45 research outputs found


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    Isolation of peat soil humic acid and its application for adsorption reduction of Au(III) have beenconducted. Humic acid was isolated from peat soil that was collected from Rawa Pening, Central Java. Isolation ofhumic acid from peat soil was based on conventional alkaline extraction method. Humic acid was extracted frompeat soil with NaOH 0.1 M, then precipitated with 0.1 M HCl, and purified with 0.1 M HCl/0.3 M HF 1/1. Theisolated humic acid was characterized by FTIR spectroscopy, then applied for adsorption and reduction process ofAu (III).Adsorption kinetics on adsorption reduction process of Au (III) also were studied. The gold metal formedwas confirmed by XRD diffractogram, and photo optical microscope. The adsorption rate constant (k) withSantosa kinetics model for humic acid is 0.0065 min-1.Peaks of gold particles in the difractogram are 2 = 38, 44,and 64

    Relation of electronic structures with Their Antimalarial Activities on Artemisinin Derivatives = Hubungan Struktur Elektronis Dengan Aktivitas Anti Malaria Pada Senyawa Turunan Artemisinin.

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    Relation of electronic structures with their anti malaria activities on artemisinin derivatives was evaluated by means of quantitative structure activity relationship (QSAR) method. To describe electronic structures, atomic charges and dipol moments calculated by quantum mechanics on PM3 semiempirical level. A linear relation between activities and electronic structures was used to construct linear equation models. An equation model showing a good statistically criteria and a realibility of antimalarial activity was chosen to be used to design a compound with new activities against P. facilparum. Results show that 13 equation models were obtained, showing only three models with a good criteria. 02 and C4 atoms were observed for a key role of an improvement of the antimalarial activity. Keywords: artemisinin, antimalaria, atomic charge, dipole moment, PM3


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    Isolation of peat soil humic acid and its application for adsorption-reduction ofAu(III) have been conducted. Humic acid was isolated from peat soil that was collectedfrom Rawa Pening, Central Java. Isolation of humic acid from peat soil was based onconventional alkaline extraction. Humic acid was extracted from peat soil with NaOH0.1 M, then precipitated with 0.1 M HCl, and purified with 0.1 M HCl/0.3 M HF 1/1.The isolated humic acid was characterized by FTIR spectroscopy, then applied foradsorption reduction of Au(III). Isothermic adsorption capacity on adsorptionreduction process of Au (III) also were studied. The gold metal formed was confirmedby XRD diffractogram, and photo optical microscope. The adsorption capacity withLangmuir isothermic model for humic acid was 192 mg/g. Peaks of gold particles in thedifractogram are 2 = 38, 44, and 64

    Analisis Pengelolaan Terumbu Karang Pada Kawasan Konservasi Laut Daerah (KKLD) Pulau Randayan dan Sekitarnya Kabupaten Bengkayang Provinsi Kalimantan Barat

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    ABSTRAK Kawasan Konservasi Laut Daerah Pulau Randayan dan Sekitarnya (KKLD-PRS) memiliki potensi terumbu karang cukup besar dan sebagai habitat ikan karang yang bernilai ekonomis dan species langka yang dilindungi. Potensi sumber daya alam tersebut selama ini dimanfaatkan masyarakat setempat dan pendatang yang berdampak terjadinya penurunan kualitas terumbu karang yang berpengaruh pada pernurunan potensi sumberdaya hayati laut di KKLD-PRS. Oleh karena itu diperlukan perencanaan upaya pengelolaan terumbu karang di kawasan tersebut agar terjaga kelestariannya dan dapat dimanfaatkan untuk kesejahteraan masyarakat secara berkelanjutan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis ancaman dan faktor penyebab kerusakan serta upaya-upaya pengelolaan terumbu karang yang ada di KKLD-PRS. Pengumpulan data dilakukan melalui survey kondisi terumbu karang dengan metode Line Intercept transect, observasi dan wawancara untuk aspek sosial, ekonomi, budaya dan kebijakan yang selanjutnya dibahas secara deskriftif. Pemilihan alternatif strategis kebijakan pengelolaan menggunakan analisis KEKEPAN/ SWOT disesuaikan dengan Master Plan KKLD dan RTR Laut, Pesisir dan P3K Kab. Bengkayang. Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa Kondisi terumbu karang di KKLD tergolong dalam kondisi sedang (lifeform = 50,33 %), Kualitas perairan baik dan subur, arus 72 cm/det (N-S) dan 17.5 cm/det. (E-W), kecerahan 1- 9 meter, salinitas 21-30 ‰, dan suhu 27,8 - 30,2 oC. Potensi ancaman kerusakan terumbu karang oleh penangkapan ikan yang merusak (bagan tancap dan bubu) serta berlebihan, sedimentasi, jangkar kapal transportasi umum dan pariwisata masih berlangsung hingga saat ini. Penyebabnya adalah faktor kepedudukan, kemiskinan, kelembagaan, Gakkum serta rendahnya pemahaman ttg pentingnya terumbu karang dan kurangnya komitmen pemerintah untuk mengimplementasi perencanaan pengelolaan terumbu karang sesuai Master Plan KKLD. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian, dapat disimpulkan bahwa : (1) ancaman dan faktor penyebab kerusakan terumbu karang pada KKLD-PRS terjadi perubahan tingkatan, yaitu: (a) sedimentasi masih berlangsung; (b) predator alami (bintang laut/ Acanthaster planci dan bulu babi) belum menyebabkan kerusakan; (c) Pengeboman ikan sudah tidak beroperasi; (d) bagan tancap dan bubu berpotensi merusak terumbu karang; (e) tangkap lebih (over fishing) ikan karang; (f) aktifitas kapal labuh jangkar di kawasan terumbu karang; (g) belum ada aturan lokal yang diformalkan; (h) penurunan tingkat kecerahan: (i) perubahan iklim berpengaruh pada intensitas dan curah hujan menyebabkan salinitas dan suhu berubah drastis; (2) KKLD-PRS belum memiliki perencanaan pengelolaan terumbu karang. (3) Rekomendasi penelitian ini adalah penyusunan perencanaan pengelolaan terumbu karang di KKLD dengan menyiapkan Rencana Strategis (strategic plan) pengelolaan terumbu karang sebagi langkah awal, yang mengacu pada Peraturan Daerah Kabupaten Bengkayang No 13 tahun 2004 tentang Rencana Tata Ruang Laut, Pesisir dan Pulau-Pulau Kecil Kebupaten Bengkayang. Kata kunci : Pengelolaan, Terumbu Karang, KKLD-PRS Kabupaten Bengkayang Provinsi Kalimantan Barat. ABSTRACT Local Marine Conservation Area of Randayan Island territory (KKLD-PRS) has a great potential of highly economic and protected species. Such natural resources has been widely exploited by local people and visitors. This exploitation threatens the future of coral reef and marine biological rasources in the Local Marine Conservation Area of Randayan Island territory (KKLD-PRS). Therefore, there should be a management planning in this area in order to preserve the coral reef. Once preservation is performed, it may give future benefit for those who live around the area. This coral reef extinction phenomenon led an idea for a study on analyzing threats and factors causing damage as well as efforts of coral reef management ini the Local Marine Conservation Area of Randayan Island territory (KKLD-PRS) To support the study, the researcher collected data from direct surveys on the coral reef condition using line intercept transect method, observation and interview on social, economic, cultural and policy aspects. The data collected were then subject to a descriptive analysis. The choice of strategic policy alternatives by means of KEKEPAN/SWOT was integrated to Master Plan of KKLD, and Marien Coastal and small islands order space plan of Bangkayang Regency. The observation result from the coral reef in KKLD showed as the followings moderate condition (life form index = 50,33%), good and fertile water quality, current speed = 72 cm/s (N-S) and 17,5 cm/s (E-W), visibility range 1-9 meter depth, Salinity rate 21-30 ‰, and temperature 27.80 - 30.2 0C. Threats on the coral reef could be due to negative and excessive fishing techniques (bagan tancap and bubu) also over fishing, sedimentation, public transport and tourism ship anchor. Whereas other aspects that contributed the above, threats consisted of population related issues, poverty, istitution, law enforcement and the government to implement the management plan of coral reef according to the KKLD Master Plan. The overall of the study resulted in the following conclusions : (1) there was a change in level of threats and factors causing the damage of the coral reef in KKLD-PRS due to (a) on going sedimentation, (b) natural predator (Achantaster plancii and Diademas sp.) despite their minor threats; (c) fish bombing inactivation; (d) negative fishing techniques; (e) over fishing; (f) ship anchors; (g) absence or formal ocal ragulations; (h) visibility degradation; (i) climate change that affected the intensity and rain drop rate that affected a dramatic change in salinity and temperature. (2) At KKLD-PRS does’nt have of coral reef management plan. (3) The study recommended a strategic plan of the management of the coral reef in KKLD area as a starting point the local Act of Bengkayang Regency No. 13/ 2004 on the spatial Management Plan of Marine Coastal and Minor Island idf the Bengkayang Regency. Keyword : Management, Coral reef, KKLD-PRS of Bengkayang Regency West Kalimantan Provinc


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    Relation of electronic structures with their anti malaria activities on artemisinin derivatives was evaluated by means of quantitative structure activity relationship (QSAR) method. To describe electronic structures, atomic charges and dipol moments calculated by quantum mechanics on PM3 semiempirical level. A linear relation between activities and electronic structures was used to construct linear equation models. An equation model showing a good statistically criteria and a realibility of antimalarial activity was chosen to be used to design a compound with new activities against P. facilparum. Results show that 13 equation models were obtained, showing only three models with a good criteria. O2 and C4 atoms were observed for a key role of an improvement of the antimalarial activity.   Keywords: artemisinin, antimalaria, atomic charge, dipole moment, PM


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    Determination of rate and stability constants of adsorption in competitive adsorption of Cr(III) and Cd(II) on humic acid by using the new model of kinetic formulation has been done. The new model based on assumption that those adsorption was first order adsorption rearched equilibrium. Humic acid was isolated from Peat moss of Silaut- West Sumatra by modificated Schnitzer method. Humic acid characterization was conducted by using infrared spectrophotometer with KBR pellet method. The experiment of kinetic adsorption was conducted in batch system reactor using erlenmeyer at 25 ± 0.01 oC of water steam bath and in a series of sampling procedure. Initial concentration of both Cr(III) and Cd(II) was 4x10-4 M. Thirty milligrams of humic acid was added to 200 mL of metal solution, and then stirred continuously. At the fixed periode of time, 10 mL of sample was taken using a syringe, then filterd with 0.45 µm filter paper. Concentration of Cr(III) and Cd(II) in the filtrate was determinated by AAS, while that was adsorbed by humic acid was equal to difference between initial and equilibrium concentration. It was concluded that competitive adsorption of Cr(III) and Cd(II) on humic acid was first order adsorption rearched equilibrium as proposed in this research. Adsorption rate constant of Cr(III) on humic acid  at competitive condition was greater than of Cd(II), but on the contrary for stability constant (K). Competition between Cr(III) and Cd(II) to interact with the active side of humic acid was dominated by Cr(III).   Keywords: rate constant, stability and competitive adsorptio

    Penggunaan Teknik Pcr Dan Rflp Untuk Deteksi Dan Analisis Keragaman Virus Gemini Pada Tanaman Tomat Yang Berasal Dari Berbagai Daerah Di Jawa Barat Dan Lampung

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    The Technique of PCR and RFLP to detection and analysis geminivirus diversity on tomato from growing areas in West Java and Lampung. Geminivirus infection has been reported on various important crops, among others on tomato. Infected plant were collected from six tomato growing areas in West Java (Bandung, Segunung, Darmaga, Ciloto, Cibeuying, and Cisaat) and Lampung (Bandar Lampung). Polymerase chain reaction method using universal primers for geminiviruses were successfully amplified a 1.5 kb DNA fragment from diseased plants from Bandung, Cisaat, Ciloto and Cibeunying. Comparative model enzyme restriction showed that sample from Bandung, Cisaat, Ciloto are probably strains of the same virus


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    Study of thermal effect of coconut cream's ability to adsorb Ca (II) has been done at various temperatures of 49 oC,  59 oC and 80 oC. The adsorption study was performed to check capacity, energy and rate of adsorption by varying the number of initial concentration of CaCl2 bounded on coconut protein. This research was also done to determine number of Ca (II) in the coconut protein using the salt addition and elicits reaction methods. The result showed that adsorption ability tends to increased with the increase of temperature). Coconut cream heated at 59 oC adsorb Ca(II) with the highest adsorption capacity of 3.98 mg/g and K = 3.48x104  mol-1. The salt addition method on the coconut cream gives more Ca (II) than elicit reaction method. The first method gives 0.01137 mol/L and the second was 0.02845 mol/L. Based on the energy of adsorption, cream without heating had 20.59 kJ/mol as a physical adsorption and heating effect at temperatures 49 oC, 59 oC and 80 oC had 24.95; 28.87 and 24.87 kJ/mol respectively as a chemical adsoprtion with the rate of adsorptions of 0,0054;  0,0510 dan  0,3. 10-4 minute-1, respectively.   Keywords: coconut cream, adsorption, thermal effect


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    Preparation, and modification of Ni-Pd/natural zeolite as well as their characterizations had been carried out. The aim of this research for the fututure is to prepare the best characters catalyst for the conversion of waste plastics fraction to gasoline fraction (C5-C12 hydrocarbons). The preparation of catalysts was performed by reacting a natural zeolite with the precursor of Ni(NO3)2. 9H2O and PdCl2 in an ammonia solution (25%). The modifications were performed by varying the rasio of Ni/Pd loaded to the zeolite, whereas the Pd was previously loaded and total metal content was 1 wt.% based on the zeolite. The characterization of catalysts included determination of acidity gravimetrically by adsorption of ammonia or pyridine vapour  base method, metal content by Atomic Adsorption Spectrophotometer (AAS) and X-ray Fluoresence (XRF) and crystallinity by X-ray Diffraction (XRD). The treatment of catalysts using Etilene Diamine Tetra Acetic acid  (EDTA) was performed to study the metal distribution on the outer or inner surface of the zeolite. The characterization results showed that the loading of metals to the zeolite increased its acidity and decreased its spesific surface area, however, did not defect its crystallnity.  The metals loaded on the zeolite were distributed inside the pore and at outer surface of the zeolite. For all catalyst samples, the acidities determined using ammonia were higher than those of pyridine, and the acidities determined before the EDTA treatment was lower than those after the treatment.  Metal contents of the zeolite before the EDTA treatment were higher than those after the treatment. The EDTA treatment enhanced the crystallinity of the sampel. The relationship between the metal rasio towards the acidity of the catalyst samples were in variation. Catalyst samples produced in this research have good characters, thus promisingly can be used for conversion process of waste plastics to gasoline fraction.    Keywords: natural zeolite, acidity, metal content, crystallinity, EDT