced for single vacancies than divacancies. In contrast, the response of a given defect to strain is less sensitive to changes in the charge state of the defect. Further, strain leads to anisotropies in the mobility of the vacancy and the degree of anisotropy is very sensitive to the nature of the applied strain field for strain of equal magnitude. Our results suggest that the influence of strain on vacancy diffusivity will be significantly greater when single vacancies dominate the defect structure, such as sintering, while the effects will be much less substantial under irradiation conditions where divacancies dominate
