37 research outputs found

    Emotional symptoms from kindergarten to middle childhood: associations with self- and other-oriented social skills

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    The study investigated the interactive impact of different dimensions of social skills on children's emotional symptoms. We differentiate between self-oriented social skills which focus on considering own goals and needs in social interactions (assertiveness, social participation) and other-oriented social skills which focus on considering other's goals and needs (pro-social and cooperative behavior). 167 children participated in the study at the ages of 5, 6, and 9years. A multi-informant approach (parents, teacher, and child) was employed to assess children's psychopathology. Teachers rated children's social skills. The study demonstrated the importance of deficits in self-oriented social skills for the development of emotional symptoms. Low levels of assertiveness predicted later emotional symptoms. In children with low levels of pro-social behavior, high assertiveness protected from emotional problems. In contrast, high levels of pro-social behavior emerged as a risk factor for later emotional symptoms, especially when is goes along with low levels of social participatio

    Pathways of behavioural and emotional symptoms in kindergarten children: What is the role of pro-social behaviour?

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    The study investigated the predictive value of pro-social behaviour for developmental pathways of behavioural and emotional problems at kindergarten age. One hundred and sixty children participated in the study at the ages of 5 and 6. Teachers and parents completed the Strengths and Difficulties Questionnaire; children completed the Berkeley Puppet Interview at both assessment points. Single-informant data were aggregated to enhance the reliability and validity of data. Gender and parental educational status were controlled. Symptoms (conduct problems, hyperactivity and emotional symptoms) and pro-social behaviour were moderately stable over time. Compared to girls, boys showed higher levels and increases of conduct problems and hyperactivity and lower levels of pro-social behaviour. Lower parental educational level was associated with higher levels and increases in hyperactivity. Although pro-social behaviour was cross-sectionally associated with behavioural and emotional symptoms, pro-social behaviour did not predict changes in conduct problems or hyperactivity over time. However, children with above average emotional symptoms and above average pro-social behaviour at Age_5 showed the highest level of emotional symptoms at Age_6. The results indicate that low levels of pro-social behaviour are associated with children's externalising behaviour problems, but that for children with high levels of emotional symptoms, higher levels of pro-social behaviour should also be considered as a risk factor. In sum, our results suggest mainly homotypic pathways of internalising and externalising symptoms across kindergarten age, but indicate that the assessment of pro-social behaviour yields additional information regarding the developmental pathways of emotional symptom

    Exclusion Expected? Cardiac Slowing Upon Peer Exclusion Links Preschool Parent Representations to School‐Age Peer Relationships

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    Attachment theory proposes that children’s representations of interactions with caregivers guide information‐processing about others, bridging interpersonal domains. In a longitudinal study (N = 165), preschoolers (Mage = 5.19 years) completed the MacArthur Story Stem Battery to assess parent representations. At school‐age (Mage = 8.42 years), children played a virtual ballgame with peers who eventually excluded them to track event‐related cardiac slowing, a physiological correlate of rejection, especially when unexpected. At both ages, parents and teachers reported on peer and emotional problems. During exclusion versus inclusion‐related events, cardiac slowing was associated with greater positive parent representations and fewer emerging peer problems. Cardiac slowing served as a mediator between positive parent representations and peer problems, supporting a potential psychophysiological mechanism underlying the generalization of attachment‐related representations to peer relationships

    Skeletal Muscle Apoptotic Signaling Predicts Thigh Muscle Volume and Gait Speed in Community-Dwelling Older Persons: An Exploratory Study

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    Preclinical studies strongly suggest that accelerated apoptosis in skeletal myocytes may be involved in the pathogenesis of sarcopenia. However, evidence in humans is sparse. In the present study, we investigated whether apoptotic signaling in the skeletal muscle was associated with indices of muscle mass and function in older persons.Community-dwelling older adults were categorized into high-functioning (HF) or low-functioning (LF) groups according to their short physical performance battery (SPPB) summary score. Participants underwent an isokinetic knee extensor strength test and 3-dimensional magnetic resonance imaging of the thigh. Vastus lateralis muscle samples were obtained by percutaneous needle biopsy and assayed for the expression of a set of apoptotic signaling proteins. Age, sex, number of comorbid conditions and medications as well as knee extensor strength were not different between groups. HF participants displayed greater thigh muscle volume compared with LF persons. Multivariate partial least squares (PLS) regressions showed significant correlations between caspase-dependent apoptotic signaling proteins and the muscular percentage of thigh volume (R(2) = 0.78; Q(2) = 0.61) as well as gait speed (R(2) = 0.81; Q(2) = 0.56). Significant variables in the PLS model of percent muscle volume were active caspase-8, cleaved caspase-3, cytosolic cytochrome c and mitochondrial Bak. The regression model of gait speed was mainly described by cleaved caspase-3 and mitochondrial Bax and Bak. PLS predictive apoptotic variables did not differ between functional groups. No correlation was determined between apoptotic signaling proteins and muscle strength or quality (strength per unit volume).Data from this exploratory study show for the first time that apoptotic signaling is correlated with indices of muscle mass and function in a cohort of community-dwelling older persons. Future larger-scale studies are needed to corroborate these preliminary findings and determine if down-regulation of apoptotic signaling in skeletal myocytes will provide improvements in the muscle mass and functional status of older persons

    Eigenschaften des Kindes und der Familie als Risikofaktoren fĂŒr die Viktimisierung durch Gleichaltrige im Kindergarten

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    The current study investigates whether children\u27s difficulties (symptoms, verbal ability) mediate the impact of family variables (emotional family environment, parental education level and foreign citizenship) on peer victimization. Teachers and parents completed questionnaires; children completed the Berkeley Puppet Interview and a verbal ability test at the ages of 5 and 6 (N=163). Results show that child and family characteristics independently of each other contribute to predict peer victimization. The higher are the level of conduct problems and emotional symptoms and the lower is the children\u27s verbal ability, the higher is the frequency of victimization experiences. Children from families with low education level present an increased risk of victimization. Results are discussed regarding educational and clinical implications. (DIPF/Orig.)Die vorliegende Studie untersucht Risikofaktoren fĂŒr die Viktimisierung durch Gleichaltrige. Es wird insbesondere untersucht, ob der Einfluss von Risikofaktoren auf der Ebene des Kindes (VerhaltensauffĂ€lligkeiten, verbale Kompetenz) den Einfluss von familiĂ€ren Risikofaktoren (Familienklima, Bildungsstand der Eltern, Migrationshintergrund) mediiert. Eltern und Lehrpersonen fĂŒllten Fragebogen aus; mit den Kindern im Alter von 5 und 6 Jahren (N=163) wurden das Berkeley Puppeninterview und ein Sprachtest durchgefĂŒhrt. Die Analysen zeigen, dass Risikofaktoren von Kind und Familie unabhĂ€ngig voneinander wirken: Je mehr Verhaltensprobleme, je mehr emotionale Symptome und je schwĂ€cher die verbalen Fertigkeiten des Kindes, umso mehr Mobbingerfahrungen macht das Kind. Kinder aus bildungsfernen Familien haben ein erhöhtes Risiko Opfer zu werden. PĂ€dagogische und klinische Implikationen werden diskutiert. (DIPF/Orig.

    International Journal of Smart Grid and Clean Energy An Analysis of the Swiss Electric Vehicle Market

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    Abstract Alternative energy is a major topic in political debates and the media. The paradigm shift towards a more environmentally friendly world is already well established, and vehicles with high CO 2 emissions are frowned upon. Despite the universally accepted fact that the environment must be protected with better technologies and a sense of responsibility, the amount of electric vehicles (EV) on Swiss streets remains very low. In this paper, we analyze the Swiss market of EV in order to ascertain the interest in e-mobility to understand how the market is dealing with supply and demand. We provide a framework for the market and the potential customers of EV to determine precisely the exact segments to include in the research. The analysis provides information about the potential users of EV who took part in the market survey, their travelling habits, and their interests. In the second part, the results demonstrate the expectations concerning EV: recharge places, activation, and payment methods. With these results, potential manufacturers can discover whether building electric charging stations will be lucrative, where they should be located, and which functions the stations should perform so as to be competitive and well-accepted. Keywords: Electric park system, electric vehicles, market analysis, charging station Motivation Time is rare and precious. A cheap and efficient approach is required to reach all the destinations in a short amount of time with the least amount of resources. In order to fulfill those needs, our private and business lives are shaped by a nearly unlimited mobility. Popular thought regarding mobility is changing. Electric vehicles (EV) are enjoying newfound prominence as a result of this thinking. An indication of this movement is big car companies' development of innovative, marketable EV. However, a major problem is that the infrastructure and technology for an effective and efficient usage is not yet completely and satisfactorily developed (cf. for example After the atomic disaster in Fukushima of 2011, people have to consider if the need for additional electricity is the right approach for the future. Obviously, keywords such as efficiency of electricity and emobility became contradictory in the minds of certain researchers and politicians. This issue is strongly influenced by public debates, above all by those in the mass media Against this background, the project Electric Park System was launched in order to make electric mobility accessible to all The market analysis is required to determine the significance of e-mobility, how the market is dealing with supply and demand, and what the current and future technology standards are. The challenge of the survey is to create an overview of the current situation and, more importantly, to find out what steps should be taken. Thus, the following topics are highlighted: the market potential for EV in the eyes of private and business customers as well as car distributors; the potential of electric charging stations; and the requirements and needs for EV and electric charging stations. The core task is, on the one hand, to * Manuscrip

    Caratteristiche infantili e famigliari come fattori di rischio di vittimizzazione tra pari alla scuola dell’infanzia

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    Die vorliegende Studie untersucht Risikofaktoren fĂŒr die Viktimisierung durch Gleichaltrige. Es wird insbesondere untersucht, ob der Einfluss von Risikofaktoren auf der Ebene des Kindes (VerhaltensauffĂ€lligkeiten, verbale Kompetenz) den Einfluss von familiĂ€ren Risikofaktoren (Familienklima, Bildungsstand der Eltern, Migrationshintergrund) mediiert. Eltern und Lehrpersonen fĂŒllten Fragebogen aus; mit den Kindern im Alter von 5 und 6 Jahren (N=163) wurden das Berkeley Puppeninterview und ein Sprachtest durchgefĂŒhrt. Die Analysen zeigen, dass Risikofaktoren von Kind und Familie unabhĂ€ngig voneinander wirken: Je mehr Verhaltensprobleme, je mehr emotionale Symptome und je schwĂ€cher die verbalen Fertigkeiten des Kindes, umso mehr Mobbingerfahrungen macht das Kind. Kinder aus bildungsfernen Familien haben ein erhöhtes Risiko Opfer zu werden. PĂ€dagogische und klinische Implikationen werden diskutiert.The current study investigates whether children’s difficulties (symptoms, verbal ability) mediate the impact of family variables (emotional family environment, parental education level and foreign citizenship) on peer victimization. Teachers and parents completed questionnaires; children completed the Berkeley Puppet Interview and a verbal ability test at the ages of 5 and 6 (N=163). Results show that child and family characteristics independently of each other contribute to predict peer victimization. The higher are the level of conduct problems and emotional symptoms and the lower is the children’s verbal ability, the higher is the frequency of victimization experiences. Children from families with low education level present an increased risk of victimization.La prĂ©sente Ă©tude examine si les difficultĂ©s de l’enfant (symptĂŽmes, habiletĂ©s verbales) jouent un rĂŽle mĂ©diateur dans la relation entre les variables familiales (l’environnement Ă©motionnel dans la famille, le niveau d’éducation parentale et la citoyennetĂ© Ă©trangĂšre) et la victimisation par les pairs. Les enseignants et les parents ont complĂ©tĂ© des questionnaires, les enfants entre 5 et 6 ans (N = 163) ont complĂ©tĂ© le Berkeley Puppet Interview et un test d’habiletĂ©s verbales. Les rĂ©sultats montrent que les caractĂ©ristiques individuelles et familiales, indĂ©pendamment les unes des autres, contribuent Ă  prĂ©dire la victimisation par les pairs. Plus le degrĂ© de problĂšmes comportementaux et de symptĂŽmes Ă©motionnels est Ă©levĂ© et plus les habiletĂ©s verbales de l’enfant sont faibles, plus la frĂ©quence des expĂ©riences de victimisation est Ă©levĂ©e. Les enfants issus de familles dont les parents sont peu scolarisĂ©s prĂ©sentent un risque plus important de victimisation. Les rĂ©sultats sont discutĂ©s sous l’angle des implications Ă©ducatives et cliniques.Il presente studio investiga se le difficoltĂ  dei bambini (sintomi, abilitĂ  verbale) mediano l’impatto delle variabili famigliari (ambiente famigliare, livello di formazione, cittadinanza straniera) sulla vittimizzazione tra pari. I maestri e i genitori hanno compilato dei questionari; i bambini hanno compilato il Berkeley Puppet Interview e un test d’abilitĂ  verbale all’etĂ  di 5 e 6 anni (N=163). Le analisi hanno rivelato che le caratteristiche infantili e famigliari contribuiscono in modo indipendente le une dalle altre a predire la vittimizzazione tra pari. PiĂč Ă© alto il livello di problemi di condotta e di sintomi emozionali e piĂč Ăš bassa l’abilitĂ  verbale dei bambini, piĂč risulta alta la frequenza di esperienze di vittimizzazione. Bambini provenienti da famiglie con genitori di bassa formazione hanno un maggior rischio di vittimizzazione. I risultati vengono discussi alla luce delle implicazioni educative e cliniche

    Pathways of behavioural and emotional symptoms in kindergarten children: what is the role of pro-social behaviour?

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    The study investigated the predictive value of pro-social behaviour for developmental pathways of behavioural and emotional problems at kindergarten age. One hundred and sixty children participated in the study at the ages of 5 and 6. Teachers and parents completed the Strengths and Difficulties Questionnaire; children completed the Berkeley Puppet Interview at both assessment points. Single-informant data were aggregated to enhance the reliability and validity of data. Gender and parental educational status were controlled. Symptoms (conduct problems, hyperactivity and emotional symptoms) and pro-social behaviour were moderately stable over time. Compared to girls, boys showed higher levels and increases of conduct problems and hyperactivity and lower levels of pro-social behaviour. Lower parental educational level was associated with higher levels and increases in hyperactivity. Although pro-social behaviour was cross-sectionally associated with behavioural and emotional symptoms, pro-social behaviour did not predict changes in conduct problems or hyperactivity over time. However, children with above average emotional symptoms and above average pro-social behaviour at Age_5 showed the highest level of emotional symptoms at Age_6. The results indicate that low levels of pro-social behaviour are associated with children’s externalising behaviour problems, but that for children with high levels of emotional symptoms, higher levels of pro-social behaviour should also be considered as a risk factor. In sum, our results suggest mainly homotypic pathways of internalising and externalising symptoms across kindergarten age, but indicate that the assessment of pro-social behaviour yields additional information regarding the developmental pathways of emotional symptoms

    Pathways of behavioural and emotional symptoms in kindergarten children: what is the role of pro-social behaviour?

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    The study investigated the predictive value of pro-social behaviour for developmental pathways of behavioural and emotional problems at kindergarten age. One hundred and sixty children participated in the study at the ages of 5 and 6. Teachers and parents completed the Strengths and Difficulties Questionnaire; children completed the Berkeley Puppet Interview at both assessment points. Single-informant data were aggregated to enhance the reliability and validity of data. Gender and parental educational status were controlled. Symptoms (conduct problems, hyperactivity and emotional symptoms) and pro-social behaviour were moderately stable over time. Compared to girls, boys showed higher levels and increases of conduct problems and hyperactivity and lower levels of pro-social behaviour. Lower parental educational level was associated with higher levels and increases in hyperactivity. Although pro-social behaviour was cross-sectionally associated with behavioural and emotional symptoms, pro-social behaviour did not predict changes in conduct problems or hyperactivity over time. However, children with above average emotional symptoms and above average pro-social behaviour at Age_5 showed the highest level of emotional symptoms at Age_6. The results indicate that low levels of pro-social behaviour are associated with children’s externalising behaviour problems, but that for children with high levels of emotional symptoms, higher levels of pro-social behaviour should also be considered as a risk factor. In sum, our results suggest mainly homotypic pathways of internalising and externalising symptoms across kindergarten age, but indicate that the assessment of pro-social behaviour yields additional information regarding the developmental pathways of emotional symptoms

    Associations between family relationships and symptoms/strengths at kindergarten age : what is the role of children's parental representations?

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    Background: The quality of the family relationships plays an important role in the development of children’s psychopathology and in their socio-emotional development. This longitudinal study aims to investigate whether family relationships are related to children’s symptoms/strengths at kindergarten, and whether family relationships are predictors of changes in children’s symptoms/strengths between 5 and 6. Our main interest is to examine the role of children’s parental representations. Methods: One hundred and fifty-three kindergarten children (67 girls, 86 boys) participated in this study. Children’s parental representations were assessed using a story stem task (age 5). The family environment was assessed using parents’ ratings (age 5). A multi-informant approach (parent, teacher, child) was employed to assess children’s symptoms/strengths at 5 and 6. Children were interviewed using a standardized puppet interview. Parents and teachers completed questionnaires. Results: Children’s parental representations as well as the family environment were associated with children’s symptoms/strengths at 5 and 6. When controlled for gender, children’s representations were the only predictor of changes in symptoms/strengths between 5 and 6. A large number of negative parental representations at 5 predicted an increase in conduct problems. A large number of positive parental representations at 5 predicted an increase in pro-social behaviour. In terms of emotional symptoms and hyperactivity/ inattention, symptoms at 5 were the only predictor for symptoms one year later. Conclusions: Our results suggest that kindergarten children’s narrative representations may elaborate the processes underlying the expression of child disturbance and strengths, and underline the relevance of the play and narration of young children for diagnostics and therapy