15 research outputs found

    On-going development of five geochemical monitoring technologies for onshore CCS

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    A critical aspect of Carbon Capture and Storage (CCS) will be the ability to adequately monitor the injection site, both to ensure public and environmental safety and for “carbon credit auditing”. In the unlikely event of a leakage in the near-surface environment, the study of natural CO2 emanations in volcanic and geothermal environments have shown that the gas will tend to migrate along the path of least resistance and create spatially restricted “hotspot” leaks at the ground surface that can be challenging to find and quantify. For this reason, innovative technologies are required to improve our ability to detect, locate and characterize such features. To address this need our group is developing geochemical monitoring tools that confront the significant challenges associated with spatial, analytical and temporal resolution and sensitivity. Here we describe on-going work focused on increasing the Technology Readiness Level (TRL) of five prototypes and concepts developed by the Tectonics and Fluid Chemistry Lab (TFCL) at Sapienza University of Rome: the GasPro, Mapper, Multipla, Well-Star, and SWiM systems

    Mapping and quantifying CO2 leakage using the Ground CO2 Mapper

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    The standard method for mapping and quantifying CO2 leakage flux from the ground surface to the atmosphere involves performing numerous point flux measurements using the accumulation chamber technique and then applying geostatistical interpolation to infer spatial distribution and estimate total mass transfer. Monte Carlo simulations using the program MCFlux have recently demonstrated, however, that uncertainty in the resultant estimate can be large if the chosen sample spacing is insufficient to capture the spatial complexity and size distribution of the leakage anomalies. In an effort to reduce this uncertainty we have developed a new tool, called the Ground CO2 Mapper, that rapidly measures the concentration of CO2 at the ground surface as a proxy for flux. Recently published results have illustrated the capabilities of the Mapper in terms of sensitivity and spatial resolution, as well as possible influencing parameters such as wind strength. The present work examines the potential of combining Mapper results with point flux measurements (using multivariate geostatistics) to improve data interpretation, with the MCFlux program being used once again to assess uncertainty in the final estimates

    On-going and future research at the Sulcis site in Sardinia, Italy. Characterization and experimentation at a possible future CCS pilot

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    National Italian funding has recently been allocated for the construction of a 350 MWe coal-fired power plant / CCS demonstration plant in the Sulcis area of SW Sardinia, Italy. In addition, the recently approved EC-funded ENOS project (ENabling Onshore CO2 Storage in Europe) will use the Sulcis site as one of its main field research laboratories. Site characterization is already ongoing, and work has begun to design gas injection experiments at 100-200 m depth in a fault. This article gives an overview of results to date and plans for the future from the Sapienza University of Rome research group

    Quantification techniques for potential CO2 leakage from geological storage sites

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    AbstractCO2 storage monitoring programmes aim to demonstrate the effectiveness of the project in controlling atmospheric CO2 levels, by providing confidence in predictions of the long-term fate of stored CO2 and identifying and measuring any potentially harmful leaks to the environment. In addition, the EU Emissions Trading Scheme (ETS) treats leakages of stored CO2 from the geosphere in to the ocean or atmosphere as emissions, and as such they need to be accounted for. An escape of CO2 from storage may be detected through losses from the reservoir, or migration through the overburden, into shallow groundwater systems, through topsoil and into the atmosphere, or through a seabed into the water column. Various monitoring techniques can be deployed to detect and in some cases quantify leakage in each of these compartments. This paper presents a portfolio of monitoring methods that are appropriate for CO2 leakage quantification, with a view to minimising both uncertainties and costs

    Development and testing of a rapid, sensitive, high-resolution tool to improve mapping of CO2 leakage at the ground surface

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    Locating and quantifying anomalous, deep-origin CO2 leakage from the soil to the atmosphere is typically accomplished by interpolating a dataset of point flux measurements, with overall accuracy and uncertainty strongly influenced by sample spacing relative to anomaly size and variability. To reduce this uncertainty we have developed the Ground CO2 Mapper, a low-cost complementary tool that rapidly measures, at high spatial resolution, the distribution of CO2 concentration at the ground-air contact as a proxy of CO2 flux. Laboratory tests show that the Mapper has a low noise level (2σ = 16 ppm) and fast response time (T90 = 1.55 s), while field tests at a small controlled-release site define a high level of reproducibility and sensitivity and illustrate the impact of wind and survey speed on instrument response. Modelling based on these results indicates that the Mapper has a greater than 60% probability of detecting an intersected 2 m wide anomaly having a maximum CO2 flux rate of 75 and 100 g m-2 d-1 at survey speeds of 2.5 and 4.8 km h-1, respectively, under the test conditions. Measurements in a large (4600 m2) grassland field where natural geogenic CO2 is leaking show how the Mapper can produce, in <10% of the time, a more detailed map of CO2 flux distribution than a point flux survey conducted on a ca. 10 m grid spacing. Based on these results we believe the Ground CO2 Mapper can give a useful contribution to diffuse degassing studies in volcanic/geothermal areas and to monitoring of Carbon Capture and Storage (CCS) sites by reducing overall survey time, costs and uncertainty. Future work will test the Mapper’s response and capabilities under more diverse site and meteorological conditions than those examined in this study

    Methane emission offsets carbon dioxide uptake in a small productive lake

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    Here, we investigate the importance of net CH4 production and emissions in the carbon (C) budget of a small productive lake by monitoring CH4, CO2, and O2 for two consecutive years. During the study period, the lake was mostly a net emitter of both CH4 and CO2, while showing positive net ecosystem production. The analyses suggest that during the whole study period, 32% +/- 26% of C produced by net ecosystem production was ultimately converted to CH4 and emitted to the atmosphere. When converted to global warming potential, CH4 emission (in CO2 equivalents) was about 3-10 times higher than CO2 removal from in-lake net ecosystem production over 100-yr and 20-yr time frames, respectively. Although more work in similar systems is needed to generalize these findings, our results provide evidence of the important greenhouse gas imbalance in human-impacted aquatic systems

    Spatial and Temporal pCO<sub>2</sub> Marine Monitoring Near Panarea Island (Italy) Using Multiple Low-Cost GasPro Sensors

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    The present paper describes the GasPro probe, a small, low-cost unit for in situ, continuous pCO<sub>2</sub> monitoring. Laboratory tests defining its performance characteristics are reported, as are the results from a 60 h water-column deployment of 20 such units near a natural CO<sub>2</sub> seep site off the coast of Panarea Island (Italy). The spatial-temporal evolution of dissolved CO<sub>2</sub> movement is presented and possible origins and controlling mechanisms discussed. Results highlight the potential for this technology to be used for better understanding various dynamic physical and biochemical processes in marine environments, and for marine environmental monitoring of off-shore industrial sites. These experiments have allowed us to assess the advantages and disadvantages of the present GasPro prototype and to define areas for ongoing improvement