91 research outputs found

    Poemas de Maria Cyranowicz

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    Maria Cyranowicz (Varsovia, 1974) é unha poeta e crítica literaria polaca, integrante da corrente literaria Neolingwizm (Neolingüismo), que propón o afastamento do texto poético clásico para reivindicar a importancia da poesía audiovisual. Estudou Filoloxía Polaca na Universidade de Varsovia, onde actualmente prepara a súa tese de doutoramento. Tamén traballa como editora da revista literaria Wakat, sobre a promoción das tendencias de vangarda na arte e literatura. Ten publicados diversos poemas e artigos en distintas revistas e xornais polacos coma Studium, Czas Kultury, Fa-Art, Twórczość, Ha!art ou Teksty Drugie. Ademais, é autora de cinco libros de poesía: neutralizacje (Fronda, Varsovia, 1997), i magii nacje (Zielona Sowa, Cracovia, 2001), piąty element to fiksja (Staromiejski Dom Kultury, Varsovia, 2004), psychodelicje (Staromiejski Dom Kultury, Varsovia, 2006) e denpresja (Fundacja Modern Art Means Modern Artist Language MAMMAL, Varsovia, 2009), e coeditora das antoloxías Gada !zabić?. Pa(n)tologia neolingwizmu, xunto con Paweł Kozioł (Varsovia, 2005) e Solistki. Antologia poezji kobiet (1989- 2009), xunto con Joanna Mueller e Justyna Radczyńska (Varsovia, 2009)

    Unknown God, Known in His Activities

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    What can man know about God? This question became one of the main problems during the 4th-century Trinitarian controversy, which is the focus of this book. Especially during the second phase of the conflict, the claims of Anomean Eunomius caused an emphatic response of Orthodox writers, mainly Basil of Caesarea and Gregory of Nyssa. Eunomius formulated two ways of theology to show that we can know both the substance (ousia) and activities (energeiai) of God. The Orthodox Fathers demonstrated that we can know only the external activities of God, while the essence is entirely incomprehensible. Therefore the 4th-century discussion on whether the Father and the Son are of the same substance was the turning point in the development of negative theology and shaping the Christian conception of God

    Polymorphism of mycotoxin biosynthetic genes among Fusarium equiseti isolates from Italy and Poland

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    Fusarium equiseti (Corda) Saccardo is a soil saprophyte and a weak pathogen, associated with several diseases of fruit and other crops in subtropical and tropical areas, but also in countries with temperate climate. A wide range of secondary metabolites has been identified among natural F. equiseti populations, with zearalenone (ZEA), fusarochromanone and fusarenon-X being the most common. In present study, the genetic diversity of strains from two populations (from Italy and Poland) was evaluated by analysing the translation elongation factor 1α (tef-1α) sequences, two polyketide synthases from the ZEA biosynthetic pathway (PKS13 and PKS4) and the TRI5 gene from the trichothecene biosynthetic pathway. ZEA was produced in rice cultures by 20 of the 27 tested isolates in concentrations ranging from 1.34 ng/g to 34,000 ng/g). The ability to produce enniatins and trichothecenes was evaluated in all strains by identifying esyn1, TRI13 and TRI4 genes. The presence of PKS4 and PKS13 genes was confirmed by polymerase chain reaction (PCR) in only some ZEA-producing isolates. Similarly, the TRI5 gene was found in 14 of the 27 isolates tested. This is likely to have been caused by the divergence of those genes between F. equiseti and F. graminearum (the latter species was used for the primers design) and can be exploited in phylogenetic studies. The analysis of the mycotoxin biosynthetic gene sequences can be used to differentiate the studied genotypes even more precisely than the analysis of the non-coding regions (like tef-1α)

    Assessments in Policy-Making: Case Studies from the Arctic Council

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    Patogene plijesni u sjemenkama različitih sorti graška u Poljskoj

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    Legume crops are exposed to infection by fungal pathogens, which often results in contamination with mycotoxins. The aim of this study was to evaluate the level of field resistance/susceptibility of edible and fodder pea cultivars to the colonization of seeds by fungal pathogens in two subsequent seasons, as well as to identify the pathogens present in the seeds of the tested cultivars. Alternaria spp. were the most common fungi isolated from pea seeds in both seasons, followed by Fusarium spp., Stemphylium spp., Ulocladium spp., Botrytis cinerea Pers., Epicoccum nigrum Link., and Phoma pinodella L. K. Jones. The highest percentage of infected seeds (55 %) was recorded for cultivar Ezop. The presence of a large number of fungi was found in 2012 for cultivars Santana, Tarchalska, Medal, Cysterski, Mentor, Lasso, and Ezop. Fodder cultivars displayed a lower infection level than edible cultivars. We can conclude that Alternaria spp. were the most frequent fungi present in pea seeds in Poland and Fusarium spp. were likely the most dangerous, having in mind their established mycotoxigenic abilities.Cilj ovoga istraživanja bio je procijeniti stupanj otpornosti/podložnosti jestivih sorti graška i onih koji se koriste za krmivo na kolonizaciju sjemenki patogenim plijesnima tijekom dviju sezona te identificirati patogene u sjemenkama istraživanih sorti. Najčešća plijesan izdvojena iz sjemenki tijekom obiju sezona bila je Alternaria spp., a nju su brojnošću pratile Fusarium spp., Stemphylium spp., Ulocladium spp., Botrytis cinerea Pers., Epicoccum nigrum Link. i Phoma pinodella L. K. Jones. Najviši postotak zaraženih sjemenki (55 %) zabilježen je za sortu Ezop. Prisutnost većeg broja plijesni pronađen je 2012. u sortama Santana, Tarchalska, Medal, Cysterski, Mentor, Lasso i Ezop. Sorte korištene za krmivo pokazale su općenito nižu razinu zaraženosti od jestivih. Možemo zaključiti kako je Alternaria spp. bila najčešća plijesan u sjemenkama graška u Poljskoj, a Fusarium spp. vjerojatno najopasnija, uzimajući u obzir njene ustanovljene mikotoksigenične sposobnosti

    Czynniki charakterystyczne dla tętniaka aorty brzusznej i jego potencjalne biomarkery

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    Abdominal aortic aneurysm (AAA) is a multifactorial and asymptomatic disorder with high mortality. Numerous factors inducing AAA have been postulated, but so far no key factor with a molecular, genetic or environmental basis has been identified that would contribute to the formation of an aneurysm. Damage to the structure of the extracellular matrix, apoptosis of the vascular smooth muscle cells and endothelial cells through degenerative factors induces the process of aneurysm formation in the vessel wall. This process is accompanied by a progressive inflammatory process. The test that allows the detection of AAA is abdominal ultrasonography. However, this is not a routine screening test performed for all individuals, and therefore AAA is usually diagnosed at a very advanced stage of the disease that threatens the patient’s life. The only medical procedure in AAA is surgical treatment. Therefore, it is necessary to identify molecular processes, AAA biomarkers and genes responsible for the mechanism of aneurysm formation. This would enable faster and more effective initiation of the treatment process.Tętniak aorty brzusznej (AAA) jest schorzeniem wieloczynnikowym i bezobjawowym, charakteryzującym się wysoką śmiertelnością pacjentów. Istnieje wiele indukujących go czynników, ale do tej pory nie zidentyfikowano jednego kluczowego, o podłożu molekularnym, genetycznym czy środowiskowym, który przyczynia się do powstania tętniaka. Uszkodzenie struktury macierzy zewnątrzkomórkowej, apoptoza komórek mięśni gładkich ściany naczynia i komórek śródbłonkowych poprzez czynniki degeneracyjne indukuje proces tworzenia tętniaka w ścianie naczynia. Towarzyszy temu postępujący proces zapalny. Badaniem pozwalającym na wykrycie AAA jest ultrasonografia jamy brzusznej. Nie jest to jednak rutynowe badanie przesiewowe wykonywane u wszystkich osób, dlatego do zdiagnozowania AAA dochodzi w bardzo zaawansowanym stadium choroby, co zagraża życiu pacjenta. Jedynym medycznym postępowaniem w tym przypadku pozostaje zabieg chirurgiczny, dlatego koniecznym wydaje się poznanie procesów molekularnych, biomarkerów AAA oraz genów odpowiedzialnych za mechanizm powstawania tętniaków. Umożliwiłoby to szybszą i efektywniejszą diagnostykę, a tym samym zapoczątkowałoby proces leczenia

    Waiting for a treat : studying behaviors related to self-regulation in 18- and 24- month olds

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    The ability to delay gratification - conceived as an early expression of self-regulation - develops in the second half of the second year of life. We used inductive methodology to identify different behaviors and set of behaviors performed by children while waiting for a treat. We asked which sets are more effective when it comes to successfully delaying gratification and how all observed sets change during toddler age. 130 children were tested twice - at 18 and at 24 months - using a Snack Delay Task. We observed 20 different behaviors and distinguished 4 sets of behaviors. The most important and effective set for delaying gratification in 18 and in 24 month olds was the set called Attention and Movements. We concluded that growth in the ability to delay gratification resulted from increased ability to overcome temptation by using an active strategy mainly based on attention

    Sprawozdanie z XX Jubileuszowej Ogólnopolskiej Konferencji Psychologii Rozwojowej "Wiedza o rozwoju w poznawaniu człowieka" Kraków, 13-16 czerwca 2011

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    "Wiedza o rozwoju w poznawaniu człowieka" - pod takim hasłem przebiegała w dniach 13-16 czerwca 2011 roku XX Jubileuszowa Ogólnopolska Konferencja Psychologii Rozwojowej. Spotkania naukowe poświęcone dyskusjom nad zagadnieniami z zakresu psychologii rozwoju człowieka są corocznie organizowane przez Sekcję Psychologii Rozwojowej Polskiego Towarzystwa Psychologicznego. Pierwsza konferencja odbyła się w dniach 8-11 stycznia 1992 roku w Przegorzałach koło Krakowa. Kolejne spotkania psychologów rozwojowych miały miejsce w różnych naukowych ośrodkach w Polsce. Tegoroczna, XX konferencja została zorganizowana w Krakowie przez Sekcję Psychologii Rozwojowej oraz Instytut Psychologii Wydziału Filozoficznego i Instytut Psychologii Stosowanej Wydziału Zarządzania i Komunikacji Społecznej Uniwersytetu Jagiellońskiego

    Managing economic and social changes during the COVID-19 pandemic : a case study for Szczecin and Krakow

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    PURPOSE: The aim of the article is to analyze the economic and social changes during the Covid-19 pandemic on the example of economic centers such as cities.APPROACH/METHODOLOGY/DESIGN: In the framework of the presented article, the main research methods are the quantitative analysis of financial data on changes in city budgets and the qualitative analysis of the impact of actions taken on the further situation in the economies in question, based on the example of selected cities.FINDINGS: The obtained results will indicate the sectors of major socio-economic changes and will allow for recommendations on the issues of crisis management of budgets of public institutions and saving economies as a whole.PRACTICAL IMPLICATIONS: The practical implications of the research results in the article are recommendations for practical actions managing the economy of cities, which bring tangible results and are effective in crisis management as a result of various pandemics.ORIGINALITY/VALUE: The original value of the article is the analysis of financial data influenced by the unprecedented Covid-19 pandemic and developed recommendations for practical actions to save economies reflected in their centers, which are cities.The project was financed within the framework of the program of the Minister of Science and Higher Education in Poland under the name “Regional Excellence Initiative” in the years 2019–2022, project number 001/RID/2018/19, the amount of financing PLN 10,684,000.00.peer-reviewe


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    Sprawozdanie z XVI Europejskiej Konferencji Psychologii Rozwojowej, Lozanna, Szwajcaria, 3–7 września 2013 rok