529 research outputs found

    Earth‐Moon‐Mars Radiation Environment Module framework

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    [1] We are preparing to return humans to the Moon and setting the stage for exploration to Mars and beyond. However, it is unclear if long missions outside of low-Earth orbit can be accomplished with acceptable risk. The central objective of a new modeling project, the Earth-Moon-Mars Radiation Exposure Module (EMMREM), is to develop and validate a numerical module for characterizing time-dependent radiation exposure in the Earth-Moon-Mars and interplanetary space environments. EMMREM is being designed for broad use by researchers to predict radiation exposure by integrating over almost any incident particle distribution from interplanetary space. We detail here the overall structure of the EMMREM module and study the dose histories of the 2003 Halloween storm event and a June 2004 event. We show both the event histories measured at 1 AU and the evolution of these events at observer locations beyond 1 AU. The results are compared to observations at Ulysses. The model allows us to predict how the radiation environment evolves with radial distance from the Sun. The model comparison also suggests areas in which our understanding of the physics of particle propagation and energization needs to be improved to better forecast the radiation environment. Thus, we introduce the suite of EMMREM tools, which will be used to improve risk assessment models so that future human exploration missions can be adequately planned for

    A convenient category of locally preordered spaces

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    As a practical foundation for a homotopy theory of abstract spacetime, we extend a category of certain compact partially ordered spaces to a convenient category of locally preordered spaces. In particular, we show that our new category is Cartesian closed and that the forgetful functor to the category of compactly generated spaces creates all limits and colimits.Comment: 26 pages, 0 figures, partially presented at GETCO 2005; changes: claim of Prop. 5.11 weakened to finite case and proof changed due to problems with proof of Lemma 3.26, now removed; Eg. 2.7, statement before Lem. 2.11, typos, and other minor problems corrected throughout; extensive rewording; proof of Lem. 3.31, now 3.30, adde

    Automatic Filters for the Detection of Coherent Structure in Spatiotemporal Systems

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    Most current methods for identifying coherent structures in spatially-extended systems rely on prior information about the form which those structures take. Here we present two new approaches to automatically filter the changing configurations of spatial dynamical systems and extract coherent structures. One, local sensitivity filtering, is a modification of the local Lyapunov exponent approach suitable to cellular automata and other discrete spatial systems. The other, local statistical complexity filtering, calculates the amount of information needed for optimal prediction of the system's behavior in the vicinity of a given point. By examining the changing spatiotemporal distributions of these quantities, we can find the coherent structures in a variety of pattern-forming cellular automata, without needing to guess or postulate the form of that structure. We apply both filters to elementary and cyclical cellular automata (ECA and CCA) and find that they readily identify particles, domains and other more complicated structures. We compare the results from ECA with earlier ones based upon the theory of formal languages, and the results from CCA with a more traditional approach based on an order parameter and free energy. While sensitivity and statistical complexity are equally adept at uncovering structure, they are based on different system properties (dynamical and probabilistic, respectively), and provide complementary information.Comment: 16 pages, 21 figures. Figures considerably compressed to fit arxiv requirements; write first author for higher-resolution version

    Results on correlations and fluctuations from NA49

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    The large acceptance and high momentum resolution as well as the significant particle identification capabilities of the NA49 experiment at the CERN SPS allow for a broad study of fluctuations and correlations in hadronic interactions. In the first part recent results on event-by-event charge and p_t fluctuations are presented. Charge fluctuations in central Pb+Pb reactions are investigated at three different beam energies (40, 80, and 158 AGeV), while for the p_t fluctuations the focus is put on the system size dependence at 158 AGeV. In the second part recent results on Bose Einstein correlations of h-h- pairs in minimum bias Pb+Pb reactions at 40 and 158 AGeV, as well as of K+K+ and K-K- pairs in central Pb+Pb collisions at 158 AGeV are shown. Additionally, other types of two particle correlations, namely pi p, Lambda p, and Lambda Lambda correlations, have been measured by the NA49 experiment. Finally, results on the energy and system size dependence of deuteron coalescence are discussed.Comment: 10 pages, 12 figures, Presented at Quark Matter 2002, Nantes, France, Corrected error in Eq.

    Bose-Einstein Correlations of Charged Kaons in Central Pb+Pb Collisions at Ebeam=158AGeVE_{beam} = 158 AGeV

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    Bose-Einstein correlations of charged kaons were measured near mid-rapidity in central Pb+Pb collisions at 158 A\cdotGeV by the NA49 experiment at the CERN SPS. Source radii were extracted using the Yano-Koonin-Podgoretsky and Bertsch-Pratt parameterizations. The results are compared to published pion data. The measured mm_\perp dependence for kaons and pions is consistent with collective transverse expansion of the source and a freeze-out time of about 9.5 fmfm.Comment: 14 pages with 7 figures, submitted to Phys. Lett.

    Baryon Stopping and Charged Particle Distributions in Central Pb+Pb Collisions at 158 GeV per Nucleon

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    Net proton and negative hadron spectra for central \PbPb collisions at 158 GeV per nucleon at the CERN SPS were measured and compared to spectra from lighter systems. Net baryon distributions were derived from those of net protons, utilizing model calculations of isospin contributions as well as data and model calculations of strange baryon distributions. Stopping (rapidity shift with respect to the beam) and mean transverse momentum \meanpt of net baryons increase with system size. The rapidity density of negative hadrons scales with the number of participant nucleons for nuclear collisions, whereas their \meanpt is independent of system size. The \meanpt dependence upon particle mass and system size is consistent with larger transverse flow velocity at midrapidity for \PbPb compared to \SS central collisions.Comment: This version accepted for publication in PRL. 4 pages, 3 figures. Typos corrected, some paragraphs expanded in response to referee comments, to better explain details of analysi

    Lambda production in central Pb+Pb collisions at CERN-SPS energies

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    In this paper we present recent results from the NA49 experiment for Λ\Lambda and Λˉ\bar{\Lambda} hyperons produced in central Pb+Pb collisions at 40, 80 and 158 A\cdotGeV. Transverse mass spectra and rapidity distributions for Λ\Lambda are shown for all three energies. The shape of the rapidity distribution becomes flatter with increasing beam energy. The multiplicities at mid-rapidity as well as the total yields are studied as a function of collision energy including AGS measurements. The ratio Λ/π\Lambda/\pi at mid-rapidity and in 4π\pi has a maximum around 40 A\cdotGeV. In addition, Λˉ\bar{\Lambda} rapidity distributions have been measured at 40 and 80 A\cdotGeV, which allows to study the Λˉ\bar{\Lambda}/Λ\Lambda ratio.Comment: SQM proceedings. J. Phys. G: Nucl. Part. Phys.: submitte

    Experimental Study of the Shortest Reset Word of Random Automata

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    In this paper we describe an approach to finding the shortest reset word of a finite synchronizing automaton by using a SAT solver. We use this approach to perform an experimental study of the length of the shortest reset word of a finite synchronizing automaton. The largest automata we considered had 100 states. The results of the experiments allow us to formulate a hypothesis that the length of the shortest reset word of a random finite automaton with nn states and 2 input letters with high probability is sublinear with respect to nn and can be estimated as $1.95 n^{0.55}.

    Event-by-event fluctuations of the kaon to pion ratio in central Pb+Pb collisions at 158 GeV per Nucleon

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    We present the first measurement of fluctuations from event to event in the production of strange particles in collisions of heavy nuclei. The ratio of charged kaons to charged pions is determined for individual central Pb+Pb collisions. After accounting for the fluctuations due to detector resolution and finite number statistics we derive an upper limit on genuine non-statistical fluctuations, perhaps related to a first or second order QCD phase transition. Such fluctuations are shown to be very small.Comment: 4 pages, 2 figure

    Two-proton correlations from 158 AGeV Pb+Pb central collisions

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    The two-proton correlation function at midrapidity from Pb+Pb central collisions at 158 AGeV has been measured by the NA49 experiment. The results are compared to model predictions from static thermal Gaussian proton source distributions and transport models RQMD and VENUS. An effective proton source size is determined by minimizing CHI-square/ndf between the correlation functions of the data and those calculated for the Gaussian sources, yielding 3.85 +-0.15(stat.) +0.60-0.25(syst.) fm. Both the RQMD and the VENUS model are consistent with the data within the error in the correlation peak region.Comment: RevTeX style, 6 pages, 4 figures, 1 table. More discussion are added about the structure on the tail of the correlation function. The systematic error is revised. To appear in Phys. Lett.