5,790 research outputs found

    Study of mechanisms controlling the ultraviolet photochemistry of associated and polymeric systems

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    Vacuum ultraviolet photoionization and photodissociation of associated and polymeric systems of liquid water and alcohol

    Ionization-induced asymmetric self-phase modulation and universal modulational instability in gas-filled hollow-core photonic crystal fibers

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    We study theoretically the propagation of relatively long pulses with ionizing intensities in a hollow-core photonic crystal fiber filled with a Raman-inactive gas. Due to photoionization, previously unknown types of asymmetric self-phase modulation and `universal' modulational instabilities existing in both normal and anomalous dispersion regions appear. We also show that it is possible to spontaneously generate a plasma-induced continuum of blueshifting solitons, opening up new possibilities for pushing supercontinuum generation towards shorter and shorter wavelengths.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figure

    Drivers of predator killing by rural residents and recommendations for fostering coexistence in agricultural landscapes

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    Predators inhabiting human-dominated landscapes are vulnerable to various anthropogenic actions, including people killing them. We assess potential drivers of predator killing in an agricultural landscape in southern Chile, and discuss the implications for policies and interventions to promote coexistence. We evaluate five different types of motivation: (i) sociodemographics and household economy; (ii) livestock loss; (iii) predator encounter rates; (iv) knowledge of legal protection (all native predators are currently protected); and, (v) tolerance to livestock predation. As the killing of native predators is illegal, the prevalence of this behaviour by rural residents was estimated using a symmetrical forced-response randomised response technique (RRT), a method designed to ask sensitive questions. A total of 233 rural residents from randomly assigned sample units (4 km2) across the study region completed our questionnaire. More conspicuous species, such as hawks (Falconiformes sp), foxes (Lycalopex sp) and free-roaming domestic dogs (Canis lupus familiaris), were killed by a higher proportion of farmers than more cryptic species, like the felid güiña (Leopardus guigna), skunk (Conepatus chinga) and pumas (Puma concolor). The proportion of respondents admitting to killing predators was highest for hawks (mean= 0.46, SE= 0.08), foxes (mean= 0.29, SE= 0.08) and dogs (mean= 0.30, SE= 0.08) and lowest for güiña (mean= 0.10, SE = 0.09), which is the only species of conservation concern we examine (considered Vulnerable on the IUCN Red List). From our five motivation categories, past killing of predators was associated with higher reported predator encounter rates (guina, hawks), lower tolerance to livestock predation (hawks, dogs), higher reported livestock loss (dogs) and sociodemographics and household economy (foxes). Our results demonstrate that a one-size-fits-all approach to predator persecution is unlikely to reduce or eliminate illegal killings for the suite of species we examined. We identify and describe two main types of intervention that could foster coexistence, improvement of livestock management and domestic dog management in rural areas, as well as discussing the potential for social marketing

    Testing for HFE-related haemochromatosis

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    HFE-haemochromatosis is a genetic disorder resulting from mutations of the HFE gene. It primarily affects people of Northern European descent. Clinical manifestations result from the progressive deposition of iron into various organs including the liver. An elevated serum ferritin concentration greater than 300 microgram/L and a transferrin saturation of greater than 45% will identify almost all patients with HFE-haemochromatosis. HFE genotyping confirms the diagnosis. In some patients, liver biopsy may still be necessary as the degree of hepatic fibrosis has prognostic implications

    Effect of Chorda Tympani Nerve Transection on Salt Taste Perception in Mice

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    Effects of gustatory nerve transection on salt taste have been studied extensively in rats and hamsters but have not been well explored in the mouse. We examined the effects of chorda tympani (CT) nerve transection on NaCl taste preferences and thresholds in outbred CD-1 mice using a high-throughput phenotyping method developed in our laboratory. To measure taste thresholds, mice were conditioned by oral self-administration of LiCl or NaCl and then presented with NaCl concentration series in 2-bottle preference tests. LiCl-conditioned and control NaCl-exposed mice were given bilateral transections of the CT nerve (LiCl-CTX, NaCl-CTX) or were left intact as controls (LiCl-CNT, NaCl-CNT). After recovery from surgery, mice received a concentration series of NaCl (0–300 mM) in 48-h 2-bottle tests. CT transection increased NaCl taste thresholds in LiCl-conditioned mice and eliminated avoidance of concentrated NaCl in control NaCl-exposed mice. This demonstrates that in mice, the CT nerve is important for detection and recognition of NaCl taste and is necessary for the normal avoidance of high concentrations of NaCl. The results of this experiment also show that the method of high-throughput phenotyping of salt taste thresholds is suitable for detecting changes in the taste periphery in mouse genetic studies

    Long range transport of ultra cold atoms in a far-detuned 1D optical lattice

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    We present a novel method to transport ultra cold atoms in a focused optical lattice over macroscopic distances of many Rayleigh ranges. With this method ultra cold atoms were transported over 5 cm in 250 ms without significant atom loss or heating. By translating the interference pattern together with the beam geometry the trap parameters are maintained over the full transport range. Thus, the presented method is well suited for tightly focused optical lattices that have sufficient trap depth only close to the focus. Tight focusing is usually required for far-detuned optical traps or traps that require high laser intensity for other reasons. The transport time is short and thus compatible with the operation of an optical lattice clock in which atoms are probed in a well designed environment spatially separated from the preparation and detection region.Comment: 14 pages, 6 figure

    Evaluation of the anti-ischemic effects of D-ribose during dobutamine stress echocardiography: a pilot study

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    D-Ribose, a pentose sugar, has shown to improve myocardial high-energy phosphate stores depleted by ischemia. This study investigated the ability of D-Ribose with low dose dobutamine to improve the contractile response of viable myocardium to dobutamine and to assess the efficacy of D-ribose in reducing stress-induced ischemia. Twenty-six patients with ischemic cardiomyopathy completed a two-day, randomized, double blind crossover trial comparing the effects of D-Ribose and placebo on regional wall motion. On the first study day, either D-Ribose or placebo was infused for 4.5 hours. Low (5 and 10 μ/kg/min) and subsequently, high (up to 50 μ/kg/min) dose dobutamine echocardiography was then performed. On the second study day, patients crossed over to the alternative article for a similar 4.5 hours infusion time period and underwent a similar evaluation. The wall motion response during low dose dobutamine was the same with D-Ribose and placebo in 77% of segments (203/263, Kappa = 0.37). In segments with discordant responses, more segments improved with D-Ribose than with placebo (41 vs. 19 segments, p = 0.006). With high dose dobutamine infusion, the wall motion response (ischemia vs. no ischemia) was the same with D-Ribose and placebo in 83% of interpretable segments (301/363, kappa = 0.244). In segments with discordant responses, there were more ischemic segments with placebo compared to D-Ribose (36 vs. 26, p = 0.253). Nineteen patients developed ischemia during the dobutamine and placebo infusion and 13 patients had ischemia during dobutamine and D-ribose infusion (p = 0.109). D-Ribose improved contractile responses to dobutamine in viable myocardium with resting dysfunction but had no significant effect in reducing the frequency of stress-induced wall motion abnormalities

    Highly Chemoselective NH- and O-Transfer to Thiols Using Hypervalent Iodine Reagents: Synthesis of Sulfonimidates and Sulfonamides

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    Aryl thiols can be selectively converted to sulfonimidates or sulfonamides with three new S-X connections being made selectively in one pot. Using hypervalent iodine reagents in the presence of ammonium carbamate, NH- and O-groups are transferred under mild and practical conditions. Reducing the loading of ammonium carbamate changed the product distribution, converting the sulfonimidate to the sulfonamide. Studies into the possible intermediate species are presented, suggesting that multiple pathways may be possible via sulfinate esters, or related intermediates, with each species forming the same products