312 research outputs found

    Patologies polítiques i construcció nacional: l’Espanya inquisitorial i l’Alemanya nazi

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    Male domestic workers and gendered boundaries among Latin American migrants in Brussels

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    Based on ethnographic research conducted in Brussels, this article analyses gender-based constructions in relation to paid domestic work. We focus our attention on Latin American migrants who, unlike migrants from other regions, come from societies where paid domestic work has been the main occupation of women throughout the twentieth century, where it was strongly shaped by a colonial legacy. We identify two main tropes within the discourse of our informants regarding this kind of work: the ‘(gendered) professional’ and the ‘(domestic) worker’. In our analysis, particular attention is given to the participation of men in paid domestic work within the context of migratory experiences.A partir de una investigaciĂłn etnogrĂĄfica realizada en Bruselas, este artĂ­culo analiza las construcciones de gĂ©nero relacionadas con el trabajo domĂ©stico remunerado. Focalizamos la mirada en migrantes latinoamericanos, quienes, a diferencia de migrantes de otras regiones, provienen de sociedades donde el trabajo domĂ©stico remunerado ha sido la principal ocupaciĂłn para las mujeres durante el siglo XX, fuertemente marcada por una herencia colonial. Identificamos dos tropos centrales en el discurso de nuestros informantes sobre dicho trabajo, el ‘profesional (generizado)’ y el ‘trabajador (domĂ©stico)’. Merece atenciĂłn particular en nuestro anĂĄlisis la participaciĂłn de los varones en el trabajo domĂ©stico remunerado en el marco de experiencias migratorias.Fil: PĂ©rez, InĂ©s. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones CientĂ­ficas y TĂ©cnicas. Centro CientĂ­fico TecnolĂłgico Conicet - Mar del Plata; Argentina. Universidad Nacional de Mar del Plata. Facultad de Humanidades. Departamento de Historia. Centro de Estudios HistĂłricos; ArgentinaFil: Stallaert, Christiane. Universiteit Antwerp; BĂ©lgica. Katholikie Universiteit Leuven; BĂ©lgic

    Cruzar la frontera del encanto. Juan Rulfo en el sistema mundial de las letras

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    Juan Rulfo, with his novel Pedro PĂĄramo, is one of the pioneers of the so-called Latin American boom, a phenomenon that cannot be explained without taking into account the role of translation. Sixty years after publication this paper examines the role of translation in the journey of Juan Rulfo/Pedro PĂĄramo to the center of the world-system of letters. The analysis, based on quantitative and qualitative data framed within theories of the sociology of translation (Heilbron, 1999; Casanova, 1999), starts from the introduction of this author/work in Dutch, an intermediate or central language according to the classification of De Swaan (2001). From this vantage point, the position of Juan Rulfo to the upper level (super-central languages ​​) and lower level (peripheral languages ​​) is analyzed. The data show that although Juan Rulfo took time to conquer autonomy, he reached the very heart of the world-system of literature, becoming a literary model for future generations.Juan Rulfo, con su novela Pedro PĂĄramo, es uno de los pioneros del llamado boom latinoamericano, fenĂłmeno que no se explica sin tener en cuenta el papel de la traducciĂłn. A sesenta años de distancia se examina el papel de la traducciĂłn en la penetraciĂłn de Juan Rulfo/Pedro PĂĄramo en el centro del sistema-mundo de las letras. El anĂĄlisis, basado en datos cuantitativos y cualitativos de acuerdo con la sociologĂ­a de la traducciĂłn (Heilbron, 1999; Casanova, 1999), partirĂĄ de datos relativos a la introducciĂłn de este autor/obra en las letras neerlandesas por ser el neerlandĂ©s una lengua intermedia y central, de acuerdo con la clasificaciĂłn de De Swaan (2001). A partir de este punto se analiza la posiciĂłn de Juan Rulfo con respecto al nivel superior (lenguas supercentrales) e inferior (lenguas perifĂ©ricas). Los datos revelan que, aunque Juan Rulfo tardĂł en conquistar autonomĂ­a propia, consiguiĂł penetrar hasta el centro del sistema-mundo de las letras convirtiĂ©ndose en un modelo literario para futuras generaciones

    Cruzar la frontera del encanto. Juan Rulfo en el sistema mundial de las letras. Crossing the Frontier of Enchantment. Juan Rulfo in the World-System of Literature

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    Juan Rulfo, with his novel Pedro PĂĄramo, is one of the pioneers of the so-called Latin American boom, a phenomenon that cannot be explained without taking into account the role of translation. Sixty years after publication this paper examines the role of translation in the journey of Juan Rulfo/Pedro PĂĄramoto the center of the world-system of letters. The analysis, based on quantitative and qualitative dataframed within theories of the sociology of translation (Heilbron,1999; Casanova,1999), starts from the introduction of this author/work in Dutch, an intermediate or central language according to the classification of De Swaan (2001). From this vantage point,the position of Juan Rulfo to the upper level (super-central languages ) and lower level (peripheral languages ) is analyzed. The data show that although Juan Rulfo took time to conquer autonomy, he reached the very heart ofthe world-system of literature, becoming a literary model for future generations

    An Empirical Analysis of Virtual Goods Pricing Strategies in Virtual Worlds

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    3D Virtual worlds are computer mediated environments intended for the users to inhabit and interact via their representational avatars. Trading virtual goods in 3D virtual worlds plays an important role in realizing the virtual economy. This essay examines the impact of the unique virtual goods permission settings (Copy, Modify, and transfer) on creators’ pricing strategies. We collect data of virtual items from the Second Life marketplace XStreet to explore the factors that affect virtual goods prices. We use ANOVA to test the relationship between each permission and price, and conduct random effects model to investigate how permissions affect price in different categories. Our empirical results show that “Copy” permission, which might be regarded to reduce the profit of the creators, has a positive effect in virtual goods pricing strategies. Virtual items are more likely to be assigned “Copy” which seems to give additional duplicates for free. Furthermore, prices of virtual goods with “Copy” permission are higher than those without, and the more copies a consumer wants, the higher the price difference between the items with “Copy” and those without “Copy” permission. The effects of other issues on virtual goods prices are analyzed and managerial implications are discussed

    Use of cellular impedance to characterize ligand functional selectivity at G protein-coupled receptors

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    Les rĂ©cepteurs couplĂ©s aux protĂ©ines G (RCPGs) reprĂ©sentent la plus grande famille de cibles thĂ©rapeutiques pour le traitement d’une panoplie de pathologies humaines. Bien que plusieurs dĂ©cennies de recherche aient permis de façonner nos connaissances sur ces protĂ©ines membranaires, notre comprĂ©hension des dĂ©terminants molĂ©culaires de leur activitĂ© signalĂ©tique reste encore limitĂ©e. De ces domaines de recherche, une avancĂ©e rĂ©cente a mis Ă  jour un nouveau phĂ©nomĂšne, appelĂ© sĂ©lectivitĂ© fonctionnelle des ligands, qui a bouleversĂ© les paradigmes dĂ©crivant leu fonctionnement de ces rĂ©cepteurs. Ce concept Ă©mane d’observations montrant que l’activitĂ© pharmacologique de certains ligands n’est pas nĂ©cessairement conservĂ©e sur tout le rĂ©pertoire signalĂ©tiques connu du rĂ©cepteur et peu se restreindre Ă  l'activation sĂ©lective d’un sous-groupe de voies de signalisation.Ce nouveau modĂšle pharmacologique de l'activation des RCPG ouvre de nouvelles possibilitĂ©s pour la dĂ©couverte de mĂ©dicaments plus efficace et sĂ»r, ciblant les RCPGs. En effet, il permet la conception de molĂ©cules modulant spĂ©cifiquement les voies signalĂ©tiques d’intĂ©rĂȘt thĂ©rapeutique, sans engager les autres voies qui pourraient mener Ă  des effets secondaires indĂ©sirables ou de la tolĂ©rance. Cette thĂšse dĂ©crit l'utilisation d'une nouvelle approche sans marquage, basĂ©e sur la mesure du changement l'impĂ©dance cellulaire. Par la mesure des changements cellulaires, comme la morphologie, l’adhĂ©sion et/ou la redistribution des macromolĂ©cules, cette approche permet de mesurer de façon simultanĂ©e l'activitĂ© de plusieurs voies de signalisation impliquĂ©s dans ces rĂ©ponses. Utilisant le rĂ©cepteur ÎČ2-adrĂ©nergique (ÎČ2AR) comme modĂšle, nous avons dĂ©montrĂ© que les variations dans l’impĂ©dance cellulaire Ă©taient directement liĂ©es Ă  l’activation de multiples voies de signalisation suite Ă  la stimulation du rĂ©cepteur par son ligand. L’agoniste type du ÎČ2AR, l’isoprotĂ©rĂ©nol, s’est avĂ©rĂ© induire une rĂ©ponse d’impĂ©dance dose-dĂ©pendante constituĂ©e, dans le temps, de plusieurs caractĂ©ristiques distinctes pouvant ĂȘtre bloquĂ©es de façon compĂ©titive par l’antagoniste ICI118,551 Par l’utilisation d’inhibiteurs sĂ©lectifs, nous avons Ă©tĂ© en mesure de dĂ©terminer la contribution de plusieurs voies signalĂ©tiques canoniques, comme les voies dĂ©pendantes de Gs et Gi, la production d’AMPc et l’activation de ERK1/2, sur ces changements. De plus, la dissection de la rĂ©ponse d’impĂ©dance a permis d’identifier une nouvelle voie de mobilisation du Ca2+ contribuant Ă  la rĂ©ponse globale des changements initiĂ©s par la stimulation du ÎČ2AR. Dans une autre Ă©tude, nous avons rapportĂ© que la rĂ©ponse calcique induite par le ÎČ2AR serait attribuable Ă  une transactivation Gs-dĂ©pendant du rĂ©cepteur purinergique P2Y11, lui-mĂȘme couplĂ© Ă  la protĂ©ine Gq. La mesure d’impĂ©dance permettant de distinguer et de dĂ©crire une plĂ©iade d’activitĂ©s signalĂ©tiques, nous avons Ă©mis l’hypothĂšse que des ligands arborant des profils signalĂ©tiques diffĂ©rents gĂ©nĂ©reraient des rĂ©ponses d’impĂ©dance distinctes. Le criblage d’une librairie de ligands spĂ©cifiques au ÎČ2AR a rĂ©vĂ©lĂ© une grande variĂ©tĂ© de signatures d’impĂ©dance. GrĂące au dĂ©veloppement d’une approche computationnelle innovatrice, nous avons Ă©tĂ© en mesure de regrouper ces signatures en cinq classes de composĂ©s, un regroupement qui s’est avĂ©rĂ© hautement corrĂ©lĂ© avec le profil signalĂ©tique des diffĂ©rents ligands. Nous avons ensuite combinĂ© le criblage de composĂ©s par impĂ©dance avec l’utilisation d’inhibiteurs sĂ©lectifs de voies signalĂ©tiques afin d’augmenter la rĂ©solution du regroupement. En Ă©valuant l’impact d’une voie signalĂ©tique donnĂ©e sur la signature d’impĂ©dance, nous avons Ă©tĂ© en mesure de rĂ©vĂ©ler une plus grande variĂ©tĂ© de textures parmi les ligands. De plus, cette mĂ©thode s’est avĂ©rĂ©e efficace pour prĂ©dire le profil signalĂ©tique d’une librairie de composĂ©s non caractĂ©risĂ©s, ciblant le ÎČ2AR. Ces travaux ont menĂ© Ă  l’élaboration d’une mĂ©thode permettant d’exprimer visuellement la sĂ©lectivitĂ© fonctionnelle de ligands et ont rĂ©vĂ©lĂ© de nouvelles classes de composĂ©s pour ce rĂ©cepteur. Ces nouvelles classes de composĂ©s ont ensuite Ă©tĂ© testĂ©es sur des cardiomyocytes humains, confirmant que les composĂ©s regroupĂ©s dans diffĂ©rentes classes produisent des effets distincts sur la contractilitĂ© de ces cellules. Globalement, ces travaux dĂ©montrent la pertinence de l’utilisation de l’impĂ©dance cellulaire pour une Ă©valuation prĂ©cise des diffĂ©rences fonctionnelles parmi les composĂ©s ciblant les RCPGs. En fournissant une reprĂ©sentation pluridimensionnelle de la signalisation Ă©manant des RCPGs Ă  l’aide d’un seul essai ne requĂ©rant pas de marquage, les signatures d’impĂ©dance reprĂ©sentent une stratĂ©gie simple et innovante pour l’évaluation de la fonctionnalitĂ© sĂ©lective des ligands. Cette mĂ©thode pourrait ĂȘtre d’une grande utilitĂ© dans le processus de dĂ©couverte de nouveaux mĂ©dicaments.G protein-coupled receptors (GPCRs) represent the largest family of therapeutic targets for the treatment of a wide variety of human pathologies. Decades of research have provided an extensive base of knowledge about these fascinating membrane proteins, yet significant advancements in the understanding of the structural and functional details of these important drug targets continue to accumulate to this day. One such area of research in particular that has caused a paradigm shift in the way we conceptualize receptor function is a recently identified phenomenon known as ligand functional selectivity. This concept refers to the numerous observations that the pharmacological activity of a ligand at a given receptor is not always conserved over all possible signalling events engaged by the receptor, often resulting in the selectivity of a ligand to modulate only a subset of the receptor’s signalling repertoire. This model of receptor activity reveals exciting new possibilities for the discovery of safer and more efficacious drugs targeting GPCRs; through the design of drugs specifically targeting the pathway of therapeutic interest without modulating other, uninvolved pathways which could lead to tolerance or adverse effects. This thesis will describe the use of a novel, label-free technique based on cellular impedance to further characterize ligand functional selectivity at GPCRs. By measuring changes in higher-order cellular responses, such as changes in morphology, adhesion and redistribution of macromolecules, this approach provides a means to simultaneously measure the activity of multiple signalling pathways converging on these responses. Using the ÎČ2-adrenergic receptor (ÎČ2AR) as a model system, we have demonstrated that changes in cellular impedance reflect the activity of multiple signalling events elicited following ligand stimulation of the receptor. Isoproterenol, the prototypical agonist of the ÎČ2AR, was found to elicit a dose-dependent impedance response consisting of multiple, discrete features over time, which could be blocked in a competitive manner by the antagonist ICI118,551. Using pathway-selective inhibitors, we were able to dissect the contribution of many of the canonical pathways activated by the ÎČ2AR, including Gs- and Gi-dependent signalling, as well as cAMP production and ERK1/2 activation. Furthermore, through the pharmacological dissection of this impedance response, we identified a novel Ca2+ mobilization pathway that contributes to the overall cellular response to ÎČ2AR stimulation. In a separate study of the mechanism generating this ÎČ2AR-promoted Ca2+ response, we revealed a Gs-dependent transactivation mechanism of the Gq-coupled P2Y11 purinergic receptor. Given the ability of impedance measurements to capture this pleiotropic signalling activity, we then reasoned that ligands exhibiting different signalling profiles should generate distinct impedance signatures. In screening a library of functionally selective compounds targeting the ÎČ2AR, we obtained a wide variety of impedance signatures. Through the development of a novel computational approach, we were able to cluster these signatures into five distinct compounds classes, which were highly correlated with signalling profiles of the ligands. In an extension of this approach, we then combined impedance screening with the use of pathway-selective inhibitors to determine if this would provide greater resolution in distinguishing among functionally distinct compounds. By assessing if and how a given signalling pathway contributes to a ligand’s impedance signature, we were able to reveal even more texture among ligands targeting the ÎČ2AR. Furthermore, this approach was found to be predictive of the signalling profiles of a library of uncharacterized compounds for the ÎČ2AR. This work led to the development of a visualization method to express ligand functional selectivity and revealed potentially novel classes of compounds for the receptor. These compound classes were then validated in human cardiomyocytes, confirming that compounds clustering into different classes produced distinct effects on cardiomyocyte contractility. Altogether, this work demonstrates the ability of cellular impedance to accurately measure functional differences among compounds targeting GPCRs. In providing a representation of the pluridimensionality of GPCR signalling using a single, label-free assay, impedance profiling represents an innovative strategy to assess ligand functional selectivity and may be a valuable addition to future drug discovery campaigns

    MĂ©xico y BĂ©lgica: interpretaciĂłn para la justicia en paĂ­ses multilingĂŒes vista a travĂ©s del enfoque intercivilizacional y decolonial

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    Based on the transfer of the conceptual framework of Latin American Decolonial Studies to the European context this paper analyzes comparatively the achievements and shortcomings of access to justice in multilingual states. By adopting a transatlantic view, focusing on the cases of Mexico and Belgium, the paper aims to illustrate the interest of an intercivilizational and decolonial approach to European human and social sciences. La transferencia hacia situaciones europeas del marco conceptual de la decolonialidad, elaborado en un contexto geo-histĂłrico latinoamericano, resulta pertinente para analizar desde una perspectiva comparada los logros y deficiencias de la interpretaciĂłn para la justicia en paĂ­ses multilingĂŒes. La adopciĂłn de una mirada cruzada, transatlĂĄntica, centrada en los casos de MĂ©xico y BĂ©lgica, ilustra el interĂ©s de la adopciĂłn de un enfoque intercivilizacional y decolonial en las ciencias sociales y humanas europeas.
