65 research outputs found

    Changes In The Rules For Granting State Aid To Enterprises In The European Union

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    The purpose of this paper is to present the directions of allocation of state aid in the EU countries during 2000-2011, and answer the question whether the resolutions contained in the Lisbon Strategy have been implemented. The research hypothesis is: have the changes in the size, direction and allocation of state aid taken place in accordance with the resolutions of the Lisbon Strategy.Celem przeprowadzonej analizy jest odpowiedź na pytanie, w jakim stopniu postanowienia Strategii Lizbońskiej w odniesieniu do pomocy publicznej są realizowane w krajach członkowskich Unii Europejskiej. Sformułować można następującą hipotezę badawczą: obserwowane w ostatnich latach zmiany w wielkości, kierunkach alokacji oraz formach pomocy publicznej są zgodne z wytycznymi Strategii Lizbońskiej w odniesieniu do pomocy publicznej

    Fundusze strukturalne jako instrument wspierania przedsiębiorstw

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    In the moment of the accession to the European Union Poland became one of the greater incumbents of the help originating from EU’s sources. The wide of help causes that businessmen, territorial autonomies, engaged, unemployed persons and Departments of Labour can profit financial aid. At present EU funds arc accessible in two forms: community programmes and structural funds. The access of firms to structural funds and many community programmes make possible among other things the increase of competitiveness, of research and the initiation of new technological solutions, strengthening of ties between the R&D sections and companies, initiation of ecological investment and professional schooling of workers. Whether these resources will become effectively used and will contribute to the realization of the basic EU’s aim it will depend to great extend on the companies itself. The purpose of this article is to show and up to date use of these funds for Polish firms in the first period of the programming (2004-2006).Zadanie pt. „Digitalizacja i udostępnienie w Cyfrowym Repozytorium Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego kolekcji czasopism naukowych wydawanych przez Uniwersytet Łódzki” nr 885/P-DUN/2014 zostało dofinansowane ze środków MNiSW w ramach działalności upowszechniającej naukę

    Pomoc publiczna jako instrument wspierania polskich przedsiębiorstw w okresie kryzysu finansowego

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    Economic crises affect all micro- and macroeconomic areas. Particularly vulnerable to unfavorable changes are enterprises where crisis situations are present. They are reflected by falling sales and profitability, increased debt, decreased liquidity and creditability, and inability to pay obligations. In situations of crisis enterprises are often unable to cope with these problems on their own. Then, the state helps enterprises with “soft financing”. The purpose of this paper is to present the state support for entrepreneurs in times of economic crisis in Poland between 2000 and 2010. This paper will be subject to verify three research hypotheses: 1. In a period of recession the intensity of state aid is increasing. 2. Economic crisis leads to changes in financing of state aid – increasing the share of passive forms. 3. Economic downturn leads to reallocation of state aid trends – increase the importance of aid for rescue and restructuring, as well as R&D (R&D&I) and the labor market

    Regional Differences in Innovation Activities of Industrial Enterprises in Poland

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    The aim of this paper is to examine regional differences in innovation activities of Polish enterprises in 2004-2010 on the basis of statistical data published by the CSO. The survey covered such issues as: expenditures on innovation activities (level and structure), the share of innovation-active enterprises, the types of innovations, as well as the objectives and effects of innovation policy. The analysis shows that: the level of innovativeness of the Polish economy is still underdeveloped, the innovation structure is wrong (companies allocate most of their funds in the purchase of fixed assets, and only about 10% on R&D), Polish companies are selling too few (and ever fewer) innovative products. The disparities between the expenditure on innovative activities in different voivodeships are significant. Three groups of voivodeships can be distinguished – highly innovative (Lower Silesian, Masovian, Pomeranian, Silesian), moderately innovative, and poorly innovative (Podlaskie, Swietokrzyskie, Warmian-Masurian, Lubush, Opolskie and West Pomeranian). In addition, the disparities between the most and least innovative voivodeships are increasing


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    Small and medium-sized enterprises play a leading role in modern economies — they create more than 50% of GDP, employ over 70% of people and are a major source of entrepreneurship (more than 99% of entities belongs to the SME sector). The changes in the socio-economic system, initiated in Poland at the turn of 1989 and 1990, became the foundation for the development of entrepreneurship. Nowadays, companies from the SME sector have dominated the market over time and play a key role in the Polish economy. Small and medium-sized companies dominate in the domestic economy as they account for almost 99.9% of all enterprises. Their role in creating GDP is increasing — over the last 25 years, the share of SMEs’ production in GDP almost doubled. The impact of the SME sector on the national economy can be also described through its participation in the creation of jobs. The SME sector is a major employer, employing more than 7.8 mln workers. Therefore, it is important to examine the condition of small and medium-sized enterprises. The purpose of this paper is to analyze the impact of the economic downturn on the financial condition of Polish non-financial SME companies. The survey covered such issues as: the number of active enterprises, number of persons employed and employees, revenues and production, profitability indicators, salaries and labour productivity. The analyses were performed over the period 2003–2013. Data were obtained from Central Statistical Office of Poland


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    Zadanie pt. Digitalizacja i udostępnienie w Cyfrowym Repozytorium Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego kolekcji czasopism naukowych wydawanych przez Uniwersytet Łódzki nr 885/P-DUN/2014 zostało dofinansowane ze środków MNiSW w ramach działalności upowszechniającej naukę

    The Image of the Soviet Man in Svetlana Alexievich’s Novel „Chernobyl Prayer: a Chronicle of the Future”

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    The paper is concerned with the documentary novel by Svetlana Alexievich which describes one of the biggest technological humanitarian disasters of the 20th century: the catastrophic accident at the Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant. The attention is focused on the portraiture of the soviet man – of the heroes of the event, who survived the catastrophe but have been left without any help from the institutions and people they had relied on: the government and the country. The book provides the testimony of the witnesses: in this polyphonic form Alexievich lets them speak for themselves. The victims of the disaster have paid the highest price: they have lost everything – their lives, their relatives and hopes for the future.Статья знакомит с образом советского человека, который выдвигается на первый план в документальном романе белорусской писательницы. Это роман-исповедь, построенный как собрание интервью, в котором С. Алексиевич дает высказаться свидетелям и участникам самой большой техногенной катастрофы ХХ века. В статье затрагивается проблема советского человека, который является героем этих трагических событий, хотя чувствует себя одиноким, забытым и заброшенным в этом героизме людьми, учреждениями, на которых надеялся: властью, государством. В статье излагается вопрос цены, которую пришлось заплатить людям, живущим в так называемой зоне, которые вследствие катастрофы потеряли все: свою жизнь близких и веру в будущее

    Pożegnanie radzieckiego człowieka. Rozważania o reportażu Czasy secondhand Swietłany Aleksijewicz

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    Przedmiotem analizy artykułu jest opis fenomenu radzieckiego człowieka – wytworu ery sowietyzmu, który jest postacią złożoną, niejednoznaczną, tragiczną. Człowiekowi radzieckiemu Swietłana Aleksijewicz poświęca piątą z cyklu książek Głosy utopii. Z jednej strony wychowankowie czerwonej cywilizacji (jak ich określa Aleksijewicz) są ukształtowani przez udział w przewrotach wojnach i przemoc, przez co są gotowi do jej zadawania. Z drugiej strony są fanatycznie przywiązani do komunistycznych ideałów, nawet wtedy, gdy spotyka ich z ich strony zawód. Z trudem odnajdują się w nowej rzeczywistości, nie potrafią korzystać z wolności, demokracji, dobrobytu. Obraz homo sovieticusa w reportażu Aleksijewicz jest przygnębiający i smutny – trudno zrozumieć kogoś, kto przeżył obozy, tortury, utratę bliskich i upadek imperium, kto cierpliwie znosi cierpienie w oczekiwaniu na szczęście, którego nigdy nie zaznał i kto tęskni za ZSRR z jego ułomnościami i zniewoleniem

    O poczuciu tajemnicy i dylematach gatunkowych w obrębie kategorii konfesyjności w prozie Swietłany Aleksijewicz Czarnobylska modlitwa. Kronika przyszłości

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    The article refers to Chernobyl prayer, the documentary prose of Svietlana Alexievich. The aim of the article is to draw attention to the presence of the genres of confession and prayer in the reportage. They are used by the interlocutors, who entrusted the journalist with their accounts of the traumatic experiences in connection with the Chernobyl nuclear disaster in 1986. The author focuses on showing various features of both genres (intimacy, familiarity, discretion) and describes them with the perspective of an average person who unknowingly and instinctively searches in them for answers that medicine and science cannot give. Alexievich’s reportage describes the loneliness of an individual in the face of events that most ignore in silence, while their participants remain helpless and mutilated for life.The article refers to Chernobyl prayer, the documentary prose of Svietlana Alexievich. The aim of the article is to draw attention to the presence of the genres of confession and prayer in the reportage. They are used by the interlocutors, who entrusted the journalist with their accounts of the traumatic experiences in connection with the Chernobyl nuclear disaster in 1986. The author focuses on showing various features of both genres (intimacy, familiarity, discretion) and describes them with the perspective of an average person who unknowingly and instinctively searches in them for answers that medicine and science cannot give. Alexievich’s reportage describes the loneliness of an individual in the face of events that most ignore in silence, while their participants remain helpless and mutilated for life