1,151 research outputs found

    Analysis of Social Networks in a Virtual World

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    As three-dimensional virtual environments become both more prevalent and more fragmented, studying how users are connected via their avatars and how they benefit from the virtual world community has become a significant area of research. An in-depth analysis of virtual world Social networks is needed to evaluate how users interact in virtual worlds, to better understand the impact of avatar Social networks on the virtual worlds, and to improve future online Social networks. Our current efforts are focused on building and exploring the Social network aspects of virtual worlds. In this thesis, we build a Social network of avatars based on their interaction in the Second Life virtual world and compare it to other Social networking sites found on the web. Experimental results with data crawled from Second Life virtual worlds demonstrate that our approach was able to build a representative network of avatars in a virtual world from the sample data. The analysis comparison between virtual world Social networks and others in the flat web allows us to gauge measures that better explore the relationship between locations linked by multiple users and their avatars. Using this comparison, we can also determine if techniques of personalized search and content recommendation are feasible for virtual world environments

    Experiences of ER Nurses Caring for the Homeless

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    Repeatable antibiotic prescriptions: an assessment of patient attitudes, knowledge and advice from healthcare professionals

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    Background Previous Australian research has identified that general practice software systems appear to be associated with an increase in repeatable antibiotic prescriptions. Such prescriptions potentially facilitate the use of antibiotics without medical consultation and may be inconsistent with attempts to promote prudent use of antimicrobials. Aims We sought to assess knowledge and attitudes to antibiotics amongst patients presenting with a repeatable prescription; and the provision of supporting advice from healthcare professionals regarding use of these repeats. Method Six community pharmacies across Tasmania invited patients presenting with a repeatable antibiotic prescription to participate in the study. Participants were asked to complete a questionnaire and return this to the research team in a pre-paid envelope. Results Fifty-seven of 244 surveys were returned to the research team, representing a response rate of 23%. Regarding provision of advice on use of the repeat, 14 (25%) of respondents stated that they were given no advice by the prescriber and 19 (30%) no advice from the pharmacist. Five (9%) were given no advice from either prescriber or pharmacist. One-third of respondents indicated that they would keep the repeat for future use and around three-quarters perceived no major safety concerns with antibiotics. Conclusion Further research is needed, however this small study suggests that provision of information to patients regarding appropriate use of repeatable antibiotic prescriptions is sub-optimal. This coupled with existing patient knowledge and attitudes may contribute to inappropriate use of antibiotics

    The first super-Earth Detection from the High Cadence and High Radial Velocity Precision Dharma Planet Survey

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    The Dharma Planet Survey (DPS) aims to monitor about 150 nearby very bright FGKM dwarfs (within 50 pc) during 2016-2020 for low-mass planet detection and characterization using the TOU very high resolution optical spectrograph (R\approx100,000, 380-900nm). TOU was initially mounted to the 2-m Automatic Spectroscopic Telescope at Fairborn Observatory in 2013-2015 to conduct a pilot survey, then moved to the dedicated 50-inch automatic telescope on Mt. Lemmon in 2016 to launch the survey. Here we report the first planet detection from DPS, a super-Earth candidate orbiting a bright K dwarf star, HD 26965. It is the second brightest star (V=4.4V=4.4 mag) on the sky with a super-Earth candidate. The planet candidate has a mass of 8.47±0.47MEarth\pm0.47M_{\rm Earth}, period of 42.38±0.0142.38\pm0.01 d, and eccentricity of 0.040.03+0.050.04^{+0.05}_{-0.03}. This RV signal was independently detected by Diaz et al. (2018), but they could not confirm if the signal is from a planet or from stellar activity. The orbital period of the planet is close to the rotation period of the star (39-44.5 d) measured from stellar activity indicators. Our high precision photometric campaign and line bisector analysis of this star do not find any significant variations at the orbital period. Stellar RV jitters modeled from star spots and convection inhibition are also not strong enough to explain the RV signal detected. After further comparing RV data from the star's active magnetic phase and quiet magnetic phase, we conclude that the RV signal is due to planetary-reflex motion and not stellar activity.Comment: 13 pages, 17 figures, Accepted for publication in MNRA

    Whole-genome sequencing of Salmonella Mississippi and Typhimurium Definitive Type 160, Australia and New Zealand

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    We used phylogenomic and risk factor data on isolates of Salmonella enterica serovars Mississippi and Typhimurium definitive type 160 (DT160) collected from human, animal, and environmental sources to elucidate their epidemiology and disease reservoirs in Australia and New Zealand. Sequence data suggested wild birds as a likely reservoir for DT160; animal and environmental sources varied more for Salmonella Mississippi than for Salmonella Typhimurium. Australia and New Zealand isolates sat in distinct clades for both serovars; the median single-nucleotide polymorphism distance for DT160 was 29 (range 8–66) and for Salmonella Mississippi, 619 (range 565–737). Phylogenomic data identified plausible sources of human infection from wildlife and environmental reservoirs and provided evidence supporting New Zealand–acquired DT160 in a group of travelers returning to Australia. Wider use of real-time whole-genome sequencing in new locations and for other serovars may identify sources and routes of transmission, thereby aiding prevention and control

    Associations between body mass index across adult life and hip shapes at age 60 to 64:Evidence from the 1946 British birth cohort

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    Funding: The NSHD is funded by the UK Medical Research Council. SGM, RC, RJH and DK are supported by the UK Medical Research Council (Programme codes: MC_UU_12019/1, MC_UU_12019/2 and MC_UU_12019/4). This project was funded by the UK Medical Research Council (Grant MR/L010399/1) which supported SGM, AVP and FRS. The funders of the study had no role in study design, data collection, data analysis, data interpretation or writing of this manuscript. Acknowledgements: We thank Dr. Michael Machin for his valuable assistance obtaining the images and the University of Aberdeen Data Management Team for programming support for ‘Shape’. The authors are grateful to NSHD study members who took part in the clinic data collection for their continuing support. We thank members of the NSHD scientific and data collection teams at the following centres: MRC Unit for Lifelong Health and Ageing; Wellcome Trust (WT) Clinical Research Facility (CRF) Manchester; WTCRF and Medical Physics at the Western General Hospital in Edinburgh; WTCRF and Department of Nuclear Medicine at University Hospital Birmingham; WTCRF and the Department of Nuclear Medicine at University College London Hospital; CRF and the Department of Medical Physics at the University Hospital of Wales; CRF and Twin Research Unit at St Thomas' Hospital London. Data used in this publication are available to bona fide researchers upon request to the NSHD Data Sharing Committee via a standard application procedure. Further details can be found at: http://www.nshd.mrc.ac.uk/data; doi: http://dx.doi.org/10.5522/NSHD/Q102; doi: http://dx.doi.org/10.5522/NSHD/Q102A.Peer reviewedPublisher PD

    Population-Attributable Risk Estimates for Risk Factors Associated with Campylobacter Infection

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    In 2001-2002, a multicenter, prospective case-control study involving 1,714 participants ≥5 years of age was conducted in Australia to identify risk factors for Campylobacter infection. Adjusted population-attributable risks (PARs) were derived for eac

    Mapping the interview transcript: identifying spatial policy areas from daily working practices

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    An interview transcript can be a rich source of geographical references whose potential are not always fully realised in their conventional analysis. Geo-referencing techniques can be used to assign a spatial footprint to place names, adding value to these data and allowing the geographic information within them to be exploited when coupled with GIS technology. This paper discusses a method of analysing and visualising interview transcripts in order to understand the spatial extent of public policy practitioners’ activities. Through aggregation and statistical mapping it is possible to gain insight into the importance of space across a range of public policy themes and to understand the relationship between practitioner defined policy themes and the formal administrative boundaries within which they typically work. The research demonstrates that spatial working practices rarely conform to formal administrative boundaries and that there are varying degrees of spatial focus between different policy themes within localities. It also reveals that spatial working practices can be continued to be influenced by historic geographies and can be pulled in different directions reflecting both the devolved nature of the sector and the particular geographical context of the setting. It concludes that mapping the interview transcript can add value and provide additional insights to more conventional analysis