8 research outputs found

    Nondestructive detection method for the calcium and nitrogen content of living plants based on Convolutional Neural Networks (CNN) using multispectral images

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    Herein, we present the novel method targeted for determination of plant nutritional state with the use of computer vision and Neural Networks. The method is based on multispectral imaging performed by an exclusively designed Agroscanner and a dedicated analytical system for further data analysis with Neural Networks. An Agroscanner is a low-cost mobile construction intended for multispectral measurements at macro-scale, operating at four wavelengths: 470, 550, 640 and 850 nm. Together with developed software and implementation of a Neural Network it was possible to design a unique approach to process acquired plant images and assess information about plant physiological state. The novelty of the developed technology is focused on the multispectral, macro-scale analysis of individual plant leaves, rather than entire fields. Such an approach makes the method highly sensitive and precise. The method presented herein determines the basic physiological deficiencies of crops with around 80% efficiency

    A nurse care model for patients with benign prostatic hyperplasia subjected to endoscopic treatment

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    Benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH) is one of the most common conditions affecting men over 50 years of age. It is characterized by growth and/or proliferation of cells in the periurethral and transition zones of the gland. The disorder is marked by the so-called storage and void symptoms. Early recognition of the symptoms and adequate treatment are crucial for successful management.The main objectives of BPH treatment are: relieving the lower urinary tract symptoms related to accumulation of urine in the bladder, removing and preventing the bladder outlet obstruction, preventing acute urinary retention, and avoiding or postponing the necessity of surgical treatment. BPH management includes medical treatment, minimally invasive therapy, and surgery. Transurethral resection of prostate (TURP) is still considered the gold standard of prostate interventions, but newer techniques involving lasers are growing in popularity. The type of treatment chosen depends on the size of the prostate and the overall condition of the patient.The goal of the paper was to create a pre- and post-surgery nurse care model for patients with benign prostatic hyperplasia subjected to endoscopic treatment, based on a comprehensive literature review and clinical experience.Łagodny rozrost stercza jest jednym z najczęściej występujących schorzeń u mężczyzn powyżej 50 roku życia. Istotą choroby jest zwiększanie się liczby oraz wielkości komórek strefy przejściowej stercza, która bezpośrednio otacza cewkę moczową. Na obraz choroby składają się objawy podrażnieniowe oraz przeszkody podpęcherzowej. Ważnym jest wczesne rozpoznanie objawów i podjęcie leczenia. Głównymi celami leczenia łagodnego rozrostu stercza jest szybkie i skutecznie zmniejszenie objawów ze strony dolnych dróg moczowych związanych z fazą gromadzenia moczu w pęcherzu, zapobieganie i przeciwdziałanie powstaniu przeszkody w odpływie moczu, zapobieganie wystąpieniu ostrego zatrzymania moczu oraz zapobieganie lub odroczenie konieczności leczenia chirurgicznego. Leczenie łagodnego rozrostu stercza dzieli się na zachowawcze, czyli farmakologiczne, zabiegowe małoinwazyjne oraz operacyjne. Złotym standardem leczenia zabiegowego jest przezcewkowa elektroresekcja stercza TURP, ale coraz większą popularnością cieszą się techniki laserowe. Wybór metody leczenia dokonywany jest na podstawie rozmiarów gruczołu krokowego oraz oceny ogólnej stanu chorego. Celem pracy było opracowanie modelu opieki pielęgniarskiej w okresie okołooperacyjnym nad pacjentem z łagodnym rozrostem gruczołu krokowego leczonym endoskopowo, w oparciu o analizę literatury przedmiotu oraz doświadczenia własne

    Reliability of four tests to assess body posture and the range of selected movements in individuals with spinal muscular atrophy

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    Abstract Background The majority of individuals with spinal muscular atrophy (SMA) experience progressive skeletal deformities which may affect the quality of life and mobility. To date, no studies have evaluated the reliability of tests assessing body posture and joint mobility in SMA patients. The purpose of this study was to assess the reliability of Cervical Rotation test (CR), Supine Angle of Trunk Rotation test (SATR), Hip Extension test (HE) and Pelvic Obliquity test (PO) developed to evaluate the musculoskeletal system in SMA individuals. Methods Thirty individuals (12 girls and 18 boys) aged 4–15 with SMA type II (n = 24) and III (n = 6) confirmed by genetic examinations were qualified for the study. The participants were examined twice by three physiotherapists on the same day. The examination included four tests, i.e. CR, SATR, HE and PO tests aimed at assessing ranges of rotation in the cervical spine, chest deformities, ranges of hip extension and pelvis position while sitting. Statistical calculations were made with the use of statistical software IBM SPSS Statistics version 20. Reliability was assessed using the Intraclass Correlation Coefficient (ICC). Results Intraobserver reliability was excellent for CR (ICC range 0.839–0.911), SATR (ICC range 0.918–0.939 - the upper part of the sternum; ICC range 0.951–0.975 - the lower part of the sternum), HE (ICC range 0.988–0,991) and PO (ICC range 0.896–0.935) tests. The interobserver ICC reached the excellent values in CR (ICC range 0.912–0.920), SATR (ICC = 0.888 - the upper part of the sternum, ICC = 0.951 - the lower part of the sternum), HE (ICC range 0.922–0.923) and PO (ICC = 0.928) tests. Conclusions CR, SATR, HE and PO tests are reliable and may be used for examining individuals with SMA. The application of these tests provides a possibility to detect early changes in the musculoskeletal system in children and adolescents and to assess the effectiveness of the implemented pharmacotherapy and rehabilitation

    Assessment of the lumbo-pelvic-hip complex mobility with the Trunk-Pelvis-Hip Angle test: intraobserver reliability and differences in ranges of motion between girls with idiopathic scoliosis and their healthy counterparts

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    Introduction: The Trunk-Pelvis-Hip Angle (TPHA) test is used for assessing the mobility of lumbo-pelvic-hip complex. The aim of the research was to assess the intraobserver reliability of the TPHA test in girls with and without idiopathic scoliosis and to compare the test values obtained by the girls in both groups

    Early childhood anomalies of the hip occur at a similar frequency in patients with idiopathic scoliosis and in healthy individuals – questionnaire for parents

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    Introduction: Improper hip joint development may lead to numerous unfavourable changes in the musculoskeletal system. The aim of this research was to determine how often adolescents with idiopathic scoliosis and their healthy counterparts experienced anomalies of the hip in their infancy period and to examine the correlation between the occurrence of hip anomalies and idiopathic scoliosis. Material and methods: The research was conducted in medical centres as well as in schools. The parents of adolescents with idiopathic scoliosis and parents of healthy adolescents completed a questionnaire on the basis of their child’s development history included in the medical records book and other medical documentation. Results: 533 questionnaires were taken into consideration, included 145 questionnaires completed by parents of adolescents with scoliosis (121 girls - 13.8 years, SD 1.9; 24 boys - 12.9 years, SD 2.5) and 388 questionnaires from the group of adolescents without scoliosis (194 girls - 13.5 years, SD 2.0; 194 boys - 13.4 years, SD 2.1). No significant differences were noted in the incidence of hip anomalies between the groups of girls and boys with and without scoliosis, no correlations between anomalies of the hip and scoliosis were found (girls χ2=0.840; Cramer V=0.052; p=0.36; boys χ2=1.205; Cramer V=0.074; p=0.27). Conclusions: Hip anomalies such as hip dysplasia, movement asymmetry or range of motion limitations diagnosed in the infancy period did not correlate with idiopathic scoliosis. Further research aimed at a separate analysis of the influence of hip dysplasia on the occurrence of idiopathic scoliosis should be carried out