30 research outputs found


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    Sriyatun/A531130034. Developing Soft Psychomotor Skill Through Paper Folding on Students of Dharma Women 1 Kindergarten Botoreco, Blora. Publication of Scientific Article. Department of Early Childhood Education, School of Teacher Training and Education, Muhammadiyah University of Surakarta. October, 2015. The purpose of this research is aims to develop fine motor skillof children through paper folding method. This research is a classroom action research (CAR) with two working procedure cycle consists of four phases: Planning, action, observation and reflection. Method of data collection observation and field notes. The research showed that the average child’s motor before action was 33.5%, after the learning by activity in the first cycle of fine motor was 69.16% and in the second cycle folding was 84.60%. Overall, folded activity could improve fine motor skill in group B of Dharma Women 1 Kindergarten Botoreco, Blora. Key Words: Fine motor skill, folding Method

    Pengaruh Penggunaan T2 Blade terhadap Kualitas Citra MRI Cervical Potongan Sagital pada Pasien Non-Cooperative

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    Background: Using T2 BLADE in Cervical MRI examination can improve image quality because it can reduce artifacts especially with Non-Cooperative patients. The purpose of this study was to analyze the effect of T2 BLADE use on sagittal cut image quality in Non-Cooperative patients. The benefit of using T2 BLADE is that it provides insight to the reader and as an alternative in selecting the right sequence on Cervical MRI examination with Non-Cooperative patients so as to get an optimal and informative picture.Methods: The research design carried out was qualitative descriptive analytic with an observation and experimental approach which was carried out from May to June 2023 at Fatmawati Hospital using a Siemens Magnetom Altea 1.5T MRI aircraft. The population of this study was samples that performed Cervical MRI examination with a total of 6 samples. The data in this study is primary data collected by observation, experiments and questionnaires. Data processing and analysis was carried out by giving questionnaires to radiologst and radiographer who made subjective assessments and processed with simple calculations using Ms. Excel to find  the Mean.Results: The results of this study are, the image quality of Cervical MRI examination in Non-Cooperative patients  is more optimal using T2 BLADE sequences, the resulting images have quite informative results when compared to T2 TSE sequences. This study can be an option when conducting Cervical MRI examination  on Non-Cooperative patients  based on questionnaires, simple calculations and author analysis, so that patients get a diagnosis accurately and quickly.Conclusions: It can be concluded that the image quality of Cervical MRI examination in Non-Cooperative patients is  more optimal using T2 BLADE sequences, the resulting image has quite informative results. This study can be an option when conducting Cervical MRI examination  on Non-Cooperative patients  based on questionnaires, simple calculations and author analysis, so that patients get a diagnosis accurately and quickly

    Heart MRI Images Analysis in Case of Arrythmogenic Right Ventricular Cardiomyopathy (ARVC)

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    Arrhythmogenic Right Ventricular Cardiomyopathy (ARVC) is a cause of sudden cardiac death in otherwise healthy young adults. (ARVD/C) is an inherited cardiomyopathy characterized by life-threatening ventricular arrhythmias and slowly progressive ventricular dysfunction. To diagnose ARVC is indicated by the Task Force of ARVC criteria in 1994 and then revised in 2010 set by the WHO/ISFC. To identify clinical characteristics of ARVC using CMR. The design of this study was qualitative descriptive, which was done by the observational method using MRI 1.5 Tesla. The subject was an adult patient who did Cardiac MRI examination in National Cardiovascular Centre Harapan Kita in March 2018. The collected data were diagnostic images of CMR sequence. Then, it compared with the diagnostic criteria of ARVC which was indicated by Task Force. The result of this study of several ARVC diagnostic criteria in Cardiac MRI examination with T1 Black Blood sequence is clear and accurate in indicating the presence of fat infiltration, CINE sequence is clear in visualizing the dilatation in the right ventricle, wall motion abnormalities, accordion sign, bulging, and LGE clearly shows fibrosis. The detection of right ventricular enlargement, fatty infiltration, fibrosis, and wall motion abnormalities in CMR is useful in the diagnosis of ARVC


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    The purpose of this research is to explain the improvement of mathematics learning outcomes for grade VII students at SMP Negeri 2 Cimahi with the “Realistic Mathematical Education approachâ€. This research method is classroom action research. The subject of this research is 15 students from VII grades. The device used in this research is an essay test with 4 questions. The test is used to reveal students' mathematics learning outcomes. As a data analysis of student mathematics learning outcomes in the first cycle are students who have completed (33%) and students have not completed (67%), while in cycle II students who have completed become (73%) and have not completed (27%) the average value the class increased in the first cycle = 58 while the class average value in the second cycle = 79 which significantly increased, thus according to the results of the data analysis obtained, it was concluded that through the Realistic Mathematical Education Learning approach, students were able to improve mathematics learning outcomes in class X software engineering

    Analisis Komparatif Resiko Keuangan (Studi Kasus Pada : PT. Bank Syariah Mandiri, Tbk dan PT. Bank Tabungan Negara, Tbk di Indonesia )

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    PT. Bank Syari’ah Mandiri sebagai salah satu lembaga perbankan syari’ ah yang telah berkontribusi penting terutama bagi pengusaha kecil diharapkan dapat bersaing dengan perbankan konvensional. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis tingkat resiko bisnis antara PT. Bank Syari’ah Mandiri dan PT. BankTabungan Negara selama periode 2007-2009. Data yang digunakan adalah data sekunder berupa laporan keuangan tahunan perusahaan yang diperoleh dari website masing-masing bank. Analisis data dilakukan dengan menggunakan analisis diskriminan (Z-Score) yang dikembangkan oleh Altman. Dari hasil analisis data diketahui bahwa tingkat keuangan Bank Syari’ah Mandiri termasuk kategori tinggi karena mempunyai nilai Z-Score sebesar 1,46 (Z<1,81), sedangkan Bank Tabungan Negara juga masuk kedalam tingkat resiko yang tinggi kerena nilai Z-Score-nya sebesar 0,40 (Z<1,81). Perbandingan tingkat resiko keuangan menggunakan hasil analisis diskriminan (Z-Score) menunjukan kedua Bank berada pada kategori resiko tinggi. Namun nilai Z-Score Bank Syari’ah Mandiri lebih tinggi dibanding Bank Tabungan Negara, yang berarti resiko Bank Syari’ah Mandiri lebih rendah dibanding Bank Tabungan Negara. Rendahnya nilai Z-Score mengindikasikan bahwa kedua bank berada pada posisi bisnis beresiko tinggi dan bila tidak dilakukan pengelolaan bisnis secara baik dapat menyebabkan kepailitan dalam jangka panjang


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    In the current era, many radiological imaging technologies are used, one of which is the C-Arm equipment technology, which is capable of imaging three-dimensional patient objects in real time using fluoroscopy techniques. This study aims to obtain and evaluate the effective radiation dose received around the eye organs of radiation workers during cardiac catheterization. The main tool uses the C-Arm modality, and the TLD detector chip. The object of observation is the area around the eye organs of radiation workers consisting of one doctor and one nurse. Catheterization was carried out on 10 patients with different examination times. Research results: in the area around the eyes without protective glasses; the effective dose received by doctors' eyes ranges from 0.0011 to 0.0054 mSv, while for nurses it ranges from 0.0010 mSv to 0.0025 mSv. It was found that the effective dose received around the eye organs was lower than the dose value set by Perka Bapeten No. 8 of 2011 which is 20 mSv and ICRP 203 which is 500 mSv per year


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    Hyperactivity is a disorder experienced by children which is characterized by aggressive behavior, inability to calm down, impulsiveness, temper tantrums, difficulty concentrating, and likes to seek attention from other people." Hyperactive children must be treated as soon as possible to avoid problems around them. Examples of hyperactivity are often disturbing other friends, not wanting to be controlled, often leaving their seats during class, and often not completing the tasks they have done. Apart from that, hyperactive children include: having a high temper, often hurting other people, often leaving their seats during class, and being spoiled. These behaviors are caused by home or family environmental factors. Objectives (1) behavior of hyperactive children, (2) factors that cause hyperactive children, (3) efforts to overcome hyperactive children. Education, as a vital means of developing human resources, is a need that cannot be separated from human life in making the nation's life intelligent and forming skilled people. Schools as education providers have a responsibility to develop students' potential to become people of faith and piety and able to develop their knowledge. However, it can be found in elementary schools that there are students who have hyperactive behavior which tends to make it difficult for teachers to deal with them. Therefore, teachers are tasked with providing guidance to students who have hyperactive behavior, because these students' hyperactive behavior can certainly have an impact on disrupting the success of educational activities in the classroom. Method This article uses a literature review research method with reference sources from 15 previous research journals. Review: Journal search results found 15 journals that met the criteria for hyperactive children determined by researchers. Most of the research found used a cross sectional study design, but several studies also used case control and cohort study designs. Several different results were found in each study, but they still showed similarities, namely that there were still the same perceptions about hyperactive behavior in each study


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    Hyperactivity is a disorder experienced by children which is characterized by aggressive behavior, inability to calm down, impulsiveness, temper tantrums, difficulty concentrating, and likes to seek attention from other people." Hyperactive children must be treated as soon as possible to avoid problems around them. Examples of hyperactivity are often disturbing other friends, not wanting to be controlled, often leaving their seats during class, and often not completing the tasks they have done. Apart from that, hyperactive children include: having a high temper, often hurting other people, often leaving their seats during class, and being spoiled. These behaviors are caused by home or family environmental factors. Objectives (1) behavior of hyperactive children, (2) factors that cause hyperactive children, (3) efforts to overcome hyperactive children. Education, as a vital means of developing human resources, is a need that cannot be separated from human life in making the nation's life intelligent and forming skilled people. Schools as education providers have a responsibility to develop students' potential to become people of faith and piety and able to develop their knowledge. However, it can be found in elementary schools that there are students who have hyperactive behavior which tends to make it difficult for teachers to deal with them. Therefore, teachers are tasked with providing guidance to students who have hyperactive behavior, because these students' hyperactive behavior can certainly have an impact on disrupting the success of educational activities in the classroom. Method This article uses a literature review research method with reference sources from 15 previous research journals. Review: Journal search results found 15 journals that met the criteria for hyperactive children determined by researchers. Most of the research found used a cross sectional study design, but several studies also used case control and cohort study designs. Several different results were found in each study, but they still showed similarities, namely that there were still the same perceptions about hyperactive behavior in each study

    Penerapan konseling behavioristik teknik modeling simbolik untuk mengatasi rendahnya etika siswa terhadap guru sma islam miftahul huda gajah

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    Tujuan penelitian ini adalah: 1. Mendiskripsikan faktor-faktor yang menyebabkan rendahnya etika siswa terhadap guru pada siswa SMA Islam Miftahul Huda Gajah, 2. Mengatasi rendahnya etika siswa terhadap guru pada siswa SMA Islam Miftahul Huda Gajah melalui konseling behavoioristik dengan teknik modeling simbolik, 3. Mengatasi rendahnya etika siswa terhadap guru melalui konseling behavioristik dengan teknik modeling simbolik pada siswa SMA Islam Miftahul Huda Gajah. Rendahnya etika siswa terhadap guru merupakan perilaku atau sikap siswa yang tidak sesui dengan kebiasaan yang baik terhadap guru dalam pergaulan sehari-hari. Sedangkan Konseling Behavioristik dengan Teknik Modeling Simbolik adalah upaya pemberian bantuan untuk membantu mengubah perilaku konseli (siswa) agar dapat memecahkan masalahnya yakni etika rendah terhadap guru dengan menggunakan model yang disajikan melalui bahan-bahan tertulis (komik, buku), audio, video, film.Model yang ada dalam proses konseling diharapkan dapat memudahkan siswa untuk mencontoh Dan mengaplikasikan etika siswa yang baik terhadap guru dalam kehidupan sehari-hari siswa. Jenis penelitian yang digunakan adalah penelitian studi kasus, penelitian ini akan dilaksanakan di kelas XI IPA SMA Islam Miftahul Huda Gajah dengan subjek penelitian 3 siswa laki-laki yaitu BU, DP dan DG yang mempunyai etika rendah terhadap guru. Kegiatan konseling berlangsung empat kali pertemuan.Variabel bebas adalah konseling behavioristik teknik modeling simbolik. Sedangkan variabel terkait adalah rendahnya etika siswa terhadap guru. Metode pengumpulan data yang digunakan oleh penelitian adalah metode observasi, wawancara, Dan dokumentasi. Analisis yang digunakan merupakan jenis deskriptif kualitatif. Hasil penelitian terlihat bahwa siswa berubah dari etika yang rendah terhadap guru menjadi etika yang baik terhadap guru seperti: siswa menyapa guru ketika bertemu, siswa berbicara dengan santun ketika menghadap guru, siswa menjawab pertanyaan guru dengan baik, siswa mendengarkan nasehat guru, siswa melaksanakan perintah guru, siswa memperhatikan dan mendengarkan pelajaran yang disampaikan guru, siswa mengerjakan semua tugas yang diberikan guru dengan baik dan tepat waktu, siswa datang tepat waktu, siswa tidak membolos dijam pelajaran. Hal ini membuktikan bahwa penerapan konseling behavioristik teknik modeling simbolik dapat mengatasi rendahnya etika siswa terhadap guru SMA Islam Miftahul Huda Gajah. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian studi kasus yang dilakukan pada siswa SMA Islam Miftahul Huda Gajah yang berjumlah 3 siswa dapat disimpulkan bahwa penerapan konseling behavioristik teknik modeling simbolik dapat mengatasi rendahnya etika siswa terhadap guru SMA Islam Miftahul Huda Gajah. Untuk itu disarankan kepada: 1. Siswa hendaknya mampu untuk menjalankan tanggung jawabnya sebagai siswa dengan selalu beretika baik terhadap guru dan selalu mentaati aturan dari sekolah. Agar dapat terjadi keharmonisan antara siswa dengan guru, dengan tidak adanya pelanggaran yang dilakukan siswa, 2. Bagi peneliti selanjutnya perlu mengembangkan dan mengadakan penelitian lebih lanjut yang lebih menguasai teknik, dengan menerapkan tahap-tahap teknik modeling simbolik yaitu tahap etensi, tahap retensi, tahap reproduksi, dan tahap motivasional untuk mengatasi masalah rendahnya etika siswa terhadap guru, 3. Konselor sekolah sebaiknya menindak lanjuti apa yang sudah dilakukan oleh peneliti secara terprogram dengan lebih baik dan bisa menerapkan layanan konseling behavioristik dengan teknik modeling simbolik untuk mengatasi masalah rendahnya etika siswa terhadap guru, 4. Kepala sekolah perlu menciptakan kebijakan dalam memberikan sosialisasi tentang pentingnya etika siswa terhadap guru yang dapat menambah pengetahuan siswa dalam beretika baik terhadap guru