318 research outputs found

    Variability of Fragments of Nuclear Brca1 Gene, Exon 11, and Mitochondrial Cox1 Gene in House Mice Mus musculus

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    To clarify genetic differences between subspecies of the house mouse Mus musculus, their distribution, and hybridization, we first conducted a comparative analysis of variability of nucleotide sequences of fragments of the nuclear gene Brca1, exon 11 (2331 bp), and mitochondrial gene Cox1 (1260 bp) in 40 house mice from West and East Europe, Transcaucasia, Siberia, and Central and South Asia. Brca1 genotypes were divided into five main groups, which differed in a number of fixed substitutions. Genotypes of each group are characteristic for the certain geographical region and the following subspecies: M. m. musculus, M. m. domesticus, M. m. castaneus, and M. m. wagneri together with M. m. gansuensis; a fifth group corresponds to an unidentified subspecies or a distinct genetic form of M. musculus from India (Sikkim State). Besides the homozygous specimens, we revealed mice, which were heterozygous for all diagnostic loci simultaneously; these specimens were determined as hybrid. Hybrid mice were mainly found in the zones of contact of subspecies, but in some cases, quite far from one of the parent subspecies (possibly, due to transportation). In two hybrid mice (from Bakhtiari Province of Iran and Transbaikalia of Russia), unique Brca1 haplotypes were detected. It cannot be ruled out that, at least partly, they may be characteristic of the M. m. bactrianus and M. m. gansuensis subspecies, respectively. Thus, the results of the study showed that the nuclear Brca1 gene is a promising molecular genetic marker for the analysis of variability, differentiation, and hybridization of house mice as well for subspecific identification of M. musculus specimens. Despite more rapid evolution of the Cox1 gene, it is not well suited for discrimination of M.m. musculus, M. m. wagneri, M. m. gansuensis specimens and Transcaucasian representatives of M.m. domesticus due to introgression and long-term maintenance of foreign mitochondrial DNA in populations. However, Cox1 gene analysis (along with the diagnostics of animals by nuclear DNA) may be useful for estimation of population differences in M. m. castaneus and M.m. domesticus subspecies

    Многоэлементный стандартный образец для методов с индуктивно связанной плазмой: разработка и испытания

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    Determination of the calibration dependence of spectrometers’ output signal on the content of the measured elements is of great importance for the metrological assurance of the high-precision inductively coupled plasma (ICP) massspectrometry and optical emission spectrometry methods. This paper presents the results of a study on establishing the certified values of reference material of composition of multi-element solution of metals intended for inductively coupled plasma methods (ICP-CRM solution Multi 1). The reference material (RM) is a solution with certified values of the mass fraction of metals: barium, cadmium, cobalt, lithium, lead, and zinc. The solution was packed in high-density polyethylene bottles with the capacity of 4, 8, 15, 30, 60 and 125 cm3 . The certified value of the mass fraction of metals in the solution was established by the calculation and experimental procedure and confirmed by the GET 217-2018 State Primary Standard of Unit of Mass Fraction and Unit of Mass (Molar) Concentration of Inorganic Components in Aqueous Solutions Based on Gravimetric and Spectral Methods. The permissible certified values of the mass fraction of metals in the developed ICP-CRM are shown to range from 900 mg/kg to 1100 mg/kg. The authors have embarked on the study of the reference material by testing RMs for long-term stability and determination of the RMs’ expiration date. It is assumed that the expanded uncertainty of measurements of the certified value of the mass fraction of metals in the solution of the multi-element ICP-CRM solution Multi 1 will not exceed 0.5 %. The ICP-CRM solution Multi 1 can be used for ensuring the metrological traceability of measurements in inorganic analysis using ICP-MS and ICP-OES to the GET 217-2018. The developed solution will also allow one of the main advantages of these methods to be applied in routine analysis, namely the ability to quickly and simultaneously measure several elements in samples.Для метрологического обеспечения высокоточных методов масс-спектрометрии и оптико-эмиссионной спектроскопии с индуктивно связанной плазмой большое значение играет процесс установления градуировочной зависимости выходного сигнала спектрометров от содержания измеряемых элементов. В настоящей статье авторами представлены результаты работ по установлению аттестованных значений стандартного образца состава мультиэлементного раствора металлов, предназначенных для методов с индуктивно связанной плазмой (ИСП-СО Multi 1). Стандартный образец (СО) представляет собой раствор с аттестованными значениями массовой доли металлов: бария, кадмия, кобальта, лития, свинца и цинка, упакованный во флаконы из полиэтилена высокого давления вместимостью 4, 8, 15, 30, 60 или 125 см3 . Установление аттестованного значения массовой доли металлов в растворе выполнено по расчетно-экспериментальной процедуре приготовления; данное значение подтверждено на Государственном первичном эталоне единиц массовой доли и массовой (молярной) концентрации неорганических компонентов в водных растворах на основе гравиметрического и спектральных методов ГЭТ 217-2018. Интервал допускаемых аттестованных значений массовой доли металлов в ИСП-СО составляет (900–1100) мг/кг. Для исследования материала СО авторами начата работа по испытанию СО на долговременную стабильность и установлению срока годности СО. Предполагается, что расширенная неопределенность измерений аттестованного значения массовой доли металлов в растворе многоэлементного ИСП-СО Multi 1 не будет превышать 0,5 %. ИСП-СО Multi 1 позволит обеспечить метрологическую прослеживаемость результатов измерений в неорганическом анализе методами ИСП-МС и ИСП-ОЭС от Государственного первичного эталона ГЭТ 217-2018 и позволит применять в рутинном анализе одно из основных преимуществ этих методов – возможность быстро и одновременно измерить несколько элементов в образцах

    Participation of VNIIFTRI in international comparisons in thefield of physical-chemical measurements

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    This paper considers the participation of FSUE «VNIIFTRI» in international comparisons: in the field of physicalchemical measurements, particularly in pH-metry and ionometry (pX); in the sphere of measuring inorganic components in various matrices. Measurement and calibration capabilities are presented – CMC lines in the BIPM database

    Разработка и испытания ИСП-стандартного образца состава раствора массовой доли свинца

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    For the metrological assurance of the high-precision inductively coupled plasma (ICP) mass spectrometry and optical emission spectroscopy methods, the All-Russian Scientific Research Institute for Optical and Physical Measurements (VNIIFTRI) has launched works on the development of reference materials (RMs) of the mass fraction of metals in solutions specifically intended for measurements using inductively coupled plasma methods (ICP-CRM). The ICP-CRM under development was represented by a solution with the certified value of the lead mass fraction. The ICP-CRM was packed in high-density polyethylene bottles with the capacity of 4, 8, 15, 30, 60 and 125 cm3. The certified value of the lead mass fraction in the solution was established by the preparation method and confirmed by the GET 217-2018 State Primary Standard for units of the mass fraction and mass (molar) concentration of inorganic components in aqueous solutions based on gravimetric and spectral methods. The permissible certified values of the lead mass fraction in the developed ICP-CRM are shown to range from 800 mg / kg to 1200 mg / kg. The uncertainty in the certified value is expressed as expanded uncertainty, U = 0,5 % at 95 % confidence, and is calculated in accordance with ISO/IEC 17025 according to GUM (Guidelines to Uncertainty in Measurement). The developed ICP-CRM solution of the lead mass fraction can be used for ensuring the metrological traceability of measurements in inorganic analyses using ICP-MS and ICP-OES to the GET 217-2018.Введение. Для метрологического обеспечения высокоточных методов масс-спектрометрии и оптико-эмиссионной спектроскопии с индуктивно связанной плазмой во Всероссийском научно-исследовательском институте физико-технических и радиотехнических измерений (ФГУП «ВНИИФТРИ») были начаты работы по разработке стандартных образцов массовой доли металлов в растворе, предназначенных специально для методов с индуктивно связанной плазмой (ИСП-СО).Материалы и методы. ИСП-СО представляет собой раствор с аттестованным значением массовой доли свинца, упакованный во флаконы из полиэтилена высокого давления вместимостью 4, 8, 15, 30, 60 или125 см3. Установление аттестованного значения массовой доли свинца в растворе выполнено по расчетно-экспериментальной процедуре приготовления и подтверждено на Государственном первичном эталоне единиц массовой доли и массовой (молярной) концентрации неорганических компонентов в водных растворах на основе гравиметрического и спектральных методов ГЭТ 217-2018.Результаты и обсуждения. Диапазон допускаемых аттестованных значений массовой доли свинца в ИСП-СО составляет (800-1200) мг/кг, массовой концентрации свинца. Расширенная неопределенность аттестованного значения составляет 0,5%. Разработанный ИСП-СО раствора массовой доли свинца позволит обеспечить метрологическую прослеживаемость измерений в неорганическом анализе методами ИСП-МС и ИСП-ОЭС от государственного первичного эталона ГЭТ 217-2018

    Determination of the activation energy and the predexponental multiplier of the coking coal cm «Neryungrinskaya»pyrolysis process

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    An iso-conversion method for determining the kinetic parameters of Ozawa-Flynn-Wall for the process of pyrolysis of coke coal is considered in this work. Five thermogravimetric measurements were carried out and analyzed. The dependence of the activation energy and the pre-exponential factor on the degree of transformation is obtained.В работе рассмотрен низоконверсионный метод определения кинетических параметров Ozawa-Flynn-Wall для процесса пиролиза коксового угля. Было проведено и проанализировано 5 термогравиметрических измерений. Получена зависимость энергии активации и предэкспоненциального множителя от степени превращения

    Hierarchical mesoporous Pd/ZSM-5 for the selective catalytic hydrodeoxygenation of m-cresol to methylcyclohexane

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    Mesopore incorporation into ZSM-5 enhances the dispersion of Pd nanoparticles throughout the hierarchical framework, significantly accelerating m-cresol conversion relative to a conventional microporous ZSM-5, and dramatically increasing selectivity towards the desired methylcyclohexane deoxygenated product. Increasing the acid site density further promotes m-cresol conversion and methylcyclohexane selectivity through efficient dehydration of the intermediate methylcyclohexanol

    Diversity of Mobile Genetic Elements in the Mitogenomes of Closely Related Fusarium culmorum and F. graminearum sensu stricto Strains and Its Implication for Diagnostic Purposes

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    Much of the mitogenome variation observed in fungal lineages seems driven by mobile genetic elements (MGEs), which have invaded their genomes throughout evolution. The variation in the distribution and nucleotide diversity of these elements appears to be the main distinction between different fungal taxa, making them promising candidates for diagnostic purposes. Fungi of the genus Fusarium display a high variation in MGE content, from MGE-poor (Fusarium oxysporum and Fusarium fujikuroi species complex) to MGE-rich mitogenomes found in the important cereal pathogens F. culmorum and F. graminearum sensu stricto. In this study, we investigated the MGE variation in these latter two species by mitogenome analysis of geographically diverse strains. In addition, a smaller set of F. cerealis and F. pseudograminearum strains was included for comparison. Forty-seven introns harboring from 0 to 3 endonucleases (HEGs) were identified in the standard set of mitochondrial protein-coding genes. Most of them belonged to the group I intron family and harbored either LAGLIDADG or GIY-YIG HEGs. Among a total of 53 HEGs, 27 were shared by all fungal strains. Most of the optional HEGs were irregularly distributed among fungal strains/species indicating ancestral mosaicism in MGEs. However, among optional MGEs, one exhibited species-specific conservation in F. culmorum. While in F. graminearum s.s. MGE patterns in cox3 and in the intergenic spacer between cox2 and nad4L may facilitate the identification of this species. Thus, our results demonstrate distinctive traits of mitogenomes for diagnostic purposes of Fusaria

    Diversity of mobile genetic elements in the mitogenome of closely related Fusarium culmorum and F. graminearum sensu stricto strains ans its implication for diagnostic purposes

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    Much of the mitogenome variation observed in fungal lineages seems driven by mobile genetic elements (MGEs), which have invaded their genomes throughout evolution. The variation in the distribution and nucleotide diversity of these elements appears to be the main distinction between different fungal taxa, making them promising candidates for diagnostic purposes. Fungi of the genus Fusarium display a high variation in MGE content, from MGE-poor (F. oxysporum and Fusarium fujikuroi species complex) to MGE-rich mitogenomes found in the important cereal pathogens F. culmorum and F. graminearum sensu stricto. In this study, we investigated the MGE variation in these latter two species by mitogenome analysis of geographically diverse strains. In addition, a smaller set of F. cerealis and F. pseudograminearum strains was included for comparison. Forty-seven introns harboring from 0 to 3 endonucleases (HEGs) were identified in the standard set of mitochondrial protein-coding genes. Most of them belonged to the group I intron family and harbored either LAGLIDADG or GIY-YIG HEGs. Among a total of 53 HEGs, 27 were shared by all fungal strains. Most of the optional HEGs were irregularly distributed among fungal strains/species indicating ancestral mosaicism in MGEs. However, among optional MGEs, one exhibited species-specific conservation in F. culmorum. While in F. graminearum s.s. MGE patterns in cox3 and in the intergenic spacer between cox2 and nad4L may facilitate the identification of this species. Thus, our results demonstrate distinctive traits of mitogenomes for diagnostic purposes of Fusaria.Fil: Kulik, Tomasz. Department Of Botany And Nature Protection, University; PoloniaFil: Brankovics, Balazs. Wageningen Plant Research, Wageningen University; Países BajosFil: Van Diepeningen, Anne D.. Waneningen Plant Research; Países BajosFil: Bilska, Katarzyna. Department Of Botany And Nature Protection, University; PoloniaFil: Zelechowski, Maciej. Department Of Botany And Nature Protection, University; PoloniaFil: Myszczyński, Kamil. Department Of Botany And Nature Protection, University; PoloniaFil: Molcan, Tomasz. Faculty Of Biology And Biotechnology, University; PoloniaFil: Stakheev. Alexander. Institute Of Bioorganic Chemistry (ras); RusiaFil: Stenglein, Sebastian Alberto. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Cientifico Tecnolológico Mar del Plata. Instituto de Investigaciones en Biodiversidad y Biotecnología. Laboratorio de Biología Funcional y Biotecnología; ArgentinaFil: Beyer, Marco. Luxembourg Institute Of Science And Technology; LuxemburgoFil: Pasquali, Matias. Faculty Of Agricultural And Food Sciences; ItaliaFil: Sawicki, Jakub. Department Of Botany And Nature Protection, University; PoloniaFil: Baturo Cieśniewska, Anna. Baturo-cieśniewska; Poloni

    Участие ФГУП «ВНИИФТРИ» в международных сличениях в области физико-химических измерений

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    This paper considers the participation of FSUE «VNIIFTRI» in international comparisons: in the field of physicalchemical measurements, particularly in pH-metry and ionometry (pX); in the sphere of measuring inorganic components in various matrices. Measurement and calibration capabilities are presented – CMC lines in the BIPM database.В статье рассмотрено участие ФГУП «ВНИИФТРИ» в международных сличениях в области физико-химических измерений (рН-метрия и ионометрия (рХ)), а также в области измерений неорганических компонентов в различных матрицах, представлены измерительные и калибровочные возможности – СМС-строки в базе данных МБМВ